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Why I'm a Democrat

I stopped counting the number of bars that have banned me at 20 (and the restaurants, too). My neighbors all have restraining orders on me, well, just the neighbors in a half mile radius.

Now, it looks like you've decided to discuss my family, and as one who follows the sparse number of rules here, I'm not all that sure that I should pursue that avenue of discussion.

I've no doubt that you feel much better now, and we all know that it's all about your feelings, Wry. I am thrilled that we are discussing me, though. Not because I am some narcissist, rather because you continue to prove my point about you and your posts. I doubt you have the capacity to comprehend that, however.

But, what you REALLY need to ask is how many countries have banned me. Ask the right questions, Wry.

Does your passport still have that "Not Welcome in the European Union" stamp?
Dammit, CG!


Sorry, Modo.... but.... Girl, that's 27 Countries! (Unless you're Obama, in which case it could be 68).

Is Wry just a fraction obsessed with you? I only ask cuz he does seem a tad OCD in his attentions. You may want to consider a restraining order of your own..... just a suggestion.
Does your passport still have that "Not Welcome in the European Union" stamp?
Dammit, CG!


Sorry, Modo.... but.... Girl, that's 27 Countries! (Unless you're Obama, in which case it could be 68).

Is Wry just a fraction obsessed with you? I only ask cuz he does seem a tad OCD in his attentions. You may want to consider a restraining order of your own..... just a suggestion.
Oh, OK...I guess knowing about that passport stamp is relevant to Wry's current attentions.

A restraining order might hurt his feelings, and we can see, it's all about Wry's feelings. Sheesh, all I asked is that he post his 'CV' again. One would think he would jump at the opportunity.
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

Why are you a democrat ?


OBVIOUSLY ..... you are a Democrat because you're a POLITICAL IDIOT who turned into an Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoidal stooge.

That's why.

Does anyone consider this post to be of value? One which demonstrates the depth of gautama"s intellect and a mind open to new possibilites, new ideas?
I suppose Daveman, Meister, Skookerasbil, nraforlife and of course Si modo do, given the bulk of their work is of the same genre.

Notice the attacks are all of the ad hominem variety - attacking me for offering ideas on how I believe we might solve some of the myraid problems facing our nation. Notice too these same posters echo each other and never offer ideas beyond the usual prosaic and unproven 'ideas' which flow daily from the mouths of conservative media talking heads.

So, in deference to those who actually think about problems and solutions, as opposed to the hysteria and emotion laced words of the echo chamber, I will offer MY ideas as I see fit. Not because I hope to convince the echo chamber, willfull ignorance is a chornic condition, but beause I believe the more solutions to problems offered the better. Sadly, the echo chamber lacks the basic skills to counter ideas with anything but personal attacks. Thankfully they are the minority, the fringe of the entire body politic.

Geez Wry...........grow some balls.......... please!!! I cant stand people who bow out with a whimper if somebody offends them. He'd last about a day and 1/2 in my line of work.

Do want to point out one definitive truth however............

Guys like Wry offer "solutions" to problems that are invariably far left. Every stinkin' poll known to man is rejecting these kinds of solutions to societal problems.........ON EVERY ISSUE. But Im the "fringe".:oops: Indeed, I am the fringe..........but only to the radical views of the far left. Most conservatives on this forum advocate for "solutions" that are far more universally accepted as compared to the far left approach. Its not even debatable.......thus, these philosophers that come in here propose all this radical stuff and paint everybody else as "fringe". You talk about the political IQ of a handball?

I fail to see the virtue in debating with "solutions" that are utopian in nature. Might as well call for a session of group navel contemplation.

Guys like Wry think that all problems are solvable by government..........but in the history of the world, this has never been the case. To guys like Wry.......capitalism is evil. These people want complete state ownership of the means of production as if there are no losers in that kind of society. Pardon me if Im not that crazy about the idea of my kids having their careers dictated by the federal government. So the fcukk what if there is a wealthy class and they have all the money in the world and make profit off of people. Unlike Wry and his pals, Im not supremely angry, miserable and jealous over their good fortune. These people are motivated by it.........the anger and jealousy. It is the foundation of their beliefs, thus, one will notice that any solution they propose includes sticking it good to the capitalist. To them, its a zero sum game..............zero necessary tradeoffs. Its not the way things are viewed by the conservative mind, who tend to constantly weigh these necessary tradeoffs in searching for solutions and indeed, at the end of the day, it becomes a choice between suck or suckier. THATS life...............no matter how much guys like Wry and his pals want to convey the dynamic differently.
Why Wry is a Democrat? Because he gets paid to be!

