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Why I'm a Democrat

Look who is calling who a moron. You can't even spell the fucking word.

Obama needs to be impeached and when the Republicans take both the house and senate, that just may happen.

Obama hasn't done shit for me. What has he done for you?

On what GOUNDS would he be impeached?

I cannot think of much that Bush did for me.....well, he did allow more illegals into the country, and ignore all warning signs of a housing crisis....So, I've been able to have the lawn mown around a house I cannot afford. Frankly, I don't see how Obama could fuck up MORE in less than two years, than Bush fucked up in 8 years, and Bush was never impeached.

Why bring up Bush? Oh that's right that's the only defense you Obama supporters have.

Obama can be impeached on numerous things, one is engaging in illegal funding of Pro-Abortion and Pro-Sharia Kenyan Constitution using taxpayer dollars.

I'm not an Obama supporter.

YOU invited me to compare what Obama "has done for me" to what Bush had done, when YOU asked.

Since The Executive cannot fund ANYTHING without congressional approval (only the legislative branch has this power) your example of an impeachable offense is more than a little ridiculous
OMG. while America BURNS, the Republicans fiddle.

and they take their LEAD from Beck and Limbaugh..anyone else get tired of hearing this stupid shit?
You Democrats have become nothing but Big Guberment whiny ninnies.
what ever happened to "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and getting it DONE.

You're a Democrat the same reason that Muslims still won't eat pork: bad upbringing.

I agree the Republican Party has sucked but this time we're going to sit on top of them and make them start undoing all the damage Progressives have inflicted on our government and civilization these past 100 years.

We're going to shut down whole government departments and programs, we're going to shirk government and expand the private sector. Hang in there, Wry. Help is coming!

Good Luck....but the truth is, it won't ever happen...the Republicans have been the 'do nothingers' other than increase the size of our government big time, (medicare Pill bill for one, no child left behind, department of homeland security etc etc etc etc etc) and increase our National Debt party....while putting all of their spending like drunken sailors, on to our future, on to our children and grand children and great grand children.....

I don't think the Republicans are any better than "the other side", they may talk the talk, but they have never walked the walk, at least for the last decade frank....

But the difference is that we have a real civilian uprising called the Tea Party and they won't stand for that from Republicans!

I still see it as "I have a Dream" scenario Frank, and primarily from what I said....there is no "competition" to keep them in line....

I mean, what choices do the Tea Party members really have when it comes to voting...? Are there alternatives to the Republicans if the republicans do not do, what the tea party wants?

Because the "other Party" is "evil liberals", there are no other choices for them...so this is what gives the Republicans in power another blank check on spending....

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Look who is calling who a moron. You can't even spell the fucking word.

Obama needs to be impeached and when the Republicans take both the house and senate, that just may happen.

Obama hasn't done shit for me. What has he done for you?

On what GOUNDS would he be impeached?

I cannot think of much that Bush did for me.....well, he did allow more illegals into the country, and ignore all warning signs of a housing crisis....So, I've been able to have the lawn mown around a house I cannot afford. Frankly, I don't see how Obama could fuck up MORE in less than two years, than Bush fucked up in 8 years, and Bush was never impeached.
I do agree with you about Bush and the illegals, but......

Ah, so he warned Dems.

Who ADMINISTERED the programs?

For a guy that was willing to go to war over WMD in Iraq, you'd think he'd be able to do a tad more about the impending financial crisis than give Barney Frank a stern lecture over lunch.
OMG. while America BURNS, the Republicans fiddle.

and they take their LEAD from Beck and Limbaugh..anyone else get tired of hearing this stupid shit?
You Democrats have become nothing but Big Guberment whiny ninnies.
what ever happened to "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and getting it DONE.

Good Luck....but the truth is, it won't ever happen...the Republicans have been the 'do nothingers' other than increase the size of our government big time, (medicare Pill bill for one, no child left behind, department of homeland security etc etc etc etc etc) and increase our National Debt party....while putting all of their spending like drunken sailors, on to our future, on to our children and grand children and great grand children.....

I don't think the Republicans are any better than "the other side", they may talk the talk, but they have never walked the walk, at least for the last decade frank....

But the difference is that we have a real civilian uprising called the Tea Party and they won't stand for that from Republicans!

I still see it as "I have a Dream" scenario Frank, and primarily from what I said....there is no "competition" to keep them in line....

