Why I dont post here

The Pals aren't full citizens, though, are they? So why should they enjoy the benefits of full citizens? We do the same thing with temporary visas. I'll agree, it causes a lot of trouble to not grant people full citizenship, just take a look at France.

This thing you keep harping on, about them not being democracies. That doesn't matter in the least. The people in those particular theocratic dictatorships choose that form of government because they believe the Koran mandates it.

Citizenship is the problem. Palestinians don't have any.

What evidence do you have the Egyptians choose to be subjugated by a dictatorship? Or in Syria? Or in Saudi Arabia?
oh but yu'll fucking defend mexicans all day long despite their culture.

bravo, ravi. fucking BRAVO.

also, you might wanna find out a thing or two about women's role in judaism if yuo think you are supporting equality. It's a fucking joke that you think the jewish faith isn't also rife with sexism.
So is the Catholic faith.
Have You Found A Quote From Me Yet?

Come On, Jill.. Put Up Or Shut The Fuck Up. Show Me Where I"ve Ever Wanted To See Dead Jews.

Oh...is it that you just spew? You don't think the positions you support have real life ramifications?

What do you think supporting terorrists does? What do you think supporing jews being subjugated to Arabs in Israel would do?

I don't think you're too stupid to put two and two together.... or am I giving you too much credit?
It's not that I don't think women's issues aren't a big deal. It's that you seem to think all Muslims are the same and that all Muslims interpret the Koran to call for oppression of women.

thats just it. Apparently, AL muslims abide by sexist beliefs.... but not ALL jews do despite rampant sexism in their faith.

not to mention her mexican hardon despite machisimo.

But, hey, at least we've established the root of her opinion. Hell, even JILL won't be that honest.
oh but yu'll fucking defend mexicans all day long despite their culture.

bravo, ravi. fucking BRAVO.

also, you might wanna find out a thing or two about women's role in judaism if yuo think you are supporting equality. It's a fucking joke that you think the jewish faith isn't also rife with sexism.

The whole world is rife with sexism, numnuts. There's nothing I can do to change that. But there's no way in hell I'm going to support a religion that preaches that women be treated like shit.
Your problem, honey, is you seem to get all your issues confused and mixed up....

I'll start giving a fuck about your input after you quote me saying that I want to see dead jews. Spare me your lecture given your inability to back up your retarded fucking accusations.
Maybe you could explain what is to reconsider.

Because muslims have more sectarian violence than any other group even if you take Jews and Christians out of the equation. Shi'a and Sunni need to get along before you can really call them peaceful. And they're far from stable. There isn't an Arab country (except maybe the UAE) that isn't in danger of being taken over by fundamentalist loonies.

I've already told you, several times, why I believe Israel belongs to the Jews. It matters not at all if it was created by guilt, to appease some biblical tripe, or any other reason. It is legally theirs and that's all that actually matters.

Palestinians had a legal right to their property after the '48 war. They were denied.
Citizenship is the problem. Palestinians don't have any.

What evidence do you have the Egyptians choose to be subjugated by a dictatorship? Or in Syria? Or in Saudi Arabia?
Dictatorship may not be the proper word, but it describes the form of government. Theocratic dictatorship perhaps?
Oh...is it that you just spew? You don't think the positions you support have real life ramifications?

What do you think supporting terorrists does? What do you think supporing jews being subjugated to Arabs in Israel would do?

I don't think you're too stupid to put two and two together.... or am I giving you too much credit?

I consider more REAL LIFE ramifications than that which kissed your jewish ass, bitch. Like I said, QUOTE ME or shut the fuck up.

Pals are not terrorists just like jews arent all sheisty greedy motherfuckers. I don't care if your only rebuttal is to cry martyr. You accused me of wanting to see dead jews so BACK THAT THE FUCK UP WITH EVIDENCE.

No, im not too stupid to put two and two together, which is why it's easy to call you the racist bitch that you are after insinuating something that is antithical to every statement i've ever made about the application of EQUALITY despite ethnicity. I don't care if you have to share your team jersey for the sake of peace. Im not the racist one here.

Now, quote me suggesting that i want to see dead jews or shut the fuck up.
DING! We have a winner!

if you say so..

but then, neither your standard or hers is based on anything more than your unyielding blank check support of jews despite having no facts to offer otherwise so..

Hell, by this point its a COMPLIMENT that your ignorant ass thinks so.
Palestinians had a legal right to their property after the '48 war. They were denied.

Dead wrong, They had there property and then used it to attack into Israel and then lost it, but I am not shocked at all you leave out that detail.

It was the Arabs who refused outright to accept the approved partition and borders and chose to fight instead.
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if you say so..

but then, neither your standard or hers is based on anything more than your unyielding blank check support of jews despite having no facts to offer otherwise so..

Hell, by this point its a COMPLIMENT that your ignorant ass thinks so.

I honestly don't know where you get your ideas. I have no blank check support of Jews. Why don't you quit getting so emotional about everything and misrepresenting what everyone thinks?

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