'nuff said!

I disagree, TPS. I'm sticking with what I said in post #2: Wry is a blind partisan (Democrat here) because he is overly emotional.

He has proven it and the poor sap doesn't even realize it, as usual.

indeed............where do you think the terms "limpwristed" and "bleeding heart" come from!!!!?????:lol: In waht I do for a living, if I used the Wry Catcher approach, I'd blow my brains out inside a week.

I do think alot of people who adovocate far left stuff tend to not navigate their lives in the real world...........like college professors for example. People in the arts. People who set the bar low and stay in shit jobs, like union healtcare workers. Think there is any surprise they always vote Democrat and are liberal? All they do is observe what goes on around them, thus, never come to understand the concept of tax rates, for example. These people never come to understand the dynamics of tax rates applied in the real world.......on production levels and the whole psychology of the application of tax rates on the emotional dynamic of human production. When you are part of a business making stuff work or not work, you gain that understanding........the ability to guage necessary tradeoffs in life..........a skill never learned by people who spend their lives spectating.

I never understood until recently why some people cant understand this graph, particualrly when "human production" can be swapped out in place of "tax revenues" on the vertical axis.......


..............and how disasterous not understanding it can be. Then I realized...........those who spend their lives spectating and not living it will never understand it.
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Democrats don't have all the answers, nor do Democrats all agree on what solutions are best. Posting that I suggest they do is dishonest and dishonesty seems a characteristic of Meister.
Meister calls me a "partisan-hack" and suggests I'm too stupid to understand the consequences of my suggestions, and he engages in libel, stating on I'm on drugs (something he has no personal knowlege of and is not true); he does so because he lacks the intellect and skill to debate issues up front.
I was remiss in calling him a stupid asshole; he's simply too ignorant, to dishonest and too ghetto to debate.

We've debated this in other threads, wry. I've given you alternative solutions to the problems we face without your big government push. You may not have liked them, but they were more viable than your big government solutions. Your a broken record and bores most posters. Your postings lead me to believe that you are on drugs. We have already debated the issues, wry....no ghetto about it, except what is in your drug infested brain.

Tonight I'm on Bratwurst, grilled peppers & onions, baked beans and fresh from our garden tomatos & red onion in a light vinegar & garlic dressing. Very yummy. My wife had a beer, her mother a vodka martini and I had a diet coke, with a lime twist (also from our garden).
As for your ideas and our debate it may be you a bit under the influence. You see, I can recall a few posts - by others - which made sense. Your only contribution has been "cut taxes, cut spending", and lately, cut regulation. Of course that might not have been you, since all members of the echo chamber post the same 'ideas'. You might have suggested cutting SS and Medicare or the usual nonsense of a fringer.
Have a nice life and as you have nothing but personal attacks and stale ideas please share them with someone else.
You've made my list, although I don't post mine you will know by the way I sign off.
Thanks for sharing.