I mean, what choices do the Tea Party members really have when it comes to voting...? Are there alternatives to the Republicans if the republicans do not do, what the tea party wants?

Because the "other Party" is "evil liberals", there are no other choices for them...so this is what gives the Republicans in power another blank check on spending....


Yep and if you vote third party, you get accused of throwing your vote away, well, I had rather do that than keep contributing to the circle jerk.
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you are a Democrat for two main reasons:

1. You greatly dislike Republicans.
2. You want the government to spend more money on "national projects".

Those do not seem like very good reasons to be a Democrat, but that is just me.
Just nurture the emotionals. Facts are just too uncomfortable.

Yes, we'll go away.

*backs slowly away while making no sudden movements*

One more idiotgram, the last I hope to see (at least on this thread).

Please, which "Facts are just too uncomfortable"?

Yes, I expressed an opinion, and you responded with an ad hominem attack. A very weak one, but one none the less.
Other than to cut taxes Si modo, what do you propose? Like the limited one, laying-off more workers in a time of unemployment?
Question, Wry: How does one address emotions and hyperbole with facts?
On what GOUNDS would he be impeached?

I cannot think of much that Bush did for me.....well, he did allow more illegals into the country, and ignore all warning signs of a housing crisis....So, I've been able to have the lawn mown around a house I cannot afford. Frankly, I don't see how Obama could fuck up MORE in less than two years, than Bush fucked up in 8 years, and Bush was never impeached.
I do agree with you about Bush and the illegals, but......

Ah, so he warned Dems.

Who ADMINISTERED the programs?

For a guy that was willing to go to war over WMD in Iraq, you'd think he'd be able to do a tad more about the impending financial crisis than give Barney Frank a stern lecture over lunch.

The only thing I'm defending about Bush is with the housing crisis, Samson. I was no big fan of Bush, but I was a lesser fan of Gore and Kerry.
I thought he was an ass for pulling the trigger in Iraq. I also thought he needed to look up the word "veto" in the dictionary long before he did.
On what GOUNDS would he be impeached?

I cannot think of much that Bush did for me.....well, he did allow more illegals into the country, and ignore all warning signs of a housing crisis....So, I've been able to have the lawn mown around a house I cannot afford. Frankly, I don't see how Obama could fuck up MORE in less than two years, than Bush fucked up in 8 years, and Bush was never impeached.

Why bring up Bush? Oh that's right that's the only defense you Obama supporters have.

Obama can be impeached on numerous things, one is engaging in illegal funding of Pro-Abortion and Pro-Sharia Kenyan Constitution using taxpayer dollars.

I'm not an Obama supporter.

YOU invited me to compare what Obama "has done for me" to what Bush had done, when YOU asked.

Since The Executive cannot fund ANYTHING without congressional approval (only the legislative branch has this power) your example of an impeachable offense is more than a little ridiculous

I did no such thing.

Look who is calling who a moron. You can't even spell the fucking word.

Obama needs to be impeached and when the Republicans take both the house and senate, that just may happen.

Obama hasn't done shit for me. What has he done for you?

Highlight where I asked for a comparison. And highlight where I mentioned Bush at all.

Did you even bother to read the link? This funding is an impeachable offense. Because the Kenyan Constitution essentially opens the nation up to unlimited abortions, the White House is in direct conflict with the Siljander Amendment annually included in the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act.

The Amendment reads, “None of the funds made available under this Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion, and violations are subject to civil and criminal penalties under the Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341.”

Impeach Obama Petition | Impeach Obama Campaign
Just nurture the emotionals. Facts are just too uncomfortable.

Yes, we'll go away.

*backs slowly away while making no sudden movements*

One more idiotgram, the last I hope to see (at least on this thread).

Please, which "Facts are just too uncomfortable"?

Yes, I expressed an opinion, and you responded with an ad hominem attack. A very weak one, but one none the less.
Other than to cut taxes Si modo, what do you propose? Like the limited one, laying-off more workers in a time of unemployment?
Question, Wry: How does one address emotions and hyperbole with facts?

if you have FACTS vs hyperbole, seems pretty easy to me....just state them si modo!
One more idiotgram, the last I hope to see (at least on this thread).

Please, which "Facts are just too uncomfortable"?

