Why I dont post here

No, it was to illustrate the absolutely supportable illustration you used for your unsupportable statement. But it's too far back to go to retrieve it now, so I'll just relate it to your comments re Mandela. Comparing South Africa as the same kind of situation that exists in Israel is indeed comparing apples to oranges. Correct that to comparing apples to brick bats. At least Apples and Oranges are both fruit.

oh yes.. because a british colony in south africa that maintained an ethnic standard for whites despite the natives sure ISNT the same damn thing as a british creation of israel doing the same damn thing.

Nelson Mandela's celebrated violent vigilance against tyranny sure ISNT the same damn thing as pals.

nope. YOU say so, so it must be true. I mean, you said apples and oranges!

Come on, Jillian. It's okay for Muslims to choose their religion and allow their religion to run their country, but it isn't okay for Jews to do it. Because of that word "democracy" or some silly bullshit.

Edit, whoops that was meant as a reply to another post.

lol... I know. S'okay. I get what you're saying. It's that whole western nation thing. Jews should be subjugated to and killed by Hamas and Hezbollah because they should be held to some uber standard of behavior.

Bizarre, IMO.... no, make that retarded.
SURELY one of you bitches can point out just when democracy became a factor in muslim countries. More to the point, WHEN did they become "western democracies" like israel claims to be?

i know i know.. I just hate joooos and want to see them all dead blah blah blah blah.

lol... I know. S'okay. I get what you're saying. It's that whole western nation thing. Jews should be subjugated to and killed by Hamas and Hezbollah because they should be held to some uber standard of behavior.

Bizarre, IMO.... no, make that retarded.

Prescott Bush became Hitler's banker when he became Fritz Thyssen's banker. The incredible loot Fritz's father made in steel, coal, and railroads during WWI was hidden in Holland. Shortly afterwards he was looking to spread some in America and opened a front operation through E.R. Harriman in New York City. In fact, reports indicate that the Bush connections to Nazi money continued through 1951.

The reason Auschwitz was located where it was is because that is near where Fritz Thyssen's coal, steel, and railroads were. That made it possible for I.G. Farben to synthesize fuel from coal gasification for the war machine there, which made it also possible to synthesize rubber there. I.G. Farben also made Zyklon B gas, enough to annihilate two million people according to the trial testimony of the Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hoess.
Fritz Thyssen published a book titled "I Paid Hitler" in 1941. It described how Thyssen sponsored the Storm Troopers of Ernst Roehm as early as 1933, allowing them to build up to 4,500,000 strong to take over Germany. But in 1942, even after Pearl Harbor, Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were administering Thyssen's money until forced by the US government to halt (temporarily).
lol... I know. S'okay. I get what you're saying. It's that whole western nation thing. Jews should be subjugated to and killed by Hamas and Hezbollah because they should be held to some uber standard of behavior.

Bizarre, IMO.... no, make that retarded.

oh im sure equality IS retarded if it hinders your racist standard for zion, jill. I mean, why desegregate the US when europe hated ******* too!

Im all for full rights to latinos who ARE citizens. You see, white people can't get away with the same type of racism we see in israel today. Again, ASK JILL if she is as willing to accept an PAL ISRAELI PM as I am a LATINO PRESIDENT. Care to guess what her answer is?

SPOILS of war? And yet you tink the US owes Mexico something despite the emancipation of TEXAS? Come on, Ravi.. you can't dance around consistency like that.

WHO are we? uh, the same people who told Germany that they couldn't marginalize jews? uh, the same people whose pantleg israel hides behind? uh, the same people who allows a nuclear double standard in the ME? I could go on.

So, who were we to say anything about SOUTH AFRICA then, Ravi?

Again, before you start handing out lessons about muslim nations you might wanna google iranian jews and their total rejection of their right of return to israel.

But, again, go ahead and demonize the koran despite the burning bush escuse for the creation of israel. I've got you pinned on yet another issue where you fall short of giving a fuck about equality.

How about a British president of the USA?:eusa_whistle::D:D:D
How about a British president of the USA?:eusa_whistle::D:D:D

uh, they've ALL been presidents of ENGLISH heritage thus far, dude.

the sad thing is you probably really thought you had a whammy there.

now ask me if id care if a muslim were president of the US. OR a jew, for that matter. OR an asian american. OR a latino american.

lol... I know. S'okay. I get what you're saying. It's that whole western nation thing. Jews should be subjugated to and killed by Hamas and Hezbollah because they should be held to some uber standard of behavior.

