Why I dont post here

I believe they are encouraged to move to Israel.

Britain was a tribal nation, many have laid claim but it always remains England regardless of ruler.

I know they are encouraged. But what claim do they have? My point is so what if your ancestors came from somewhere? Everyone's ancestors came from somewhere.
I believe they are encouraged to move to Israel.

Britain was a tribal nation, many have laid claim but it always remains England regardless of ruler.

yea.. tell that to Ireland and Scotland.
duh.. everyone KNOWS that mccain and lieberman are the way to go if we want to see isreals western bulldog attack iran!

only antisemites vote democrat, dont they, chuck?
Under Apartheid, racist beliefs were enshrined in law and any criticism of the law was suppressed. Apartheid was racism made law. It was a system dictated in the minutest detail as to how and where the large black majority would live, work and die. This system of institutionalized racial discrimination defied the principles of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In 1976 the United Nations unanimously condemned the elevation of one of the "homelands", Transkei, into an independent State because it remained dependent on South Africa. Not one country in the world recognized the new State. In 1982, almost one million black South Africans were transferred to another country -- Swaziland -- without their having any say in the matter.

Apartheid and South Africa


It sounds like you are saying the tactic is used by the left for suppression of the poor.

that is what I was saying. The left does not want to help the poor, they just want to keep them poor, so they will keep voting for the left.

Don't think I am trying to say the right is any better when it comes to the poor. I just can see that both sides could give a rats ass about the poor, other than to use them as a tool to gain power.
that is what I was saying. The left does not want to help the poor, they just want to keep them poor, so they will keep voting for the left.

Don't think I am trying to say the right is any better when it comes to the poor. I just can see that both sides could give a rats ass about the poor, other than to use them as a tool to gain power.

sigh...that's silly, Charles. The left is at least smart enough to realize that most poor people don't vote.
Originally posted by editec
Are you saying that France doesn't have the right to be mostly filled with Frenchies, or Neitherlands the Dutch and and Israel with Jews, or just that Israel should be religiously and ethnically colorblind?

What I’m saying is that no ethnic group has the right to deny another racial group their right to live in their historical homeland.

Originally posted by editec
Or are you saying that any solution is okay, even causing the genocide of Jews in Isreal, because the nation wasn't created on the up and up and because the Jews are racially biased and therefore don't deserve any SAFE harbor in this world?

I’m all for protecting the jewish people against ethnic discrimination, editec, but keeping the native people of Palestine corralled on “arab reservations” is not the right way to go about it.

If the price to be paid for the safety of the jewish people is the discrimination of the arab people of Palestine then you might just as well join the KKK.
Originally posted by editec
Or are you saying that any solution is okay, even causing the genocide of Jews in Isreal.

Now you’ve touched one of the crucial issues of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, editec.

How to create a non confessional, democratic state in Palestine without turning the Palestinian people into the oppressors of their former oppressors?

No one in his right mind wants to see jewish soldiers suddenly opening the gates and allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians into Israel.

We all know this East/West Germany scenario is totally unrealistic after 60 years of ethnic supremacism in Palestine.

The peaceful dismantlement of Israel will require the establishment of an international protectorate in Palestine where foreign troops will guarantee the safety of both ethnic groups.

The absolute requirement to begin the process of democratisation of Palestine would be the complete dismantling of all fundamentalist political parties and groups, jewish and arab alike, since they all preach racial supremacism. Only parties promoting racial equality and tolerance would be allowed.

Before the new state begins to allow palestinian families to settle in Western Palestine, the jewish and arab population will have to be bombarded by a massive propaganda campaign emphasising racial tolerance, secularism, democracy, civic values etc, etc, etc...

In addition to this, it would be necessary to create national commisions following the model of the south african “Truth and Reconciliation Commision” to promote forgiveness and reconciliation between the two ethnic groups.

The settlement of palestinian families in Western Palestine and jewish families in Eastern Palestine will have to be a gradual and orderly process, under international control, in order to avoid the same ethnic strife that started this whole conflict more than half a century ago.

Whenever jewish and palestinian individuals/families manifest the desire to live in what was formerly known as Israel, West Bank and Gaza, the authorities will conduct a thorough background check to see if they have even the slightest connection with disbanded fundamentalist movements. Any family with this kind of past connections would have to undergo additional studies on civic values and would be closely monitored by the authorities.

Palestine would be governed by a coalition government formed by an equal number of jewish and palestinian leaders and all major decisions at the federal level would have to be approved by the international community.

After many years (or maybe even decades) of healing and reconciliation between the two ethnic groups, the dismantlement of the international protectorate could be considered and would only be implemented after an unanimous decision of all the leaders of the jewish and arab communities and under the explicit condition that it would be immediately reinstated at the request of any ethnic group.

