Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

Why sealyboobo could never be a Conservative or Libertarian: He's Too Stoopid to understand how his socialist worldview leads to poverty and despair.

Here, bub: read up on what your ideology leads to:


If the Silly Bonobo reads it, he won't grasp it.
You don't see what Ayn Rand Milton Freedman economics is doing to the middle class.

I don't have to read a book to know your way don't work.
College gives athletes full rides why not doctors?

College sports bring millions of dollars into the coffers of universities a free education for a Dr won't do that

Maybe that's what's wrong ^^^? And BTW, only Football brings millions of dollars into the coffers of U's, it also sets the brain in motion within the head of the college athlete, and concussions are not fun.
You don't see what Ayn Rand Milton Freedman economics is doing to the middle class.

I don't have to read a book to know your way don't work.

We have Ayn Rand Milton Freedman economics in this nation? :eek:

Leftism is a manifestation of complete ignorance of the science of economics.
See you didn't even see it happen. Or you pretend Jack Walsh at GE didn't happen.

Like we have hands off government. All you have to do is look at all the "Food Recalls" in recent time. Same food, same industry, what's changed? We now can ID any food bacteria and where it comes from.

We no longer expect the consumer to be careful. Companies MUST eliminate all pathogens for the first time. And now FDA has recall power.

Result, millions of pounds of recalls. Food prices will go out of sight over time. OH, and all you "Organic is Best" people - You had better think again.

Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts

Gotta love those regulations.
College gives athletes full rides why not doctors?

College sports bring millions of dollars into the coffers of universities a free education for a Dr won't do that
So you don't see the social benefit to lowering healthcare costs? I'm not talking about private universities. You can have those. I'm talking public.

The problem with Republicans is they don't know how to govern.

Like we have hands off government. All you have to do is look at all the "Food Recalls" in recent time. Same food, same industry, what's changed? We now can ID any food bacteria and where it comes from.

We no longer expect the consumer to be careful. Companies MUST eliminate all pathogens for the first time. And now FDA has recall power.

Result, millions of pounds of recalls. Food prices will go out of sight over time. OH, and all you "Organic is Best" people - You had better think again.

Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts

Gotta love those regulations.
We subsidize food. Do Republicans want to stop all social engineering?
College gives athletes full rides why not doctors?

College sports bring millions of dollars into the coffers of universities a free education for a Dr won't do that
So you don't see the social benefit to lowering healthcare costs? I'm not talking about private universities. You can have those. I'm talking public.

The problem with Republicans is they don't know how to govern.

Without the NFL "Business" you would not have college football.
College gives athletes full rides why not doctors?

College sports bring millions of dollars into the coffers of universities a free education for a Dr won't do that
So you don't see the social benefit to lowering healthcare costs? I'm not talking about private universities. You can have those. I'm talking public.

The problem with Republicans is they don't know how to govern.

Without the NFL "Business" you would not have college football.
But that's not free market capitalism. That's making tax payers subsidize billionaires.

I fully understand in your world corporations have all the power
College gives athletes full rides why not doctors?

College sports bring millions of dollars into the coffers of universities a free education for a Dr won't do that

Maybe that's what's wrong ^^^? And BTW, only Football brings millions of dollars into the coffers of U's, it also sets the brain in motion within the head of the college athlete, and concussions are not fun.
Maybe we should ban football
College gives athletes full rides why not doctors?

College sports bring millions of dollars into the coffers of universities a free education for a Dr won't do that
So you don't see the social benefit to lowering healthcare costs? I'm not talking about private universities. You can have those. I'm talking public.

The problem with Republicans is they don't know how to govern.

The military trains doctors all the time. If you don't want to pay for medical school then join the service
See you didn't even see it happen. Or you pretend Jack Walsh at GE didn't happen.

Do you perhaps mean Jack Welch? I'm not sure what point you think you might be making, but clearly you have no idea who Welch is. Jeffery Immelt, good friend of Dear Leader took over GE a decade back, and was the Imperious Won's "labor czar," a position he fulfilled by moving all light bulb production to China.

Ayn Rand was a philosopher, not an economist. Milton Friedman was a brilliant economist, though he had little in common with the views of Rand. Rand advocated Ludwig Von Mises view of economics.

We currently operate on a Keynesian hybrid that is utterly absurd. Obama listens to the idiot Krugman.

As usual, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are posting nonsense with no meaning at all.
See you didn't even see it happen. Or you pretend Jack Walsh at GE didn't happen.

Do you perhaps mean Jack Welch? I'm not sure what point you think you might be making, but clearly you have no idea who Welch is. Jeffery Immelt, good friend of Dear Leader took over GE a decade back, and was the Imperious Won's "labor czar," a position he fulfilled by moving all light bulb production to China.

Ayn Rand was a philosopher, not an economist. Milton Friedman was a brilliant economist, though he had little in common with the views of Rand. Rand advocated Ludwig Von Mises view of economics.

We currently operate on a Keynesian hybrid that is utterly absurd. Obama listens to the idiot Krugman.

As usual, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are posting nonsense with no meaning at all.
Go to marketplace.org and listen to the cost of profits.

I know you think we are wrong but either you are brainwashed/stupid or a liar.

And don't pretend you wouldn't defend what I say is happening if it were proven I'm right. Fact is you want a every man for himself society not we the people

You can say I'm stupid and Obama and Krugman are dumb but we think you are dumb. That is assuming you're the typical broke ass Republican

If you are rich don't pretend your way works for ANYONE but you.

And you benefitted from the social contract and don't care that it's broken now that you got yours. The baby boomers are the worst generation and their kids are dumb! Kardashian society. Trump is proof

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