Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

Account of Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, Pentagon employee and eyewitness to the events at the Pentagon on 9/11. "I believe the Commission failed to deeply examine the topic at hand, failed to apply scientific rigor to its assessment of events leading up to and including 9/11, failed to produce a believable and unbiased summary of what happened, failed to fully examine why it happened, and even failed to include a set of unanswered questions for future research. ...

It is as a scientist that I have the most trouble with the official government conspiracy theory, mainly because it does not satisfy the rules of probability or physics. The collapses of the World Trade Center buildings clearly violate the laws of probability and physics. ...

I saw nothing of significance at the point of impact - no airplane metal or cargo debris was blowing on the lawn in front of the damaged building as smoke billowed from within the Pentagon. ... all of us staring at the Pentagon that morning were indeed looking for such debris, but what we expected to see was not evident.

The same is true with regard to the kind of damage we expected. ... But I did not see this kind of damage. Rather, the facade had a rather small hole, no larger than 20 feet in diameter. Although this facade later collapsed, it remained standing for 30 or 40 minutes, with the roof line remaining relatively straight.
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

so you have a conspiracy theory this pentagon employee is in some twoofer conspiracy ??...any proof ?
she must be in all cia duh with this agent...right duhs101 ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXUo0Ody-aQ]9/11 Pentagon Employee Says Plane Did Not Crash into Building - YouTube[/ame]

its a pentagon employee twoofer conspiracy !!!...screams duhs101
If you follow to duh101 logic if they killed her we would know it was true...so if it was true they would not want to kill her... And she is alive...so it must be ...true
she's alive because your fantasy is wrong...if your fantasy was fact she would have never done that clip!
if you follow to duh101 logic if they killed her we would know it was true...so if it was true they would not want to kill her... And she is alive...so it must be ...true
she's alive because your fantasy is wrong...if your fantasy was fact she would have never done that clip!

my fantasy ??..I am just considering the words of pentagon employees and the evidence on a whole...and whats the duhs logic to if it where true she never would have done the clip care to explain this belife
if you follow to duh101 logic if they killed her we would know it was true...so if it was true they would not want to kill her... And she is alive...so it must be ...true
she's alive because your fantasy is wrong...if your fantasy was fact she would have never done that clip!

my fantasy ??..I am just considering the words of pentagon employees and the evidence on a whole...and whats the duhs logic to if it where true she never would have done the clip care to explain this belife
non gibberish please .
if you follow to duh101 logic if they killed her we would know it was true...so if it was true they would not want to kill her... And she is alive...so it must be ...true
she's alive because your fantasy is wrong...if your fantasy was fact she would have never done that clip!

my fantasy ??..I am just considering the words of pentagon employees and the evidence on a whole...and whats the duhs logic to if it where true she never would have done the clip care to explain this belife

as always,Dawgshit living in his fantasy,gets his ass handed to him on a platter.
she's alive because your fantasy is wrong...if your fantasy was fact she would have never done that clip!

my fantasy ??..I am just considering the words of pentagon employees and the evidence on a whole...and whats the duhs logic to if it where true she never would have done the clip care to explain this belife
non gibberish please .

The gibberish is all yours...how pathetic you do this for money...must suck to be you
Why didn't they find the two 6 ton each Pratt & Whitney engines from the Boeing 757 at the Pentagon? why didn't they find the landing gear? What happen to the seats, the luggage, the Tail section ?

Why didn't they find any identifiable plane parts at Shankville. It was pretty devoid of plane parts. Just a whole in the ground. No evidence of blood either. I'd say it was shot down and the plane parts scattered.

They did find the engines as well as the landing gear and American Airline fuselage. They also found body parts of the passengers

Why are you such a scumbag as to tell surviving family that it is not their loved ones?




You are the FIRST dumb-ass to say that both engines were found. :cuckoo:

One engine was found and it is too small to have come from a Boeing 757. Same deal for the landing gear, it is too small to have come from Boeing 757, and I bet you didn't know that a wheel hub was found as well, and guess what - it's too small as well.

They also found body parts? 100% BULLSHIT

There is NO PROOF of a plane ever hitting the Pentagon. The engine found most likely came from a Global Hawk Airforce Drone.

You have proof from Boeing or just Truther websites?

