Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.

I was arguing with my bro who makes $400k a year. I said, the average Dr should make $150k. If everyone else is overpaid and we can't afford healthcare, maybe like the rest of us they need to take a pay cut after all this isn't 1999.

He got mad and blurted out "because $150k a year is not that much money". I felt like Tom cruise after he got Jack Nicholson to admit he gave the code red order in a few good men.

He tried to use their student loans as an excuse why they should be paid more but that's simple. Doctor school should be free. You pay for your bachelors but Dr school is free if you can get in. Not for cosmetic surgeons but general practice, cancer doctors, etc.
Medical school in the U.S. is highly restricted. You can't just "go" to medical school. In most of them you have to be the son or grandson of a doctor to be admitted.

Many / most doctors go to medical school in foreign countries because they can't get in here.

Most states have web sites where you can check out your doctor and find out about any malpractice claims and their disposition and also basic facts like where they went to medical school.

We **must** make medical schools open their doors to ANYONE who wants to go and is qualified.

Doctors are way way overpaid. Ever since Dr. Debakey(sp) did the first heart transplant and doctors found out he made a million dollars a year --- **EVERY** doctor thinks he is entitled to make a million or more.
The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.

I was arguing with my bro who makes $400k a year. I said, the average Dr should make $150k. If everyone else is overpaid and we can't afford healthcare, maybe like the rest of us they need to take a pay cut after all this isn't 1999.

He got mad and blurted out "because $150k a year is not that much money". I felt like Tom cruise after he got Jack Nicholson to admit he gave the code red order in a few good men.

He tried to use their student loans as an excuse why they should be paid more but that's simple. Doctor school should be free. You pay for your bachelors but Dr school is free if you can get in. Not for cosmetic surgeons but general practice, cancer doctors, etc.
Medical school in the U.S. is highly restricted. You can't just "go" to medical school. In most of them you have to be the son or grandson of a doctor to be admitted.

Many / most doctors go to medical school in foreign countries because they can't get in here.

Most states have web sites where you can check out your doctor and find out about any malpractice claims and their disposition and also basic facts like where they went to medical school.

We **must** make medical schools open their doors to ANYONE who wants to go and is qualified.

Doctors are way way overpaid. Ever since Dr. Debakey(sp) did the first heart transplant and doctors found out he made a million dollars a year --- **EVERY** doctor thinks he is entitled to make a million or more.
Frivolous lawsuits are the reason for expensive medical bills…
The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.

I was arguing with my bro who makes $400k a year. I said, the average Dr should make $150k. If everyone else is overpaid and we can't afford healthcare, maybe like the rest of us they need to take a pay cut after all this isn't 1999.

He got mad and blurted out "because $150k a year is not that much money". I felt like Tom cruise after he got Jack Nicholson to admit he gave the code red order in a few good men.

He tried to use their student loans as an excuse why they should be paid more but that's simple. Doctor school should be free. You pay for your bachelors but Dr school is free if you can get in. Not for cosmetic surgeons but general practice, cancer doctors, etc.
Medical school in the U.S. is highly restricted. You can't just "go" to medical school. In most of them you have to be the son or grandson of a doctor to be admitted.

Many / most doctors go to medical school in foreign countries because they can't get in here.

Most states have web sites where you can check out your doctor and find out about any malpractice claims and their disposition and also basic facts like where they went to medical school.

We **must** make medical schools open their doors to ANYONE who wants to go and is qualified.

Doctors are way way overpaid. Ever since Dr. Debakey(sp) did the first heart transplant and doctors found out he made a million dollars a year --- **EVERY** doctor thinks he is entitled to make a million or more.
Frivolous lawsuits are the reason for expensive medical bills…
There's another right wing talking poi nt meant to change the subject. Next you'll throw out tort reform
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Socialism is at fault...
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Socialism is at fault...
It's funny because it's the rich capitalists who are benefitting the most. And it's not trickling down. Me thinks ye fos
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Socialism is at fault...
It's funny because it's the rich capitalists who are benefitting the most. And it's not trickling down. Me thinks ye fos

You are sorely misinformed. What you think are Rich Capitalists are Big Government Cronies. They are a feature of creeping Socialism, bub.
Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Socialism is at fault...
It's funny because it's the rich capitalists who are benefitting the most. And it's not trickling down. Me thinks ye fos

You are sorely misinformed. What you think are Rich Capitalists are Big Government Cronies. They are a feature of creeping Socialism, bub.
Introducing "The Price of Profits"
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.

