Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

And actually, us middle class people pay WAY MORE in taxes than Romney does. I don't care if its federal or state, we're getting hosed, not Romney.

No, you don't. You don't even make in one year what Romney pays in taxes, so just shut up already and stop making an ass out of yourself, unless, of course, you just can't help it.

When I go buy something with my meager earnings, I pay 6 cents on the dollar every time I buy something. Do you understand how much that adds up to at the end of the year? Lets say I have $20,000 disposable income every year to spend. 6 cents sales tax is a big deal to me. I don't care if its federal or state, us middle class people are getting hosed, not Romney. We pay over 30 and he pays 12%. Check the facts my friend. HE PAYS 12%. No pretending those facts didn't come out. No debating them. We don't count the money he's hiding in Switzerland and the Caymans.

Yeah, you keep claiming all these "facts" and yet you haven't provided a single shred of evidence to support them.

But what is 6 cents to Romney? Nothing! But that 6 cents could go a long way to a single catholic woman who sinned and got knocked up out of wedlock and because of her religion she had the child and only makes $20K a year because she can't afford college.

So in other words, the choices she made in life put her in her current predicament and somehow I and everyone else are supposed to pay her for fucking up? Also, I suggest you look up the term "false generalization."
No, you don't. You don't even make in one year what Romney pays in taxes, so just shut up already and stop making an ass out of yourself, unless, of course, you just can't help it.

I find this line of thinking simple and unrefined. Sure Romney pays a higher dollar amount but less as a percentage of income. The fact that you would argue that says clearly that you don't understand the point or are attempting to muddy it.

Personally, my income tax bracket does have me paying over 30%. Add in payroll taxes, of which I pay the maximum and it's even higher.
I suspect Romney is only paying capital gains. IMO capital gains should be progressive as well. The more you make, the more you pay. Imagine what a Bill Gates makes in capital gains in a year. If he had just 1 billion in cash invested and only received a 1% return, that would be a 10 million gain. To only pay 12-15% on that is ridiculous.
And actually, us middle class people pay WAY MORE in taxes than Romney does. I don't care if its federal or state, we're getting hosed, not Romney.

No, you don't. You don't even make in one year what Romney pays in taxes, so just shut up already and stop making an ass out of yourself, unless, of course, you just can't help it.

When I go buy something with my meager earnings, I pay 6 cents on the dollar every time I buy something. Do you understand how much that adds up to at the end of the year? Lets say I have $20,000 disposable income every year to spend. 6 cents sales tax is a big deal to me. I don't care if its federal or state, us middle class people are getting hosed, not Romney. We pay over 30 and he pays 12%. Check the facts my friend. HE PAYS 12%. No pretending those facts didn't come out. No debating them. We don't count the money he's hiding in Switzerland and the Caymans.

Yeah, you keep claiming all these "facts" and yet you haven't provided a single shred of evidence to support them.

But what is 6 cents to Romney? Nothing! But that 6 cents could go a long way to a single catholic woman who sinned and got knocked up out of wedlock and because of her religion she had the child and only makes $20K a year because she can't afford college.

So in other words, the choices she made in life put her in her current predicament and somehow I and everyone else are supposed to pay her for fucking up? Also, I suggest you look up the term "false generalization."
No, you don't. You don't even make in one year what Romney pays in taxes, so just shut up already and stop making an ass out of yourself, unless, of course, you just can't help it.

I find this line of thinking simple and unrefined. Sure Romney pays a higher dollar amount but less as a percentage of income. The fact that you would argue that says clearly that you don't understand the point or are attempting to muddy it.

Personally, my income tax bracket does have me paying over 30%. Add in payroll taxes, of which I pay the maximum and it's even higher.
I suspect Romney is only paying capital gains. IMO capital gains should be progressive as well. The more you make, the more you pay. Imagine what a Bill Gates makes in capital gains in a year. If he had just 1 billion in cash invested and only received a 1% return, that would be a 10 million gain. To only pay 12-15% on that is ridiculous.
They actually think it's unfair that bill gates pays any more taxes than the average middle class American does. And I'm not talking about percentages either. If I make $100k and pay 30% that's $30k. Republicans would argue he shouldn't pay any more than that.

