Why I'm a Liberal

I'm a liberal because I respect facts and reality just seems to have that insidious left wing bias.
I am a staunch environmentalist.

A card carrying member of the Sierra Club, I give to the Environmental defense fund and the World Wildlife fund among others.

I believe it is a priority to have a clean healthy environment for people to live in.

I don't care if gay people get married. When people are members of any society they should be able to access all the benefits of that society and when people can do that they are happier and more productive members of that society. BIG tent.

That said I also think the government can and should be greatly reduced in its size and cost.
I'm a liberal mostly because of the cowardly way conservatives act. Still can't figure out why they like to be so frightened.
Any examples?
Fear is the prime motivating factor of republican voters. Not sure why you need examples. Fear of commies, gun grabbers, Muslims, BLM, atheists, gay people, immigrants etc. have all been used to sow division and foster authoritarianism. When someone tries to scare me I tell them to get lost, republicans send them money.

Meanwhile Libs “fear” everything that can be categorized under the ‘American Way’.
They FEAR that heterosexual Christian whitey will always run this nation their way....the way that has worked better than any other way ever tried.....the American Way.
I'm a liberal mostly because of the cowardly way conservatives act. Still can't figure out why they like to be so frightened.
Any examples?
Fear is the prime motivating factor of republican voters. Not sure why you need examples. Fear of commies, gun grabbers, Muslims, BLM, atheists, gay people, immigrants etc. have all been used to sow division and foster authoritarianism. When someone tries to scare me I tell them to get lost, republicans send them money.

Meanwhile Libs “fear” everything that can be categorized under the ‘American Way’.
They FEAR that heterosexual Christian whitey will always run this nation their way....the way that has worked better than any other way ever tried.....the American Way.

I'd don't fear heterosexual Christians, I just detest biggot idots like you that think that you need to be a heterosexual Christian to participate in good governing.
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected
I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)
I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong
I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason
I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)
I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected
I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.
I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

YOU'RE NOT A LIBERAL, Bill, you're a weak-minded simp on his way to becoming a muddle-headed Socialist-Progressive.
  • Conservatives want to CONSERVE (protect) trees and the environment and everything else.
  • Conservatives are the strictest followers of the Constitution, whose cornerstone is individual liberty and actualization.
  • Conservatives know that there is no concerted rash of white cops killing blacks for no reason as you suggest, that is just pure leftist propaganda.
  • It's the Law that everyone be treated equally under the law, unfortunately, the reality is also that legal defense is also a SERVICE and those with more money can afford a better defense.
  • Conservatives love protesting, but also know the difference between an orderly protest and outright radicalized civil disobedience leading into anarchy.
  • Conservatives are educated enough to know the importance of being taught how to critically think for oneself vs. subserviently accepting HOW to think, act and believe from others.
  • Conservatives believe in equality of the sexes and races but are also wise enough to embrace and acknowledge our wonderful differences.
No, Bill, you were never a conservative, you confuse conservatism with unmitigated, brash Capitalism, and your foolishness has led you to believe the remedy to all is democratic-socialism.

I like Democratic Socialism. :)
The idea that women enjoy equal rights with men is total baloney. There is no concerted political effort by politicians to deny men their rights to choose their own religion, to enjoy physical sovereignty, and to make their own personal decisions, as there is directed at women. LGBTs are undergoing similar attacks on their rights.
It is perplexing that you "disliked" my first post responding to yours. It was agreeing with you.

Sorry. I interpreted your post as saying that women's rights were a "minor detail" and that the "really big and important cause" was outlawing birth control and abortion for all Americans.
I'm a liberal mostly because of the cowardly way conservatives act. Still can't figure out why they like to be so frightened.
Any examples?
Fear is the prime motivating factor of republican voters. Not sure why you need examples. Fear of commies, gun grabbers, Muslims, BLM, atheists, gay people, immigrants etc. have all been used to sow division and foster authoritarianism. When someone tries to scare me I tell them to get lost, republicans send them money.

marxist led blm, and antifa, are literally killing people in the streets.

being "afraid" of people dying, when people are actually dying, is the rational response.

to be clear, in case you did not get it, that is a reference to your first point in your gish gallop, of "commies".

your whole list is thus shown to be us being right and you being wrong.

How many people are actually dying? Yes, we have murder, but we always have had murder. We also have murderous attacks on federal judges, street crime, people walking up to others and screaming in their faces, armed people following a family on a camping trip, arsons of houses of worship, women's clinics, and bars, and now we have anonymous thugs on the streets of an American city. This "OMG! There's a crime epidemic" is hysterical nonsense intended to make Americans accept the concept of authoritarian fascist government. No thanks.
Conservatives are the true cultural and economic mainstream people.
They are the real centrists.
The Liberals are a coalition of the fringe.
Wise Conservatives understand that Left Wing Economics and and Amoral Societies always bring wide spread misery.
I'm a liberal mostly because of the cowardly way conservatives act. Still can't figure out why they like to be so frightened.
Any examples?
Fear is the prime motivating factor of republican voters. Not sure why you need examples. Fear of commies, gun grabbers, Muslims, BLM, atheists, gay people, immigrants etc. have all been used to sow division and foster authoritarianism. When someone tries to scare me I tell them to get lost, republicans send them money.

