Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

Thermite is a cutter charge. I is possible that a variety of thermite was used during the clean up of what didn't turn to dust to cut beams. Do I THINK that thermite was used to demo the buildings? No.
Thermite is a cutter charge. I is possible that a variety of thermite was used during the clean up of what didn't turn to dust to cut beams. Do I THINK that thermite was used to demo the buildings? No.

What about the sounds coming from the building as they were going down. Granted it does not explain the lack of material but it looks like there was redundancy in the demolition.

After the 1993 bombing, the building(s) were deemed unsafe and had to come down. Then after the 1999-2000 Iraqi oil map was drawn up by Saddam Hussein allowing everyone but the US to drill and explore, the map needed to be changed.

the problem with the average truther is that they fail to have a motive.

physics does not require motive...

But a conspiracy does.

Who says, physics doesn;t have a motive?

Let's look at the photon and how it changes from a wave to a particle when it is observed.
Thermite is a cutter charge. I is possible that a variety of thermite was used during the clean up of what didn't turn to dust to cut beams. Do I THINK that thermite was used to demo the buildings? No.

What about the sounds coming from the building as they were going down. Granted it does not explain the lack of material but it looks like there was redundancy in the demolition.

There was no seismic activity that would indicate that the building was demo'ed. Hell, there isn't even enough seismic activity to account for the "collapse"! Must be the seismic readers took that day off like the military, the FAA, physics, thermodynamics and common sense! Chalk it up to another coincidence!
Thermite is a cutter charge. I is possible that a variety of thermite was used during the clean up of what didn't turn to dust to cut beams. Do I THINK that thermite was used to demo the buildings? No.

What about the sounds coming from the building as they were going down. Granted it does not explain the lack of material but it looks like there was redundancy in the demolition.

There was no seismic activity that would indicate that the building was demo'ed. Hell, there isn't even enough seismic activity to account for the "collapse"! Must be the seismic readers took that day off like the military, the FAA, physics, thermodynamics and common sense! Chalk it up to another coincidence!

Yeah, I saw that. Did you see the photos with the sparks falling down the side of the building? Any thoughts on that? One place said molten metal was found another said not.
I've seen 10+ years of every piece of evidence on this available in the digital world as well as having analyzed (with a good buddy who is way more into metallurgy than I ) steel from the complex presumably belonging to building 2.

I can not explain the sparks. All I can tell you is that in order to really see what's happening, sometimes you have to abandon your perceived paradigm of belief.

After the 1993 bombing, the building(s) were deemed unsafe and had to come down. Then after the 1999-2000 Iraqi oil map was drawn up by Saddam Hussein allowing everyone but the US to drill and explore, the map needed to be changed.

the problem with the average truther is that they fail to have a motive.

physics does not require motive...

But a conspiracy does.

Who says, physics doesn;t have a motive?

Let's look at the photon and how it changes from a wave to a particle when it is observed.

we are talking Engineering / Mechanical Physics not theoretical quantum physics Einstein
I've seen 10+ years of every piece of evidence on this available in the digital world as well as having analyzed (with a good buddy who is way more into metallurgy than I ) steel from the complex presumably belonging to building 2.

I can not explain the sparks. All I can tell you is that in order to really see what's happening, sometimes you have to abandon your perceived paradigm of belief.

I think I see and believe what you are referring to. The location of the image you posted was the site that I read about the missing material. It's the most logical explanation from what I know. It just seems that in addition to that thermite was used.
What about the sounds coming from the building as they were going down. Granted it does not explain the lack of material but it looks like there was redundancy in the demolition.

There was no seismic activity that would indicate that the building was demo'ed. Hell, there isn't even enough seismic activity to account for the "collapse"! Must be the seismic readers took that day off like the military, the FAA, physics, thermodynamics and common sense! Chalk it up to another coincidence!

Yeah, I saw that. Did you see the photos with the sparks falling down the side of the building? Any thoughts on that? One place said molten metal was found another said not.

Really, though. If you're looking for answers to the events of 9/11 because things don't make sense. Just rest assured knowing that you're not alone in realizing that shit does not add up. But you'll never find that easter egg, brother. Because if is tossed deep into a mountain of toxic waste and buried somewhere beyond grasp.