They say that's punishing success
If all you care about is your taxpayer funded check, yeah, I can see how you'd always vote Dem...
If all you care about is your taxpayer funded check, yeah, I can see how you'd always vote Dem...
If you don't value labor or a middle class vote Republican. Then blame liberals for the shitty life you chose for yourself.

And if you aren't a worker, don't fuck us then tell us we are dumb for not voting for you.
The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.

The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.


Society? Or Government?
The middle class and the low end of the labor force were much much better off with Gingrich as Speaker than at any time in US history. That was when government spending was 25% of GDP. It is now 50%, and that is all on the Dems and the post 1998 "completely sold out to the Israel Lobby" GOP, not the Libertarians or the pre-1998 GOP...
The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.


The "average" American makes $53,750 a year.

GDP per capita (current US$) | Data | Table

Regressives have trouble with things like "facts" and "reality."
The average American worker makes way less than $50 K / year and pays less than 10% FIT ( Federal Income Tax ).

Americans are the least taxed of all the Industrialized Nations.

People complaining about high tax rates and who believe they are being screwed should take their Gross Income ( not Adjusted Gross ) and divide it into the amount of Tax Owed and see what their **TRUE** tax rate is.

Most of the people complaining about high taxes would be shocked to see how little they actually pay.

And, if you truly are one of those people who pays 20% or more --- you should get down on your knees and thank the God that doesn't exist for your good fortune to have been allowed to have such a wonderful life and make so much money.

I was arguing with my bro who makes $400k a year. I said, the average Dr should make $150k. If everyone else is overpaid and we can't afford healthcare, maybe like the rest of us they need to take a pay cut after all this isn't 1999.

He got mad and blurted out "because $150k a year is not that much money". I felt like Tom cruise after he got Jack Nicholson to admit he gave the code red order in a few good men.

He tried to use their student loans as an excuse why they should be paid more but that's simple. Doctor school should be free. You pay for your bachelors but Dr school is free if you can get in. Not for cosmetic surgeons but general practice, cancer doctors, etc.
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

It's ok as long as the Merchant Class can subsidize the poor.
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

It's ok as long as the Merchant Class can subsidize the poor.
I'm OK as long as "the poor" is at a reasonable number. For example if 20% are poor 60% are middle class and 20% are rich then the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich

Before when America was great the rich had 75% of the pie and we had 25%. Today we have 10%. Gopanomics likes it that the rich have 90%. Let the free market decide. Invent something. Start a business. Otherwise you're just a cost.

Go to marketplace.org and listen to the cost of profits
Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:

Explain how your way leads to a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are poor. Did you ever read Dickens tiny Tim? How about great expectations pip?

It's ok as long as the Merchant Class can subsidize the poor.
American companies had a social contract with America. That contract has been broken but we don't even know it. How many off us work through a temp agency? Americans are dumb. So dumb they think the media is liberal
No. We know that when we try it your way, society falls apart. This was your report card in 2007:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.

And you hacks wanted to blame Obama for the mess we are in?

You really DON'T pay any attention around here, do you? I really didn't like George Bush, and in fact I never cast a vote for him. Don't try to pawn that prick off on me, Boo-boo, I ain't owning it.

You , on the other hand, voted for the Dear Leader, so you DO own the clusterfuck HE'S created. I'm not even going to bother listing them, you know what they are...
It's always people who've only been around since 2012 who tell us what they were thinking in 2008. Otherwise I could go prove you wrong or a liar.
No. We know that when we try it your way, society falls apart. This was your report card in 2007:

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.

And you hacks wanted to blame Obama for the mess we are in?

You really DON'T pay any attention around here, do you? I really didn't like George Bush, and in fact I never cast a vote for him. Don't try to pawn that prick off on me, Boo-boo, I ain't owning it.

You , on the other hand, voted for the Dear Leader, so you DO own the clusterfuck HE'S created. I'm not even going to bother listing them, you know what they are...
So I've looked back as far as I can and you seem to be a right wing tool. If you didn't vote for bush in 2000 or 2004 then you were a Ron Paul tool. In some ways worse than bush if they ever got a chance to implement their radical policies. Anarchists

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