For many people, it feels like the wheels have come off the American Dream. Wages are stuck. The once sure-fire step up, a college degree, is becoming unaffordable. Jobs a family can plan a future around can seem scarce. In response, candidates for president have offered a wide range of solutions: Bring back jobs from overseas. Keep out immigrants. Drop out of international trade agreements. Rein in Wall Street. Reform campaign finance laws. Invest in infrastructure. Train Americans for jobs of the future. Slash taxes on job creators, the rich. What the candidates all shared was an outdated vision of corporate America. They grew up in an economy ruled by big corporations like General Motors, General Electric and IBM, which provided careers and the financial security that defines middle class. These corporations put customers first, then employees, then community and then shareholders. But in the last half-century that corporate ethos turned upside down.

Call it the rise of the Shareholder Value Economy. Corporations had no choice but to react to foreign competition, the globalization of wages and the advantages of new technologies. They had to change how they did business. They had to cut, lay off and restructure. But what also changed was the idea of what corporations are for. What business schools teach today, and what Wall Street enforces and CEOs carry out, is that a corporation’s only responsibility is to make as much profit as possible for shareholders. Now, that might seem reasonable. If you have an IRA or 401(k), you’re a shareholder, and you’d like to make as much money as possible. That’s natural. And a lot more Americans are shareholders that way than just 30 years ago. But hedge funds and other investment funds are far bigger shareholders, and their goal is to make as much money as possible now. What are the costs of businesses putting profits for those big, short-term shareholders before everything else? One answer: middle-class jobs and income. It's simply faster to raise profits by cutting jobs and wages than by investing in growth. And that’s what big corporations have done the last 30 years, cutting and laying off to increase profits, in the process transferring trillions in wealth from the workforce to Wall Street. And if you don’t know now you know.
Factories that moved to the South for low wages found even lower wages overseas. Eight years after the 2008 bailout by the federal government, General Motors employs one-fourth as many people as it did in the 1980s. Last year, United Auto Workers members got their first GM raise in 10 years while GM threatened to move more jobs out of the U.S. if wages went higher. At the same time, GM announced it’s spending $5 billion to buy back its own shares, raising their value for big investment funds that own them. GM is not alone in cutting jobs and wages to “stay competitive” as it spends billions of those savings to boost returns for shareholders. Cutting, once applied to bloated conglomerates or as a response to global competition and other changes, is now used to raise profits for shareholders. Wall Street once made money by injecting capital into corporations. It now makes money by taking money out.

The result: An immense redistribution of wealth from workers to CEOs and big investment funds.

“We try never to forget that medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear.”

George W. Merck, president of Merck & Co., 1925-1950

“There is one and only one social responsibility of business — to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.”

Milton Friedman, Economist, 1970

“My primary responsibility is to Valeant shareholders. We can do anything we want to do.”

J. Michael Pearson, CEO of Valeant Pharmaceuticals, 2015

Listen to business news on cable TV, and you’ll hear bankers, fund managers and CEOs talk about a corporation’s legal responsibility to “maximize shareholder value.” The idea that the product of a corporation is profits is gospel. It’s taught in business school. But it’s not true.

“Just pick up the Supreme Court case, Hobby Lobby, decided just a few years ago,” said Lynn Stout, a Cornell law professor and the author of “The Shareholder Value Myth.” “Read the majority opinion, where Justice Alito says, ‘Modern corporate law does not require for-profit corporations to pursue profit at the expense of everything else.’”

Pharma: An industry shaped by shareholder value00:00/05:41

Coming out of World War II, big corporations produced almost everything in-house. It was the most efficient way, the most profitable way, to organize work. An experienced workforce was an asset. One result: lifetime careers. Shareholders came after employees in a company’s long-term success. They didn’t own the company. They hadn’t directly invested money in it. Most bought shares from other shareholders, betting that their value would go up.

That worked for everyone, as corporations grew and grew in the 1950s and ’60s. But when the growth stopped, debate over “who is a corporation for?” resumed. Employees, communities, the environment, fighting inflation — all these took money from shareholders, economist Milton Friedman wrote. It was “unadulterated socialism.”

Now, this was half a century ago — beyond most people’s lives or memories. Corporations did face new challenges and did have to change. But shareholder-first thinking kept growing, and if shareholders always got more, others had to get less.

You and me? We want to maximize shareholder value, too00:00/05:30

Loyalty to employees went early. General Electric was known as a company that offered lifetime employment. But in the 1980s, new CEO Jack Welch eliminated 100,000 jobs, closing or selling entire lines of business.

