Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

You don't have to like Trump. I don't.

You don't have to campaign for him. I won't

You don't have to donate to him. I can't.

All I'm going to do is VOTE for him because.....

The only alternative seems to be a a dimocrap scumbag. And short of Lucifer, anybody is preferable to a dimocrap scum.



If it's Trump, a dimocrap scumbag versus a reprocrap scumbag. Count me out. I'll vote third party because that's what we need to start having real choices.
The third parties are even dumber and whackier than the main parties. They are propellerheads.

I'm certainly not going to tell them they are doing something right, either.

Gotcha, so, you call people "Republicans" to insult them

Third parties are even dumber.

So riddle me this, Batman. that makes you a ... what?
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Well.....hope you don't mind calling her Madame President.

Cuz that's why Obama won.

If my other choice is Trump. OK. You want Satan or the Devil? My answer, doesn't matter
And I think you have been nudged by the left into painting yourself in a corner. Your principals won't allow you to vote for anything but what you think is the perfect candidate.

Well that guy doesn't exist.
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve.
STFU.................You have a choice even though they suck balls.................

Put it simply for you when you ONLY HAVE 2 OPTIONS.

You are in a pile of shit........hands tied.........ball coming at your face.........only choice is to get smacked in the face or duck into the shit...............

Which do you choose.............neither isn't an OPTION ASSHOLE.

The reason we have only two options is people keep believing we have only two options. Voting is what it takes to change that. the losers are the ones who decide both our "two options" suck and sit at home on their hands. Vote for what matters. MORE OPTIONS!
Which part of playing the hand you are given don't you understand.........................Show me the fucking options...............

Wow.............I voted for nobody and got Hillary............WHOOP D FUCKING DOO...............
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

A shirt should not be made by a $25/hour worker. Shirt making is not a $25/hour skill.

All those jobs SHOULD be done overseas so that those people in those hellholes can rise out of poverty.

America needs to maintain our innovative edge, not try to keep old, low tech jobs. We need to train our workforce and our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than we ever have before, you know.

It's not our job to lift the poor in overseas hellholes out of poverty...it's out job to lift the poor in hellholes HERE out of poverty. Perhaps you haven't been to Cleveland, or St. Louis, or Dallas or Birmingham lately...but I have. THOSE are the people who need jobs.

The huge manufacturing facility near me closed five years ago, the building sits empty. Not only are the employees of the only manufacturing plant in town all unemployed, it damn near killed the whole town. The town alert system still rings at 6 am, noon, one pm and 5pm to signal shifts that no longer muster at the plant...five years later.

THOSE folks would REJOICE in the streets if a manufacturer moved back to town, I mean literal rejoicing in the streets.

You sir are totally out of touch with that American reality.

True. And where you went wrong was you think freedom is the problem, not the solution
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Perhaps we should start a KKK thread like those attacking Trump from both sides.........
KKK thread? Why, so we can talk about Trump's dad?
That is exactly where the Dems would take it anyway. They do this crap every election cycle...............Time they get return fire..................They deserve it.
The tards prefer half truths. "Duh KKK wuz Democrats a very long time ago." The dumb shits connect dots that aren't there to the modern Democratic party, as if those old timey Kluxxers would support ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, high taxes, affirmative action, and amnesty for illegals. I can just hear those good old boys now. "The Confederate flag is racist!"


The Klan was, and still is, right wing. And Christian. They were Democrats a long time ago because the South was Democratic a long time ago. Today, the South is Republican, and so is the Klan. And they loooooooove Trump.

But you can't tell the tards the WHOLE truth. They don't like it.

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.

I have issues with Cruz too. but he does consistently support free market capitalism
That is where we part ways............I don't believe in Crony Capitalism, and believe limited tariffs are in order to level the playing field..................Me and you have went round and round on this and the Tax issue...........

He wants a VAT, Cruz, no matter what he tries to say differently...........At least Ron Paul calls it what it really is.........

And the robo calls from Cruz Camp.

You started with we part ways because you don't believe in crony capitalism and not knowing what the fuck you are talking about I just starting laughing at you.

Look man, we've agreed on more than we disagreed, but crony capitalism? You think I believe in government picking market winners? You are F-U-C-K-I-N-G retarded. Go away, rain man. That is unsupported by anything I have ever posted
Whatever...................put your Clinton sticker on your car if you don't vote if Trump wins..............I will vote for Cruz should he win............if they steal the election............Convention............Then the GOP can just call itself the Dems because I'm done with them................I will change my affiliation to independent.

So if i don't put a Trump sticker on my car, I am pitting a Leona Helmsley, I mean Hillary, sticker on my car. those are my only two choices. I call Bull Shit to that
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Obama was the worse evil. Clinton is the worse evil.

But if you vote for the lesser EVIL, you are still voting for EVIL and telling EVIL it is doing something RIGHT.

When will you tard enablers learn this?

Until you do, our Presidential candidates will continue to devolve, and the tards will continue to dominate the party.
Then don't vote......and evil will win regardless.
Evil may win, but if all the choices that the elites give the people to vote for are evil, evil wins regardless.

The point here, is folks should withhold their vote if there is nothing but evil to vote for.