Of course all the pieces were from a Boeing 757 and the serial numbers match to the specific plane and the DNA matches to the passengers as well as luggage and personal effects

But you are too much scum to tell family members that the remains they buried do not belong to their loved ones

You sir, are despicable[/QUOTE]

You troll are the dumbass and the one who is despicable.You ignore how that was all planted evidence and show you have done no research into the case in the fact that private investigaters have been told by that airliner that the debris in that field there is not from there airliner.:lol::lol::lol:

as always,you get your ass handed to you on a platter,you dont care that you humiliate yourself constantly though.Like dawgshit,your handlers pay you well for your ass beatings you get here everyday.:D

They did find the engines as well as the landing gear and American Airline fuselage. They also found body parts of the passengers

Why are you such a scumbag as to tell surviving family that it is not their loved ones?




You are the FIRST dumb-ass to say that both engines were found. :cuckoo:

One engine was found and it is too small to have come from a Boeing 757. Same deal for the landing gear, it is too small to have come from Boeing 757, and I bet you didn't know that a wheel hub was found as well, and guess what - it's too small as well.

They also found body parts? 100% BULLSHIT

There is NO PROOF of a plane ever hitting the Pentagon. The engine found most likely came from a Global Hawk Airforce Drone.

You have proof from Boeing or just Truther websites?

Of course all the pieces were from a Boeing 757 and the serial numbers match to the specific plane and the DNA matches to the passengers as well as luggage and personal effects

But you are too much scum to tell family members that the remains they buried do not belong to their loved ones

You sir, are despicable


Everyone is entitled to be stupid but you abuse the priviledge.

Let's see if your small & feeble mind can answer these questions:

Why, after all these years, haven't we seen any clear photos of the "plane" that struck the Pentagon?

Why are there NO HOLES in the Pentagon where the plane's enormous engines would have impacted?

Why are there NO BROKEN WINDOWS one either side of the hole or damage to the outer wall from the wings?

Where is the tail section, vertical stabilizer and fuselage?

Why is the Pentagon lawn all torn up, a significant sign of an airplane crash?

A Boeing 757 is 60 tons and IF a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon, it would leave 60 tons of scrap, NOT A FEW PIECES.

There is NO PROOF AT ALL that a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon on 9/11. You Rightwinger ARE WRONG, HAVE BEEN WRONG, AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE WRONG! Deal with it.

Good thing that you indicated that you work in a sewer, after all you are FULL OF SHIT!![/QUOTE]


as always,Rightwinger troll gets his ass handed to him on a platter.
You have proof from Boeing or just Truther websites?

Of course all the pieces were from a Boeing 757 and the serial numbers match to the specific plane and the DNA matches to the passengers as well as luggage and personal effects

But you are too much scum to tell family members that the remains they buried do not belong to their loved ones

You sir, are despicable


Everyone is entitled to be stupid but you abuse the priviledge.

Let's see if your small & feeble mind can answer these questions:

Why, after all these years, haven't we seen any clear photos of the "plane" that struck the Pentagon?

Why are there NO HOLES in the Pentagon where the plane's enormous engines would have impacted?

Why are there NO BROKEN WINDOWS one either side of the hole or damage to the outer wall from the wings?

Where is the tail section, vertical stabilizer and fuselage?

Why is the Pentagon lawn all torn up, a significant sign of an airplane crash?

A Boeing 757 is 60 tons and IF a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon, it would leave 60 tons of scrap, NOT A FEW PIECES.

There is NO PROOF AT ALL that a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon on 9/11. You Rightwinger ARE WRONG, HAVE BEEN WRONG, AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE WRONG! Deal with it.

Good thing that you indicated that you work in a sewer, after all you are FULL OF SHIT!!

TALK ABOUT DENIAL...there was one hole

no broken windows...

not one serial number on any recovered peice

there were dead passengers

no body parts of any kind..the bodies recovered are pentagon employees
Truther denial does not equate to fact

I am unsure what happened at the pentagon but at least stick to the facts

again,amazing how agent rightwinger troll never gets tired of embarrassing himself and getting his ass handed to him on a platter.:lol:
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos

This works for me....

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I hate 9/11 'truthers' because they use junk and pseudo-science to make their case. ...

Hey, you can't blame us for citing government-sponsored pseudoscience. It's not our fault that the NIST report inadvertently makes such a compelling case for controlled demolition!
I've seen no evidence for 9/11 having been a false-flag incident. ...

There's an abundance of evidence that fatally contradicts the officially authorized conspiracy theory. Whether it can rightly be viewed, on the whole, as "evidence for 9/11 having been a false flag incident" or not, it is certainly evidence of a concerted effort by some (both inside and outside of government) to cover up the real story.

It's interesting that you acknowledge potential motives beyond those purported to have driven OBL and his merry band of 19 coke-snorting, stripper-scrogging, Islamic fundamentalists, though. ;)

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