“You can guarantee lifetime employability by training people, making them adaptable, making them mobile to go other places to do other things,” Welch said. “But you can’t guarantee lifetime employment.”

If jobs were the first target, how to spend a company’s profits was next. A corporation can invest in itself and grow or — what? Giant investment funds pressed for higher returns — higher share prices. An increasingly favorite strategy was to spend profits buying back the company’s own shares. It was financial engineering: fewer shares, higher share price.

The former corporate raider Carl Icahn, for example, started buying shares of Apple in 2013, and eventually owned more than 50 million, nearly 1 percent. He pressured Apple to buy back shares — and Apple is spending more than $100 billion doing so.

Icahn sold his shares this spring. Economist William Lazonick, the author of a shareholder-value analysis, “Profits Without Prosperity,” noted that Icahn was a share-renter, not a shareholder. He never invested a dollar in Apple itself.

Icahn said his investment in Apple shares netted him $2 billion. Apple? Its shares are below what the company paid for them. So far, Apple is a loser.

The financial crisis bottomed out in 2009. Over the next six years, American corporations went on a $2.7 trillion spending spree — buying back their own shares. How much is $2.7 trillion? More or less, the entire value of Alphabet. And Apple. Microsoft. Berkshire Hathaway. ExxonMobil. Facebook. And Amazon.

What happened to all those shares the corporations bought? They went away. Gone. What happened to that $2.7 trillion? Ah….

Publicly owned corporations today are like sharks: They have to keep moving forward or they die. Wall Street demands ever-higher profits. “Wall Street” is shorthand for not only the big investment banks, but also hedge funds, pension funds, endowment funds and mutual funds. That is, us. Everyone wants the highest possible returns, often without thinking about how they’re gained.

Few businesses grow forever. Industries rarely invent what replaces them. Railroads did not invent cars. Newspapers did not invent the internet. So there will come a time when a corporation is making money but standing still. What to do? These mature companies need to keep Wall Street invested in them. And this is where investment funds come in and say, raise cash and use it to grow your share price. Profits become these companies’ product. It’s called financialization.

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on May 11, 2016 in New York, monitoring falling profits at department store Macy's and Kohl's. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

This cash can come from profits, or from selling assets, or from cutting costs — for example, jobs. If a company is not going to spend it on its workforce, or new products, or expanding its market, what is the best way to return it to shareholders?

Quarterly dividends are a time-honored way. They’re like interest on a savings account. But, like a savings account, they create expectations, plus they’re taxable. In 1982, the Securities and Exchange Commission opened the door to another way for companies to return money: buying back their own shares on the open market.

All buy myself ... the thinking behind stock buybacks00:00/04:20

Now, buying back its own shares doesn’t change a company’s performance; it changes its financial report. Fewer shares, divided into the same earnings, produce an increase in earnings-per-share. That’s an important target for executives.

Buying large numbers of shares can also bump up a company’s share price. Demand raises price. But that rewards shareholders who then sell. Hedge funds, for example, that bought stakes and pressured directors to buy back shares. Executives who get bonuses based on share price.

That $2.7 trillion in share buybacks? It did nothing to grow companies, invent new products, enter new markets or attract and train the best, most productive workers to help them do all those things.

To the extent it propped up the stock markets — by some estimates, corporations became the biggest buyers of their own shares — a lot of the gains went to fund managers. Hedge funds typically take 20 percent of clients’ gains.

“Wall Street can wipe you out. They are the rule-setters…. They have decided to give premiums to companies that harbor the most profits for the least assets.”

John H. Bryan, CEO of the Sara Lee Corporation in the 1990s

Assets, you might think, are a good thing. Your house, if you own one. Your savings. That $10 million you’ve hidden in Luxembourg (just kidding). But in business … assets used to be good. A company owned a steel mill, so it had the ability to mass-produce steel. It had a large roster of experienced steel workers, who made the steel. And it had accountants, a personnel department, salespeople, engineers and maintenance workers, because that was the most cost-efficient way to get everything done: in-house, by people who knew the business.

Today, when investors rate businesses by how much profit they generate, assets are not so good. When Wall Street analysts compute “return on investment,” the smaller the investment, the larger the return. That steel mill? It’s like an anchor. A big workforce, lots of jobs plus benefits? Another anchor.

When Wall Street demands ever-higher profits, one way to generate them is, paradoxically, to get rid of assets. Sell that steel mill. Automate those workers, or hire temps in their place. Get all that stuff off the books. As Gerald Davis, the author of “The Vanishing American Corporation,” has written, “Under current conditions, creating shareholder value and creating good jobs are largely incompatible. Companies are job creators only as a last resort.”

