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Why I'm a Democrat

The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

Your wish list is just sounds like the typical Obama pipe dream and only goes to show neither of you have a clue about business. The huge influx of capital from government you mentioned -now just what do you really mean by that because government doesn't create its wealth. It must TAKE it from US! But Democrats have gone on such a wild spending spree since controlling the Executive and Legislative branches of government, that we are rapidly approaching the time when WE THE PEOPLE will NEVER be able to pay off this debt. So like a typical Democrat your only suggestions are to spend even MORE money no one is going to have? Do you have ANY clue what that means because I swear liberals seem to think there are never any consequences when our elected officials act irresponsibly and for the last 18 months, our federal government has been SO irresponsible that generations that haven't even been born yet will be expected to pay for it! You know its getting bad when the Democrat Secretary of State is distancing herself from the President AND the Democrat controlled Congress -suggesting she is setting herself up to challenge him for the Presidency in 2012. Not even Democrats want to be tied to these irresponsible Democrats who are trying to drive our nation over the cliff!

What are you going to do to get private investors to risk their money on your fantasy list of projects? Put a gun to their head? Because private investors tend to do their research before investing their money because they want to MAKE money, not throw it down a rat hole. Do you really think there is money to be made as a private investor on these kinds of projects? ROFL If that were true these projects would already have private investors but they won't touch this stuff with a ten foot pole. You know why? Because government run/controlled/involved projects are rife with CORRUPTION and political pay-offs. Government cannot EVER be a good business partner because government is not set up to care about the bottom line -but private investors do. Government cannot do the job it was actually designed to do and give top priority to the bottom line -it cannot do both, which is why government makes a lousy business partner. You do not occupy any space in reality and its time for a big wake-up call. Keynesian economics were a proven failure decades ago and here we are with a President who has NO education or experience in economics and never held a real job in his life, hasn't a clue what it means to try and meet payroll except to demonize those who do -but who is a big fan of this known failure of an economic theory and is deluded enough to believe he can make it work anyway. And you as an ignorant bubba right there cheering him on while we all head right off that cliff. Insisting the entire time it is really Bush's fault for the lousy decisions Democrats have been making since getting handed full control of both Congress and the White House!

GOVERNMENT is not the engine that drives our economy in spite of the stupid beliefs of Democrats! Obama declared it was when he was running for President, in fact said ONLY government could fix what was wrong with our economy which was pure bullshit and should have been a big warning about how off the grid this guy's economic policies were going to be. And he sure didn't disappoint there, did he? Government can only adopt policies that are favorable to what is the REAL engine of our economy or make them unfavorable. Obama chose unfavorable and his IGNORANCE will not allow him to accept the FACT that government cannot SPEND our way out of this recession any more than you can spend your way out of bankruptcy! And that is because GOVERNMENT is a lousy judge of where to get the most bang for the buck while the private sector does a fantastic job of it. So which does Obama think should be determining the winners and losers in our economy? He thinks government should -and sorry bubba, but that is the fundamental principle of SOCIALISM and his REJECTION of the free market system! Do you really think government claiming a major role for itself to run banks and the automobile industry and set their business policies even is a free market principle? Really? You can't be an advocate of the free market system at the same time you think the proper role of government is to determine the winners and loser in the marketplace! And Obama really does believe it should government who decides that because like most stupid Democrats, he thinks man's creation is a magical entity that is always smarter and wiser than its creator! And every single idea he has come up with since involves just more SPENDING like a typical stupid Democrat who are always convinced that even with zero education and expertise on the issue, can do ANYTHING better than those who make a living doing it themselves.

I was never in favor of term limits until now but I firmly believe nothing has done more harm to our nation than career politicians who are far more concerned about their next election than the welfare of this nation. That crosses party lines, but Democrats tend to be more blatantly arrogant about it, showing their utter contempt for the very people who put them in office.

