Why I dont post here


are you smoking myrrh in a crack pipe now? Name a single president that wasn't a white dude whose roots come strait from white europe.

derrr derr derrrrrr... I know I know.. im a joooo hating antisemite. get it out of your system.


What an idiot you are. Not only do you seem to think we shouldn't treat terrorists like they deserve to be treated, but also you actually think it's racist to not vote for Obama.

I'm kind of guessing he doesn't want anyone to know you support him.
the dictionary says otherwise, ravi.

then again, if YOU have a different definiton id love to see it...


I was talking about Roomy's comment. As to the definition of democracy, your posted definition did nothing to disprove what I said.
uh, they've ALL been presidents of ENGLISH heritage thus far, dude.

the sad thing is you probably really thought you had a whammy there.

now ask me if id care if a muslim were president of the US. OR a jew, for that matter. OR an asian american. OR a latino american.


It's still not allowed.What about an Austrian like Arnie, not allowed, but a Palestinian should be allowed to be president of Israel.Show some class for a change and shut the fuck up.

are you smoking myrrh in a crack pipe now? Name a single president that wasn't a white dude whose roots come strait from white europe.

derrr derr derrrrrr... I know I know.. im a joooo hating antisemite. get it out of your system.

Man you sure are good at putting words into people mouths arn't you.

What the hell does the fact that all president to date have been white have to do with what I said again?

All I said is you people try and imply that if you do not support Obama you must be racist.

hey did you know Obama is half white? Oh wait nm this is pointless. I would vote for a conservative Black man or woman in a second. To bad the Liberals make sure to destroy any black man or woman who does not follow their lead.
Man you sure are good at putting words into people mouths arn't you.

What the hell does the fact that all president to date have been white have to do with what I said again?

All I said is you people try and imply that if you do not support Obama you must be racist.

hey did you know Obama is half white? Oh wait nm this is pointless. I would vote for a conservative Black man or woman in a second. To bad the Liberals make sure to destroy any black man or woman who does not follow their lead.

Please don't besmirch liberals by think Shogun is one.
Man you sure are good at putting words into people mouths arn't you.

What the hell does the fact that all president to date have been white have to do with what I said again?

All I said is you people try and imply that if you do not support Obama you must be racist.

hey did you know Obama is half white? Oh wait nm this is pointless. I would vote for a conservative Black man or woman in a second. To bad the Liberals make sure to destroy any black man or woman who does not follow their lead.

Are youfucking kidding me? YOU just insisted that im slamming mccain supporters by pointing out how many WHITE ENGLISH people have been president. Indeed, cry bout putting words in your mouth, dude.

YOU people, eh? wanna quote me or do I get to kick another disingenuous motherfucker in the eballs today?

I brought up whitey as a direct reply to Roomy's laughable question about a british president, which itself was a reply to my question about a muslim PM for isreal.

Please, do try to keep up in between reaching for the Scarlet A.
Please don't besmirch liberals by think Shogun is one.

says the same person who is all about racial profiling... as long as it's not against mexicans.. not to mention who "will always support jews" regardless of their national ethnic standard.

RICH, ravi.. thats fucking hilarious.

You may wear the t shirt, ravi, but you dont have the slightest clue what it means to be a liberal.
It's still not allowed.What about an Austrian like Arnie, not allowed, but a Palestinian should be allowed to be president of Israel.Show some class for a change and shut the fuck up.

Arnie wasnt born here. BUT, Arnie's KIDS who were sure the fuck qualify. Now, ask me if I give a damn about an Austrian heritage holding the white house.

and yes, if as Charlie says there are 1mm israeli pals who are citizens, then they should have the potential to ascend to their highest political authority. Now, ask him if that fucks up his quest for a JEWISH israel.

go fuck yourself, brit. You and your nation are the LAST people to be handing out lessons about class in the subject of colonial domination of natives.
says the same person who is all about racial profiling... as long as it's not against mexicans.. not to mention who "will always support jews" regardless of their national ethnic standard.

RICH, ravi.. thats fucking hilarious.

You may wear the t shirt, ravi, but you dont have the slightest clue what it means to be a liberal.

