Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus you need to get your facts straight,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.they reveal that by not only blatantly ignoring facts but making up outright LIES as well when they troll here everyday.

thats how you can distinguish a paid shill like them,from someone who is a Bush dupe such as yourself because someone like you,just makes a reasonable post like this one.

and dont take the Bush dupe comment as an insult because "I" at one time was a Bush dupe as well.only differnce between the two of us is my eyes have been opened and I am aware of the facts that make it impossible for the governments version of events to be true as that link so much proves their version of events is pure BS and a fairy tale.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
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Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.
Isn't it just as disrespectful to dismiss the concerns of the families who's loved ones died that don't believe the government is telling them the truth? not like the government has good record.
yeah OP. Did it ever occur to you that not everyone shares your opinion even the bereaved families? Add to that 100+ architects and others professionals

Accepting the "official gubmint story" is not a heroic deed.
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?
ever here of reality?
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?
ever here of reality?
I here about it a lot over hear
we KNOW that the feds have lied every chance they got, and murder people, too. They REALLY deserve all the
that gets aimed at them.
did you mean justice?
Jaundice is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclerae, and other mucous membranes caused by high blood bilirubin levels. This hyperbilirubinemia subsequently causes increased levels of bilirubin in the extracellular fluid. Concentration of bilirubin in blood plasma is normally below 1.2 mg/dL. A concentration higher than approx. 3 mg/dL leads to jaundice. The term jaundice comes from the French word jaune, meaning yellow.
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus you need to get your facts straight,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.they reveal that by not only blatantly ignoring facts but making up outright LIES as well when they troll here everyday.

thats how you can distinguish a paid shill like them,from someone who is a Bush dupe such as yourself because someone like you,just makes a reasonable post like this one.

and dont take the Bush dupe comment as an insult because "I" at one time was a Bush dupe as well.only differnce between the two of us is my eyes have been opened and I am aware of the facts that make it impossible for the governments version of events to be true as that link so much proves their version of events is pure BS and a fairy tale.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
hand job you have no idea when some one is not disagreeing with you! lol!
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.
hey new guy ....handjob is psychotic. Fyi.
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?
ever here of reality?
I here about it a lot over hear
about what? over where?
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.

facts that you are obviously not aware of that make the governments version of events impossible.lol.

plus you are obviously new to this because the FACTS are its only the Bush dupes that worship the governments version of events that get upset with truthers for not falling for the lies of the government.THOSE are the facts I am talking about.

THEY are the ones that get into name calling all the time when they cant counter facts that it was a controlled demolition that brought down the towers.THEY are the ones that get upset and throw temper tantrems not us.

THOSE are the facts I am talking about just to clear that up for you.anytime a truther comes on here and proves these shills here are liars such as that poster dawgshit,they go into name calling cause they get frustrated they cant counter the facts.

that poster dawgshit,the ONLY reply that he is worthy of is my fart jokes because him and the OP of this thread are USMB's resident trolls.

over a 100 people at this site have caught USMB'S resident troll here rightwinger making up outright lies when he is cornered and blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong.

hope that clears that up for ya.:biggrin:

Ive never met a Bush dupe in my life who didnt get into name calling when cornered by facts they could not get around or in the case of the OP here,blatantly ignored them and made up outright lies.

that again is because they are paid shills of the government sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions.

any objective open minded person who uses logic and common sense can see after reading this link below,that the government is so full of shit in their explanations and is outright lying.:lmao:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

since they are lying,then its only logical to ask the question WHY and why so many people like dawgshit and the OP come here and invent LIES to defend the governments version of events.

again,hope that clears that up for ya.lol
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Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.

facts that you are obviously not aware of that make the governments version of events impossible.lol.

plus you are obviously new to this because the FACTS are its only the Bush dupes that worship the governments version of events that get upset with truthers for not falling for the lies of the government.THOSE are the facts I am talking about.

THEY are the ones that get into name calling all the time when they cant counter facts that it was a controlled demolition that brought down the towers.THEY are the ones that get upset and throw temper tantrems not us.