I can see why you are a Democrat. But here is why I could never be one and I would rather swim with the fishes than be one. I have too much education in the "hard" stuff instead of the touchy-feely arts or law school. There is a reason liberals dominate these two fields. Which means I'm pretty quick at picking up on the bullshit politicians spew out and Democrats tend to hold the prize for it -again, for a reason. It means I have a better understanding of what makes people tick -but liberals really don't. They focus on what the way they WISH people were and their policies are based on that -instead of forming policies based on how people really are. I am not ignorant enough, emotional enough, irrational enough and will always possess way too many critical thinking skills -which means while saying really stupid things like "McConnell and Boehner take their lead from demagogues" or "while America burns, Republicans fiddle" actually works for you and others like you, and while Democrats delude themselves into believing saying such stupid things somehow wins the debate entirely and ends all discussion -it really doesn't work at all for me or anyone else capable of independent thought looking for far more than another stupid political campaign slogan. I outgrew namecalling a long time ago -Democrats never do and like a child, they really do believe whoever calls the other person the meanest name gets to win! LOL It is why they fall back on shouting "racist" instead of offering up a sound, well reasoned argument. Like any child they are driven by their emotions and not on any ability to reason. And incredibly, many actually pride themselves on that! Being an emotionally driven child in an adult's body is not a point of pride though -except to another kid.

But just how ignorant and stupid does someone have to be to not understand who controls both Congress and the White House? Democrats didn't need even ONE Republican vote to do whatever they wanted -which is why things got even worse! We got Democrats with no brakes and this is what it looks like! So the "America burns and Republicans fiddle" comment is an incredibly stupid comment given the fact they've been forced to the sidelines with zero power to stop Democrats, much less any power to advance their own policies! Republicans were irrelevant here for two years now - so your little pathetic fallen-flat "witticisms" pretending Republicans even had a role at all here when they had NONE and could only vocally object but had no power to stop Democrats -only says something about you for saying something so silly, stupid and ignorant - but says nothing about Republicans who weren't even in the game. But sure will be after midterms! Democrats indulging in their wet dream spending spree over the protests of the vast majority who are screaming STOP -is not putting the welfare of this country first whatsoever. Insisting anyone who objects to their spending spree and refuses to silently submit to whatever happens to move Democrats today somehow isn't putting the welfare of the nation first has an agenda that has nothing to do with the best interests and welfare of this nation.

One again we have all seen first hand what happens when Democrats have too much power. And it has made people angry. Looking forward to hearing all you liberal non-thinking ideologues try to rationalize your way out of it the day after the midterm election.

And I do get such a kick out the liberal OBSESSION with people like Beck and Limbaugh. These are two private citizens who hold NO elected office and never will. No one appointed them to set Republican policy and they don't set it. They wield NO POWER -and only have a VOICE. Obviously a voice that scares the shit out of liberals though! No politician seeks out the advice of either of these men any more than Obama seeks out the advice of Jon Stewart. You don't see conservatives foam at the mouth over Stewart like you liberals do about a couple of PRIVATE CITIZENS who actually speak for no one but themselves which is what they get paid to do! Personally I get far more concerned and worked up about the people who really do hold power because THOSE are the people with the power to actually screw up my life! But you go ahead and get worked into a lather about people who have no power over your life at all. People like you obsessing about Limbaugh, Beck or Palin when none of them hold any elected office and speak for no one but THEMSELVES gives them far more power than they really have. People SPEAKING and giving their OPINION about issues is only a scary thing to a liberal. Limbaugh, Beck and now Palin don't make policy -they just give their OPINION about the policies others have made. Whoo -how scary is that? The best part is everyone else knows it but gets such a kick out of watching liberals foam at the mouth over them they will let you go on and on and on. And how typical of you as a Democrat to intentionally mis-characterize Beck's rally which only proved you don't have a clue what it was really about in the first place! Evidently you think it serves your own agenda to do that -but it shared NOTHING in common with Iran -and you know it. Which reveals a sinister cast on your reasons for deliberately trying to deceive others into believing it did.

Unemployment will remain high until businesses see a reason to expand and they have NO reason to do so at this time of uncertainty -and that uncertainty was created by government which is THE root cause of our bad economy. Democrats insist the answer is to give government an even bigger role to screw things all up and Republicans insist the answer is to reduce the presence, role and ability of government to interfere and mess things up, end this out-of-control, irrational spending spree the Democrats just love. And THAT is EXACTLY the message Republicans have been SHOUTING for months now. The fact you tuned them out and want to pretend they are doing nothing but "fiddling" is YOUR problem -a problem caused by the fact you are a political ideologue which means you lack the ability to honestly face our problems and accept the fact that Democrats made a bad situation even worse by their misguided and dead wrong policies. But don't assume everyone else suffers from your same problem because they don't.
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Immaterial. You just might as well say that you don't want to read anything that doesn't agree with you. That would be far more accurate.

exactly.....post 342....he did not want to answer that one....he might of had to criticize the President....cant be doing that when your up Pelosi's ass.....

