Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

A shirt should not be made by a $25/hour worker. Shirt making is not a $25/hour skill.

All those jobs SHOULD be done overseas so that those people in those hellholes can rise out of poverty.

America needs to maintain our innovative edge, not try to keep old, low tech jobs. We need to train our workforce and our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than we ever have before, you know.

It's not our job to lift the poor in overseas hellholes out of poverty...it's out job to lift the poor in hellholes HERE out of poverty. Perhaps you haven't been to Cleveland, or St. Louis, or Dallas or Birmingham lately...but I have. THOSE are the people who need jobs.

The huge manufacturing facility near me closed five years ago, the building sits empty. Not only are the employees of the only manufacturing plant in town all unemployed, it damn near killed the whole town. The town alert system still rings at 6 am, noon, one pm and 5pm to signal shifts that no longer muster at the plant...five years later.

THOSE folks would REJOICE in the streets if a manufacturer moved back to town, I mean literal rejoicing in the streets.

You sir are totally out of touch with that American reality.

True. And where you went wrong was you think freedom is the problem, not the solution
Hey guys..............I'm gonna stay home and enjoy my freedom by not voting or voting for someone who doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning..............Basically not voting then WHINE at those that tried to stop a Hillary Win on how they should BOYCOTT the election.........

Yeah them Boycott's got the establishment shaking in their boots

So our choices are you'll vote between Trump and Hillary where one vote won't matter.

Or you won't vote for a different choice because your vote then wouldn't matter.

Hmm ... OK?

I vote in every election like my vote decides the election
Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.
What happens when I try to clean up my party? What happens when I call the retards on their lies and for drinking the piss? What happens when I point out their pseudo-right wing propaganda outlets are lying to them?

They double down. They get back in line for refills of their piss cups. They say I voted for Obama and that I am a Democrat.

These are willfully stupid people.

So don't give me some bullshit this mess is somehow my fault. I will not bow down to the tards and vote for their evil candidate who is fucking up the party.

Dude, you think calling someone a republican is an INSULT. People call you a bitch, wear it proudly. You are one
I see you are unable to support your claim. I have never called anyone a Republican as an insult. Go ahead and prove your claim that I have.

I have told quite a few people they are ruining the Republican and Conservative brands.


The conservative movement has been taken over by inbred bigots. Retards.

The have utterly destroyed the Republican brand.

Sometimes I think these creduloids like the OP creator are planted here to ruin the Conservative brand.

So I clearly don't see being a Republican as an insult. I see being a Republican as something that needs to be held up and protected.

Staying at home is the same as voting for Hillary.................
My vote has to be EARNED.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. So fuck you if you think I should vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee just to stop Clinton. He has not earned my vote. If you want to be a cheap whore, go right ahead. Just don't expect me to lay down and spread for Trump.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, the dipshits DESERVE Clinton as their President. They will have no one to blame but themselves, not me.
To each his own....................Doesn't change the price of rice in China for me...............

There will probably be 3 Supremes nominated this cycle..............Do you want Hillary picking them...............
Gotcha, so, you call people "Republicans" to insult them

Says the guy who just made up a lie I voted for Obama. You are a raging hypocrite.

I don't call people Republicans to insult them. I call you retarded and a liar. I call you piss drinkers.

So when you keep saying "your party" is the problem, you are referring to what party?
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation and spelling in your posts. :lol:
Give me a ticket and STFU...................Mr. Dem.....................pushing the DON'T VOTE ISSUE..............

IT isn't working..............Historic high turn outs GOP...........lame assed Turn outs Dems...................Doesn't bode well for the Dems unless they can get people like Kaz to stay home.

You have it backwards. High turnouts favor the Democrats, low turnouts favor the GOP.
You really are stupid..............The high turn outs are in the GOP primaries................Hell Penn.............just had 45000 dump the Dem Party to vote in the GOP.................You just don't get it......
Matters not.

Trump has been running against 16 other mofos.....but he figures Hillary is on the same playing field going against one handpicked Socialist who can't talk without looking like he's conducting the Philharmonic orchestra
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
We already know you love the smell of curry.

I'm in the Netherlands ordering Indian for dinner right now! It's 8pm here on a Friday.


And yep, I've proudly outsourced many IT jobs to India in my career, I'm a great American. I believe in capitalism. It makes America the great country that it is. Your liberal fear is what I am fighting
There you have it. Any respect I had for you is now gone.
Gotcha, so, you call people "Republicans" to insult them

Says the guy who just made up a lie I voted for Obama. You are a raging hypocrite.

I don't call people Republicans to insult them. I call you retarded and a liar. I call you piss drinkers.

OK, so when you keep saying "Your party" is the problem, who are you referring to? The three of us who are libertarian? Explain. You repeatedly say YOUR PARTY is the problem. You can't seriously believe the 1% of us who usually vote Libertarian are seriously "the problem"
Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

A shirt should not be made by a $25/hour worker. Shirt making is not a $25/hour skill.