Meanwhile Libs “fear” everything that can be categorized under the ‘American Way’.
They FEAR that heterosexual Christian whitey will always run this nation their way....the way that has worked better than any other way ever tried.....the American Way.

Are you trying to equate being a white heterosexual Christian who embraces a fundamentalist form of Christianity with the American Way? All of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, and religion are part of the American Way. No one of any race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion owns the concept.
Conservatives are the true cultural and economic mainstream people.
They are the real centrists.
The Liberals are a coalition of the fringe.
Wise Conservatives understand that Left Wing Economics and and Amoral Societies always bring wide spread misery.

Banning all abortion rights and contraceptives is mainstream?
Never ending fringe conspiracies like Pizzage or Seth Rich are mainstream?
Laissez-faire economics are mianstream?
Ku Klux Clan is mainstream?
Alt-facts are mainstream?

You live out on the moon if you don't think there is such thing is as a fringe right, or moderate left.
Conservatives are the true cultural and economic mainstream people.
They are the real centrists.
The Liberals are a coalition of the fringe.
Wise Conservatives understand that Left Wing Economics and and Amoral Societies always bring wide spread misery.

Banning all abortion rights and contraceptives is mainstream?
Never ending fringe conspiracies like Pizzage or Seth Rich are mainstream?
Laissez-faire economics are mianstream?
Ku Klux Clan is mainstream?
Alt-facts are mainstream?

You live out on the moon if you don't think there is such thing is as a fringe right, or moderate left.
those kinds of characterizations are another reason why the Dems have alienated mainstream voters
Conservatives are the true cultural and economic mainstream people.
They are the real centrists.
The Liberals are a coalition of the fringe.
Wise Conservatives understand that Left Wing Economics and and Amoral Societies always bring wide spread misery.

Banning all abortion rights and contraceptives is mainstream?
Never ending fringe conspiracies like Pizzage or Seth Rich are mainstream?
Laissez-faire economics are mianstream?
Ku Klux Clan is mainstream?
Alt-facts are mainstream?

You live out on the moon if you don't think there is such thing is as a fringe right, or moderate left.
those kinds of characterizations are another reason why the Dems have alienated mainstream voters

idiot, what "characterizations"?

banning abortion is not a conservative concept? Pizzagate is not a rightwing conspiracy theory? Laissez-faire economics is not conservative?
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I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist and you have gobbled down the stupid partisan gruel the Democrat party keeps feeding you.

Also, the 1% you hate are part of We the People. Didn't know that, huh?
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Thats true, have to be an authoritarian to belive in a right to protest. :auiqs.jpg:
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected. Trees have been harvested responsibly for a few decades now.

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.) I would agree with that.

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong So you are not using any plastic or paper products, not driving a car and walking everywhere? What is your house made of? Electronics can contribute to industrial pollution. What have you done to personally to curb pollution or are you only concerned about industrial pollution.

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason I believe police officers shouldn't shoot anyone for no good reason, armed or not. Who the hell disagrees with that? That is just self righteous BS. Very superficial.

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better) I can agree with that, how do you recommend that we change that?

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected I agree with this 100%. What we have today is not protests, when you damage others property, loot businesses, when you use violence, when you set property on fire, it is no longer a protest, the are riots and illegal. Peaceful protests, that is allowable, rioting and destroying is not.

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age. I am all for education and independent thinking, I am against the current indoctrination.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals. Another meaningless saying to make one feel good. What are you doing to make this become true?

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male.
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:
You are a liberal because you are uninformed on every single one of your points.
You shoukd thank you Satan Worshipping Professor for making you hate America!

What nation will coddle your lazy ass once you destroy America?
The idea that women enjoy equal rights with men is total baloney. There is no concerted political effort by politicians to deny men their rights to choose their own religion, to enjoy physical sovereignty, and to make their own personal decisions, as there is directed at women. LGBTs are undergoing similar attacks on their rights.

Of course women have equal rights, meaning rights under the law.

Sure, there are ways societally that they are not treated equally. So focus on it when it happens and stop the general whining. No one things women should be discriminated at work or in buying housing or those things anymore, that's gone. When you throw up a generalization, no one can do anything with that. But if you point it out when it happens, you can deal with it and resolve it
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Thats true, have to be an authoritarian to belive in a right to protest. :auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:
You’re what I would consider an older JFK/Truman moderate liberal
Today’s Libs are nothing like you ..they are the Mussolini’s of our time

just a few responses
1) 99.9 percent of all cops and blacks encounters do not result in any violence . Most of the Blacks killed have a gun and are by black cops
2) These are violent riots and not protests
3) women have exact same rights as men
If he supports (votes for) the current Demonrat leadership, hes a Marxist


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