Not Your Grandfather's Workforce00:00/07:06

In Nashville, Marketplace's Sarah Gardner met an emergency room doctor who is a contractor, employed by a staffing agency that works with hospitals. She talked to people who worked for Nissan as assembly line temps. All automakers rely on them; General Motors said this month that one-fourth of its workforce is made up of temps, so it can adjust numbers at any time.

Any job that can be contracted out reduces a company’s assets and increases its bottom line. And technology now makes it easy. Uber and similar online platforms are a very small slice of the workforce at this time. But as Davis writes, as the shift from careers to jobs to tasks proceeds, “when smartphones are ubiquitous, Uberization has the prospect of turning the world into a Home Depot parking lot.”

The lesson: traditional government incentives aimed at encouraging companies to create jobs are misplaced when companies see no value in creating jobs.
Your way leads to a small elite ruling class, an enormous amount of poor serfs, and no freedom.
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Socialism is at fault...
It's funny because it's the rich capitalists who are benefitting the most. And it's not trickling down. Me thinks ye fos

You are sorely misinformed. What you think are Rich Capitalists are Big Government Cronies. They are a feature of creeping Socialism, bub.
Introducing "The Price of Profits"

I cite My Policies:

1. No Clickage on links for which the poster has neither the courtesy nor the intellect to provide commentary as to why they are relevant (with the exceptions of youtube style links for fun and fluff threads).

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I just found two different treads I started. You can look the other thread up I posted it in 2008. Title is "jobless claims rise to 5 year high. That means Bush's entire presidency sucked.

Anyways, a link is provided because I know you have amnesia of what those years were like. Luckily usmb and the internet saves everything.

And so now how fucking dare you not be impressed that jobless claims have fallen to a 4 decade low. It's very impressive.

Now start talking about real unemployment and low wages as if you care
Socialism is at fault...
It's funny because it's the rich capitalists who are benefitting the most. And it's not trickling down. Me thinks ye fos

You are sorely misinformed. What you think are Rich Capitalists are Big Government Cronies. They are a feature of creeping Socialism, bub.
Introducing "The Price of Profits"

I cite My Policies:

1. No Clickage on links for which the poster has neither the courtesy nor the intellect to provide commentary as to why they are relevant (with the exceptions of youtube style links for fun and fluff threads).

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
There's so much you either don't know or you don't care.
We knew back in 2004 what the GOP were up to:

Scrooge & Marley, Inc. -- The True Conservative Agenda 06/18/04

The Robber Barons' Party 01/20/05

"Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes" 02/01/05

We saw the gap between the rich and poor were getting too wide:

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy? 04/18/05

And us liberals know what the GOP are up to:

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government" 09/26/05

People who want the truth and some interesting op ed's google Thom Hartmann Op Ed's and enjoy.

And if you are young and don't vote or vote GOP, have fun at your future temp job.

I'm getting older maybe it's getting time to give up my liberal ways. Maybe future generations shouldn't get social security. As long as people 45 and up get it.

Just like baby boomers got pensions and cheap healthcare but now say we can't afford to keep giving those out, I don't think young workers should get the same benefits I'm going to get. Companies should be able to hire temps to maximize shareholder profits
Most RW libertarians I talk to on the internet have so many conflicting opinions it makes my head hurt. One minute they are all about personal freedom and responsibility for themselves and the next they seem to have fascist opinions on dealing with social problems such as poverty, immigration and crime. I just cannot compartmentalize my opinions like that, for them all men are not created equal and American exceptionalism forgives all sins.
When every answer is "let the market decide"
Most RW libertarians I talk to on the internet have so many conflicting opinions it makes my head hurt. One minute they are all about personal freedom and responsibility for themselves and the next they seem to have fascist opinions on dealing with social problems such as poverty, immigration and crime. I just cannot compartmentalize my opinions like that, for them all men are not created equal and American exceptionalism forgives all sins.
When every answer is "let the market decide"

Actually, it's "Let the people decide".
Most RW libertarians I talk to on the internet have so many conflicting opinions it makes my head hurt. One minute they are all about personal freedom and responsibility for themselves and the next they seem to have fascist opinions on dealing with social problems such as poverty, immigration and crime. I just cannot compartmentalize my opinions like that, for them all men are not created equal and American exceptionalism forgives all sins.

American exceptionalism??? You clearly have some wild misconceptions about Libertarians. But then I guess that's the theme of the thread.

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