Impressive. That's five misrepresentations of what I've said in one short post.
Arnie wasnt born here. BUT, Arnie's KIDS who were sure the fuck qualify. Now, ask me if I give a damn about an Austrian heritage holding the white house.

and yes, if as Charlie says there are 1mm israeli pals who are citizens, then they should have the potential to ascend to their highest political authority. Now, ask him if that fucks up his quest for a JEWISH israel.

go fuck yourself, brit. You and your nation are the LAST people to be handing out lessons about class in the subject of colonial domination of natives.

They wouldn't win an election for the presidency just as a muslim will never be the primeminister of Britain.It's called vested interest you twerpish ponce.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha...you hate Brits too, is there anyone except for Arab men that you do like?:D
It's a good job we do colonize otherwise you and your forefathers might have grown up in a tent in the middle east.Now go cry to mama, she'll dry your eyes and pat your back.Pwned:D
The Jews have lived on that land longer than any other race you blithering idiot so in my opinion have a greater historical claim than the Arabs.If you don't know anything about the subject keep your mouth shut.

What about Jewish converts? And descendants of converts? What about Arab Jews? What about multiracial Jews? In your opinion, do they have any claim to that land and on what basis?

Do the Celts have a greater historical claim to England than the Anglo-Saxons?
oh yes.. because a british colony in south africa that maintained an ethnic standard for whites despite the natives sure ISNT the same damn thing as a british creation of israel doing the same damn thing.

Nelson Mandela's celebrated violent vigilance against tyranny sure ISNT the same damn thing as pals.

nope. YOU say so, so it must be true. I mean, you said apples and oranges!


The difference is 2+ million Palestinian Arabs plus other non-Jewish peoples happily living in Israel with full citizenship privileges and who are not discriminated against despite the fact that they are not Jewish, practice religions other than Jewish, and are represented in the Israeli govenrment. That certainly does not look like Apartheid to me.

Using your logic, anybody coming to this country should be admitted no questions asked, no Visa required, no denial of admittance because they could not or would not identify themselves or represented a known terrorist organization.

The 'wall' does not separate residents of Israel from residents of Israel. The 'wall' separates Israel from people pledged to destroy Israel and who have done their damndest in the past to do just that.

If you think THAT is the same kind of situation that Nelson Mandela protested in South Africa, you need a refund on your history tuition.
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yea.. 2+ million who will never see their kind become the head of state due to the racist standard that you refuse to acknowledge.

but hey, there WERE blacks also living in South Africa too.. I guess their aparthied is just a figment of my imagination too. Apparenlty, it takes xylon B gass chambers to count, in your book.

and yes, according to my logic we shouldnt ASSUME that an ethnicity is a terrorist any more than we should assume blacks are criminals, latinos are illegals, asians have small dicks and jews control the media. I guess racism is acceptable for faux believers in human rights as long as it's applied to the scapegoat of the day. You would have looked good in jackboots, im sure.

Pals as a generalized people are no more "pledged" to kill jews than generalized jews are racist zionists. If you can accept the subjication of a people then so be it. You aren't the first person wot wrap racism up in a nice pretty bow.

And, if YOU don't realize that even Nelson killed whitey in backlash of his dominated ethnic group then perhaps you shouldn't be telling me about the value of my education.

Guerrilla activities

In 1961, Mandela became the leader of the ANC's armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (translated as Spear of the Nation, also abbreviated as MK), which he co-founded. He coordinated a sabotage campaign against military and government targets, and made plans for a possible guerrilla war if sabotage failed to end apartheid. Mandela also raised funds for MK abroad, and arranged for paramilitary training, visiting various African governments.

