Why I Do Not Like The Obamas - By Mychal Massie

When someone says "Leninists" with a straight face, they just can't be taken seriously.

Keep your head nice and down under, JoeB. :D




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When someone says "Leninists" with a straight face, they just can't be taken seriously.

Keep your head nice and down under, JoeB. :D

Sorry, Leninists don't bail out big corporations.

They line up the Plutocrats and shoot them. And while I would be in mourning for maybe five minutes if that happened, that is certainly nowhere near where the Obama's are.

"Oh, the poor rich, their taxes went back to what they were in 2000! And they've gotten 93% of the wealth generated in the recovery. It's just like the Gulag, I tell you!"


I don’t hate them per definition, but I condemn them because they are the worst kind of racialists, they are elitist Leninists with contempt for traditional America. They display disrespect for the sanctity of the office he holds, and for those who are willing to admit same Michelle Obama’s raw contempt for white America is transpicuous.

I don’t like them because they comport themselves as emperor and empress. I expect, no I demand respect for the Office of President and a love of our country and her citizenry from the leader entrusted with the governance of same. President and Mrs. Reagan displayed an unparalleled love for the country and her people. The Reagans made Americans feel good about themselves and about what we could accomplish. Could you envision President Reagan instructing his Justice Department to act like jack-booted thugs?

This is your garden variety right wing rant.

It's all hyperbole and no substance.

Made all the more funny that he evoked the name of Reagan. One of the most "dictatorial" Presidents in my lifetime. He had well over 300 Executive Orders, broke the law and lied about it.
If black people could only see how the Democrats believe THEY OWN THEM

they just need come on this board and in this thread

They claim to be a conservative, and they are put down for being one

Democrats/Liberals are some of the biggest racist ever...they put up numbers to show what percent of black people Democrats own

It's the sickest thing I've ever seen
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If black people could only see how the Democrats believe THEY OWN THEM

they just need come on this board and in this thread

They claim to be a conservative, and they are put down for being one

Democrats/Liberals are some of the biggest racist ever...they put up numbers to show what percent of black people Democrats own

It's the sickest thing I've ever seen

93% of blacks refuse to vote Republican

If Democrats are so bad, it should be easy for Republicans to convince them how much their trickle down policies have helped the black community
They could even throw in some of that Obama is a Marxist/Lennonist stuff
If black people could only see how the Democrats believe THEY OWN THEM

they just need come on this board and in this thread

They claim to be a conservative, and they are put down for being one

Democrats/Liberals are some of the biggest racist ever...they put up numbers to show what percent of black people Democrats own

It's the sickest thing I've ever seen

93% of blacks refuse to vote Republican

If Democrats are so bad, it should be easy for Republicans to convince them how much their trickle down policies have helped the black community
They could even throw in some of that Obama is a Marxist/Lennonist stuff

If anything was easy we could convince you to shut up every now then with the garbage like above

But it's was ok for Democrats to run on ANYONE BUT Bush, or Romney, blah blah blah

you two faced hyprocite
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It's not Republicans fault if a majority of black people fall for the lies of the Democrat party

If they can't see how they have become CHAINED to them with nothing but empty promises, they need to look at Detroit, Chicago, take Hurricane Katrina and so many glaring examples staring them in the face

they want to be used as people being owned by a party and not being open minded to anything else, so be it

Unfortunately they will take the rest of us down with them for it
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If black people could only see how the Democrats believe THEY OWN THEM

they just need come on this board and in this thread

They claim to be a conservative, and they are put down for being one

Democrats/Liberals are some of the biggest racist ever...they put up numbers to show what percent of black people Democrats own

It's the sickest thing I've ever seen

Nobody owns black people, just like nobody owns white people. That's just another hot, heaping portion of bullshit served up by the Right because it is butthurt because it has just fucked up right, left and in the middle with every kind of minority you can imagine. It's not just black citizens who vote in overwhelming majorities for Democratic candidates. It's also:

-American Indians
-Pacific Islanders

And under religious/ethnic/cultural groups:


Also, in terms of gender:

-Women, esp. single mothers.

You need to readjust your meds.

Blacks have been voting very securely between 85-93% Democratic for the last 40 years, regardless of candidate. Obama's 93% take of the black vote is only slightly higher than Kerry's 89% from 2004. That is THEIR choice. You don't like their choice? Tough shit for you.