Bizarre, IMO.... no, make that retarded.

I don't get it either. Seems to me, any country should have a right to make their country the way they want to make it, even if they want a religious theocracy or a communist dictatorship. Democracy isn't just about voting, it's about people governing themselves the way they see fit...as long as they aren't committing genocide or endangering other countries, it shouldn't be anyone's business.
uh, they've ALL been presidents of ENGLISH heritage thus far, dude.

the sad thing is you probably really thought you had a whammy there.

now ask me if id care if a muslim were president of the US. OR a jew, for that matter. OR an asian american. OR a latino american.


Is that another thinly veiled attempt to say if you don't support Obama you must be a racist?

I am racist alright. Against flaming lefties. Oh wait thats not a race is it. Damn.
I don't get it either. Seems to me, any country should have a right to make their country the way they want to make it, even if they want a religious theocracy or a communist dictatorship. Democracy isn't just about voting, it's about people governing themselves the way they see fit...as long as they aren't committing genocide or endangering other countries, it shouldn't be anyone's business.

Part of the problem is, and I hate to say this, Israel wasn't really ever supposed to survive. When they gave the high grounds and fortresses and defensible positions to the Arabs (who they knew had Soviet weapons), it was expected, like the Grand Mufti said, that the jews would be in the sea in three days.

But the jews f'd that up and kept winning.... which resulted in the political nighmare that's existed ever since, coupled with the Arab leadership's self-interest in keeping it's own beaten down populations focused on an external situation instead of on their own pathetic situations.
I don't get it either. Seems to me, any country should have a right to make their country the way they want to make it, even if they want a religious theocracy or a communist dictatorship. Democracy isn't just about voting, it's about people governing themselves the way they see fit...as long as they aren't committing genocide or endangering other countries, it shouldn't be anyone's business.


i'll remember that the next time you cry about illegal immigrants in the US!

And, your concept of democracy is hilarious. DEMOCRACY ISNT ABOUT VOTING, eh?

Main Entry:
de·moc·ra·cy Listen to the pronunciation of democracy
Inflected Form(s):
plural de·moc·ra·cies
Middle French democratie, from Late Latin democratia, from Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos + -kratia -cracy

1 a: government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections2: a political unit that has a democratic government3capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the United States <from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy— C. M. Roberts>4: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority5: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

democracy - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

thanks for playing.
Part of the problem is, and I hate to say this, Israel wasn't really ever supposed to survive. When they gave the high grounds and fortresses and defensible positions to the Arabs (who they knew had Soviet weapons), it was expected, like the Grand Mufti said, that the jews would be in the sea in three days.

But the jews f'd that up and kept winning.... which resulted in the political nighmare that's existed ever since, coupled with the Arab leadership's self-interest in keeping it's own beaten down populations focused on an external situation instead of on their own pathetic situations.

yea jill.. the eternal support of the west since day fucking 1 sure does insinuate that israel was never meant to survive. Does your martyr routine ever end?

The political nightmare is the result of insisting that pals don't mean shit while jews shit gold. There would BE NO conflict if palisrael included both peoples instead of your single fucking ethnically cleansed dream state. This is why the single state solution scares the fuck out of you. You don't care about peace any more than hitler did. If you actually DID care about peace then you wouldn't insist in racists policies that disenfranchise a significant population of non jews.

But, alas, here we are and i just triggered your scarlet A reflex...

Once again, Shog proves himself an idiot.

yea yea yea.. given how much you have proven to not know about the history of the world, again, i take this as a compliment coming from you.

nelson mandella, bitch.

oh.. ps, I guess you'd assume Mirium webster are antisemites now for bitch slapping your, uh, definition of Democracy?
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That'll go over his head.


YOU would think so, wouldnt you?

Is this where you pretend to be illiterate enough to keep from having read my reply?

tsk tsk tsk, ravi.
Is that another thinly veiled attempt to say if you don't support Obama you must be a racist?

I am racist alright. Against flaming lefties. Oh wait thats not a race is it. Damn.


are you smoking myrrh in a crack pipe now? Name a single president that wasn't a white dude whose roots come strait from white europe.

derrr derr derrrrrr... I know I know.. im a joooo hating antisemite. get it out of your system.

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