Why I lost all respect for John McCain

McCain has been and still is a RINO. He has sold his soul to special interests, and he will have to answer for it after his days are done.

To whom?
Sen. John McCain: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2016 | OpenSecrets

Excellent site.........tracks donors for all candidates and serving politicians.

Is Sen. John McCain in the pockets of Wall Street?

McCain, who was elected to the Senate in 1987, does appear to have taken the most contributions -- more than $22 million -- from Wall Street.

According to Viveca Novak, a spokeswoman with the Center for Responsive Politics, McCain received more than $19 million from Wall Street during his presidential run.

"For his presidential campaign, he received $10,804,533 from Securities & Investment, $5,902,217 from Misc Finance and $2,372,700 from Commercial Banks," she said.

Michael Traugott, a research professor at the University of Michigan, said Kirkpatrick’s claim is misleading.
EXCLUSIVE: Soros, Clinton-Linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute

Critics worry that the institute’s donors and McCain’s personal leadership in the organization’s exclusive “Sedona Forum” bear an uncanny resemblance to the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) that annually co-mingled special interests and powerful political players in alleged pay-to-play schemes.

The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo has long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

And Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group has refused to explain publicly.

The Pivotal Foundation has in the last three years given $205,000 to the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), which has been a vocal advocate for the Iranian nuclear deal the Obama administration negotiated.

It accepted more than $100,000 from OCP, S.A., a Moroccan state-owned phosphate company operating in the Western Sahara, territory which Morocco seized in 1975. The North African country has since occupied the region by force in defiance of U.N. resolutions and legal declarations by other international bodies.

The King of Morocco was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton personally accepted $12 million from the King in return for holding a CGI regional meeting in the country.

Bush Dynasty................and KARL ROVE.............

Rove hits big: Birth of a mega-donor

All of the dirty politicians from both sides have their way to get massive money from donors and foreign countries and to HIDE THE DONATIONS...........

McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.
I voted for McCain against Obama for many reasons. The top two are:

1) Obama was simply not eligible to be president because he is not a natural born citizen of the USA. In order to be a natural born citizen of the USA you must be born in the USA to parents who are US citizens. Obama's father was merely a foreign exchange student, he was never a citizen of the USA.

2) Voting for anyone in the jackass party of slavery is contrary to my morals.

I was hoping McCain would win and then die soon thereafter, thus making Palin the POTUS.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah I remember when that Obama supporter stood up at a rally and accused McCain of being an anti American "Arab".
I lost respect for him too.

And the Phucking Fake Republicans in Welfare States can kiss my ass too!

SUUUUURE! Everyone believes you! You suddenly found out that a dude that's 80 has always been a piece of shit.
We've been trying to rid the Republican party of McCain for 30 years.
How? By electing him repeatedly? By running him for President? You have a funny way of getting rid of someone.
NWO Globalist RINO's are running the show in the Republican Party. McCain's grotesque back-stabbing stunt proves that once and for all. McCain doesn't care about American Citizens. He only cares about destroying Donald Trump.

The reality is, Trump is not going along with their NWO. And they despise him for that. They've targeted him for elimination. The Party needs to purge the RINO's as soon as possible. They are Traitors.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah, remember when Democrats were calling for McCain's death? Let's not forget about that time that Obama called out McCain's service record? Yeah, didn't happen.

I disagree with McCain on almost everything and he's made some pretty questionable votes in the past, but at least for whatever he is, he did the right thing here.
Betraying your publicly stated stand on Obamacare & flip flopping is NEVER the right thing to do.
McCain betrayed his public position, the people that put him in office & his party.

Fuck John Two Faced McCain
the majority of the country approves obamacare means McCain didnt do his job?

majority rules you stupid shits.

  • 55% approve, up from 42% right after 2016 election
  • 40% want to keep law but make significant changes
  • 30% want to repeal; 26% want to keep law as it is
all you 30%'s GFY ... you lost.
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I lost respect for him to.

And the Phucking Fake Republicans in Welfare States can kiss my ass too!

No, you are a fake republican.
It's hilarious that douche bag snowflakes think they are qualified to determine who is a genuine Republican. They couldn't even tell that Hillary is a criminal.

I only look at anyone as a criminal as someone being convicted of a crime, you know the American way. If she's convicted of anything then she is a criminal.
PS, John McCain and a handful of Republicans, AKA RINO's...are the last bastion of sanity in the GOP. Trust me...Eisenhower, Goldwater, and Reagan are crying in their graves. Probably trying to figure out a way back to this side to haunt Trump.

You know what that ass hat said the other day?......Trump started a sentence with "MY Generals"

That narcissistic moron thinks they're HIS Generals.

He's losing it
They ARE his generals, dumbass.

He is the commander and chief.
No, they are not HIS generals, they are OUR generals and he is simply leading them at this time.
I find this amazing that the left here is suddenly parroting that McCain is such a wonderful republican. What a transparent pile of crap.

When he was running against Obama the left eviscerated him constantly.

This last vote did not change my mind about McCain. I cannot vote for McCain or support him because it seems that he has never met a war that he did not want to pursue. He also supported Bush's interrogations even though he has gone through such horrors himself.
I lost respect for him too.

And the Phucking Fake Republicans in Welfare States can kiss my ass too!

SUUUUURE! Everyone believes you! You suddenly found out that a dude that's 80 has always been a piece of shit.
We've been trying to rid the Republican party of McCain for 30 years.
How? By electing him repeatedly? By running him for President? You have a funny way of getting rid of someone.
Democrats elected him. AZ allows Democrats to vote in Republican primaries. That's why the state produces a steady stream of RINOs like John McCain and Jeff Flake
the majority of the country approves obamacare means McCain didnt do his job?

majority rules you stupid shits.

  • 55% approve, up from 42% right after 2016 election
  • 40% want to keep law but make significant changes
  • 30% want to repeal; 26% want to keep law as it is
all you 30%'s GFY ... you lost.

"keep the law but make significant changes" is a contradiction. That's the equivalent of "repeal and replace," which you turds claimed no on supported. "Repeal" + "makes significant changes" adds up to 70%. If the later group knew what changes Congress would eventually end up making, they would probably support repeal.
Sadly, John McCain is a revengeful little man.

In this one, I agree with Bill O'Reilly ......

Mr. O’Reilly, appearing on “The “Glenn Beck Program” on Friday:

“I think this is about Trump ” Mr. O’Reilly said. “I think McCain despises Trump so much because of the POW comment during the campaign. I think it’s about McCain basically saying to himself, ‘I really despise Trump and I think Trump should be out of there. I’m going to make it impossible for Trump to have any kind of legislative victories.’ That’s what I think this is about.”

I have no respect for McCain either. :mad-61:
John McCain is being praised as a hero by the left. A hero doesn't give the middle finger to the American people, he fights for them.
McCain is one of our greatest current Senators

One of the few remaining who still understands what being a Republican means

Yeah, you guys treated McCain real respectful when he ran against Obama.

Yeah, remember when Democrats were calling for McCain's death? Let's not forget about that time that Obama called out McCain's service record? Yeah, didn't happen.

I disagree with McCain on almost everything and he's made some pretty questionable votes in the past, but at least for whatever he is, he did the right thing here.
Betraying your publicly stated stand on Obamacare & flip flopping is NEVER the right thing to do.
McCain betrayed his public position, the people that put him in office & his party.

Fuck John Two Faced McCain

Riiiiight! Just think, all 17% of those who wanted this shit bill will be oh so upset!

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