Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.
What happens when I try to clean up my party? What happens when I call the retards on their lies and for drinking the piss? What happens when I point out their pseudo-right wing propaganda outlets are lying to them?

They double down. They get back in line for refills of their piss cups. They say I voted for Obama and that I am a Democrat.

These are willfully stupid people.

So don't give me some bullshit this mess is somehow my fault. I will not bow down to the tards and vote for their evil candidate who is fucking up the party.
Nope you'll either sit another one out and let the other party put that nasty bitch in office , the same exact way you let in shitforbrains last time, or you'll vote for somebody who has no chance and feel so proud of yourself doing so.
Yep, Obama is President. And g5000 was one of the votes that put him there

Another lie!

Wow. You just can't stop yourself!

You've made it very clear
You're making it very clear you are retarded and a liar.

You repeatedly insult me by calling me a republican. You are the liar
Nope. Nice try. In fact, why don't you show us all the places I called you a Republican as an insult?
Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation in your posts. :lol:
Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation and spelling in your posts. :lol:
Give me a ticket and STFU...................Mr. Dem.....................pushing the DON'T VOTE ISSUE..............

IT isn't working..............Historic high turn outs GOP...........lame assed Turn outs Dems...................Doesn't bode well for the Dems unless they can get people like Kaz to stay home.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

A shirt should not be made by a $25/hour worker. Shirt making is not a $25/hour skill.

All those jobs SHOULD be done overseas so that those people in those hellholes can rise out of poverty.

America needs to maintain our innovative edge, not try to keep old, low tech jobs. We need to train our workforce and our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than we ever have before, you know.

It's not our job to lift the poor in overseas hellholes out of poverty...it's out job to lift the poor in hellholes HERE out of poverty. Perhaps you haven't been to Cleveland, or St. Louis, or Dallas or Birmingham lately...but I have. THOSE are the people who need jobs.

The huge manufacturing facility near me closed five years ago, the building sits empty. Not only are the employees of the only manufacturing plant in town all unemployed, it damn near killed the whole town. The town alert system still rings at 6 am, noon, one pm and 5pm to signal shifts that no longer muster at the plant...five years later.

THOSE folks would REJOICE in the streets if a manufacturer moved back to town, I mean literal rejoicing in the streets.

You sir are totally out of touch with that American reality.

True. And where you went wrong was you think freedom is the problem, not the solution
Hey guys..............I'm gonna stay home and enjoy my freedom by not voting or voting for someone who doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning..............Basically not voting then WHINE at those that tried to stop a Hillary Win on how they should BOYCOTT the election.........

Yeah them Boycott's got the establishment shaking in their boots

Like all those that stayed home because McCain was a moderate?

or those that stayed home because Romney was a Mormon?

Well, this time I have a choice between the left hand of Satan, and the right hand of Satan.

There's not dimes worth of difference between Hillary, Trump, and Cruz.

The best option we have in November is Kasich vs Sanders.

and it will never happen
Reality check kids... it is going to be Clinton vs. Trump or Cruz.

It is a no-brainer.

Well, just when you think it's a no-brainer, Rubio comes out and asks Ohio to vote for Kasich. Never seen such a cluster-fuck in my life.

Rubio Camp Tells Ohio Supporters to Vote Kasich to Stop Trump


Mar 11, 2016 1:15 pm EThttp://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/03/11/rubio-aide-tells-ohio-supporters-to-vote-kasich-to-stop-trump/

In an effort to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign is telling its supporters in Ohio to vote for rival Gov. John Kasich.

“There’s no question that John Kasich has the best chance to beat Donald Trump in Ohio. I’m just stating the obvious that John Kasich is the one person that can beat Donald Trump in Ohio, just like Marco Rubio is the one person that can beat Donald Trump here in Florida,”Alex Conant, Mr. Rubio’s communications director, told CNN on Friday.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs and the TPP is it on steroids....................Rather pay more than see Americans working for peanuts or NO JOBS.............

But CRUZ has no problem with that.............HE HATES A TARIFF............a CONSUMPTION TAX.............But LOVES THE VAT.................while he says it isn't...................lol............A CONSUMPTION TAX................

He wants to increase our prices and services by 16% should his plan pass........but mention TARIFF.............and IT'S PURE EVIL

Which is all PURE BS.................

I will still hold my nose and vote for him though.

Cruz doesn't support a VAT, you've advocated that lie before
Perhaps we should start a KKK thread like those attacking Trump from both sides.........
KKK thread? Why, so we can talk about Trump's dad?
That is exactly where the Dems would take it anyway. They do this crap every election cycle...............Time they get return fire..................They deserve it.

WHO brought it up, Sparkles?
There aren't any rules in Political debate..............figured that out yet................They attack..............and get return fire..............

If you get caught in the cross fire by not choosing that is your problem...................

"Aren't any rules in debate"???

Here ----- print this up and put it on your wall.

I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.

