Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

A corporation can vote?
Did I say that or is that how you change the subject.

If you don't care if America has a big middle class vote GOP. You may feel you are safe and will remain middle class even under Milton Friedman capitalism but chances are your kids and their kids will take a step back.

My parents are well to do and I'm doing great. My bro makes $400k a year. Im not worried about me or my family. I'm worried about Americas middle class. The next generation is fucked. Half of me laughs because they don't vote because they think it doesn't matter. Meanwhile they're letting you decide they don't deserve what you got.

Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the "tolerant" Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.

The newly imported Muslims primarily live off the tax money. Businesses are clearly asking for more taxes!
Do you know who's responsible for the economy we have now? The rich people benefitting from the ALEC legislation they've passed.

Is your opinion about the economy that it's good or bad?
A corporation can vote?
Did I say that or is that how you change the subject.

If you don't care if America has a big middle class vote GOP. You may feel you are safe and will remain middle class even under Milton Friedman capitalism but chances are your kids and their kids will take a step back.

My parents are well to do and I'm doing great. My bro makes $400k a year. Im not worried about me or my family. I'm worried about Americas middle class. The next generation is fucked. Half of me laughs because they don't vote because they think it doesn't matter. Meanwhile they're letting you decide they don't deserve what you got.

Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the "tolerant" Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.

The newly imported Muslims primarily live off the tax money. Businesses are clearly asking for more taxes!
Do you know who's responsible for the economy we have now? The rich people benefitting from the ALEC legislation they've passed.

As an Obamabot, weren't you just declaring how amazing the economy is?

But you are partly right. We need the rich corrupt people out. Clinton got to go.
Did I say that or is that how you change the subject.

If you don't care if America has a big middle class vote GOP. You may feel you are safe and will remain middle class even under Milton Friedman capitalism but chances are your kids and their kids will take a step back.

My parents are well to do and I'm doing great. My bro makes $400k a year. Im not worried about me or my family. I'm worried about Americas middle class. The next generation is fucked. Half of me laughs because they don't vote because they think it doesn't matter. Meanwhile they're letting you decide they don't deserve what you got.

Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the "tolerant" Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.

The newly imported Muslims primarily live off the tax money. Businesses are clearly asking for more taxes!
Do you know who's responsible for the economy we have now? The rich people benefitting from the ALEC legislation they've passed.

As an Obamabot, weren't you just declaring how amazing the economy is?

But you are partly right. We need the rich corrupt people out. Clinton got to go.

He's the kind that if the economy is bad and Republicans are in Congress, his claim is it's the fault of Congress. However, as an Obamabot, if the economy is good, Congress has nothing to do with it but Obama is the cause. With his argument, he has an out.
Did I say that or is that how you change the subject.

If you don't care if America has a big middle class vote GOP. You may feel you are safe and will remain middle class even under Milton Friedman capitalism but chances are your kids and their kids will take a step back.

My parents are well to do and I'm doing great. My bro makes $400k a year. Im not worried about me or my family. I'm worried about Americas middle class. The next generation is fucked. Half of me laughs because they don't vote because they think it doesn't matter. Meanwhile they're letting you decide they don't deserve what you got.

Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the tolerant Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.
Keep telling yourself that with your eyes closed and hands over your ears

You idiot. I don't need to tell it to myself. The idiotic leftists tell it directly to me and defend the gay hating musllims at all costs. According to them, anyone who is not willing to import the gay haters is "racist". Try to keep up.
Republicans agree not being willing to import an entire religion is racist. That would cause more harm than good. And it's hurt the economy. If corporations run the government, who's bidding are they doing?

Now saying that, I would hope imports have slowed and scrutiny is up. But the fact is we let in as many as corporate America says they want. If it were too much of a problem they'd slow down but that will slow down the economy and the only thing corporations care about is maximizing shareholder profits. Do you see the delima?
Did I say that or is that how you change the subject.

If you don't care if America has a big middle class vote GOP. You may feel you are safe and will remain middle class even under Milton Friedman capitalism but chances are your kids and their kids will take a step back.

My parents are well to do and I'm doing great. My bro makes $400k a year. Im not worried about me or my family. I'm worried about Americas middle class. The next generation is fucked. Half of me laughs because they don't vote because they think it doesn't matter. Meanwhile they're letting you decide they don't deserve what you got.

Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the "tolerant" Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.

The newly imported Muslims primarily live off the tax money. Businesses are clearly asking for more taxes!
Do you know who's responsible for the economy we have now? The rich people benefitting from the ALEC legislation they've passed.

As an Obamabot, weren't you just declaring how amazing the economy is?

But you are partly right. We need the rich corrupt people out. Clinton got to go.
The only problem is workers aren't getting any profit sharing.
Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the tolerant Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.
Keep telling yourself that with your eyes closed and hands over your ears

You idiot. I don't need to tell it to myself. The idiotic leftists tell it directly to me and defend the gay hating musllims at all costs. According to them, anyone who is not willing to import the gay haters is "racist". Try to keep up.
Republicans agree not being willing to import an entire religion is racist. That would cause more harm than good. And it's hurt the economy. If corporations run the government, who's bidding are they doing?

Now saying that, I would hope imports have slowed and scrutiny is up. But the fact is we let in as many as corporate America says they want. If it were too much of a problem they'd slow down but that will slow down the economy and the only thing corporations care about is maximizing shareholder profits. Do you see the delima?

Given that Hillary is deeply in the pocket of these corporations, it's no wonder she wants more dangerous muslim immigrants then?

No surprise that she is apparently physically unable to criticize Islam. Her donors are the gay hunting muslims.
Liberals believe in big government, not in big middle class (the opposite).

This person hates white people, middle class and prosperous America. He rather would import millions of muslims to take away it all.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the "tolerant" Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.

The newly imported Muslims primarily live off the tax money. Businesses are clearly asking for more taxes!
Do you know who's responsible for the economy we have now? The rich people benefitting from the ALEC legislation they've passed.

As an Obamabot, weren't you just declaring how amazing the economy is?

But you are partly right. We need the rich corrupt people out. Clinton got to go.

He's the kind that if the economy is bad and Republicans are in Congress, his claim is it's the fault of Congress. However, as an Obamabot, if the economy is good, Congress has nothing to do with it but Obama is the cause. With his argument, he has an out.
You don't realize that's exactly what you are doing now. Take my state Michigan. While Republicans nationally are denying an economic recovery the GOP in michigan is trying to take credit for the very recovery they deny is happening when talking about Obama. You guys are so obvious.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the tolerant Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.
Keep telling yourself that with your eyes closed and hands over your ears

You idiot. I don't need to tell it to myself. The idiotic leftists tell it directly to me and defend the gay hating musllims at all costs. According to them, anyone who is not willing to import the gay haters is "racist". Try to keep up.
Republicans agree not being willing to import an entire religion is racist. That would cause more harm than good. And it's hurt the economy. If corporations run the government, who's bidding are they doing?

Now saying that, I would hope imports have slowed and scrutiny is up. But the fact is we let in as many as corporate America says they want. If it were too much of a problem they'd slow down but that will slow down the economy and the only thing corporations care about is maximizing shareholder profits. Do you see the delima?

Given that Hillary is deeply in the pocket of these corporations, it's no wonder she wants more dangerous muslim immigrants then?

No surprise that she is apparently physically unable to criticize Islam. Her donors are the gay hunting muslims.
Norman you need to do three things. Wake up grow up then lighten up.
You are so a sheep. And for the record I think it's corporations/businesses that want immigrants. I'm certainly not begging to bring Arabs in. And I'm not begging for more Mexican workers. I believe we need the bodies. Why do they bring in Arabs and Mexicans? Because no one from any good countries want to come. We take what we can get. Economically it's all about growth. So don't be fooled thinking Muslims and Mexicans come because we want them. Who employs them? Who's shit do they buy? Who do they rent from? They want them here.


It's the liberal leftists who import the "tolerant" Muslims. And all the regressive liberal idiots (such as yourself) support it.

The newly imported Muslims primarily live off the tax money. Businesses are clearly asking for more taxes!
Do you know who's responsible for the economy we have now? The rich people benefitting from the ALEC legislation they've passed.

As an Obamabot, weren't you just declaring how amazing the economy is?

