Why I can never be a conservative

OP enjoys peeing in women's bathrooms.
It's just that he's too cowardly to answer my post directed at him, and depends on his fellow Democrat to do his dirty work for him. It's no wonder people don't stay on his topic. He's not interested in it either, he's just here to beat up on conservative posters with malice aforethought.

He's no Democrat.
You have to be a racist to white people, a sexist to men and a bigot to Christians to be a Democrat in today’s world.

Sure. And OP isn't one of those.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a lazy-man's belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.
I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
LOL. Yeah, it's been just awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES and any Dem who must run against this:
A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
A strong dollar and investment markets.
A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.
Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!
I'm a conservative but I could see myself as a liberal. All you need to do to be a liberal is shed those pesky core values, get stoned when you feel like it, feel free to hate people who disagree with you and whine about the unfairness of living in the Greatest Country in the world.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a lazy-man's belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.
I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
LOL. Yeah, it's been just awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!
And a HUGE thank you to President Obama who put us on this road to prosperity
OP enjoys peeing in women's bathrooms.
It's just that he's too cowardly to answer my post directed at him, and depends on his fellow Democrat to do his dirty work for him. It's no wonder people don't stay on his topic. He's not interested in it either, he's just here to beat up on conservative posters with malice aforethought.

The pathetic thing is that Scrotium is too stupid and ignorant to beat us up effectively. He could not articulate what conservatism actually is if his life depended on it. He is just a pathetic parrot repeating what he is heard, and with not enough intelligence to understand it.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a convenient belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.

I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
NEGGED!!! :lmao:
OP enjoys peeing in women's bathrooms.
It's just that he's too cowardly to answer my post directed at him, and depends on his fellow Democrat to do his dirty work for him. It's no wonder people don't stay on his topic. He's not interested in it either, he's just here to beat up on conservative posters with malice aforethought.

The pathetic thing is that Scrotium is too stupid and ignorant to beat us up effectively. He could not articulate what conservatism actually is if his life depended on it. He is just a pathetic parrot repeating what he is heard, and with not enough intelligence to understand it.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a convenient belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.

I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
You mean, the 160+ iq genius who has brought back the economy, the military, and the integrity of the border, whose name is President Donald Trump! I'm glad you call him the orange man. Orange is the most obvious color known to man, and President Trump never fails to make what is true quite obvious. Sorry his truthfulness drives you to drivelling lies about him, and thank you for driving the American people away from the lies perpetrated by a weaponized left who secretly was controlling top FBI leaders into falling away from the Constitution. President Trump and his team are fixing that as we speak.

All you have is an apoplectic MSM at this point. (Main Stream Media for newbies)
It's just that he's too cowardly to answer my post directed at him, and depends on his fellow Democrat to do his dirty work for him. It's no wonder people don't stay on his topic. He's not interested in it either, he's just here to beat up on conservative posters with malice aforethought.

The pathetic thing is that Scrotium is too stupid and ignorant to beat us up effectively. He could not articulate what conservatism actually is if his life depended on it. He is just a pathetic parrot repeating what he is heard, and with not enough intelligence to understand it.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a convenient belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.

I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
You mean, the 160+ iq genius who has brought back the economy, the military, and the integrity of the border, whose name is President Donald Trump! I'm glad you call him the orange man. Orange is the most obvious color known to man, and President Trump never fails to make what is true quite obvious. Sorry his truthfulness drives you to drivelling lies about him, and thank you for driving the American people away from the lies perpetrated by a weaponized left who secretly was controlling top FBI leaders into falling away from the Constitution. President Trump and his team are fixing that as we speak.

All you have is an apoplectic MSM at this point. (Main Stream Media for newbies)
He's got a 160IQ like Sassy does
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a lazy-man's belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.
I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
LOL. Yeah, it's been just awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!
And a HUGE thank you to President Obama who put us on this road to prosperity
Ed37 sez: "And a HUGE thank you to President Obama who put us on this road to prosperity"​
Prosperity? That's a scream to which I reply: No. Obama ruthlessly and carelessly decimated the US military, spent more tax money than all his predecessors combined, left our great grandchildren with continued interest payments on the national debt he inflicted on us for 8 years, and you just poke your head straight down in the sand so you don't have to see what's coming next, which is guaranteed to have a lot of Democrat criminal collaborators being put on the carpet for their scheming to ruin a Republican President just because he won and frequently tells the truth on the evil acts of his scheming, law-breaking, disrespectful, and hateful Democrats who drum up one liar after another to create hell and chaos in America that just normal people can't abide.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a lazy-man's belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.
I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
LOL. Yeah, it's been just awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!
And a HUGE thank you to President Obama who put us on this road to prosperity