Glad you feel that way, to where you have a need to run, wry. What you deem as an echo chamber, most Americans deem it as common sense, something that you seem to lack. You have a need to have "big brother" looking over you to make sure that your being taken care of, I get that, after all you ARE from frisco.
Now look who is cutting and running?
I deem an echo chamber? A page or more of right leaning lemmings all posting "ain't he awful", building a wonderful straw man, and each standing tall holding a match.
To all of you thanks for sharing.
Sadly, not a one of you offers any solutions, and you all go on your way singing the same refrain, government is not the answer, taxes need to be cut, services too and the conservative utiopia will be reached. Those who have will live in their gated communities, never realizing their way has imprisoned them.
Government is not the answer, else any government would do. Government by the people is something else again. That is something we've lost; today's government is by the dollar and unless we get money out of politics the liberty all you conservatives say you love will remain nothing but a dream.
Yet, for the most part, y'all support Citizens United v. FEC (in the name of freedom); one more reason why I believe the Callous Conservatives simply don't get it: what goes around comes around.
I deem an echo chamber? A page or more of right leaning lemmings all posting "ain't he awful", building a wonderful straw man, and each standing tall holding a match.
To all of you thanks for sharing.
Sadly, not a one of you offers any solutions, and you all go on your way singing the same refrain, government is not the answer, taxes need to be cut, services too and the conservative utiopia will be reached. Those who have will live in their gated communities, never realizing their way has imprisoned them.
Government is not the answer, else any government would do. Government by the people is something else again. That is something we've lost; today's government is by the dollar and unless we get money out of politics the liberty all you conservatives say you love will remain nothing but a dream.
Yet, for the most part, y'all support Citizens United v. FEC (in the name of freedom); one more reason why I believe the Callous Conservatives simply don't get it: what goes around comes around.
So, Wry. You are admitting that Obama's big government and throwing boatloads o' money in eleven different directions is the wrong way to go?

How conservative of you!
I deem an echo chamber? A page or more of right leaning lemmings all posting "ain't he awful", building a wonderful straw man, and each standing tall holding a match.
To all of you thanks for sharing.
Sadly, not a one of you offers any solutions, and you all go on your way singing the same refrain, government is not the answer, taxes need to be cut, services too and the conservative utiopia will be reached. Those who have will live in their gated communities, never realizing their way has imprisoned them.
Government is not the answer, else any government would do. Government by the people is something else again. That is something we've lost; today's government is by the dollar and unless we get money out of politics the liberty all you conservatives say you love will remain nothing but a dream.
Yet, for the most part, y'all support Citizens United v. FEC (in the name of freedom); one more reason why I believe the Callous Conservatives simply don't get it: what goes around comes around.
So, Wry. You are admitting that Obama's big government and throwing boatloads o' money in eleven different directions is the wrong way to go?

How conservative of you!

Of course not Chef. I'm suggesting when the roof leaks you fix it; you don't wait until a storm destroys the whole house. Repairing a leaky roof is using money wisely. Continuing to provide a tax cut to the wealthiest Americans seems unwise and justifying it by suggesting those who make over $200,000 a year provide jobs is a canard. All of those on the Dodger 40-man roster earn over that - how many people do the players employ - a once a week pool guy? (of course the way they play they probably need counseling, but that's only an hour a week).
Hoover Dam, a government project employed hundreds of workers, and continues today to provide power to light all those neo signs and slots in Vegas. Public transportation projects will employ hundreds, maybe thousands, across the nation, and provide an alternative to one person, one car and continued gridlock, as well as many permanent jobs.
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I deem an echo chamber? A page or more of right leaning lemmings all posting "ain't he awful", building a wonderful straw man, and each standing tall holding a match.
To all of you thanks for sharing.
Sadly, not a one of you offers any solutions, and you all go on your way singing the same refrain, government is not the answer, taxes need to be cut, services too and the conservative utiopia will be reached. Those who have will live in their gated communities, never realizing their way has imprisoned them.
Government is not the answer, else any government would do. Government by the people is something else again. That is something we've lost; today's government is by the dollar and unless we get money out of politics the liberty all you conservatives say you love will remain nothing but a dream.
Yet, for the most part, y'all support Citizens United v. FEC (in the name of freedom); one more reason why I believe the Callous Conservatives simply don't get it: what goes around comes around.
So, Wry. You are admitting that Obama's big government and throwing boatloads o' money in eleven different directions is the wrong way to go?

How conservative of you!

Of course not Chef. I'm suggesting when the roof leaks you fix it; you don't wait until a storm destroys the whole house. Repairing a leaky roof is using money wisely. Continuing to provide a tax cut to the wealthiest Americans seems unwise and justifying it by suggesting those who make over $200,000 a year provide jobs is a canard. All of those on the Dodger 40-man roster earn over that - how many people do the players employ - a once a week pool guy? (of course the way they play they probably need counseling, but that's only an hour a week).
Hoover Dam, a government project employed hundreds of workers, and continues today to provide power to light all those neo signs and slots in Vegas. Public transportation projects will employ hundreds, maybe thousands, across the nation, and provide an alternative to one person, one car and continued gridlock, as well as many permanent jobs.

