Why I lost all respect for John McCain

The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing

I was very surprised that he voted FOR the people last night but how could any of them vote to raise premiums 20%!across the board and take insurance away from 18 millions? That bill also took money away from tax payers and giving it to big Pharma and big insurance.

Good for the three of them and screw McConnell.

OP - do some reading. You're wrong about vets' health care system.

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I don't ditch McCain for his military service. For what he did after I do.

He chose to stay on when he could have gone home before the Forrest Fire Incident. What we called it.

In regards to the plane malfunction..............he flew the aircraft and didn't maintain it. The Aviation crews did that.

So I ditch the Forrest Fire Incident and BS.
That doesn't mean that McCain didn't press the "launch" button.
I would like to say I lost all respect for John McCain but you can't lose something you never had.
The man is at best a moron at worst a traitor.
I would like to say I lost all respect for John McCain but you can't lose something you never had.
The man is at best a moron at worst a traitor.
It boggles my mind as to what a total scumbag McCain is. How can anyone be fooled by this guy? How could any Republican vote for him?
I would like to say I lost all respect for John McCain but you can't lose something you never had.
The man is at best a moron at worst a traitor.
Exactly. He was playing a revenge gotcha game at his constituents expense.

I'm tired of these clowns getting rich off the backs of tax payers and wasting our time with this bullshit.
I would like to say I lost all respect for John McCain but you can't lose something you never had.
The man is at best a moron at worst a traitor.
Exactly. He was playing a revenge gotcha game at his constituents expense.

I'm tired of these clowns getting rich off the backs of tax payers and wasting our time with this bullshit.
McCain is already rich. You have to wonder what his motive is. It appears that he simply hates American and the voters of AZ.
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing
I would like to say I lost all respect for John McCain but you can't lose something you never had.
The man is at best a moron at worst a traitor.
Exactly. He was playing a revenge gotcha game at his constituents expense.

I'm tired of these clowns getting rich off the backs of tax payers and wasting our time with this bullshit.
McCain is already rich. You have to wonder what his motive is. It appears that he simply hates American and the voters of AZ.
Well they were stupid for keeping him employed.
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing
John McCain does not want the VA for all health system/. He voted no because it was a stupid bill with no replacement.

There were no secret death lists within the VA.

Do you assholes ever tell the truth?
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing

I was very surprised that he voted FOR the people last night but how could any of them vote to raise premiums 20%!across the board and take insurance away from 18 millions? That bill also took money away from tax payers and giving it to big Pharma and big insurance.

Good for the three of them and screw McConnell.

OP - do some reading. You're wrong about vets' health care system.

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The problem is, he did NOT vote FOR the people last night. In fact, it was exactly the opposite. Instead of helping with a shit plan that had at least a modicum of a chance of aiding people and weaning them off of Obamacare before it fails, he decided that it would be best for it to collapse suddenly with them still on it and with no safety net to catch them when it crashes.

This is what passes for 'compassion' from the left.
The doctor who launched the VA scandal

A doctor who was a whistle blower as veterans were put on secret death lists reached out to McCain, but no help came.

Then he reached out to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla, and the story went national.

Yes, McCain, the same man who just voted to not repeal Obamacare cuz John wants the same health care for you that these poor Vets have under a state run health care system of endless rationing

Rationing being a pun, right? :lol:
They own the House. They own the Senate. They own the White House. The Democratic Party is twitching on the floor with a broken back. Hillary is off somewhere drinking herself to an alcoholic death.

And STILL the Chumps haven't figured out they were hoaxed by Trump. :lol:

"I blame McCain!"
How is Trump to blame for the votes of backstabbing RINOs like McCain?
Where is Trump's health care plan he said he had? You know. The one he said was going to lower your health care costs to "a tiny fraction of the cost".

Where is it?

He lied.

When your medical bills come in the mail, remember Trump lied to you.

When your health insurance comes in the mail or out of your paycheck, remember.

Trump lied to you.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah, remember when Democrats were calling for McCain's death? Let's not forget about that time that Obama called out McCain's service record? Yeah, didn't happen.

I disagree with McCain on almost everything and he's made some pretty questionable votes in the past, but at least for whatever he is, he did the right thing here.
He absolutely did the wrong thing. During his campaign he promised to repeal Obamacare. He betrayed his voters, and he betrayed his party. He's a lying two-faced scumbag. Only a Dim would call that doing the right thing, because honor and integrity don't matter to Dims. Only power for their filthy criminal party matters.

Yeah, well, 'his voters' don't like the senate bill. So, maybe take that finger of yours and stick it back in your nose.
His voters are mostly Democrats.

No, it's Republicans who have elected him over and over and over again. What a stupid thing to say.
I don't ditch McCain for his military service. For what he did after I do.

He chose to stay on when he could have gone home before the Forrest Fire Incident. What we called it.

In regards to the plane malfunction..............he flew the aircraft and didn't maintain it. The Aviation crews did that.

So I ditch the Forrest Fire Incident and BS.
That doesn't mean that McCain didn't press the "launch" button.
Doesn't mean he did either. I do believe it was a misfire and not human error. If he hit the launch button then why didn't it fly across the deck of the carrier then.
I lost respect for him too.

And the Phucking Fake Republicans in Welfare States can kiss my ass too!
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“From the beginning, I have believed that Obamacare should be repealed and replaced with a solution that increases competition, lowers costs, and improves care for the American people. The so-called ‘skinny repeal’ amendment the Senate voted on today would not accomplish those goals. While the amendment would have repealed some of Obamacare’s most burdensome regulations, STATEMENT BY SENATOR JOHN McCAIN ON VOTING “NO” ON “SKINNY REPEAL” - Press Releases - United States Senator John McCain
Dumbass contradicted himself...getting rid of burdensome regulations improves all 3 things he listed, cost competition and care........

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