By voting, you legitimize the system. You GIVE the STATE your sovereignty to act in your name.
What happens when I try to clean up my party? What happens when I call the retards on their lies and for drinking the piss? What happens when I point out their pseudo-right wing propaganda outlets are lying to them?

They double down. They get back in line for refills of their piss cups. They say I voted for Obama and that I am a Democrat.

These are willfully stupid people.

So don't give me some bullshit this mess is somehow my fault. I will not bow down to the tards and vote for their evil candidate who is fucking up the party.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

A shirt should not be made by a $25/hour worker. Shirt making is not a $25/hour skill.

All those jobs SHOULD be done overseas so that those people in those hellholes can rise out of poverty.

America needs to maintain our innovative edge, not try to keep old, low tech jobs. We need to train our workforce and our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

We are actually manufacturing more goods than we ever have before, you know.

It's not our job to lift the poor in overseas hellholes out of poverty...it's out job to lift the poor in hellholes HERE out of poverty. Perhaps you haven't been to Cleveland, or St. Louis, or Dallas or Birmingham lately...but I have. THOSE are the people who need jobs.

The huge manufacturing facility near me closed five years ago, the building sits empty. Not only are the employees of the only manufacturing plant in town all unemployed, it damn near killed the whole town. The town alert system still rings at 6 am, noon, one pm and 5pm to signal shifts that no longer muster at the plant...five years later.

THOSE folks would REJOICE in the streets if a manufacturer moved back to town, I mean literal rejoicing in the streets.

You sir are totally out of touch with that American reality.

True. And where you went wrong was you think freedom is the problem, not the solution
Hey guys..............I'm gonna stay home and enjoy my freedom by not voting or voting for someone who doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning..............Basically not voting then WHINE at those that tried to stop a Hillary Win on how they should BOYCOTT the election.........

Yeah them Boycott's got the establishment shaking in their boots
Gotcha, so, you call people "Republicans" to insult them

Says the guy who just made up a lie I voted for Obama. You are a raging hypocrite.

I don't call people Republicans to insult them. I call you retarded and a liar. I call you piss drinkers.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid

You weren't born, you were hatched. Republicans want kids dumb and manageable.

Most States Have Cut School Funding, and Some Continue Cutting

JANUARY 25, 2016

Most states provide less support per student for elementary and secondary schools — in some cases, much less — than before the Great Recession, our survey of state budget documents over the last three months finds.

Most States Have Cut School Funding, and Some Continue Cutting | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs and the TPP is it on steroids....................Rather pay more than see Americans working for peanuts or NO JOBS.............

But CRUZ has no problem with that.............HE HATES A TARIFF............a CONSUMPTION TAX.............But LOVES THE VAT.................while he says it isn't...................lol............A CONSUMPTION TAX................

He wants to increase our prices and services by 16% should his plan pass........but mention TARIFF.............and IT'S PURE EVIL

Which is all PURE BS.................

I will still hold my nose and vote for him though.

Free trade is fair trade. That you've lost faith in american companies who got us where we are and can lead us into the future. you're following the path now of the Euroweenies and cowards who think we're losers. No where in american history is that supported. You succumbed to fear. Sadly, it was unwarranted. What Trump advocates is how we got here, not what will save us
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Who was the last viable presidential candidate that you did endorse?

Ronald Reagan

What is so great about free trade? A country whose workforce averages $25 per hour cannot fairly compete with a country whose workforce averages $5 per hour.

Fair trade is what we need...not free trade.

Freedom, government loving whore. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last
Fuck Free Trade..............Fair Trade...............

It destroys our jobs
Nope. Our shitty education system destroys jobs. It teaches our kids to be shirt makers and gas station attendants.
Yep you were born stupid
Says the tard with poor punctuation in your posts. :lol:
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.

I have issues with Cruz too. but he does consistently support free market capitalism
That is where we part ways............I don't believe in Crony Capitalism, and believe limited tariffs are in order to level the playing field..................Me and you have went round and round on this and the Tax issue...........

He wants a VAT, Cruz, no matter what he tries to say differently...........At least Ron Paul calls it what it really is.........

And the robo calls from Cruz Camp.

You started with we part ways because you don't believe in crony capitalism and not knowing what the fuck you are talking about I just starting laughing at you.

Look man, we've agreed on more than we disagreed, but crony capitalism? You think I believe in government picking market winners? You are F-U-C-K-I-N-G retarded. Go away, rain man. That is unsupported by anything I have ever posted
Whatever...................put your Clinton sticker on your car if you don't vote if Trump wins..............I will vote for Cruz should he win............if they steal the election............Convention............Then the GOP can just call itself the Dems because I'm done with them................I will change my affiliation to independent.

So if i don't put a Trump sticker on my car, I am pitting a Leona Helmsley, I mean Hillary, sticker on my car. those are my only two choices. I call Bull Shit to that
I'm not putting a Cruz sticker on my truck............but I will vote for him......................You vote for a loser candidate who has no chance to Win...........You elected Hillary........................

You get what you deserve then.............No whining when she does BS because you didn't even try to stop her.....................

Hillary will NOT TAKE ALABAMA...............EVER.

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