But you are partly right. We need the rich corrupt people out. Clinton got to go.

He's the kind that if the economy is bad and Republicans are in Congress, his claim is it's the fault of Congress. However, as an Obamabot, if the economy is good, Congress has nothing to do with it but Obama is the cause. With his argument, he has an out.
You don't realize that's exactly what you are doing now. Take my state Michigan. While Republicans nationally are denying an economic recovery the GOP in michigan is trying to take credit for the very recovery they deny is happening when talking about Obama. You guys are so obvious.

Perhaps it's because Obama is trying to destroy the economy. There are at least some republicans who understand that the problem is too much government and are trying to stop that. Credit is given where credit is due, Obama is a disaster for the economy.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Progressives want to control every aspect of other people's lives, not my cup of tea.
Face it you're a control freak...
You just don't realize how going too far your way will ruin the middle class. And so then don't say you want to make America great again when what you really want to do is continue doing what bush was doing. Remember everything wrong with America are good for the rich. The GOP is the Ayn Rand Milton Freeman Enron anti labor party

We're moving to a temp society. No benefits, part time low wage. Why should corporations hire a full time person when temps are cheaper? Much cheaper.

And when jobs are scarce people will take what they can get.

There has to be an agreement between business and workers. Labor should have a seat at the table. In your world all that matters are shareholders. You've gone too far or will if we allow you to go further.

Hillary and democratic Senate will stop you
Hildabeast is the problem, and her socialism...
Clinton won't stop it, she will continue on full force, she is in bed with big business. Clinton will give more to the rich and foreign countries than you realize. Look at Obamacare, it didn't help the middle class, businesses started dropping workers to part time and offer less insurance and the costs went up. I'm dropping my companies insurance this year and going with less coverage because it will cost less. He is a small business and the costs are crazy for insurance.

Whoever believes the Democratic Party is for the middle class or the poor, is a sucker. If they were for the working guy, Sanders would have been the candidate, but the Democrats fought Sanders all the way, while Clinton was the establishment Democrats pick.

Now not only will labor be not allowed at the table, the won't be in the room or the building.
I agree a more liberal candidate would fight harder but I do believe once Americans understand the Ayn Rand Milton Friedman type capitalism that's being pushed on them and how its going to hurt the majority of us in the long run they will push 1 party to do something about the widening gap between rich and poor and we all know that's going to be the democrats.

I don't expect any politician to do anything unless pushed. This is why Bernie is staying in the race. He wants to make sure Clinton keeps some of her promises.

I didn't hate the rich during the Clinton years. I was doing OK too.

And I'm doing better now but I see and hear so many Americans don't have what you me and my parents have. And I did suffer from bushanomics. I don't want to go back to 2007

Meanwhile the facts are that libs have grown the government to be 10x bigger relative to the economy than it once was, and yet for some reason, the result has been widening inequality. Also, these people actively incentive people to be poor. They only care for votes and power.

It would be smart to go back to the time of voluntary transactions. That actually worked... But then there are these idiots who advocate for more government control, which has not worked.
The fact is that government has grown much more under Republicans ( who claim they will reduce government ) than it has under Democratic administrations.
Not even counting all the "private contractors" the GOP loves to employ. The most obvious is haloburton.

Is that why the Obama administration gives Haliburton no bid contracts more than what the Bush administration ever did?
Clinton won't stop it, she will continue on full force, she is in bed with big business. Clinton will give more to the rich and foreign countries than you realize. Look at Obamacare, it didn't help the middle class, businesses started dropping workers to part time and offer less insurance and the costs went up. I'm dropping my companies insurance this year and going with less coverage because it will cost less. He is a small business and the costs are crazy for insurance.

Whoever believes the Democratic Party is for the middle class or the poor, is a sucker. If they were for the working guy, Sanders would have been the candidate, but the Democrats fought Sanders all the way, while Clinton was the establishment Democrats pick.

Now not only will labor be not allowed at the table, the won't be in the room or the building.
I agree a more liberal candidate would fight harder but I do believe once Americans understand the Ayn Rand Milton Friedman type capitalism that's being pushed on them and how its going to hurt the majority of us in the long run they will push 1 party to do something about the widening gap between rich and poor and we all know that's going to be the democrats.