Synth is incapable of apostasy. He thinks he'll burst into flames.

for that one i was refering to the Waltz master Wry....
BAAAA. It depends on how one defines fail. Limbaugh - as the de facto leader of the Republican Party made it clear, he hopes Obama fails. Now, what did he mean?
I don't know what's in your heart DM, but your posts suggest you disagree fundamentally with most everything Obama has tired, so it's rather hard for me to fathom you hope policy which you disagree with meets with success.
That does not mean you hope America fails, or that you wish harm on her citizens.
Now, he has had some success, but as the man says, "it's the economy, stupid".
Many on the right feel the health care bill is bad, so do many on the left. The former support the status quo, the latter feel the bill did not go far enough.
Same is true with the stimulus, the right rejects government interference; the left feels more needs to be done.
IMO Obama's failure is his attempt to please everyone. He should be more like Bush, do what he thinks is correct. Sadly, Bush rarely was, that aside, leadership is having a vision, the ability to convince others it is the correct vision, and to develop a plan able to achieve the goal.
Obama has the vision, he simply need to explain the goal and the means to get there so the average Joe/Joan understands. That he has not done.

The Right only rejects government interference when it is painless to do so. When it serves their interests, they are all for it.

Just as they support the Constitution ONLY when it serves their interests, and considers it "just a piece of paper" when they wish to ignore it.

Wasn't it the left than ran to the protection of the constitution when everyone thought that the mosque shouldn't be built that close to ground zero, and turned their back on it with mandated healthcare? See the irony??????

Rejecting a community center close to ground zero, burning the Quran, and lumping all member of a religion as 'evil doers' is insane. It is less an expression of free speech than it is an example of pissing into the wind.
They are examples of the emotion based ideology which thrives on hate and fear; and in ignorance 'hides' behind the Constitution. It is settled law that 'free speech & free expression' have limits; every sane American knows yelling fire in a crowded theater is not a protected right; such behavior is restricted because the consequences are all too predictable.
The Right only rejects government interference when it is painless to do so. When it serves their interests, they are all for it.

Just as they support the Constitution ONLY when it serves their interests, and considers it "just a piece of paper" when they wish to ignore it.

Wasn't it the left than ran to the protection of the constitution when everyone thought that the mosque shouldn't be built that close to ground zero, and turned their back on it with mandated healthcare? See the irony??????

Rejecting a community center close to ground zero, burning the Quran, and lumping all member of a religion as 'evil doers' is insane. It is less an expression of free speech than it is an example of pissing into the wind.
They are examples of the emotion based ideology which thrives on hate and fear; and in ignorance 'hides' behind the Constitution. It is settled law that 'free speech & free expression' have limits; every sane American knows yelling fire in a crowded theater is not a protected right; such behavior is restricted because the consequences are all too predictable.

I noticed you couldn't refute the meat of my post....so you went into your drugged up rant, wry.
Burning the Quran???? How many people from the right are behind that ya buffoon? A looney pastor does not speak for the right, and you know that your a disengenuous moron. You just keep pushing your leftwing loon tactics taught to you from the Dean camp.....he must be very proud of you. No one is arguing the right of the Muslims to build a mosque at that sight, they just have an opinion that it isn't a good idea.....again you show what a dishonest hack you are. Where have I said that Muslims are "evil doers"? Again You show what a LIAR you are. You do nothing but echo what Howard Dean teaches you.....You are probably glad you weren't part of the Jim Jones cult, because you and I both know you are such a tool that you would have drank the Kool-Aid. I have to laugh about your fear and hate....seems your the only one that fears and hates.I have no idea what your "freedom of speech" drivel is about...must be the drugs talking.

PS.....how did frisco ever trust you with a gun? I would have stuck a mop in your hand and say "do the best you can"
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Wasn't it the left than ran to the protection of the constitution when everyone thought that the mosque shouldn't be built that close to ground zero, and turned their back on it with mandated healthcare? See the irony??????

