Why I'm a Liberal

I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Thats true, have to be an authoritarian to belive in a right to protest. :auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Nothing he said suggests authoritarianism you are accusing him of.
What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Of course you support looting and rioting. You call any attempt to stop them an attack on the peaceful protesters, which it is not. Then after billions in damage, you deny it's happening
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Thats true, have to be an authoritarian to belive in a right to protest. :auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Then explain the Seattle and Portland riots and their mayors doing nothing.
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What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Of course you support looting and rioting.

No moron, I do not support looting or violent protesting (aka rioting). Both are criminal and need to be prosecuted as such.
I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong
If so then you should support president trump who wants to bring jobs back to America from china
Then tell him he can start by having the trump family products Made in the USA instead of China.

This is the endless childish shit that Democrats do.

VOR: It's fine if Democrats pay lower tax rates than they think they should, they are the tax rates we have. It's perfectly fine that Democrats pay lower tax rates than they advocate

VOR: What! Republicans are making products outside the USA when they say buy in the USA??? What !!! What ??? Hypocrisy!!! Hang them!!!!

What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Of course you support looting and rioting.

No moron, I do not support looting or violent protesting (aka rioting). Both are criminal and need to be prosecuted as such.

No, loser. Funny, I've never seen you arguing with a leftist when they say targeting the rioters and looters is not targeting the peaceful protesters and the rooters and liars should be arrested. You're still not. You're just arguing with a non-leftist. You're just a liar
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Thats true, have to be an authoritarian to belive in a right to protest. :auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Then explain the Seattle and Portland riots and their mayors doing nothing.

Wtf? You think Seattle and Portland mayors support looting and rioting?
What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Of course you support looting and rioting.

No moron, I do not support looting or violent protesting (aka rioting). Both are criminal and need to be prosecuted as such.

No, loser. Funny, I've never seen you arguing with a leftist when they say targeting the rioters and looters is not targeting the peaceful protesters and the rooters and liars should be arrested. You're still not. You're just arguing with a non-leftist. You're just a liar

I don't give a shit what you "never seen", what you said about me and others here supposedly supporting criminal behavior is pure horsecrap.
What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Of course you support looting and rioting.

No moron, I do not support looting or violent protesting (aka rioting). Both are criminal and need to be prosecuted as such.

No, loser. Funny, I've never seen you arguing with a leftist when they say targeting the rioters and looters is not targeting the peaceful protesters and the rooters and liars should be arrested. You're still not. You're just arguing with a non-leftist. You're just a liar

I don't give a shit what you "never seen", what you said about me and others here supposedly supporting criminal behavior is pure horsecrap.

Of course you do. Nowhere are you arguing against it. You only argue with people you already disagree with. That you don't come out and openly support looting and rioting doesn't contradict that you not only don't have a problem with it, but you are fostering it
What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Of course you support looting and rioting.

No moron, I do not support looting or violent protesting (aka rioting). Both are criminal and need to be prosecuted as such.

No, loser. Funny, I've never seen you arguing with a leftist when they say targeting the rioters and looters is not targeting the peaceful protesters and the rooters and liars should be arrested. You're still not. You're just arguing with a non-leftist. You're just a liar

I don't give a shit what you "never seen", what you said about me and others here supposedly supporting criminal behavior is pure horsecrap.

Of course you do. Nowhere are you arguing against it. You only argue with people you already disagree with. That you don't come out and openly support looting and rioting doesn't contradict that you not only don't have a problem with it, but you are fostering it

Moron, I directly contradict it.

I OPENLY tell you that that I support full prosecution of violence and looting. But nope, thats not good enough for you to stop repeating your made up bullshit.
Conservatives are the true cultural and economic mainstream people.
They are the real centrists.
The Liberals are a coalition of the fringe.
Wise Conservatives understand that Left Wing Economics and and Amoral Societies always bring wide spread misery.

Banning all abortion rights and contraceptives is mainstream?
Never ending fringe conspiracies like Pizzage or Seth Rich are mainstream?
Laissez-faire economics are mianstream?
Ku Klux Clan is mainstream?
Alt-facts are mainstream?