I don't expect any politician to do anything unless pushed. This is why Bernie is staying in the race. He wants to make sure Clinton keeps some of her promises.

I didn't hate the rich during the Clinton years. I was doing OK too.

And I'm doing better now but I see and hear so many Americans don't have what you me and my parents have. And I did suffer from bushanomics. I don't want to go back to 2007

Meanwhile the facts are that libs have grown the government to be 10x bigger relative to the economy than it once was, and yet for some reason, the result has been widening inequality. Also, these people actively incentive people to be poor. They only care for votes and power.

It would be smart to go back to the time of voluntary transactions. That actually worked... But then there are these idiots who advocate for more government control, which has not worked.
The fact is that government has grown much more under Republicans ( who claim they will reduce government ) than it has under Democratic administrations.
Not even counting all the "private contractors" the GOP loves to employ. The most obvious is haloburton.

Is that why the Obama administration gives Haliburton no bid contracts more than what the Bush administration ever did?

And let's not forget selling us out to the insurance industry via ACA. Sure, a Republican thought of it, but it was Democrats who made it a reality.
Clinton won't stop it, she will continue on full force, she is in bed with big business. Clinton will give more to the rich and foreign countries than you realize. Look at Obamacare, it didn't help the middle class, businesses started dropping workers to part time and offer less insurance and the costs went up. I'm dropping my companies insurance this year and going with less coverage because it will cost less. He is a small business and the costs are crazy for insurance.

Whoever believes the Democratic Party is for the middle class or the poor, is a sucker. If they were for the working guy, Sanders would have been the candidate, but the Democrats fought Sanders all the way, while Clinton was the establishment Democrats pick.

Now not only will labor be not allowed at the table, the won't be in the room or the building.
Corporations used to hire full time employees and paid them well and the employees had job security. Some companies paid well because they had to and some paid better than they maybe had to for social reasons. Maybe they made a profit and gave profit sharing.

But in gopland, throw all that out. All that matters is shareholder profits.

So unless you have a rare skill that can't possibly be done by a temp, you're done.

And don't think it can't happen to you. That's what architect's thought about outsourcing. That's what construction workers thought about illegals. And that's what Toyota and Honda employees think now. But more and more Toyota and Honda and even Ford and GM jobs are going to temp agencies. If you're OK with 35% of America being temp jobs how about 70%? It's coming

NAFTA, Hillary is really happy about her husband's accomplishment. Obamacare, hurt the American middle class, another government idea that has separated the rich and the middle class. The Democratic Party has done a lot to separate the middle class and the rich.

I can't understand how people can sit by and watch the Democratic Party cater to the Haliburtons and not even see what they are doing.

Sanders staying in it to the convention won't change a thing, Clinton and the Democratic Party will lie to him to placate him then after the election, they will give him the finger.
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Welcome to the United Corporate States of America

Democracy is dead

Long live the Corporation

That is what voting for Clinton will do, she is in bed with Wall St. The Democratic Party could have showed that they cared for the poor and middle class, by voting for Sanders. But the Democratic Party sold out and went for big business advocate, Hillary Clinton. Sad state of the Democratic Party.
I agree a more liberal candidate would fight harder but I do believe once Americans understand the Ayn Rand Milton Friedman type capitalism that's being pushed on them and how its going to hurt the majority of us in the long run they will push 1 party to do something about the widening gap between rich and poor and we all know that's going to be the democrats.

I don't expect any politician to do anything unless pushed. This is why Bernie is staying in the race. He wants to make sure Clinton keeps some of her promises.

I didn't hate the rich during the Clinton years. I was doing OK too.

And I'm doing better now but I see and hear so many Americans don't have what you me and my parents have. And I did suffer from bushanomics. I don't want to go back to 2007

Meanwhile the facts are that libs have grown the government to be 10x bigger relative to the economy than it once was, and yet for some reason, the result has been widening inequality. Also, these people actively incentive people to be poor. They only care for votes and power.

It would be smart to go back to the time of voluntary transactions. That actually worked... But then there are these idiots who advocate for more government control, which has not worked.
What years were the times of "voluntary transactions?