Rejecting a community center close to ground zero, burning the Quran, and lumping all member of a religion as 'evil doers' is insane. It is less an expression of free speech than it is an example of pissing into the wind.
They are examples of the emotion based ideology which thrives on hate and fear; and in ignorance 'hides' behind the Constitution. It is settled law that 'free speech & free expression' have limits; every sane American knows yelling fire in a crowded theater is not a protected right; such behavior is restricted because the consequences are all too predictable.

I noticed you couldn't refute the meat of my post....so you went into your drugged up rant, wry.
Burning the Quran???? How many people from the right are behind that ya buffoon? A looney pastor does not speak for the right, and you know that your a disengenuous moron. You just keep pushing your leftwing loon tactics taught to you from the Dean camp.....he must be very proud of you. No one is arguing the right of the Muslims to build a mosque at that sight, they just have an opinion that it isn't a good idea.....again you show what a dishonest hack you are. Where have I said that Muslims are "evil doers"? Again You show what a LIAR you are. You do nothing but echo what Howard Dean teaches you.....You are probably glad you weren't part of the Jim Jones cult, because you and I both know you are such a tool that you would have drank the Kool-Aid. I have to laugh about your fear and hate....seems your the only one that fears and hates.I have no idea what your "freedom of speech" drivel is about...must be the drugs talking.

PS.....how did frisco ever trust you with a gun? I would have stuck a mop in your hand and say "do the best you can"

Free Speech and Free Expression have limits. Every sane American knows it is unlawful to yell fire in a crowded theater. Not because some liberal judge made it so, it is unlawful for the potential consequences of such an act outway the individuals right of expression.
Such is the case in Florida, yet the fringe support one individuals 'right' no matter what the consequences.
I wonder how many who support the burning of the Quran's, would support burning the American flag? My guess is not many, for hypocrisy in the defense of extremism is not a vice.
Free Speech and Free Expression have limits. Every sane American knows it is unlawful to yell fire in a crowded theater. Not because some liberal judge made it so, it is unlawful for the potential consequences of such an act outway the individuals right of expression.
Such is the case in Florida, yet the fringe support one individuals 'right' no matter what the consequences.
I wonder how many who support the burning of the Quran's, would support burning the American flag? My guess is not many, for hypocrisy in the defense of extremism is not a vice.
As loathsome as I find the idea, I support the burning of the American flag.
Rejecting a community center close to ground zero, burning the Quran, and lumping all member of a religion as 'evil doers' is insane. It is less an expression of free speech than it is an example of pissing into the wind.
They are examples of the emotion based ideology which thrives on hate and fear; and in ignorance 'hides' behind the Constitution. It is settled law that 'free speech & free expression' have limits; every sane American knows yelling fire in a crowded theater is not a protected right; such behavior is restricted because the consequences are all too predictable.

I noticed you couldn't refute the meat of my post....so you went into your drugged up rant, wry.
Burning the Quran???? How many people from the right are behind that ya buffoon? A looney pastor does not speak for the right, and you know that your a disengenuous moron. You just keep pushing your leftwing loon tactics taught to you from the Dean camp.....he must be very proud of you. No one is arguing the right of the Muslims to build a mosque at that sight, they just have an opinion that it isn't a good idea.....again you show what a dishonest hack you are. Where have I said that Muslims are "evil doers"? Again You show what a LIAR you are. You do nothing but echo what Howard Dean teaches you.....You are probably glad you weren't part of the Jim Jones cult, because you and I both know you are such a tool that you would have drank the Kool-Aid. I have to laugh about your fear and hate....seems your the only one that fears and hates.I have no idea what your "freedom of speech" drivel is about...must be the drugs talking.

PS.....how did frisco ever trust you with a gun? I would have stuck a mop in your hand and say "do the best you can"

Free Speech and Free Expression have limits. Every sane American knows it is unlawful to yell fire in a crowded theater. Not because some liberal judge made it so, it is unlawful for the potential consequences of such an act outway the individuals right of expression.
Such is the case in Florida, yet the fringe support one individuals 'right' no matter what the consequences.
I wonder how many who support the burning of the Quran's, would support burning the American flag? My guess is not many, for hypocrisy in the defense of extremism is not a vice.

I really doubt there are too many from either side of the isle that support the burning of the Quran, or burning of the flag....so what's your point?

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