There are many things I can not explain regarding 9/11. And the fact of the matter is, I probably never will be able to explain them. Life has moved on in this direction and we're not going to go back and change it now. Or even stop it by knowing the truth of the events.
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There was no seismic activity that would indicate that the building was demo'ed. Hell, there isn't even enough seismic activity to account for the "collapse"! Must be the seismic readers took that day off like the military, the FAA, physics, thermodynamics and common sense! Chalk it up to another coincidence!

Yeah, I saw that. Did you see the photos with the sparks falling down the side of the building? Any thoughts on that? One place said molten metal was found another said not.

Really, though. If you're looking for answers to the events of 9/11 because things don't make sense. Just rest assured knowing that you're not alone in realizing that shit does not add up. But you'll never find that easter egg, brother. Because if is tossed deep into a mountain of toxic waste and buried somewhere beyond grasp.

There are many things I can not explain regarding 9/11. And the fact of the matter is, I probably never will be able to explain them. Life has moved on in this direction and we're not going to go back and change it now. Or even stop it by knowing the truth of the events.

A public awareness of the facts of 9/11 ,the ensuing cover-up and propaganda techniques utilized could be important to deter to future events of this nature
How can you possibly deter that which you can not explain? Furthermore, there are very few who see that shit isn't right on this event. Cover-ups, propaganda, etc...been happening since the dawn of man. We'll never learn, dude. We'll always get blind sided.

Awareness requires understanding. And we don't have shit but theory.
yeah, that is a possibiility. Yet it does not even begin to explain what actually happened that day. I already asked you to explain one anomaly in this thread. It's the only one I'm going to bother with. If you can explain it, in conjunction with 19 Al Qaeda flew planes into buildings, then we can have more discussion. Until then, you don't know fucking head from ass on this subject.

I did not read it. I don't care. I can't imagine it's any different than what I've read before from twoofers. Been there, done that. It's boring.

Yeah, I'm bored too. Bored of running turds over on this subject. I don't know, you don't know and not single other soul in here opening their mouth regarding this subject KNOW what happened that day. End of story.

Well we do know the official accounting is a cover up, and that the anomalies of the demise of the WTC buildings do not make sense when subjected to laws of physics, and that the US intelligence prior to the 9-11 attacks concluded that Israel has/had the capability to conduct attacks and make it look like it was done by " Arab sources".
Israel is the only nation who benefited from these murderous acts, and their leaders have gone on record saying as much, and there were also plenty of Israeli firsters on the Bush staff, who held sensitive and authoritative positions that could have more easily facilitated such a false flag.
Now they want to grab the US by the leash, and attack yet another country based on BS assumptions and more fear mongering.
This should be enough for rational people to not trust what they are told regarding these things by their own governments "sources".
So just because no one has come out and admitted to these atrocities, or the public is over run by apathy regarding it, doesn't mean we should shrug our shoulders and blow this off. Americans should learn from it, and apply the lessons from this event to other possibly similar future events, and not blindly follow lunatic "leaders" suggestions of sending our people off to die for fucking lies ever again.
We've all been had, this much should be obvious.
How can you possibly deter that which you can not explain?
By having people with courage out the lying fucks when they have the opportunity, like a few did, one preventing an attack on Iran in 2007.

Furthermore, there are very few who see that shit isn't right on this event. Cover-ups, propaganda, etc...been happening since the dawn of man. We'll never learn, dude. We'll always get blind sided.
But becoming more aware and having the sense to realize we are being lied to, and by not blindly going along with everything the "official government" tells you, and even perhaps getting more involved and speaking up about things and expressing our concerns, we stand a better chance of not being blindsided. To not vote for politicians who are controlled by "special interests" or a foreign entity that would require the sacrificing of more American blood and profess to continue to sacrifice our nation for the interests of others.

And we don't have shit but theory.
We have more then just theory in regards to being tricked into believing the reasons we were attacked, and invaded other nations. We have proof we were lied to, we have proof of cover ups, and we have proof of similar past transgressions by our own nation, and others.

BTW, we can apply the "we don't have shit but theory" logic right back on them, regarding the 9-11 attacks. The official government version is based on a theory, that has been shown to have many flaws, and out right lies. These theories comes from an entity with a vast history of lies, proven lies. So why the fuck should their theories be taken seriously and treated as gospel?