Uh, excuse me Wry, but a boatload of money in his first failed stimulus was designated for infrastructure. It was promised that it would provide immediate jobs......Not one job created!.....Look at all those ridiculous "project funded by" signs lining virtually every freeway across california. No projects, no people working. Just signs gathering dust and dead weeds surrounding the bottom of the posts. And those ridiculous signs cost us taxpayers around 6 grand a piece....It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing more!
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So, Wry. You are admitting that Obama's big government and throwing boatloads o' money in eleven different directions is the wrong way to go?

How conservative of you!

Of course not Chef. I'm suggesting when the roof leaks you fix it; you don't wait until a storm destroys the whole house. Repairing a leaky roof is using money wisely. Continuing to provide a tax cut to the wealthiest Americans seems unwise and justifying it by suggesting those who make over $200,000 a year provide jobs is a canard. All of those on the Dodger 40-man roster earn over that - how many people do the players employ - a once a week pool guy? (of course the way they play they probably need counseling, but that's only an hour a week).
Hoover Dam, a government project employed hundreds of workers, and continues today to provide power to light all those neo signs and slots in Vegas. Public transportation projects will employ hundreds, maybe thousands, across the nation, and provide an alternative to one person, one car and continued gridlock, as well as many permanent jobs.

Uh, excuse me Wry, but a boatload of money in his first failed stimulus was designated for infrastructure. It was promised that it would provide immediate jobs......Not one job created!.....Look at all those ridiculous "project funded by" signs lining virtually every freeway across california. No projects, no people working. Just signs gathering dust and dead weeds surrounding the bottom of the posts. And those ridiculous signs cost us taxpayers around 6 grand a piece....It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing more!

It was money for the unions, nothing more....nothing less.
Of course not Chef. I'm suggesting when the roof leaks you fix it; you don't wait until a storm destroys the whole house. Repairing a leaky roof is using money wisely. Continuing to provide a tax cut to the wealthiest Americans seems unwise and justifying it by suggesting those who make over $200,000 a year provide jobs is a canard. All of those on the Dodger 40-man roster earn over that - how many people do the players employ - a once a week pool guy? (of course the way they play they probably need counseling, but that's only an hour a week).
Hoover Dam, a government project employed hundreds of workers, and continues today to provide power to light all those neo signs and slots in Vegas. Public transportation projects will employ hundreds, maybe thousands, across the nation, and provide an alternative to one person, one car and continued gridlock, as well as many permanent jobs.

Uh, excuse me Wry, but a boatload of money in his first failed stimulus was designated for infrastructure. It was promised that it would provide immediate jobs......Not one job created!.....Look at all those ridiculous "project funded by" signs lining virtually every freeway across california. No projects, no people working. Just signs gathering dust and dead weeds surrounding the bottom of the posts. And those ridiculous signs cost us taxpayers around 6 grand a piece....It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing more!

It was money for the unions, nothing more....nothing less.
And that's all this current proposition will be. A payoff to the unions.

Notice how Obama stood in front of union members yesterday. As a dem man in Ohio put it during an interview on CNN this morning, why didn't he have the guts to face non-union citizens in Ohio?....The same man also stated that he's disgusted with Obama and his administration. Stated that nothings changed, and he regrets voting for the man.
Of course not Chef. I'm suggesting when the roof leaks you fix it; you don't wait until a storm destroys the whole house. Repairing a leaky roof is using money wisely. Continuing to provide a tax cut to the wealthiest Americans seems unwise and justifying it by suggesting those who make over $200,000 a year provide jobs is a canard. All of those on the Dodger 40-man roster earn over that - how many people do the players employ - a once a week pool guy? (of course the way they play they probably need counseling, but that's only an hour a week).
Hoover Dam, a government project employed hundreds of workers, and continues today to provide power to light all those neo signs and slots in Vegas. Public transportation projects will employ hundreds, maybe thousands, across the nation, and provide an alternative to one person, one car and continued gridlock, as well as many permanent jobs.