Yes, I expressed an opinion, and you responded with an ad hominem attack. A very weak one, but one none the less.
Other than to cut taxes Si modo, what do you propose? Like the limited one, laying-off more workers in a time of unemployment?
Question, Wry: How does one address emotions and hyperbole with facts?

if you have FACTS vs hyperbole, seems pretty easy to me....just state them si modo!
To address emotions and hyperbole? :confused:
Question, Wry: How does one address emotions and hyperbole with facts?

if you have FACTS vs hyperbole, seems pretty easy to me....just state them si modo!
To address emotions and hyperbole? :confused:


If it is hyperbole, you should be able to show some facts that it IS hyperbole....at least, it seems that way to me... this would keep the debate going and on topic, so to say...addressing what you know is hyperbole.

Pay no attention to me...not enough coffee yet, I suppose! ;)
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

So, Mr. Democrat, why hasn't this been done yet? You got the Prez, the Senate, and the House in your hot little hands...

Instead your party of Demonrats has spent TRILLIONS so far and not a damn thing has been done except to spend, spend, spend on on party paybacks and pork. The few jobs created have been in government. Our economy is crashing and all we are doing is going into more debt. Your president is rubbing shoulders with the enemy, and doing everything possible to hamstring the American people and lead us into bankruptcy and servitude. This is why you are a Dem?

Your plan is nothing more than a bigger government boondoggle ala FDR. Your idea to fix America's problems is to micromanage from the top down....to make government the employer. This will not create money...just spends more. The only way to right our ship is to set the American people free. We can do it better than any government structure. Get rid of excessive government controls and taxes.

I'm not saying that Republicans are a whole lot better....in fact they have been acting just like Democrats....they did their fair share of spending as well. But at least there are a few in the party with conservative ideas....and there will be more this fall....so at least there is some hope for doing what is right for the American people....which is to get government out of the frigging way and set us free.

So, your plan is to cut taxes and limit regulation. Correct? Isn't that what Bush&Co. did for eight years?
if you have FACTS vs hyperbole, seems pretty easy to me....just state them si modo!
To address emotions and hyperbole? :confused:


If it is hyperbole, you should be able to show some facts that it IS hyperbole....at least, it seems that way to me... this would keep the debate going and on topic, so to say...addressing what you know is hyperbole.

Pay no attention to me...not enough coffee yet, I suppose! ;)
Hun, you're not getting it. There IS no debate when it 'starts' with emotions and hyperbole. These are basics.
Why bring up Bush? Oh that's right that's the only defense you Obama supporters have.

Obama can be impeached on numerous things, one is engaging in illegal funding of Pro-Abortion and Pro-Sharia Kenyan Constitution using taxpayer dollars.

I'm not an Obama supporter.

YOU invited me to compare what Obama "has done for me" to what Bush had done, when YOU asked.

Since The Executive cannot fund ANYTHING without congressional approval (only the legislative branch has this power) your example of an impeachable offense is more than a little ridiculous

I did no such thing.

Look who is calling who a moron. You can't even spell the fucking word.

Obama needs to be impeached and when the Republicans take both the house and senate, that just may happen.

Obama hasn't done shit for me. What has he done for you?

Highlight where I asked for a comparison. And highlight where I mentioned Bush at all.

Did you even bother to read the link? This funding is an impeachable offense. Because the Kenyan Constitution essentially opens the nation up to unlimited abortions, the White House is in direct conflict with the Siljander Amendment annually included in the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act.

The Amendment reads, “None of the funds made available under this Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion, and violations are subject to civil and criminal penalties under the Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341.”

Impeach Obama Petition | Impeach Obama Campaign

seriously? :rofl:

I think not....
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you are a Democrat for two main reasons:

1. You greatly dislike Republicans.
2. You want the government to spend more money on "national projects".

Those do not seem like very good reasons to be a Democrat, but that is just me.

I'll support any candidate with an idea which seems to me to be practical and which respects the individual and provides the greatest good to the greatest number. I don't hate the class of all Republicans, I do believe McConnell and Boehner are dim and phonies, Gingrich and Palin are opportunists and liars, and Limbaugh and Beck are our only out for themselves - the former lies, uses half-turths and innuendo to assassinate the character of anyone who disagrees with him; the latter maybe insane.
The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

Serously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out).
Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf!
And all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board.


So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have.

So, Mr. Democrat, why hasn't this been done yet? You got the Prez, the Senate, and the House in your hot little hands...

