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Why I'm a Democrat

Government is not the answer, else any government would do. Government by the people is something else again. That is something we've lost; today's government is by the dollar and unless we get money out of politics the liberty all you conservatives say you love will remain nothing but a dream.

and how about you Democrats Wry.....do you guys fit in here?.....Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans of Governing by the dollar....why are you not naming them too?...
gave Obama an opportunity to become a transormative leade,r but the effort to discredit him by anti-American forces here at home, lead by elected Republican leaders and Reactionaries is shameful and further divided our nation.

thats because he is no LEADER Wry....Clinton had adversity but the guy showed some leadership....this guy forget it.....he does not like what Arizona has done...so instead of being a LEADER and going down there and talk to the people and try to LEAD....he is going to let the UN handle it.....no wonder why this Nations divide is getting wider....you have to earn respect Wry....Obama does not seem to understand that....

So 342 is another rant. Didn't you learn about topic sentences, sentence and paragraph structure? I'm not being the grammar nazi, but really, post a coherent and concise message.
My answer to each of your messages is simple, I don't defend Obama and tell him what to do. My posts are my opinion, you and the other members of the echo chamber don't; each of you attack me personally (but I'm a grown up and can give as well as take. So your hysterical rants provide nothing but a small chuckle).
I believe job creation is necessry to move our nation out of economic malaise, the private sector is unwilling to do so, the government must.
You and the echo chamber believe the government is the problem, and if taxes are cut, regulations are cut and spending is cut the economy will recover.
My opinion is based on my education and experience, some of which I shared to the derision of people I consider stupid. You, and they (she) attack me personally but never offer any constructive realistic solution to the problems facing our nation and her citizens.
It may be that Boehner becomes the Speaker of the House, and McConnell the leads the Senate. Never have they offered any solution, or ideas, other than the usual: cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulations.
If that happens, we will again be faced with gridlock, and our citizens will suffer. You and the others will blame Obama and the Democrats for our continued economic problems as we head into 2012.
Moved the goal posts again Chef? Only a fool will vote for Meg (hey, how are your skills in preparing Indian food - she may import workers at a $1 and hour, a twist on her exporting jobs as CEO).

yea so whats the alternative?....Jerry Brown.....once again 2 losers running in California....
Moved the goal posts again Chef? Only a fool will vote for Meg (hey, how are your skills in preparing Indian food - she may import workers at a $1 and hour, a twist on her exporting jobs as CEO).

yea so whats the alternative?....Jerry Brown.....once again 2 losers running in California....
Yeah, but Moonbeam has the (D) by his name, and that's good enough for Francis. ;)
This entire thread just seems to reiterate an old phrase I've heard:

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"
The stimulus has failed. Why?

it failed because they gave that money to the wrong people.....those Billions of Dollars should have been given back to the people whose money it was...OURS....if they would have gave 30-50 grand to everyone who paid taxes last year....that money would be running through the economy right now....AND many people would have paid down some debt,bought a car,improved their houses,bought major appliances.....instead i am delivering more Unemployment Checks more Certified Letters from Banks were people are in foreclosure.....
The stimulus has failed. Why?

it failed because they gave that money to the wrong people.....those Billions of Dollars should have been given back to the people whose money it was...OURS....if they would have gave 30-50 grand to everyone who paid taxes last year....that money would be running through the economy right now....AND many people would have paid down some debt,bought a car,improved their houses,bought major appliances.....instead i am delivering more Unemployment Checks more Certified Letters from Banks were people are in foreclosure.....
...bailing out more bankrupt bureaucrat pensions, propping up profligate spending by irresponsible state legislatures, buying off union votes...
So 342 is another rant. Didn't you learn about topic sentences, sentence and paragraph structure? I'm not being the grammar nazi, but really, post a coherent and concise message.
My answer to each of your messages is simple, I don't defend Obama and tell him what to do. My posts are my opinion, you and the other members of the echo chamber don't; each of you attack me personally (but I'm a grown up and can give as well as take. So your hysterical rants provide nothing but a small chuckle).
I believe job creation is necessry to move our nation out of economic malaise, the private sector is unwilling to do so, the government must.
You and the echo chamber believe the government is the problem, and if taxes are cut, regulations are cut and spending is cut the economy will recover.
My opinion is based on my education and experience, some of which I shared to the derision of people I consider stupid. You, and they (she) attack me personally but never offer any constructive realistic solution to the problems facing our nation and her citizens.
It may be that Boehner becomes the Speaker of the House, and McConnell the leads the Senate. Never have they offered any solution, or ideas, other than the usual: cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulations.
If that happens, we will again be faced with gridlock, and our citizens will suffer. You and the others will blame Obama and the Democrats for our continued economic problems as we head into 2012.
so in other words.....dont answer the post.....criticize the sentence structure....and of course dont give me an answer for what i was talking about....even though you have been crying how NO ONE here has been answering questions that you have asked.....so instead of answering my post you start rambling about job creation.....which had absolutely NOTHING to do with what i was talking about....and i dont give an opinion?....name one person here or politician that i am "ECHOING"....and where have i attacked you Wry in this thread?.....dont sit here crying like a little baby saying how no one wants to talk to you when you are doing to me the same thing you are accusing the "ECHO" chamber of doing.....your "echoing" pretty good yourself Wry....
The stimulus has failed. Why?