Awareness requires understanding.
Well said. The more we become aware, the more we'll understand. Once you understand you were lied to, you try to find the reasons for the lies, and who is telling and spreading them, and then for what reason, and who benefits from the lies. Once we're lied to, and tricked into something, especially ones that costs the nation and its people such a heavy price in blood, treasure and standing in the world, we should learn from it and become more resistant to this type of propaganda, and treat the purveyors of these lies, IE the politicians and officials in government, regarding 9-11 and others, as outcasts as well as their proponents, puppets, and followers.
Thermite is a cutter charge. I is possible that a variety of thermite was used during the clean up of what didn't turn to dust to cut beams. Do I THINK that thermite was used to demo the buildings? No.

What about the sounds coming from the building as they were going down. Granted it does not explain the lack of material but it looks like there was redundancy in the demolition.

There was no seismic activity that would indicate that the building was demo'ed. Hell, there isn't even enough seismic activity to account for the "collapse"! Must be the seismic readers took that day off like the military, the FAA, physics, thermodynamics and common sense! Chalk it up to another coincidence!

There are reports that circulated around concerning seismic activity. How much this is helpful in anyway is up for debate, but even the Pop Mech. disinformation hit piece had a go at 'debunking" it so...seismic activity logs must indeed exist.

The collapse of the WTC towers generated large seismic waves observed in five states and up to 428 km away.

Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos

Very, very well put.
When I first heard theories that the planes did not bring down the towers I called the truthers crazy. Then I actually looked at what they said.

If you nothing about nothing and you saw a video of one of the towers falling and I told you that it was because of structural damage you would say that I was being ridicules.

I don't have any idea about the who, what, when, where, and why of it but the facts are the facts. Two five year olds do a better job of role playing when one points a finger at the other and says, "bang" and the other falls down.
I don't have any idea about the who, what, when, where, and why of it but the facts are the facts.
Basically you've summed up why the twoofer movement has gone nowhere in 11 years.
If truthers want to play conspiracy games with controlled demos and WTC 7, I don't really care

They are harmless games that conspiracy theorists play

I care about the people who died on 9-11 and what conspiracy theories do to their memory. If you want to claim the buildings were wired to explode in a controlled demo....Who pulled the trigger?

Which American pushed a button that sent thousands to their death?

If it was a controlled demo that brought down the towers, why did dozens of people jump to their deaths in the minutes before the collapse? Did they know a controlled demo was coming or were the conditions in WTC so horrific in the minutes before the collapse that they prefered jumping?

I don't have any idea about the who, what, when, where, and why of it but the facts are the facts.

Beyond the who, what, when, where (although I think where is pretty self-explanatory) and why...the facts are on his side.
Well good morning to you too. :D

Here's a challenge. Post a single video of a building falling down from structural damage that even slightly resembles how any one of the towers fell.

Simple question to you

Did a plane hit the Pentagon?
Did flight 93 crash in Shanksville?

Lets stay on topic

and a counter question, how many other buildings out there use the unique method of external columns for structural support like the twin towers? The towers fell the way they did due to this configuration, as compared to other methods of support, such as distributed columns.

So what dropped Building 7?
No it is not...but you are lazy and not to bright and do the minimum required to get your pay check...dont lie
the only liar here is you...
and that post proves it.
you also lie when you posted thiese little gems " post #158.. post#160
post#38 from http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...-documentary-among-most-watched-on-pbs-3.html

you are pathetic agent... incapable of responding to anything specific..you should be ashamed to collect a check for the substandard work you do
if those post aren't specific enough...then you must have nothing specific to say.
physics does not require motive...

But a conspiracy does.

Who says, physics doesn;t have a motive?

Let's look at the photon and how it changes from a wave to a particle when it is observed.

we are talking Engineering / Mechanical Physics not theoretical quantum physics Einstein
no, you are talking out your ass
In physics, classical mechanics is one of the two major sub-fields of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces. The study of the motion of bodies is an ancient one, making classical mechanics one of the oldest and largest subjects in science, engineering and technology.

Classical mechanics describes the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, as well as astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. Besides this, many specializations within the subject deal with gases, liquids, solids, and other specific sub-topics. Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results as long as the domain of study is restricted to large objects and the speeds involved do not approach the speed of light. When the objects being dealt with become sufficiently small, it becomes necessary to introduce the other major sub-field of mechanics, quantum mechanics, which reconciles the macroscopic laws of physics with the atomic nature of matter and handles the wave–particle duality of atoms and molecules. In the case of high velocity objects approaching the speed of light, classical mechanics is enhanced by special relativity. General relativity unifies special relativity with Newton's law of universal gravitation, allowing physicists to handle gravitation at a deeper level.

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