Fellow ANC member Wolfie Kadesh describes the bombing campaign led by Mandela: "When we knew that we going to start on December 16, 1961, to blast the symbolic places of apartheid, like pass offices, native magistrates courts, and things like that ... post offices and ... the government offices. But we were to do it in such a way that nobody would be hurt, nobody would get killed." [8] Mandela said of Wolfie: "His knowledge of warfare and his first hand battle experience were extremely helpful to me."[2]

Mandela explains the move to embark on armed struggle as a last resort, when increasing repression and violence from the state convinced him that many years of non-violent protest against apartheid had achieved nothing and could not succeed.[9][2]

A few decades later, MK did wage a guerrilla war against the regime, especially during the 1980s, in which many civilians were killed. Mandela later admitted that the ANC, in its struggle against apartheid, also violated human rights, and has sharply criticised attempts by parts of his party to remove statements supporting this fact from the reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.[10]

Up until July 2008, Mandela and ANC party members were barred from entering the United States —except the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan— without a special waiver from the US Secretary of State, due to their designation as terrorists by the former South African apartheid regime.[11][12]

Nelson Mandela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black South Africans = natives kept against their will in pseudo republics called Bantustans by the white government.

Palestinian arabs = natives kept against their will in Gaza and the West Bank by the jewish government.

Israel is a racist dictatorship by any conceivable definition.

Unfortunately, you're too dumb to realise that palestinians in Israel are token arabs just like the handful of blacks who were citizens of South Africa.
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Having said this, I must deal immediately and at some length with the question of violence. Some of the things so far told to the Court are true and some are untrue. I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation, and oppression of my people by the Whites.


Nelson Mandela Speech - I am Prepared to Die

Only through hardship, sacrifice and militant action can freedom be won. The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.

frontline: the long walk of nelson mandela: the revolutionary: the black pimpernel

The MK carried out numerous bombings of military, industrial, civilian and infrastructural sites. The tactics were initially geared solely towards sabotage, but eventually expanded to include urban guerrilla warfare, which included human targets. Notable among these were the 8 January 1982 attack on the Koeberg nuclear power plant near Cape Town, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the formation of the ANC, the Church Street bombing on 20 May 1983, killing 19, and the 14 June 1986 car-bombing of Magoo's Bar in Durban, in which 3 people were killed and 73 injured. The total number of people killed or injured in the 30 years of MK's campaigns is not known exactly. MK alone was not a military threat to the apartheid state, but the ANC leadership saw MK as the armed component of a strategy of "people's war" that was primarily geared towards mobilizing mass political support.

MK suspended operations on 1 August 1990 in preparation for the dismantling of apartheid, and was finally integrated into the South African National Defence Force by 1994.

Umkhonto we Sizwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HERE is my evidence.

where is yours?
What about Jewish converts? And descendants of converts? What about Arab Jews? What about multiracial Jews? In your opinion, do they have any claim to that land and on what basis?

Do the Celts have a greater historical claim to England than the Anglo-Saxons?

I believe they are encouraged to move to Israel.

Britain was a tribal nation, many have laid claim but it always remains England regardless of ruler.
Arnie wasnt born here. BUT, Arnie's KIDS who were sure the fuck qualify. Now, ask me if I give a damn about an Austrian heritage holding the white house.

and yes, if as Charlie says there are 1mm israeli pals who are citizens, then they should have the potential to ascend to their highest political authority. Now, ask him if that fucks up his quest for a JEWISH israel.

go fuck yourself, brit. You and your nation are the LAST people to be handing out lessons about class in the subject of colonial domination of natives.

Wow I guess you are not only a raging Anti_Israel and Anti-semite. Seems you have plenty of hate to go around.
Part of the problem is, and I hate to say this, Israel wasn't really ever supposed to survive. When they gave the high grounds and fortresses and defensible positions to the Arabs (who they knew had Soviet weapons), it was expected, like the Grand Mufti said, that the jews would be in the sea in three days.

But the jews f'd that up and kept winning.... which resulted in the political nighmare that's existed ever since, ....
Interesting. The more you look into what led to the current day situation, the more complicated the issue becomes.
coupled with the Arab leadership's self-interest in keeping it's own beaten down populations focused on an external situation instead of on their own pathetic situations.
A universal tried and true tactic for suppression of the poor.
Interesting. The more you look into what led to the current day situation, the more complicated the issue becomes.
A universal tried and true tactic for suppression of the poor.

Yep, and a common tactic of the left in America, makes me wonder why Jillian is so keen on Obama.

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