Why I dont post here

t took ~ what? ~ about 80 years for the Irish and the Scots colonialists to finally realize that they weren't going to win peace in Northern Ireland and they quashed their respective hotheads to knock it the hell off?

WHAT?!?!?!?!??! and the UK didn't become a molten boil of rock slag therafter?!?!?!

Originally posted by editec
And that is why I say your plan will not work incidently

Too damned many Zionists, and too damned many Arabists like things the way they are. Peacekeeping only works when enough people truly want peace.

It took ~ what? ~ about 80 years for the Irish and the Scots colonialists to finally realize that they weren't going to win peace in Northern Ireland and they quashed their respective hotheads to knock it the hell off?

It could take Israelites and Palestinians that long to find their peace, too.

So true, editec. Too many theocrats and racial supremacists on both sides.

But let me tell you why I believe the two state solution is the one that will never work and was in fact doomed from the start (1948):

1. The jewish people will never give up their right to live in Eastern Palestine, where 90% of the jewish history took place, that will fall forever out of reach in a Palestinian state.

Eastern Palestine = West Bank = Biblical Israel.

Need I say more? That’s why the settlement expansion activity never stopped not even during the Oslo peace process.

2. The Palestinian people will never accept being barred from their ancestral land in Western Palestine, the land lost to Israel and that shaped so much of their history as a people.

The peoples of Palestine will never accept a border in the middle of their historical homeland.

But as you rightly pointed out, the biggest obstacle to the MORALLY SUPERIOR one state solution are the assholes from both sides who don’t want to SHARE the land in a unitary state.

But I’m an optimist. This is not an insurmountable obstacle. The same kind of assholes were ultimately defeated in America, South Africa and there’s every reason to believe they will eventually meet the same fate in Palestine.

Either through the establishment of an international protectorate in Palestine or through Israel's gradual evolution from a jewish state to a state of citizens.
What about Jewish converts? And descendants of converts? What about Arab Jews? What about multiracial Jews? In your opinion, do they have any claim to that land and on what basis?

Do the Celts have a greater historical claim to England than the Anglo-Saxons?

There were never, as a matter of fact, any people called 'Celts' anywhere in Britain until the late seventeenth Century, when Lhuyd borrowed this term to cover linguistic resemblances between the western peoples, and Oppenheimer - who seems to be about the best historical geneticist around - reckons the 'Anglo-Saxon' contribution to the population to be about five per cent. Each of the Archipelago countries has a majority of people whose genetic heritage is the same as the modern Basques, as a matter of fact. It all goes to show how dubious is any argument based on current fantasies about the past (for my money, the majority of the current Jewish population of occupied Palestine is probably Khazar in its distant origins, but I'm no geneticist, and who cares?).
One of the worst things about the zionists is the way that they have tried to implicate the vast mass of decent Jewish people in their bloody atrocities, and the worst of all is the way they lie and lie and lie about the possiblities of a settlement given the most minimal degree of sincerity and decency on their side. Instead we have the standard mean-souled racist spite. What is Jewish about that?
Folks, I LOVE history.

And history is a tool that can help us understand how we got where we are.

But sometimes history can be a roadblock to problem solving because we cannot forget it and some of us cannot forgive it..

It doesn't matter if ancient Isreal existed

It doesn't matter that the Romans controlled Palestine

It doesn't matter that the Christian romans controlled Palestine

It doesn't matter that the various Arab or Turk Islamic empires controlled it either.

It doesn't matter that the British had no right to give Zionists the go ahead to move to Palestine.

It doesn't matter that Palestinians were driven out of their homes in the civil war that created Israel.

It doesn't matter that the fledgling state of Israel was attacked

All that matters NOW is the conditions on the ground NOW.

Can we find a single state or two state solution?

I cannot blame Israelis for rejecting the single state solution.

They know that they'd be outnumbers outvoted and the character of the nation would change to something they could not stand.

I cannot blame the Palestinians for rejecting the laughable two state solution as currently designed, either.

The land they are ceeded is NOT a viable land economically, It would makes them forever beholden to other nations for water, and its economic stability, too.

FWIW the original returning Jewish settlers had NO PLANS to eject the Palestinians. In fact there was a time when they lived in peace. When the Jews who returned BOUGHT the land and worked it and hired Palestinains to work along side of them.

But the decision was made, when the Jews of Palestine saw that there would be enormous numbers of Jewish refugees, to make room for the Jews, and that really meant displacing the Arabs.

Hence the disaster of 1948,

The Arab states overreaction to the existence of Isreal, and the susequent eviction or abandonment of and by the Palestinians leave us with the problem of millions of displaced Palestinians who are now unwelcome in their homeland.

Who do I blame?

I blame the British, the Zionists, the Palestinians and the Arab states that tried to drive the Jews into the sea, too.

I blame everybody involved and I sympathize with everybody involved EXCEPT the Brits and the Arab states which attacked the feldgling nation of Israel.

I blame the ethnocentists and I blame the hotheads and terrorists who won't back down and seek a viable compromise that works for EVERYONE.