Uh, excuse me Wry, but a boatload of money in his first failed stimulus was designated for infrastructure. It was promised that it would provide immediate jobs......Not one job created!.....Look at all those ridiculous "project funded by" signs lining virtually every freeway across california. No projects, no people working. Just signs gathering dust and dead weeds surrounding the bottom of the posts. And those ridiculous signs cost us taxpayers around 6 grand a piece....It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing more!

It was money for the unions, nothing more....nothing less.

Thanks for sharing (and proof of your willful ignorance, look at the photos).
Uh, excuse me Wry, but a boatload of money in his first failed stimulus was designated for infrastructure. It was promised that it would provide immediate jobs......Not one job created!.....Look at all those ridiculous "project funded by" signs lining virtually every freeway across california. No projects, no people working. Just signs gathering dust and dead weeds surrounding the bottom of the posts. And those ridiculous signs cost us taxpayers around 6 grand a piece....It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing more!

It was money for the unions, nothing more....nothing less.
And that's all this current proposition will be. A payoff to the unions.

Notice how Obama stood in front of union members yesterday. As a dem man in Ohio put it during an interview on CNN this morning, why didn't he have the guts to face non-union citizens in Ohio?....The same man also stated that he's disgusted with Obama and his administration. Stated that nothings changed, and he regrets voting for the man.

Moved the goal posts again Chef? Only a fool will vote for Meg (hey, how are your skills in preparing Indian food - she may import workers at a $1 and hour, a twist on her exporting jobs as CEO).
In re our energy policy, review this link:

Visualizing The U.S. Electric Grid : NPR

Chef, in re you post above. Maybe in SoCal; we have many projects underway shovels ready and working. Many of the roadway projects are fixing decades long problems of gridlock and the 'deadman curves' of yesteryears poor engineering.

See: MTC -- News -- Photos -- Bay Bridge Work, Labor Day 2009
Yeah, that's all fine and dandy Wry. But Frisco is but a small microcosim. Fact is, homes are still being foreclosed on in record numbers. People are still losing jobs. Businesses are closing in record numbers. State and city workers are being forced to take furlough days, or are outright being laid off. My wife is now forced to take two furlough days a month. Judges are forced to voluntarily take furlough days to try and keep their staffs from losing their jobs. My wifes brother, a judge, now takes three a month.....It's only getting worse wry. The stimulus has failed. Throwing a trillion + dollars around did absolutely nothing. Throwing billions more is a complete waste.
The stimulus has failed. Why? You argue throwing money at a problems doesn't work. So what will? Let me guess, cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulations. Correct?
Maybe the stimulus failed because it was too small? Maybe is was administered poorly, maybe Governors and local officals used the money in ways which did not stimulate the economy and create jobs?
As for the housing crisis, what should be done? What I fear is that Banks will have too much inventory (REO's) and dump them, allowing investors with ready cash to purchase family homes which will become a revenue source for a new breed of slum lords.
The irony of the whole economic mess is people like you, conservatives opposed to unions and progressive taxes (all taxes, essentially) support an ideology which has a potential to create a climate of civil unrest and bring about a truly far left movement.
Read again the histroy of what preceded the French Revolution, not an exact replica of what we see today, but there are similarities disturbing to those who ponder such matters.
I'm off to the gym, I'll return soon and look forward to Chef's retort. Given that he is a Dodger fan, I do have some pity on him (and promise I'll -gulp, can't believe I'm writing this - root for them for the next two games.)
Uh, excuse me Wry, but a boatload of money in his first failed stimulus was designated for infrastructure. It was promised that it would provide immediate jobs......Not one job created!.....Look at all those ridiculous "project funded by" signs lining virtually every freeway across california. No projects, no people working. Just signs gathering dust and dead weeds surrounding the bottom of the posts. And those ridiculous signs cost us taxpayers around 6 grand a piece....It's all smoke and mirrors, nothing more!

It was money for the unions, nothing more....nothing less.

Thanks for sharing (and proof of your willful ignorance, look at the photos).

Your the ignorant one, wry. The first stimulus required that the money goes to union wage jobs. Now get back to your Kool-Aid, or the drug of your choice.

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