THOSE are the facts I am talking about just to clear that up for you.anytime a truther comes on here and proves these shills here are liars such as that poster dawgshit,they go into name calling cause they get frustrated they cant counter the facts.

that poster dawgshit,the ONLY reply that he is worthy of is my fart jokes because him and the OP of this thread are USMB's resident trolls.

over a 100 people at this site have caught USMB'S resident troll here rightwinger making up outright lies when he is cornered and blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong.

hope that clears that up for ya.:biggrin:

Ive never met a Bush dupe in my life who didnt get into name calling when cornered by facts they could not get around or in the case of the OP here,blatantly ignored them and made up outright lies.

that again is because they are paid shills of the government sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions.

any objective open minded person who uses logic and common sense can see after reading this link below,that the government is so full of shit in their explanations and is outright lying.:lmao:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

since they are lying,then its only logical to ask the question WHY and why so many people like dawgshit and the OP come here and invent LIES to defend the governments version of events.
What if I said I don't give a fuck what happened? What you gotta say about that? So really I don't give a fuck what the facts are cuz imo from what I've seen no one can prove shit about shit. Even if bush had something to do with 911 even as little as him knowing about it and not preventing it I say God bless him.
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.

facts that you are obviously not aware of that make the governments version of events impossible.lol.

plus you are obviously new to this because the FACTS are its only the Bush dupes that worship the governments version of events that get upset with truthers for not falling for the lies of the government.THOSE are the facts I am talking about.

THEY are the ones that get into name calling all the time when they cant counter facts that it was a controlled demolition that brought down the towers.THEY are the ones that get upset and throw temper tantrems not us.

THOSE are the facts I am talking about just to clear that up for you.anytime a truther comes on here and proves these shills here are liars such as that poster dawgshit,they go into name calling cause they get frustrated they cant counter the facts.

that poster dawgshit,the ONLY reply that he is worthy of is my fart jokes because him and the OP of this thread are USMB's resident trolls.

over a 100 people at this site have caught USMB'S resident troll here rightwinger making up outright lies when he is cornered and blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong.

hope that clears that up for ya.:biggrin:

Ive never met a Bush dupe in my life who didnt get into name calling when cornered by facts they could not get around or in the case of the OP here,blatantly ignored them and made up outright lies.

that again is because they are paid shills of the government sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions.

any objective open minded person who uses logic and common sense can see after reading this link below,that the government is so full of shit in their explanations and is outright lying.:lmao:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

since they are lying,then its only logical to ask the question WHY and why so many people like dawgshit and the OP come here and invent LIES to defend the governments version of events.

again,hope that clears that up for ya.lol
really? how is it a lie when I point out that you are psychotic and a couple of posts later you prove it,?
someone farted in here.^:9:

thats who i am talking about,the poster above DAWGSHIT,him and rightwinger are USMB's resident paid shills sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail any truth discussion so my fart jokes are the ONLY replys those two idiot fucks are worthy of.

as i said before,over a 100 people have called out the OP of this thread over the years for his outright lies he makes up when he trolls threads here,same with dawgshit.

so on the contrary,its just the OPPOSITE with me,i dont get upset,i have FUN here with them.:biggrin:

dont know where you came up with that nutty idea i get upset,could not be further from the truth.:biggrin:
All your guys are wasting your time. It's over. Bush is 100 years old he'll be dead by the time we learn the 'truth' if we ever will. The only people who care about the truth are 'truth ers' the only ones who care about the 'facts' are people who don't believe in 'truth ers'. No one gives a fucj about what you gotta say on this topic except your own kind. /thread
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.

facts that you are obviously not aware of that make the governments version of events impossible.lol.

plus you are obviously new to this because the FACTS are its only the Bush dupes that worship the governments version of events that get upset with truthers for not falling for the lies of the government.THOSE are the facts I am talking about.

THEY are the ones that get into name calling all the time when they cant counter facts that it was a controlled demolition that brought down the towers.THEY are the ones that get upset and throw temper tantrems not us.