There's a reason unions exist. Workers were treated like shit. Are these the good old days?

Employees were getting rich at a very fast rate. Today, only the government is getting rich. I know you hate prosperous workers. You just must really, really hate them.
If you agree the only responsibility a corporation has is to its shareholders then vote republican

A corporation can vote?
They're persons aren't they?
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Welcome to the United Corporate States of America

Democracy is dead

Long live the Corporation

That is what voting for Clinton will do, she is in bed with Wall St. The Democratic Party could have showed that they cared for the poor and middle class, by voting for Sanders. But the Democratic Party sold out and went for big business advocate, Hillary Clinton. Sad state of the Democratic Party.

WHY is more of the same fascistic/socialistic policies better for the poor and the middle class?
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Welcome to the United Corporate States of America

Democracy is dead

Long live the Corporation

That is what voting for Clinton will do, she is in bed with Wall St. The Democratic Party could have showed that they cared for the poor and middle class, by voting for Sanders. But the Democratic Party sold out and went for big business advocate, Hillary Clinton. Sad state of the Democratic Party.

WHY is more of the same fascistic/socialistic policies better for the poor and the middle class?
Here is the reality. We went for the real hope and change candidate and we realized one person can't do it by themselves. Hillary is more electable than Bernie. Same reason the GOP went with trump over the 7 or more dwarfs.

Hillary and the Democrats can't do shit when 50% of the people who vote Democrat won't show up for midterms. And despite the low voter turnout in 2018 Republicans will claim they have a mandate and that the people have spoken.
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Welcome to the United Corporate States of America

Democracy is dead

Long live the Corporation

That is what voting for Clinton will do, she is in bed with Wall St. The Democratic Party could have showed that they cared for the poor and middle class, by voting for Sanders. But the Democratic Party sold out and went for big business advocate, Hillary Clinton. Sad state of the Democratic Party.

WHY is more of the same fascistic/socialistic policies better for the poor and the middle class?
Here is the reality. We went for the real hope and change candidate and we realized one person can't do it by themselves. Hillary is more electable than Bernie. Same reason the GOP went with trump over the 7 or more dwarfs.

Hillary and the Democrats can't do shit when 50% of the people who vote Democrat won't show up for midterms. And despite the low voter turnout in 2018 Republicans will claim they have a mandate and that the people have spoken.

Comrade Sanders expects Hillary to be indicted reason he remains in the fight, But neither one will help the economy. They are the reason the economy is stagnant and companies want to relocate to India.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Welcome to the United Corporate States of America

Democracy is dead

Long live the Corporation

That is what voting for Clinton will do, she is in bed with Wall St. The Democratic Party could have showed that they cared for the poor and middle class, by voting for Sanders. But the Democratic Party sold out and went for big business advocate, Hillary Clinton. Sad state of the Democratic Party.

WHY is more of the same fascistic/socialistic policies better for the poor and the middle class?
Here is the reality. We went for the real hope and change candidate and we realized one person can't do it by themselves. Hillary is more electable than Bernie. Same reason the GOP went with trump over the 7 or more dwarfs.

Hillary and the Democrats can't do shit when 50% of the people who vote Democrat won't show up for midterms. And despite the low voter turnout in 2018 Republicans will claim they have a mandate and that the people have spoken.

Comrade Sanders expects Hillary to be indicted reason he remains in the fight, But neither one will help the economy. They are the reason the economy is stagnant and companies want to relocate to India.
Go to marketplace. Org and listen to The cost of profits. I can't even take you seriously when you clearly have swallowed the right wing talking point bs.

Assume I'm right, which I am. Corporations have in fact stopped caring about workers and instead of hiring full time workers only hire temps if at all possible. This isn't just happening up north. This is happening in Toyota and Honda too. In the future everyone not absolutely necessary (CEO & vp's) will be temps. Engineers, sales, accounting, the labor, call centers, shipping, quality, IT. Everyone will be a temp. It's the new normal. Why pay benefits? Capitalism 2.0. But you'll say "at least they're providing jobs. You're a tool

And you guys say class warfare doesn't exist while you are waging it on us.
When poor and middle class Americans have had enough it will be through the Democratic party that we fix things. It will never be through the Republican Party

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