All those jobs SHOULD be done overseas so that those people in those hellholes can rise out of poverty.

America needs to maintain our innovative edge, not try to keep old, low tech jobs. We need to train our workforce and our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than we ever have before, you know.

It's not our job to lift the poor in overseas hellholes out of poverty...it's out job to lift the poor in hellholes HERE out of poverty. Perhaps you haven't been to Cleveland, or St. Louis, or Dallas or Birmingham lately...but I have. THOSE are the people who need jobs.

The huge manufacturing facility near me closed five years ago, the building sits empty. Not only are the employees of the only manufacturing plant in town all unemployed, it damn near killed the whole town. The town alert system still rings at 6 am, noon, one pm and 5pm to signal shifts that no longer muster at the plant...five years later.

THOSE folks would REJOICE in the streets if a manufacturer moved back to town, I mean literal rejoicing in the streets.

You sir are totally out of touch with that American reality.

True. And where you went wrong was you think freedom is the problem, not the solution
Hey guys..............I'm gonna stay home and enjoy my freedom by not voting or voting for someone who doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning..............Basically not voting then WHINE at those that tried to stop a Hillary Win on how they should BOYCOTT the election.........

Yeah them Boycott's got the establishment shaking in their boots

So our choices are you'll vote between Trump and Hillary where one vote won't matter.

Or you won't vote for a different choice because your vote then wouldn't matter.

Hmm ... OK?

I vote in every election like my vote decides the election
If they steal the primary vote then the election is over........perhaps I'll vote ...........perhaps not.............The Will of the people with the votes will be gone.................and it will not make a fuck whether I vote at all.........I've NEVER missed an ELECTION except while serving overseas.......................where I couldn't get a dang absentee ballot in time to vote................didn't apply in time and mail took a month back then both ways.......at times with the FPO's.............

I know where you are going with this...............but that dog doesn't hunt with me.............It's an invalid election if the establishment negates the people's vote..................
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

You don't have to like Trump. I don't.

You don't have to campaign for him. I won't

You don't have to donate to him. I can't.

All I'm going to do is VOTE for him because.....

The only alternative seems to be a a dimocrap scumbag. And short of Lucifer, anybody is preferable to a dimocrap scum.



Except another Democrat scum, whether he wears a badly-fitting Republican costume or not.
Staying at home is the same as voting for Hillary.................
My vote has to be EARNED.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. So fuck you if you think I should vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee just to stop Clinton. He has not earned my vote. If you want to be a cheap whore, go right ahead. Just don't expect me to lay down and spread for Trump.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, the dipshits DESERVE Clinton as their President. They will have no one to blame but themselves, not me.
To each his own....................Doesn't change the price of rice in China for me...............

There will probably be 3 Supremes nominated this cycle..............Do you want Hillary picking them...............
Will you now recommend Kaz and others vote 3rd party or not at all...................I already know the answer and so do they...........but JUST FOR THE RECORD.:deal:
Yep, Obama is President. And g5000 was one of the votes that put him there

Another lie!

Wow. You just can't stop yourself!

You've made it very clear
You're making it very clear you are retarded and a liar.

You repeatedly insult me by calling me a republican. You are the liar
Nope. Nice try. In fact, why don't you show us all the places I called you a Republican as an insult?

First of all you limp wristed little pussy, speak for yourself.

So explain what when you repeatedly say "your party" what party you are referring to. because if you think the 1% of us who vote libertarian are the problem, you are a complete and utter retard
Gotcha, so, you call people "Republicans" to insult them

Says the guy who just made up a lie I voted for Obama. You are a raging hypocrite.

I don't call people Republicans to insult them. I call you retarded and a liar. I call you piss drinkers.

So when you keep saying "your party" is the problem, you are referring to what party?
I have not said "your party is the problem". That's another lie.

So let's take a look at this:

If Trump is a candidate, you're not voting for Trump, Hillary or third party? Your only other choice is not voting. So pick third party which really means neither of the two, or don't vote, but if you're not voting, who gives a shit what you think in a poll about who you're going to vote for anyway?
This election is going to be decided by the non-voters. So you better start asking yourself why your party is turning off so many people. Their opinion DOES matter. A lot.

That is not calling you a Republican as an insult, retard. That is pointing out the Republican party is turning off a lot of Republicans who are deciding to stay home, and that the GOP could lose the election for that very reason, and so they should ask themselves why they are turning off so many of their own people.

Exactly what we have been talking about in THIS topic.

Did I assume YOU were a Republican? At that moment, yes. Because you almost always take the pseudo-con retard position. The very sickness that is destroying both the Republican and conservative brands, which I have frequently said.

But only a retard like yourself could mistake that as me using the term "Republican" as an insult, which you clearly did.

And you are stuck in that retard mistake to this very second, as you are doing a bang-up job of proving.
Gotcha, so, you call people "Republicans" to insult them

Says the guy who just made up a lie I voted for Obama. You are a raging hypocrite.

I don't call people Republicans to insult them. I call you retarded and a liar. I call you piss drinkers.