Instead your party of Demonrats has spent TRILLIONS so far and not a damn thing has been done except to spend, spend, spend on on party paybacks and pork. The few jobs created have been in government. Our economy is crashing and all we are doing is going into more debt. Your president is rubbing shoulders with the enemy, and doing everything possible to hamstring the American people and lead us into bankruptcy and servitude. This is why you are a Dem?

Your plan is nothing more than a bigger government boondoggle ala FDR. Your idea to fix America's problems is to micromanage from the top down....to make government the employer. This will not create money...just spends more. The only way to right our ship is to set the American people free. We can do it better than any government structure. Get rid of excessive government controls and taxes.

I'm not saying that Republicans are a whole lot better....in fact they have been acting just like Democrats....they did their fair share of spending as well. But at least there are a few in the party with conservative ideas....and there will be more this fall....so at least there is some hope for doing what is right for the American people....which is to get government out of the frigging way and set us free.

So, your plan is to cut taxes and limit regulation. Correct? Isn't that what Bush&Co. did for eight years?

However the spending went on... and on.....

We must cut government spending as well.
I'm not an Obama supporter.

YOU invited me to compare what Obama "has done for me" to what Bush had done, when YOU asked.

Since The Executive cannot fund ANYTHING without congressional approval (only the legislative branch has this power) your example of an impeachable offense is more than a little ridiculous

I did no such thing.

Look who is calling who a moron. You can't even spell the fucking word.

Obama needs to be impeached and when the Republicans take both the house and senate, that just may happen.

Obama hasn't done shit for me. What has he done for you?

Highlight where I asked for a comparison. And highlight where I mentioned Bush at all.

Did you even bother to read the link? This funding is an impeachable offense. Because the Kenyan Constitution essentially opens the nation up to unlimited abortions, the White House is in direct conflict with the Siljander Amendment annually included in the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act.

The Amendment reads, “None of the funds made available under this Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion, and violations are subject to civil and criminal penalties under the Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341.”

Impeach Obama Petition | Impeach Obama Campaign

seriously? :rofl:

I think not....

In other words you can't refute the charges. So you simply dismiss them. Typical liberal!
Just nurture the emotionals. Facts are just too uncomfortable.

Yes, we'll go away.

*backs slowly away while making no sudden movements*

One more idiotgram, the last I hope to see (at least on this thread).

Please, which "Facts are just too uncomfortable"?

Yes, I expressed an opinion, and you responded with an ad hominem attack. A very weak one, but one none the less.
Other than to cut taxes Si modo, what do you propose? Like the limited one, laying-off more workers in a time of unemployment?
Question, Wry: How does one address emotions and hyperbole with facts?

Apparently you interpreted my post as "emotion" and "hyperbole", assuming you're not dishonest (for the moment) and answering my question with a question to get away with your 'interpretation' I'll repost the OP so you may try to point out to me and others where the "emotion" and "hyperbole" lie.


"The Republican Party needs to put country first and that won't happen. Their only policy that has been in effect, and has been affective, is working to make Obama fail. Every idea has been ridiculed and falsely characterized as "Socialism" or worse, and every need all of us seem to be concerned with can be fixed by the one magic bullet held by the conserviatives: Tax Cuts.

"Seriously, how could anyone support a party lead by McConnell and Boehner? Two pols who take their lead from demagogues, Limbaugh and Beck; and populists, like Palin and Gingrich?

"While America 'burns', the Republicans 'fiddle'; Becks rally Sunday was the most recent 'tune' ("God is Great"; hey Glen, that's been done. See Iran for how well that worked out). "Past tunes: Obama is a Muslim! He was born in the Africa! He is a Socialist! He is a Marxist! He hates white people! OMG, he played golf! And, all of these tunes are played back over and over by the Loony Tune Players on this message board."

SEEMS pretty spot on to me.

And, "So, what should be done?

A huge influx of capital, both from the government and private investors in at least three national projects: Rebuilding the electrical grid; building inter and intra urban railroads and canals for the transport of goods, recreation and flood control; and the building of health care centers in each congressional district across America providing preventative medicine and health care education.
Image the possibilities, jobs for decades, less dependence on foreign oil, and a healthier happier citizenry. The opposite of hate and fear, the only other policy the Republican Party seems to have."

No one on the right, on this thread or any thread ever (now, that may be hyperbole, or it may be true) has every had a plan but for Cut taxes, cut spending. And, NEVER do that say what should be cut.
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