This international protectorate would always have the safety of the jewish population as an overriding priority, to which everything else, including the palestinian right of return would be subordinated.
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Just take a look at jillian’s grotesque misrepresentation of people who support a single democratic state in Palestine, editec:

What do you think putting an Arab majority in control of a Jewish minority in Israel would mean.

Jews should be subjugated and extinguished by Muslims in yet another Arab State, but he's not an anti-semite, right?

What kind of stupidity is that?




I have already presented the proposal of an international protectorate in Palestine to the members of this board but they continue to ignore it and refer to this grotesque misrepresentation of my opinions.

Super patriotic american clowns, like Foxfyre, and racist jewish women, like jillian, know perfectly well they support a state racist to the bone and the only way to justify ethnic supremacism in Palestine is to create this strawman argument and atribute it to people like me and Shogun (and even you).

When people feel the need to ignore reasonable ideas and turn them into insanities that no one is actually proposing to win a discussion, this is a good indication that they have already lost the debate and still haven’t noticed it.
José;721218 said:
Just take a look at jillian’s grotesque misrepresentation of people who support a single democratic state in Palestine, editec:

What do you think putting an Arab majority in control of a Jewish minority in Israel would mean.

Jews should be subjugated and extinguished by Muslims in yet another Arab State, but he's not an anti-semite, right?

What kind of stupidity is that?




I have already presented the proposal of an international protectorate in Palestine to the members of this board but they continue to ignore it and refer to this grotesque misrepresentation of my opinions.

Super patriotic american clowns, like Foxfyre, and racist jewish women, like jillian, know perfectly well they support a state racist to the bone and the only way to justify ethnic supremacism in Palestine is to create this strawman argument and atribute it to people like me and Shogun (and even you).

When people feel the need to ignore reasonable ideas and turn them into insanities that no one is actually proposing to win a discussion, this is a good indication that they have already lost the debate and still haven’t noticed it.

There are no reasonable people left in the mideast. It's all high emotion and insane rhetoric.
Wow what a rediculas and ignorant generalization.

ya--but not that far off. I bet that they will even admit that things have gotten so out of hand that's impossible to solve. I don't hear a lot of hope coming aout of that area. How about you ? Peace and brotherhood on the horizon or is there too much hate to even have hope ?
José;721218 said:
Just take a look at jillian’s grotesque misrepresentation of people who support a single democratic state in Palestine, editec:

What do you think putting an Arab majority in control of a Jewish minority in Israel would mean.

Jews should be subjugated and extinguished by Muslims in yet another Arab State, but he's not an anti-semite, right?

What kind of stupidity is that?




I have already presented the proposal of an international protectorate in Palestine to the members of this board but they continue to ignore it and refer to this grotesque misrepresentation of my opinions.

Super patriotic american clowns, like Foxfyre, and racist jewish women, like jillian, know perfectly well they support a state racist to the bone and the only way to justify ethnic supremacism in Palestine is to create this strawman argument and atribute it to people like me and Shogun (and even you).

When people feel the need to ignore reasonable ideas and turn them into insanities that no one is actually proposing to win a discussion, this is a good indication that they have already lost the debate and still haven’t noticed it.

Well now as you seem to have resorted to the typical ignorant leftwing radical tactic of turning your attack on the messenger--one sure tactic to automatically make you the loser in any formal debate--I am safe in declaring Jillian and me co-victors on this one. (Of course that was already a given when you alluded to Shogun as having a reasoned argument on this issue and allied yourself with him. :eusa_angel:)
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Well now as you seem to have resorted to the typical ignorant leftwing radical tactic of turning your attack on the messenger--one sure tactic to automatically make you the loser in any formal debate--I am safe in declaring Jillian and me co-victors on this one. (Of course that was already a given when you alluded to Shogun as having a reasoned argument on this issue and allied yourself with him. :eusa_angel:)

In the context, that is a remarkable statement. Having read this long correspondence as carefully as I can, I'd say that Shogun is not only reasonable but knows how to construct an argument, as does José, whereas once Jillian has stuttered out the bit about 'Auntie C might', that's her finished. It might have been possible to make some sort of argument for a zionist state within Palestine if the zionists hadn't denied not only the rights but the existence of the Palestinians, hadn't lied themselves blue in the face, never apologised for even the worst of their racist atrocities and, most of all, always attacked the accuser rather than answer the accusation. It is just like the stalinists - once you have got used to suppressing criticism (using the GPU or AIPAC) you lose the trick of democratic argument and can merely shout personal abuse and try to get the critic silenced. Pity. Back in the days when I supported zionism I used to be able to do better than that, however poor the argument. Then I met some Palestinians!
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that is what I was saying. The left does not want to help the poor, they just want to keep them poor, so they will keep voting for the left.

Don't think I am trying to say the right is any better when it comes to the poor. I just can see that both sides could give a rats ass about the poor, other than to use them as a tool to gain power.

Wow what a rediculas and ignorant generalization.


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