Why I dont post here

I didn't know Muslim was a race.

Damn, if you weren't around to set me straight I guess I'd be a moron.


The generalized standard reflects the root of your racist position, ravi.

play dumb. I haven't seen that before.

Oh, and JILLIAN.. BITCH, did you have a quote yet or is this where you disappear before letting Ravi know just what you think about actual democracy for jews in pals in a single state?
José;720305 said:

You're doing a fantastic job at debunking the arguments of the defenders of ethnic supremacism in Palestine but this part was a real disappointment.

The only place where Israel is a democratic state is inside the obscure, twisted mind of the super patriotic american clowns of this message board.

SERIOUS political thinkers unanimously declare Israel a jewish racial dictatorship.

I completely disagree. Israelis go to the polls and elect a party. Sometimes they have chosen well, other times not so much.
Did I say that? The majority are, IMO.

Well, then you've said it now. And you haven't explained to me how the world, with such an enormous and widespread population of Muslims, is able to remain as stable as it is if all those Muslims are not reasonable and peaceful people.
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Well, then you've said it now. And you haven't explained to me how the world, with such an enormous and widespread population of Muslims, is able to remain as stable as it is if all those Muslims are not reasonable and peaceful people.
Reason and peaceful aren't just about wars, Ang. My biggest problem with them is what they do to women. I understand that you don't think it's a big deal, but it is a big deal to me.
I wouldn't like it. However, this seems like an extreme version of an immigration policy so I'm kind of surprised you are against it, knowing how you feel about Mexicans and all.

You do realize that Jews aren't even allowed to live in most of the countries in the middle east, don't you? That seems much more restrictive and discriminatory to me, yet you seem to have no problem with it.

Why is that?

Because those countries have enacted prejudicial policies. Those countries haven't taken displaced or PURGED Palestinians either if they can help it.
Muslim = race
Germany won WW2
Israel gasses Pals

Three things I learned from Shog today.

PALESTINIAN = muslim = ethnicity

Germany did conquer Europe before the US stepped in. Do I really need to post a map?

gassing people is not the definition of genocide. Go read a fucking book one of these days.

or just ask this guy

Reason and peaceful aren't just about wars, Ang. My biggest problem with them is what they do to women. I understand that you don't think it's a big deal, but it is a big deal to me.

It's not that I don't think women's issues aren't a big deal. It's that you seem to think all Muslims are the same and that all Muslims interpret the Koran to call for oppression of women.
Reason and peaceful aren't just about wars, Ang. My biggest problem with them is what they do to women. I understand that you don't think it's a big deal, but it is a big deal to me.

oh but yu'll fucking defend mexicans all day long despite their culture.

bravo, ravi. fucking BRAVO.

also, you might wanna find out a thing or two about women's role in judaism if yuo think you are supporting equality. It's a fucking joke that you think the jewish faith isn't also rife with sexism.
given Your Post 308, You Might Want To Reconsider That....

Have You Found A Quote From Me Yet?

Come On, Jill.. Put Up Or Shut The Fuck Up. Show Me Where I"ve Ever Wanted To See Dead Jews.

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