THOSE are the facts I am talking about just to clear that up for you.anytime a truther comes on here and proves these shills here are liars such as that poster dawgshit,they go into name calling cause they get frustrated they cant counter the facts.

that poster dawgshit,the ONLY reply that he is worthy of is my fart jokes because him and the OP of this thread are USMB's resident trolls.

over a 100 people at this site have caught USMB'S resident troll here rightwinger making up outright lies when he is cornered and blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong.

hope that clears that up for ya.:biggrin:

Ive never met a Bush dupe in my life who didnt get into name calling when cornered by facts they could not get around or in the case of the OP here,blatantly ignored them and made up outright lies.

that again is because they are paid shills of the government sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions.

any objective open minded person who uses logic and common sense can see after reading this link below,that the government is so full of shit in their explanations and is outright lying.:lmao:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

since they are lying,then its only logical to ask the question WHY and why so many people like dawgshit and the OP come here and invent LIES to defend the governments version of events.
What if I said I don't give a fuck what happened? What you gotta say about that? So really I don't give a fuck what the facts are cuz imo from what I've seen no one can prove shit about shit. Even if bush had something to do with 911 even as little as him knowing about it and not preventing it I say God bless him.

so you bless a guy who murdered over 3000 people.that just says it all about you.:rolleyes-41:

guess you love murderers then.seems like USMB sure attracts the trolls here.too bad you werent in the building when Bush AND clinton murdered them off since you love murderers so much.

another troll to add to ignore.
I don't believe in 911 stuff. But why you get all pissed off just cuz someone believes people died in a way that's contrary to your own belief?

if you believe in the governments version of events you believe in 9/11 stuff.only someone on crack would believe THIS version of events.:lmao:

plus get your facts straigh,look at the replys throughout this thread from the Bush dupes here.

THEY are the only ones that get upset at us not falling for the governments lies.they are the ones that get into name calling when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes-41:

the OP of this thread is a paid shill as there are many that have been sent here by their handlers to troll this section.

the OP of this thread is USMB's resident paid troll.
Get my facts straight? What 'facts' of mine are you talking about here? You just making your kind look like shit.

facts that you are obviously not aware of that make the governments version of events impossible.lol.

plus you are obviously new to this because the FACTS are its only the Bush dupes that worship the governments version of events that get upset with truthers for not falling for the lies of the government.THOSE are the facts I am talking about.

THEY are the ones that get into name calling all the time when they cant counter facts that it was a controlled demolition that brought down the towers.THEY are the ones that get upset and throw temper tantrems not us.

THOSE are the facts I am talking about just to clear that up for you.anytime a truther comes on here and proves these shills here are liars such as that poster dawgshit,they go into name calling cause they get frustrated they cant counter the facts.

that poster dawgshit,the ONLY reply that he is worthy of is my fart jokes because him and the OP of this thread are USMB's resident trolls.

over a 100 people at this site have caught USMB'S resident troll here rightwinger making up outright lies when he is cornered and blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong.

hope that clears that up for ya.:biggrin:

Ive never met a Bush dupe in my life who didnt get into name calling when cornered by facts they could not get around or in the case of the OP here,blatantly ignored them and made up outright lies.

that again is because they are paid shills of the government sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions.

any objective open minded person who uses logic and common sense can see after reading this link below,that the government is so full of shit in their explanations and is outright lying.:lmao:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

since they are lying,then its only logical to ask the question WHY and why so many people like dawgshit and the OP come here and invent LIES to defend the governments version of events.
What if I said I don't give a fuck what happened? What you gotta say about that? So really I don't give a fuck what the facts are cuz imo from what I've seen no one can prove shit about shit. Even if bush had something to do with 911 even as little as him knowing about it and not preventing it I say God bless him.

so you bless a guy who murdered over 3000 people.that just says it all about you.:rolleyes-41:

guess you love murderers then.seems like USMB sure attracts the trolls here.too bad you werent in the building when Bush AND clinton murdered them off since you love murderers so much.

another troll to add to ignore.
I'm supposed to bless my enemies what can I say? Anyway you don't know why he did it. Maybe it was a worthy sacrifice to save our country? You never know. I don't know... And I don't give a fuck.

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