OK, so when you keep saying "Your party" is the problem, who are you referring to? The three of us who are libertarian? Explain. You repeatedly say YOUR PARTY is the problem. You can't seriously believe the 1% of us who usually vote Libertarian are seriously "the problem"
You prove your vote is insignificant every election then. Well almost any election except for Reagan who would have won with or without your vote anyway.
Hey look pick a damn side okay.
By not voting she already has.......................Put the Hillary bumper sticker on her car. LOL

I always vote, always
For a libertarian candidate that doesn't have a prayer of winning...........well good for you......

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.

That's you. Is anyone else obligated to have your opinions and priorities? No. Does anyone else owe their vote to you, Trump, the Republican Party, or anyone else? No. Does bullying people to get them to join your bandwagon work? Only if they're gullible enough to already be on it.
So...........we should just stay home.........................Does just as good.....................Might as well tell the establishment to ANNOINT and crown their king...............or queen.......

At least we can stop the one we feel may do more damage........................

aka..............at least we try to prevent more damage............those that don't might as well sit at home and watch the view.

Our Founders, and all other Republicans, recognize one simple FACT -- Government SUCKS.

If you actually read History, you will find that the Founding Fathers had no love for government -- Even the one they were trying to establish.

Government SUCKS. All government SUCKS. Republican, dimocrap scum, liberturdian (a group that doesn't believe in government of any kind but gets all butthurt about it)

Democracies, SUCK. Republican Forms of government SUCK. Monarchies SUCK. socialism SUCKS. communism SUCKS.

Are you starting to get the message yet? Good.

So why do we have elections, you may be asking? Simple -- To vote in the government that SUCKS the least.

And NOBODY SUCKS worse than dimocrap scum.

Nobody. Not socialists, not communists, not National Socialists, Not Fascists....... I shit you not..... None of them are as bad as the scum of the earth dimocrap FILTH party.

They are a criminal organization. Period.

The choice is clear. Vote or allow the scum of the earth dimocrap party take control.

Do it for too long and you won't like what happens. Trust me on that one
You're write some more stern posts?
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.
What happens when I try to clean up my party? What happens when I call the retards on their lies and for drinking the piss? What happens when I point out their pseudo-right wing propaganda outlets are lying to them?

They double down. They get back in line for refills of their piss cups. They say I voted for Obama and that I am a Democrat.

These are willfully stupid people.

So don't give me some bullshit this mess is somehow my fault. I will not bow down to the tards and vote for their evil candidate who is fucking up the party.

Dude, you think calling someone a republican is an INSULT. People call you a bitch, wear it proudly. You are one
I see you are unable to support your claim. I have never called anyone a Republican as an insult. Go ahead and prove your claim that I have.

I have told quite a few people they are ruining the Republican and Conservative brands.


The conservative movement has been taken over by inbred bigots. Retards.

The have utterly destroyed the Republican brand.

Sometimes I think these creduloids like the OP creator are planted here to ruin the Conservative brand.

So I clearly don't see being a Republican as an insult. I see being a Republican as something that needs to be held up and protected.


I asked you a simple question you simplistic bitch. When you repeatedly use the phrase "your party" what party are you referring to?
By not voting she already has.......................Put the Hillary bumper sticker on her car. LOL

I always vote, always
For a libertarian candidate that doesn't have a prayer of winning...........well good for you......

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.

That's you. Is anyone else obligated to have your opinions and priorities? No. Does anyone else owe their vote to you, Trump, the Republican Party, or anyone else? No. Does bullying people to get them to join your bandwagon work? Only if they're gullible enough to already be on it.
You can do whatever the Hell you want...............I make my point and stand by it............Not voting or voting third party is the same as voting for Hillary in my book.
Another lie!

Wow. You just can't stop yourself!

You've made it very clear
You're making it very clear you are retarded and a liar.

You repeatedly insult me by calling me a republican. You are the liar
Nope. Nice try. In fact, why don't you show us all the places I called you a Republican as an insult?

First of all you limp wristed little pussy, speak for yourself.

So explain what when you repeatedly say "your party" what party you are referring to. because if you think the 1% of us who vote libertarian are the problem, you are a complete and utter retard
If you took off the piss filters over your eyes, and actually read and understood my many posts on this forum, you would realize I lean libertarian.

I just happen to have more common sense in my pinkie than the entire Libertarian Party has in their empty heads. And I also happen to hate lies and the parroting rubes infecting the GOP and the conservative movement who can't critically think their way out of the bullshit fairy tales spun for them by their favorite propaganda outlets.

How many hundreds of posts have I made about banning tax expenditures? How many hundreds of times have I called exemptions, deduction, and credits a massive governmnet behavioral control program? It doesn't get more libertarian than that!

How many times have I said we need LESS government in health care and that you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy all your other insurance?

I even support the legalization of marijuana.

So don't give me any of your bullshit about mistaken assumptions I have made about you, you fucking hypocrite. Not when you continue to persist in lying that I am a Democrat who voted for Obama.


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