Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

I've seen no evidence for 9/11 having been a false-flag incident. ...

There's an abundance of evidence that fatally contradicts the officially authorized conspiracy theory. Whether it can rightly be viewed, on the whole, as "evidence for 9/11 having been a false flag incident" or not, it is certainly evidence of a concerted effort by some (both inside and outside of government) to cover up the real story.

It's interesting that acknowledge potential motives beyond those purported to have driven OBL and his merry band of 19 coke-snorting, stripper-scrogging, Islamic fundamentalists, though. ;)

Easier cheaper ways to go about a false-flag attack wihtout bringing down skyscrapers in Manhatten. :)
Easier cheaper ways to go about a false-flag attack wihtout bringing down skyscrapers in Manhatten. :)

Maybe so, but would cheaping out have served the purpose of rallying such a high percentage of the flock behind the planners' common cause (whatever that may have been)? :dunno:

They cheaped out back in '93, and where did it get 'em? Nowhere.
The claim that there's all these false-flag attacks is like the overarching theme in "Ancient Aliens" that every kinda remarkable human achievement was only possible with alien help.

As Freud said, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'
The claim that there's all these false-flag attacks is like the overarching theme in "Ancient Aliens" that every kinda remarkable human achievement was only possible with alien help.

As Freud said, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'

Meanwhile, blind acceptance of official narratives in the post-Northwoods era...is stupidity personified in the form of willful dupes. :rolleyes:
Easier cheaper ways to go about a false-flag attack wihtout bringing down skyscrapers in Manhatten. :)

Maybe so, but would cheaping out have served the purpose of rallying such a high percentage of the flock behind the planners' common cause (whatever that may have been)? :dunno:

They cheaped out back in '93, and where did it get 'em? Nowhere.
Why didn't they activate the "controlled demo" in 93?
Well good morning to you too. :D

Here's a challenge. Post a single video of a building falling down from structural damage that even slightly resembles how any one of the towers fell.


Assuming none exist ( many such videos do exist ) why would it change the facts that they fell the way they did?

it would change nothing or prove nothing.
to answer eots lame ass misrepresentation the whole of wtc7 never fell in complete free fall as eots so blatantly and falsely proclaims.
it was in"free fall" for 2.5 sec too short to be significant.
but when you are grasping at straws you'll say anything.
the OP of this thread and other paid shills on this forum such as dawgshit,soupnazi and many others who defend the lies of the government hate 9/11 truthers because they hate having to consult with their handlers everyday on what kind of new lies for them to come up and post all the time.

they hate having to ask them for more money for the ass beatings they suffer here everyday.:biggrin:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lmao:
the OP of this thread and other paid shills on this forum such as dawgshit,soupnazi and many others who defend the lies of the government hate 9/11 truthers because they hate having to consult with their handlers everyday on what kind of new lies for them to come up and post all the time.

they hate having to ask them for more money for the ass beatings they suffer here everyday.:biggrin:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lmao:
more proof of handjob's total disconnection from reality. the ass beating and shit flinging are yours.
the agency pays us triple over time for entertaining ourselves bitch slapping you assholes.
Why didn't they activate the "controlled demo" in 93?

Most likely because the buildings couldn't be covertly rigged with explosives at the time, due primarily to the fact that the public security and elevator maintenance employee pools hadn't yet been sufficiently compromised.

The '93 bombing did, however, provide part of the rationale behind Governor Pataki's 'privatization' campaign, during which a large number of previously 'public sector' jobs were lost at the WTC when contracts were put up for private bid for the first time in the complex's history. All amid fully founded allegations of cronyism, BTW.

Furthermore, we know, from local media reports and an extensive write up in Elevator World magazine, that major "modernization projects" for the main elevator systems in Towers 1 and 2 had been underway for several months prior to 9/11/01. These massive projects would have provided the perfect cover for rigging the buildings in advance, and pretty much in plain sight.

Just use some common sense. How could rigging WTC buildings with explosives been kept a secret during the construction phase? That is completely preposterous.