It's a complex situation with penty of guilt and credit to go around..

But Isreal exists today, and it is not going away.

And the Palestinian people exist today, and they aren't going away, either.

It really is up to those people to solve this problem.
Which is why people need to stop using words like "nazi" and "apartheid" and talking about a one-state solution which is never going to happen.

Beyond that, the shape of a two-state soluation is certainly, as Israel's shown, negotiable.
Which is why people need to stop using words like "nazi" and "apartheid" and talking about a one-state solution which is never going to happen.

Beyond that, the shape of a two-state soluation is certainly, as Israel's shown, negotiable.

As your late and unlamented leader doubtless said, 'All the Europeans need to do is accept absolutely the Third Reich's total requirements and their own status a lower-grade humans within it (while - we insist -executing the so-called 'Resistance' for us) and they will find us always ready to negotiate, particularly on their extermination.'

As you very well know, the zionist leadership, despite its murdering or locking up the actual Palestinian leadership and replacing them with quislings, won't even negotiate with them, but starts, always, gross provocations which, when they produce the required reaction, enable them to refuse to negotiate with 'terrorism'.

Words like 'Nazi' and 'apartheid' are used because they are exactly accurate. Zionism is Hitler's creation, as well you know.
As your late and unlamented leader doubtless said, 'All the Europeans need to do is accept absolutely the Third Reich's total requirements and their own status a lower-grade humans within it (while - we insist -executing the so-called 'Resistance' for us) and they will find us always ready to negotiate, particularly on their extermination.'

As you very well know, the zionist leadership, despite its murdering or locking up the actual Palestinian leadership and replacing them with quislings, won't even negotiate with them, but starts, always, gross provocations which, when they produce the required reaction, enable them to refuse to negotiate with 'terrorism'.

Words like 'Nazi' and 'apartheid' are used because they are exactly accurate. Zionism is Hitler's creation, as well you know.

And you wonder why people like you get called anti-semites and why it's so apparent that your views are based in racial/ethnic hatred:

anti-Semitism is considered to be hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group—that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity. An important issue is the distinction between legitimate criticism of policies and practices of the State of Israel, and commentary that assumes an anti-Semitic character. The demonization of Israel, or vilification of Israeli leaders, sometimes through comparisons with Nazi leaders, and through the use of Nazi symbols to caricature them, indicates an anti-Semitic bias rather than a valid criticism of policy concerning a controversial is

Report on Global Anti-Semitism
Note the Israeli police arrested Israelis for it. Can the same be said for the Palestinian police?


read the fucking article.

Is that how western nations work in your mind?
Which is why people need to stop using words like "nazi" and "apartheid" and talking about a one-state solution which is never going to happen.

Beyond that, the shape of a two-state soluation is certainly, as Israel's shown, negotiable.

You keep thinking that as the world starts to ask why jews get to do what Aryans couldn't.

The two state solution SURE IS a rock solid certainty! :lol:
Well, Jillian, I'm afraid that the truth remains the truth however much you racists distort it and put out reports. Those who are allowed to hear the facts about zionist terrorism are not convinced by any association between this neo-nazi statelet and the historic Jewish people: by their fruits shall ye know them. What I am 'anti' is colonialism, racism, ethnic cleansing, murder, especially of children, torture, and Goebbels-like lying. Those are not Jewish habits. It was the zionists who hated the actual Jews as they lived in the real world, and desperately tried to turn them into something entirely different. You know this. What an incredible victory for Hitler that those he most hated should try to imitate him in this way, becoming a Master Race whose lives are ten times as valuable as other people's! It is extremely sad. No-one is safer for the existence of 'Israel'.
Originally posted by Ravi
I hereby declare Editec the winner on this thread.

Originally posted by manifold
I second the motion.

And I hereby declare you both honorable members of the “WHAT THE HELL IS A PALESTINIAN REFUGEE??” crowd. :D
Originally posted by editec
I cannot blame Israelis for rejecting the single state solution.

They know that they'd be outnumbers outvoted and the character of the nation would change to something they could not stand.

Sorry to break the news to you, editec, but the Israelis never accepted a two state solution in its 60 years of existence.

Ben Gurion always considered the creation of Israel as the first step in the reestablishment of the ancient state of Israel.

Originally posted by editec
I cannot blame the Palestinians for rejecting the laughable two state solution as currently designed, either.

The land they are ceeded is NOT a viable land economically, It would makes them forever beholden to other nations for water, and its economic stability, too.

Unfortunately, you’re not able to connect the dots between your last 4 sentences.


You show your total lack of knowledge on the palestinian people by stating that the palestinian people reject the two state solution because “the land is not economically viable”.

Arab countries can offer Palestinians half of the Middle East and their offer will be turned down in a heartbeat.

The palestinian people do not wish to live in Syria, Jordan or Saudi Arabia.

They want the right to live in their historical homeland whose loss gave birth to their own national identiy.
Again, little kids of the US Message Board.

Pay attention to Uncle Joe or you’re not gonna pass your exam:

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