It's people like you who don't even realize that by bitching about this even more, you only turn off more and more minorities to your party. Tsk, tsk. Your loss, our gain.

If black people could only see how the Democrats believe THEY OWN THEM

they just need come on this board and in this thread

They claim to be a conservative, and they are put down for being one

Democrats/Liberals are some of the biggest racist ever...they put up numbers to show what percent of black people Democrats own

It's the sickest thing I've ever seen

Nobody owns black people, just like nobody owns white people. That's just another hot, heaping portion of bullshit served up by the Right because it is butthurt because it has just fucked up right, left and in the middle with every kind of minority you can imagine. It's not just black citizens who vote in overwhelming majorities for Democratic candidates. It's also:

-American Indians
-Pacific Islanders

And under religious/ethnic/cultural groups:


Also, in terms of gender:

-Women, esp. single mothers.

You need to readjust your meds.

Blacks have been voting very securely between 85-93% Democratic for the last 40 years, regardless of candidate. Obama's 93% take of the black vote is only slightly higher than Kerry's 89% from 2004. That is THEIR choice. You don't like their choice? Tough shit for you.

It's people like you who don't even realize that by bitching about this even more, you only turn off more and more minorities to your party. Tsk, tsk. Your loss, our gain.


too bad the truth hurts sometimes
and only you uppity folks like you and wrongwhiner are allowed to bitch because you post a bunch of statistics and words
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Well said.

The real problem is that the GOP figured that playing on racial fears was the best way to get people like the neighborhood I grew up in to vote against their own economic interests.

It started with Nixon and his Southern Strategy, and continued on with Reagan and his "Welfare Queen" and Bush-41 with his Willie Horton Ad.

And it kind of worked. If the Demographics of voters were the same as it was in 1980, Romney would have won as impressive a victory as Reagan did.

Unfortunately, we aren't there anymore. Minorities make up 28% of the electorate now, and growing by about 2% per election.
that's right, only you liberals knows what in people's BEST INTEREST and playing on RACIAL fears...That should offend anyone of color right there to be used that way

You want to see playing on fear, how about that war on women and wailing they want to take away people killing off your offspring by ending abortion
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If black people could only see how the Democrats believe THEY OWN THEM

they just need come on this board and in this thread

They claim to be a conservative, and they are put down for being one

Democrats/Liberals are some of the biggest racist ever...they put up numbers to show what percent of black people Democrats own

It's the sickest thing I've ever seen

Nobody owns black people, just like nobody owns white people. That's just another hot, heaping portion of bullshit served up by the Right because it is butthurt because it has just fucked up right, left and in the middle with every kind of minority you can imagine. It's not just black citizens who vote in overwhelming majorities for Democratic candidates. It's also:

-American Indians
-Pacific Islanders

And under religious/ethnic/cultural groups:


Also, in terms of gender:

-Women, esp. single mothers.

You need to readjust your meds.

Blacks have been voting very securely between 85-93% Democratic for the last 40 years, regardless of candidate. Obama's 93% take of the black vote is only slightly higher than Kerry's 89% from 2004. That is THEIR choice. You don't like their choice? Tough shit for you.

It's people like you who don't even realize that by bitching about this even more, you only turn off more and more minorities to your party. Tsk, tsk. Your loss, our gain.


too bad the truth hurts sometimes
and only you uppity folks like you and wrongwhiner are allowed to bitch because you post a bunch of statistics and words

The only one here who is uppity is YOU.

Now, care to bring some actual facts to the table, or do you just want to whine?
Nobody owns black people, just like nobody owns white people. That's just another hot, heaping portion of bullshit served up by the Right because it is butthurt because it has just fucked up right, left and in the middle with every kind of minority you can imagine. It's not just black citizens who vote in overwhelming majorities for Democratic candidates. It's also:

-American Indians
-Pacific Islanders

And under religious/ethnic/cultural groups:


Also, in terms of gender:

-Women, esp. single mothers.

You need to readjust your meds.

Blacks have been voting very securely between 85-93% Democratic for the last 40 years, regardless of candidate. Obama's 93% take of the black vote is only slightly higher than Kerry's 89% from 2004. That is THEIR choice. You don't like their choice? Tough shit for you.

It's people like you who don't even realize that by bitching about this even more, you only turn off more and more minorities to your party. Tsk, tsk. Your loss, our gain.


too bad the truth hurts sometimes
and only you uppity folks like you and wrongwhiner are allowed to bitch because you post a bunch of statistics and words

The only one here who is uppity is YOU.