The notion that the buildings were rigged for controlled demolition at the time of their construction is a pristine example of a likely intentionally foisted piece of disinformation. Nobody for whom I personally hold a modicum of respect believes that nonsense.
So it is far more plausible somehow that a "major modernization project" was the cover for post construction rigging for demolition? All of the workers, inspectors, planners probably hundreds of individuals were all in on the sabotage project and no one said a word?
So it is far more plausible somehow that a "major modernization project" was the cover for post construction rigging for demolition? All of the workers, inspectors, planners probably hundreds of individuals were all in on the sabotage project and no one said a word?

The group (or company) that carried out "the modernization project" was obviously a front; and all witting participants in the operation would have most likely been 'true believers' in the planners' cause(s). Yes, I believe we're talking about hardcore idealists, if not outright religious zealots, here.
...as for any bureaucratic hurdles ("inspections", ETC.) to the covert rigging of the buildings, if you think for a second that the planners couldn't have had their people in all the right places (to grease whatever skids needed greasing), then you're either naive or willfully ignorant as to the ways of the world.
The claim that there's all these false-flag attacks is like the overarching theme in "Ancient Aliens" that every kinda remarkable human achievement was only possible with alien help.

As Freud said, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'
Physics cares not about freud..freud can not explain the free-fall collapse of a steel framed hi-rise from office fires and either can you
The claim that there's all these false-flag attacks is like the overarching theme in "Ancient Aliens" that every kinda remarkable human achievement was only possible with alien help.

As Freud said, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'
Physics cares not about freud..freud can not explain the free-fall collapse of a steel framed hi-rise from office fires and either can you

Paraphrasing Dwas the Debwunker, "Yeah, bwut it only bwoke the waws of physics for 2.5 seconds!"

Nevermind that the bearing walls descended symmetrically for 105+ ft. (or about 8 stories!) against zero physical resistance in that "too short to be significant" amount of time. :rolleyes:
The claim that there's all these false-flag attacks is like the overarching theme in "Ancient Aliens" that every kinda remarkable human achievement was only possible with alien help.

As Freud said, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'
Physics cares not about freud..freud can not explain the free-fall collapse of a steel framed hi-rise from office fires and either can you

Office fires? You mean fires that were fuelled by thousands of litres of jet fuel ?
the OP of this thread and other paid shills on this forum such as dawgshit,soupnazi and many others who defend the lies of the government hate 9/11 truthers because they hate having to consult with their handlers everyday on what kind of new lies for them to come up and post all the time.

they hate having to ask them for more money for the ass beatings they suffer here everyday.:biggrin:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lmao:
more proof of handjob's total disconnection from reality. the ass beating and shit flinging are yours.
the agency pays us triple over time for entertaining ourselves bitch slapping you assholes.

Isn't it funny that whoever doesn't agree with his demented ideology is a 'paid shill'. Well at least he's entertaining.
Why didn't they activate the "controlled demo" in 93?

Most likely because the buildings couldn't be covertly rigged with explosives at the time, due primarily to the fact that the public security and elevator maintenance employee pools hadn't yet been sufficiently compromised.

The '93 bombing did, however, provide part of the rationale behind Governor Pataki's 'privatization' campaign, during which a large number of previously 'public sector' jobs were lost at the WTC when contracts were put up for private bid for the first time in the complex's history. All amid fully founded allegations of cronyism, BTW.

Furthermore, we know, from local media reports and an extensive write up in Elevator World magazine, that major "modernization projects" for the main elevator systems in Towers 1 and 2 had been underway for several months prior to 9/11/01. These massive projects would have provided the perfect cover for rigging the buildings in advance, and pretty much in plain sight.

Just use some common sense. How could rigging WTC buildings with explosives been kept a secret during the construction phase? That is completely preposterous.

The notion that the buildings were rigged for controlled demolition at the time of their construction is a pristine example of a likely intentionally foisted piece of disinformation. Nobody for whom I personally hold a modicum of respect believes that nonsense.
Must be a very long list of people who need therapy.

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