$10T of taxpayer cash put us on the road to prosperity....not one of the Kenyans policies did such a thing.
He governed from the bottom up just like a negro would.
Conservative generally means practical. Practical generally means conservative. We don't waste time and brains on useless shit.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a lazy-man's belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.
I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
LOL. Yeah, it's been just awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!
And a HUGE thank you to President Obama who put us on this road to prosperity
Ed37 sez: "And a HUGE thank you to President Obama who put us on this road to prosperity"​
Prosperity? That's a scream to which I reply: No. Obama ruthlessly and carelessly decimated the US military, spent more tax money than all his predecessors combined, left our great grandchildren with continued interest payments on the national debt he inflicted on us for 8 years, and you just poke your head straight down in the sand so you don't have to see what's coming next, which is guaranteed to have a lot of Democrat criminal collaborators being put on the carpet for their scheming to ruin a Republican President just because he won and frequently tells the truth on the evil acts of his scheming, law-breaking, disrespectful, and hateful Democrats who drum up one liar after another to create hell and chaos in America that just normal people can't abide.
Where's the beef?
The pathetic thing is that Scrotium is too stupid and ignorant to beat us up effectively. He could not articulate what conservatism actually is if his life depended on it. He is just a pathetic parrot repeating what he is heard, and with not enough intelligence to understand it.
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a convenient belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.

I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
You mean, the 160+ iq genius who has brought back the economy, the military, and the integrity of the border, whose name is President Donald Trump! I'm glad you call him the orange man. Orange is the most obvious color known to man, and President Trump never fails to make what is true quite obvious. Sorry his truthfulness drives you to drivelling lies about him, and thank you for driving the American people away from the lies perpetrated by a weaponized left who secretly was controlling top FBI leaders into falling away from the Constitution. President Trump and his team are fixing that as we speak.

All you have is an apoplectic MSM at this point. (Main Stream Media for newbies)
He's got a 160IQ like Sassy does

Says the faux trader who doesn't know the difference between swing trading and day trading. LOL you outed yourself in one post, shitferbrains
Stop me if you've heard this:
Leftism is a convenient belief system - a religion - that requires of its adherents slavish, unthinking acceptance of all they are told to believe and say.

Conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thinking.

I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
You mean, the 160+ iq genius who has brought back the economy, the military, and the integrity of the border, whose name is President Donald Trump! I'm glad you call him the orange man. Orange is the most obvious color known to man, and President Trump never fails to make what is true quite obvious. Sorry his truthfulness drives you to drivelling lies about him, and thank you for driving the American people away from the lies perpetrated by a weaponized left who secretly was controlling top FBI leaders into falling away from the Constitution. President Trump and his team are fixing that as we speak.

All you have is an apoplectic MSM at this point. (Main Stream Media for newbies)
He's got a 160IQ like Sassy does

Says the faux trader who doesn't know the difference between swing trading and day trading. LOL you outed yourself in one post, shitferbrains
Out this dummy
Day Change **

+$33,582.45 (0.51%)
I have heard, but it certainly needs repeating.
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
You mean, the 160+ iq genius who has brought back the economy, the military, and the integrity of the border, whose name is President Donald Trump! I'm glad you call him the orange man. Orange is the most obvious color known to man, and President Trump never fails to make what is true quite obvious. Sorry his truthfulness drives you to drivelling lies about him, and thank you for driving the American people away from the lies perpetrated by a weaponized left who secretly was controlling top FBI leaders into falling away from the Constitution. President Trump and his team are fixing that as we speak.

All you have is an apoplectic MSM at this point. (Main Stream Media for newbies)
He's got a 160IQ like Sassy does

Says the faux trader who doesn't know the difference between swing trading and day trading. LOL you outed yourself in one post, shitferbrains
Out this dummy
Day Change **

+$33,582.45 (0.51%)

You keep posting that and I keep rolling my eyes, dumbass

Here's "mine"

Day Change**

+$500,000,000,000.32 (1,000,000%)

Any fool can punch in numbers you insufferable fraud. LOL @didn't know a day trader from a swing trader? Fraud
When you get the chance try to convey that thought to the moron without a plan ,in our WH
You mean, the 160+ iq genius who has brought back the economy, the military, and the integrity of the border, whose name is President Donald Trump! I'm glad you call him the orange man. Orange is the most obvious color known to man, and President Trump never fails to make what is true quite obvious. Sorry his truthfulness drives you to drivelling lies about him, and thank you for driving the American people away from the lies perpetrated by a weaponized left who secretly was controlling top FBI leaders into falling away from the Constitution. President Trump and his team are fixing that as we speak.

All you have is an apoplectic MSM at this point. (Main Stream Media for newbies)
He's got a 160IQ like Sassy does

Says the faux trader who doesn't know the difference between swing trading and day trading. LOL you outed yourself in one post, shitferbrains
Out this dummy
Day Change **

+$33,582.45 (0.51%)

You keep posting that and I keep rolling my eyes, dumbass

Here's "mine"

Day Change**

+$500,000,000,000.32 (1,000,000%)

Any fool can punch in numbers you insufferable fraud. LOL @didn't know a day trader from a swing trader? Fraud
I don't post that to brag about it Just letting you know you are an ass for berating people much smarter than you
Racist post.

now THAT was just pure fucking nonsense.

there was nothing racist about that post but the fact that you responded as such proves why conservatives are deranged!

and THAT is another reason why I could never be part of todays modern fascist conservative ideology.

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