it failed because they gave that money to the wrong people.....those Billions of Dollars should have been given back to the people whose money it was...OURS....if they would have gave 30-50 grand to everyone who paid taxes last year....that money would be running through the economy right now....AND many people would have paid down some debt,bought a car,improved their houses,bought major appliances.....instead i am delivering more Unemployment Checks more Certified Letters from Banks were people are in foreclosure.....
...bailing out more bankrupt bureaucrat pensions, propping up profligate spending by irresponsible state legislatures, buying off union votes...

?....i dont know any regular people who would use that kinda money for that stuff Dude....if that was in reply to me....
I didn't understand "prevailing wage" was the essence of your post. Of course after reading the article it makes good sense, to deny that means you support the ability of the contractor to make excessive profits on the backs of his workers. Something I suppose all Callous Conservatives support. That aside, posting it as "Union wage jobs" suggesting the money to be spent had to go to jobs employing union workers struck me as more of your partisan bull shit.
Next time post the link and I won't be so quick to call you out.

Don't tell me what to do, hack. I was precise in what I stated, if your mind is so drugged out and can't follow....please try rehab. Betty Ford Clinic might suit you best, IMHO.
Your too dishonest to admit what the article is stating......A contractor can't hire two 12.00 employees to do a job....it has to be an employee making union wages and benefits. You have your leftwing partisan spin on your post, goofball. You are dishonest, and have proven that you wouldn't know the truth if it bitch slapped you in the face. :razz:

I wouldn't presume to suggest you're on drugs, the fact that you react hysterically suggests you're a candidate for psycho-active drug therapy.

Translation: I was just issued the beatdown of my lifetime. :lol:
gave Obama an opportunity to become a transormative leade,r but the effort to discredit him by anti-American forces here at home, lead by elected Republican leaders and Reactionaries is shameful and further divided our nation.

thats because he is no LEADER Wry....Clinton had adversity but the guy showed some leadership....this guy forget it.....he does not like what Arizona has done...so instead of being a LEADER and going down there and talk to the people and try to LEAD....he is going to let the UN handle it.....no wonder why this Nations divide is getting wider....you have to earn respect Wry....Obama does not seem to understand that....

So 342 is another rant. Didn't you learn about topic sentences, sentence and paragraph structure? I'm not being the grammar nazi, but really, post a coherent and concise message.
My answer to each of your messages is simple, I don't defend Obama and tell him what to do. My posts are my opinion, you and the other members of the echo chamber don't; each of you attack me personally (but I'm a grown up and can give as well as take. So your hysterical rants provide nothing but a small chuckle).
I believe job creation is necessry to move our nation out of economic malaise, the private sector is unwilling to do so, the government must.
You and the echo chamber believe the government is the problem, and if taxes are cut, regulations are cut and spending is cut the economy will recover.
My opinion is based on my education and experience, some of which I shared to the derision of people I consider stupid. You, and they (she) attack me personally but never offer any constructive realistic solution to the problems facing our nation and her citizens.
It may be that Boehner becomes the Speaker of the House, and McConnell the leads the Senate. Never have they offered any solution, or ideas, other than the usual: cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulations.
If that happens, we will again be faced with gridlock, and our citizens will suffer. You and the others will blame Obama and the Democrats for our continued economic problems as we head into 2012.

You have a lot to brag about. :lol:
I wouldn't presume to suggest you're on drugs, the fact that you react hysterically suggests you're a candidate for psycho-active drug therapy.

Typical Wry. You got busted, yet again, being dishonest, so you attempt to attack.

You are a very sick man.

C'mon, you just KNOW you want to post your 'CV'again; or at least whine about someone 'attacking' you.

Thanks for sharing.

Si Modo- Permanent. Continuously used actual debate threads to make off topic complaints and was warned that she needed to stop and, that if she did not, we would have no choice but to ban her as it was disruptive to the ability of others to engage in actual debates.