You live out on the moon if you don't think there is such thing is as a fringe right, or moderate left.
those kinds of characterizations are another reason why the Dems have alienated mainstream voters

idiot, what "characterizations"?

banning abortion is not a conservative concept? Pizzagate is not a rightwing conspiracy theory? Laissez-faire economics is not conservative?
Yes, abortion is a moral issue and moral people object to it, but it is not a big issue for me.
Crazy Conspiracies like Russian Collusion are mainstream with the Left.
I don't know much about "pizzagate", but that kind of stuff is on the fringe on the Right.
Laissez-faire economics works.
The idea that women enjoy equal rights with men is total baloney. There is no concerted political effort by politicians to deny men their rights to choose their own religion, to enjoy physical sovereignty, and to make their own personal decisions, as there is directed at women. LGBTs are undergoing similar attacks on their rights.
It is perplexing that you "disliked" my first post responding to yours. It was agreeing with you.

Sorry. I interpreted your post as saying that women's rights were a "minor detail" and that the "really big and important cause" was outlawing birth control and abortion for all Americans.
I'm a liberal mostly because of the cowardly way conservatives act. Still can't figure out why they like to be so frightened.
Any examples?
Fear is the prime motivating factor of republican voters. Not sure why you need examples. Fear of commies, gun grabbers, Muslims, BLM, atheists, gay people, immigrants etc. have all been used to sow division and foster authoritarianism. When someone tries to scare me I tell them to get lost, republicans send them money.

marxist led blm, and antifa, are literally killing people in the streets.

being "afraid" of people dying, when people are actually dying, is the rational response.

to be clear, in case you did not get it, that is a reference to your first point in your gish gallop, of "commies".

your whole list is thus shown to be us being right and you being wrong.

How many people are actually dying? Yes, we have murder, but we always have had murder. We also have murderous attacks on federal judges, street crime, people walking up to others and screaming in their faces, armed people following a family on a camping trip, arsons of houses of worship, women's clinics, and bars, and now we have anonymous thugs on the streets of an American city. This "OMG! There's a crime epidemic" is hysterical nonsense intended to make Americans accept the concept of authoritarian fascist government. No thanks.

it is not any current politician that has taught me to "fear" commies.

it is the blood soaked history of communism. it is the obvious hate i see coming from you comies.

i am not someone being led politicians to "fear" communism.

I am more someone who will be pressuring politicians to treat you traitors like the traitorous scum you are.

you do understand, that this point, the police are protecting you from us, right?
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You are a pawn of the radical left of your party.
You and Biden both have this in common!
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You are a pawn of the radical left of your party.
You and Biden both have this in common!

I am a Democratic Socialist. It's a good thing. :)
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:
other than the first three none of the other are happening, and to suggest they are and use force to correct what doesnt exist it makes you an authoritarian leftist not a liberal,,,
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:

You're not a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist

Thats true, have to be an authoritarian to belive in a right to protest. :auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid post. You picked one thing out of a list and pretended that was the specific point I was referring to.

Everyone supports peaceful protests, BTW. Only leftists support the looters and rioters. And yeah, they are the authoritarian leftists

Umm NO, authoritarians do not support peaceful protesting and no, the left does not support criminal behavior like looting. What you are saying is ridiculous drivel.

Then explain the Seattle and Portland riots and their mayors doing nothing.

Wtf? You think Seattle and Portland mayors support looting and rioting?

Seattle asked their police to step off. Then she allowed the CHOP to be set up for how many weeks? It was allowed despite the murders and high crime. Then CHOP went to the house of the mayor and she took out CHOP the next day.

If they don't support the rioting and looting, then why not end it right away? Why do they wait until the riots come to the mayor's front door and then stop it? I realize the small businesses aren't important in Seattle or Portland and that is why it is allowed to persist. They could have ended it all right away, instead, they let it linger. Why would they do that to their constituents, unless they were for the protests?
I'm a tree hugging Liberal because trees are not just a resource for profit, they are part of our ecosystem and should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe the preamble to our Constitution begins with the words "We the People" (Not we the 1%, we the Fortune 500, we the white people, we the Christians etc.)

I'm a Liberal because I think poisoning our air, water, and earth with industrial pollution is wrong

I'm a Liberal because I believe it's wrong for white cops to kill unarmed black men for no good reason

I'm a Liberal because I believe everyone should be treated equally under the law (those who can afford expensive lawyers should not be treated better)

I'm a Liberal because I believe the people's right to protest should be protected

I'm a Liberal because I believe an educated citizenry will make America a better and more competitive nation in our digital age.

I'm a Liberal because I believe men and women should be treated as equals.

I'm also a 65 year old white Christian male. :bye1:
your whole OP is babble crap
..for one, there is not a problem of cops shooting ANYone for no reason
...educated citizen?? what's your point?

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