Yes, our shitty system set up by Democrats, well done, Comrade
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs and the TPP is it on steroids....................Rather pay more than see Americans working for peanuts or NO JOBS.............

But CRUZ has no problem with that.............HE HATES A TARIFF............a CONSUMPTION TAX.............But LOVES THE VAT.................while he says it isn't...................lol............A CONSUMPTION TAX................

He wants to increase our prices and services by 16% should his plan pass........but mention TARIFF.............and IT'S PURE EVIL

Which is all PURE BS.................

I will still hold my nose and vote for him though.

Cruz doesn't support a VAT, you've advocated that lie before
Actually, Cruz's tax plan is a VAT in all but name.
Ronald Reagan

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation and spelling in your posts. :lol:
Give me a ticket and STFU...................Mr. Dem.....................pushing the DON'T VOTE ISSUE..............

IT isn't working..............Historic high turn outs GOP...........lame assed Turn outs Dems...................Doesn't bode well for the Dems unless they can get people like Kaz to stay home.

You have it backwards. High turnouts favor the Democrats, low turnouts favor the GOP.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs and the TPP is it on steroids....................Rather pay more than see Americans working for peanuts or NO JOBS.............

But CRUZ has no problem with that.............HE HATES A TARIFF............a CONSUMPTION TAX.............But LOVES THE VAT.................while he says it isn't...................lol............A CONSUMPTION TAX................

He wants to increase our prices and services by 16% should his plan pass........but mention TARIFF.............and IT'S PURE EVIL

Which is all PURE BS.................

I will still hold my nose and vote for him though.

Cruz doesn't support a VAT, you've advocated that lie before
Forbes and the Tax Policy Institute say differently.........file that complaint with them.
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.

If you don't vote, no one takes anything from that but that you're lazy and you don't give a shit.

If you aren't that, vote third party. Staying home says nothing
Trump needs to get nominated and then lose, if for no other reason than to shut up the RWnuts who insist that it's been the establishment GOP's fault they've lost so many elections because of their candidates.
Would you like some bedtime reading:
Your pal Obama has done more long lasting damage to the DEM party than any President in modern history.
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

So. Let's see. You put up about 30 posts a day for the last 7 years. So some LIB entity is paying you how much per post?
Your one-word posts are a bargain for you right?
If you have a job where you can put up 30 posts a day you are ripping off your employer.
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation and spelling in your posts. :lol:
Give me a ticket and STFU...................Mr. Dem.....................pushing the DON'T VOTE ISSUE..............

IT isn't working..............Historic high turn outs GOP...........lame assed Turn outs Dems...................Doesn't bode well for the Dems unless they can get people like Kaz to stay home.

You have it backwards. High turnouts favor the Democrats, low turnouts favor the GOP.
You really are stupid..............The high turn outs are in the GOP primaries................Hell Penn.............just had 45000 dump the Dem Party to vote in the GOP.................You just don't get it......
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.

If you don't vote, no one takes anything from that but that you're lazy and you don't give a shit.

If you aren't that, vote third party. Staying home says nothing
Voting for someone who can't win.............Says Nothing.
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation and spelling in your posts. :lol:
Give me a ticket and STFU...................Mr. Dem.....................pushing the DON'T VOTE ISSUE..............

IT isn't working..............Historic high turn outs GOP...........lame assed Turn outs Dems...................Doesn't bode well for the Dems unless they can get people like Kaz to stay home.

You have it backwards. High turnouts favor the Democrats, low turnouts favor the GOP.
You really are stupid..............The high turn outs are in the GOP primaries................Hell Penn.............just had 45000 dump the Dem Party to vote in the GOP.................You just don't get it......
Clinton has received more votes than Trump. Surprise!
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.

If you don't vote, no one takes anything from that but that you're lazy and you don't give a shit.

If you aren't that, vote third party. Staying home says nothing
If you vote 3rd party you're helping your opponent.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.
What happens when I try to clean up my party? What happens when I call the retards on their lies and for drinking the piss? What happens when I point out their pseudo-right wing propaganda outlets are lying to them?

They double down. They get back in line for refills of their piss cups. They say I voted for Obama and that I am a Democrat.

These are willfully stupid people.

So don't give me some bullshit this mess is somehow my fault. I will not bow down to the tards and vote for their evil candidate who is fucking up the party.

Dude, you think calling someone a republican is an INSULT. People call you a bitch, wear it proudly. You are one
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation and spelling in your posts. :lol:
Give me a ticket and STFU...................Mr. Dem.....................pushing the DON'T VOTE ISSUE..............

IT isn't working..............Historic high turn outs GOP...........lame assed Turn outs Dems...................Doesn't bode well for the Dems unless they can get people like Kaz to stay home.

You have it backwards. High turnouts favor the Democrats, low turnouts favor the GOP.
You really are stupid..............The high turn outs are in the GOP primaries................Hell Penn.............just had 45000 dump the Dem Party to vote in the GOP.................You just don't get it......
Clinton has received more votes than Trump. Surprise!
Yep.....and they were worth every penny

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