Yet even though you were banned you continue to post the same off topic comments. I guess you do because you finally found your place - the echo chamber. Personal attacks are the norm, offering real world opinion not so much.
Your obsession is creepy.

However, as you have little concept of relevance, YOU opened the door. YOU posted your CV :)rofl:). YOU whine about attacks after you attack.

YOU are emotionally unstable and seriously insane.

So, keep talking about me, as you prove everything I just said.

Simply amazing.
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OK, you all win. The ideas posted are clearly well thought out and have vetted all possible consequences. Cut taxes, as RR said, the debt will take care of itself. Cut regulations, big oil, big pharma and big farma will produce jobs and create wealth for all Americans, and of course they will protect the environment and consumers from the danger of food born illness, pollution and the potential for reactions to drugs. And of course the biggie, cut government, cut Medicare, eliminate Social Security and let each of us pay into a retirement system administered by an unregulated Wall Street; cut the size of government, lay-off or fire 20% of all federal employees and the Market will fix all that is wrong.
Do I finally get it?
No, you get nothing...Least of all the concepts of false dichotomy and Hegelian dialectic.

Junking stupid and ineffective federal programs doesn't automatically mean that your most feared under-the-bed corporate boogermen will just run wild, or that your only choice is between corrupt, ineffective and greedy corporations and corrupt, ineffective and greedy gubmint.

But since it's much less intellectually taxing for you to live in that black & white, either/or polarized binary world, you'll just have to eat the derisive "idiotgrams" from those here not as rationally challenged and, quite frankly, paranoid as you.

It's your strait jacket, pal.
No, you get nothing...Least of all the concepts of false dichotomy and Hegelian dialectic.

Junking stupid and ineffective federal programs doesn't automatically mean that your most feared under-the-bed corporate boogermen will just run wild, or that your only choice is between corrupt, ineffective and greedy corporations and corrupt, ineffective and greedy gubmint.

But since it's much less intellectually taxing for you to live in that black & white, either/or polarized binary world, you'll just have to eat the derisive "idiotgrams" from those here not as rationally challenged and, quite frankly, paranoid as you.

It's your strait jacket, pal.

Oddude, you are one of the more annoying - I know, that gives you pleasure - posters, not because you challenge my opinions, but because you are an archetype for a Pseud. Now that's not a common word in the U.S., it originated in Britain and is short for pseudo-intellectual. I bring this up because, it fits you, and one of the common synonyms is "Dude".
If you read my posts, I rarely post absolutes nor do I see the world as you suggest. I see shades of gray, but in debate with those who serve only axioms, yet believe them to be absolutes, what is one to do but volley back?
I posit a scenario as a solution, yet the response is always (well almost always) a personal attack. Having worked in a 'business' where fucked up people abound, I developed a thick skin and a sense of humor.
So save your efforts at pop psychology, and for once post an idea, Being a pseud and a curmudgeon - that maybe a bit strong - is what makes you annoying. Anyone can whine and complain, but eventually most people decide. You act as if you know truths but (to my experience) never express anything but "ain't it awful".
Have a good night, I'm getting sleepy...
No, you get nothing...Least of all the concepts of false dichotomy and Hegelian dialectic.

Junking stupid and ineffective federal programs doesn't automatically mean that your most feared under-the-bed corporate boogermen will just run wild, or that your only choice is between corrupt, ineffective and greedy corporations and corrupt, ineffective and greedy gubmint.

But since it's much less intellectually taxing for you to live in that black & white, either/or polarized binary world, you'll just have to eat the derisive "idiotgrams" from those here not as rationally challenged and, quite frankly, paranoid as you.

It's your strait jacket, pal.

Oddude, you are one of the more annoying - I know, that gives you pleasure - posters, not because you challenge my opinions, but because you are an archetype for a Pseud. Now that's not a common word in the U.S., it originated in Britain and is short for pseudo-intellectual. I bring this up because, it fits you, and one of the common synonyms is "Dude".
If you read my posts, I rarely post absolutes nor do I see the world as you suggest. I see shades of gray, but in debate with those who serve only axioms, yet believe them to be absolutes, what is one to do but volley back?
I posit a scenario as a solution, yet the response is always (well almost always) a personal attack. Having worked in a 'business' where fucked up people abound, I developed a thick skin and a sense of humor.
So save your efforts at pop psychology, and for once post an idea, Being a pseud and a curmudgeon - that maybe a bit strong - is what makes you annoying. Anyone can whine and complain, but eventually most people decide. You act as if you know truths but (to my experience) never express anything but "ain't it awful".
Have a good night, I'm getting sleepy...
Don't worry Wry. You're a liberal loon, and a damn Midgets fan, but I still like ya'!

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