Why I Left The Left

"The left"? Or "a Liberal"?

Maybe you should find out what it is you're talking about before you move on to "hate", doncha think?

And then there's "progressivism"... :rolleyes:
"The left"? Or "a Liberal"?

Maybe you should find out what it is you're talking about before you move on to "hate", doncha think?

And then there's "progressivism"... :rolleyes:
X Try again.
There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.
There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

We're actually a quite right of center country overall, at least in comparison to the rest of the world. Anyone even just a notch left of Barack Obama is seen as a "radical leftist" in the eyes of moronic conservatives here, which is hilarious considering Obama was just a slight right of center Democrat.

Our political culture is really still stuck in the 1950's in many ways, thanks to conservative media, Christianity and our puritanical history. Even the mere concept of "equal rights" is still shocking to the typical American conservatard. Shocking!
I didn't leave the left so must as the left left me.

It used to be all about egalitarianism and other liberal values. Now it is all about identity politics and defending Islam.
There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

We're actually a quite right of center country overall, at least in comparison to the rest of the world. Anyone even just a notch left of Barack Obama is seen as a "radical leftist" in the eyes of moronic conservatives here, which is hilarious considering Obama was just a slight right of center Democrat.

Our political culture is really still stuck in the 1950's in many ways, thanks to conservative media, Christianity and our puritanical history. Even the mere concept of "equal rights" is still shocking to the typical American conservatard.
That's why we trail the advanced world in things like healthcare for example.
There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

We're actually a quite right of center country overall, at least in comparison to the rest of the world. Anyone even just a notch left of Barack Obama is seen as a "radical leftist" in the eyes of moronic conservatives here, which is hilarious considering Obama was just a slight right of center Democrat.

Our political culture is really still stuck in the 1950's in many ways, thanks to conservative media, Christianity and our puritanical history. Even the mere concept of "equal rights" is still shocking to the typical American conservatard. Shocking!

Silly and delusional.
I didn't leave the left so must as the left left me.

It used to be all about egalitarianism and other liberal values. Now it is all about identity politics and defending Islam.

That's all illusion and distraction, "the left" and "the right" are merely bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy engaged in societal wealth extraction while quarreling over the spoils.
There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

We're actually a quite right of center country overall, at least in comparison to the rest of the world. Anyone even just a notch left of Barack Obama is seen as a "radical leftist" in the eyes of moronic conservatives here, which is hilarious considering Obama was just a slight right of center Democrat.

Our political culture is really still stuck in the 1950's in many ways, thanks to conservative media, Christianity and our puritanical history. Even the mere concept of "equal rights" is still shocking to the typical American conservatard. Shocking!

Silly and delusional.

Great argument. Wuld Reed Again A+++
There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

There is no "left" in america, the notion that there is is just silly and misguided.

We're actually a quite right of center country overall, at least in comparison to the rest of the world. Anyone even just a notch left of Barack Obama is seen as a "radical leftist" in the eyes of moronic conservatives here, which is hilarious considering Obama was just a slight right of center Democrat.

Our political culture is really still stuck in the 1950's in many ways, thanks to conservative media, Christianity and our puritanical history. Even the mere concept of "equal rights" is still shocking to the typical American conservatard. Shocking!

Silly and delusional.

Great argument. Wuld Reed Again A+++
Thank you.
I didn't leave the left so must as the left left me.

It used to be all about egalitarianism and other liberal values. Now it is all about identity politics and defending Islam.

No, it isn't. Stop being such a moron, and you were never "left."

You are too young and too stupid to know much of anything.

Back in the day, my S.D.S. friends were all about getting our boys home and stopping a senseless war. There is no equivalent today, as you uneducated imbeciles have no actual ideology or principles, merely the knee-jerk opposition to anything that you frame as "conservative" -- even if it is magnitudes MORE conservative in nature.
I didn't leave the left so must as the left left me.

It used to be all about egalitarianism and other liberal values. Now it is all about identity politics and defending Islam.

No, it isn't. Stop being such a moron, and you were never "left."

You are too young and too stupid to know much of anything.

Back in the day, my S.D.S. friends were all about getting our boys home and stopping a senseless war. There is no equivalent today, as you uneducated imbeciles have no actual ideology or principles, merely the knee-jerk opposition to anything that you frame as "conservative" -- even if it is magnitudes MORE conservative in nature.

You got one thing right, no one utters a peep about endless preemptive wars of agression anymore.
I didn't leave the left so must as the left left me.

It used to be all about egalitarianism and other liberal values. Now it is all about identity politics and defending Islam.

No, it isn't. Stop being such a moron, and you were never "left."

You are too young and too stupid to know much of anything.

Back in the day, my S.D.S. friends were all about getting our boys home and stopping a senseless war. There is no equivalent today, as you uneducated imbeciles have no actual ideology or principles, merely the knee-jerk opposition to anything that you frame as "conservative" -- even if it is magnitudes MORE conservative in nature.
Like the OP, you got shortsighted and brainwashed?
It used to be all about egalitarianism and other liberal values.

That was Liberalism. And it still is. Summa y'all would commence ta figger this shit out if you'd just stop conflating terms that mean different things. Liberalism ain't leftism, and vice versa.

Now it is all about identity politics and defending Islam.

And here's another pitfall of Binary World ---- the fact that one might decline to jump into the gutter of whatever religious bigotry is the talking point of the day in no way means that one is "defending" the despised religion. There's such a thing as denouncing the bigotry simply because it's bigotry. Just as there's such a thing as correcting the facts because they're fake-facts.

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