Now, care to bring some actual facts to the table, or do you just want to whine?

You carry on uppity one, I don't use people as, statistics...I see them as individuals and human beings
that's right, only you liberals knows what in people's BEST INTEREST and playing on RACIAL fears...That should offend anyone of color right there to be used that way

You want to see playing on fear, how about that war on women and wailing they want to take away people killing off your offspring by ending abortion

Well, when your side decides to put adjectives in front of the word "Rape" to justify making women have their rapist's babies, you kind of make the argument for us.

Just like you kind of make our case for us when you put up a picture of Willie Horton and say, "We'll protect you from the scary black man!"
The Democrat party makes me ill in how they see and use people

they aren't human beings, they are thought of as needing "convincing" to come to our side with thing promised and the hell with who and how do we PAY FOR THAT, not with what the principles of a party SHOULD stand for, life, liberty and FREEDOMS and justice FOR ALL.... because that isn't what the Democrat party stands for, it's how can we in power hook you onto more Government
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Well said.

The real problem is that the GOP figured that playing on racial fears was the best way to get people like the neighborhood I grew up in to vote against their own economic interests.

It started with Nixon and his Southern Strategy, and continued on with Reagan and his "Welfare Queen" and Bush-41 with his Willie Horton Ad.

And it kind of worked. If the Demographics of voters were the same as it was in 1980, Romney would have won as impressive a victory as Reagan did.

Unfortunately, we aren't there anymore. Minorities make up 28% of the electorate now, and growing by about 2% per election.

That is correct.

People on the Right who do the numbers-crunching are well aware of this statistic, but their voices are not being heard.

And when white racist morons show up at McCain rallies or Romney rallies either sporting stuff-animal monkeys, circus monkey, with the name "Obama" wrapped around them, or wear t-shirts like "put the White back in the White House", well, gee, you have to really wonder when black people just turn away from the GOP even more, what??

I mean, fer Chrissakes, those black folks should just take it on the cheek that our President, a black man, has been the subject of vicious racial attacks from the Right ever since 2008, NONSTOP, right?!?! And I mean, fer Chrissakes, they should listen the advice from the Right when Righties like Stephanie want to tell black people that they are dumb and "on the plantation" for voting DEM, cuz as Gohmert and Co. have already said, you see, actually, blacks had it so much better back when they were slaves than they do now under the oppressive rule of their Democratic taskmasters, yadayadayada.

Gawd, what a bunch of horseshit...

The Right wants to get minority votes? Well, start with a platform that doesn't hate minorities.
BLAH, leave this thread to the three stooges

joey, static and wrongwhiner they overrun every other thread so, it's all yours
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The Democrat party makes me ill in how they see and use people

they aren't human beings, they are thought of as needing "convincing" to come to our side with thing promised and the hell with who and how do we PAY FOR THAT, not with what the principles of a party SHOULD stand for, life, liberty and FREEDOMS and justice FOR ALL.... because that isn't what the Democrat party stands for, it's how can we in power hook you onto more Government

Sure they are, only a sick person does not see other people as human beings.

Go take your meds, now.
It's not Republicans fault if a majority of black people fall for the lies of the Democrat party

If they can't see how they have become CHAINED to them with nothing but empty promises, they need to look at Detroit, Chicago, take Hurricane Katrina and so many glaring examples staring them in the face

they want to be used as people being owned by a party and not being open minded to anything else, so be it

Unfortunately they will take the rest of us down with them for it

But wait Steph....it gets worse

74% of Asians don't vote Republican either. Are you going to call them stupid and lazy too?
The Democrat party makes me ill in how they see and use people

they aren't human beings, they are thought of as needing "convincing" to come to our side with thing promised and the hell with who and how do we PAY FOR THAT, not with what the principles of a party SHOULD stand for, life, liberty and FREEDOMS and justice FOR ALL.... because that isn't what the Democrat party stands for, it's how can we in power hook you onto more Government

Again, I think that you are a little confused here.

If someone is drowning and reaches for a lifeline, who is at fault, the person who pushed him in, or the person who throws him the lifeline?

There was a time when most people could become self-sufficient, where you didn't have to go to college to get a good paying job. Those jobs all went to China, because the Wealthy didn't have nough to buy mansions and dressage ponies paying a decent wage.

So now you are all surprised when they refuse to just starve and turn to government? really? really?

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