Why I'm dropping my opposition to SSM

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.
You haven't explained anything. You propose states could secede without seceding.

I want to see how you imagine that could happen. Here. In the U.S. Logistically.

Tipsy is just apeing Russian propoganda verbatim. Its a sadly conservative thing to do right now. Here's her ex-KGB analyst's assessment of the US when telling us that the US willl collapse in 2010:

Panarin argued that Americans are in moral decline, saying their great psychological stress is evident from school shootings, the size of the prison population and the number of gay men.

Turning to economic woes, he cited the slide in major stock indexes, the decline in U.S. gross domestic product and Washington's bailout of banking giant Citigroup as evidence that American dominance of global markets has collapsed.

"I was there recently and things are far from good," he said. "What's happened is the collapse of the American dream."

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

You could replace the word 'Panarin' with "Hannity' and the sentiment would work just as well. Conservatives are literally apeing the view of the United States that the Russian government wants Americans to believe. Many conservatives have unwittingly made themselves mouthpieces for anti-US Russian propaganda. I mean quite literally.

Tipsy is actually quoting the Dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. A man who works for Russian's Foreign Ministry. And was gloriously, stunningly, laughably wrong, having predicted the collapse of the US by 2010.

He was wrong. And yet Tispy and her ilk still quote him. These American conservatives are a Russian Federal Security Service handler's wet dream. All the Russian government has to do is feed them lines and mzny of our own people will mechanically repeat them, word for word, even when they're proven uselesss idiocy.

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
pretty pathetic when a rw'er like her has to resort to Ruskie propaganda to prop her failed ideology up :( This also explains why virtually all the rw'ers on this board were cheering for Vladimir last year over Crimea. Fox (foreign-owned cable network) told them to.
You mean the southwest isn't becoming increasingly hispanic? Could have fooled me. It's certainly bilingual enough. Spanish is being taught in schools. Hispanic politicians see to hispanic interests only. The southwest is gone already. It exists as part of the United States only for federal benefits.
Newsflash!!! Its because white people aren't pro-creating at past levels. Without population growth, this great nation goes down the economic drain just like Japan. I thought you could figure this out Tipsycatlover but apparently I give you too much credit in the "figuring" stuff out dept.
Oh no!!! Since Igor Panarin is always right, I must have been living in Mexico for the last 5 years and didn't even know it!

Shouldn't tequila be cheaper?

Oh, its so much worse. Here's a stunning reveal of just how utterly lacking in self awareness Mr. Panarin actually is:

It wasn't clear how persuasive the 20-minute lecture was. One instructor asked Panarin whether his predictions more accurately describe Russia, which is undergoing its worst economic crisis in a decade as well as a demographic collapse that has led some scholars to predict the country's demise.

Panarin dismissed that idea: "The collapse of Russia will not occur."

But Alexei Malashenko, a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center who did not attend the lecture, sided with the skeptical instructor, saying Russia is the country that is on the verge of disintegration.

"I can't imagine at all how the United States could ever fall apart," Malashenko told the AP.

And Tipsy still sides with Panarin 5 years after Panarin was proven laughably wrong.....while starkly ignoring Malashenko. Tipsy and her ilk are so eager to be Russian propaganda mouthpieces, I'm actually kinda surprised she doesn't end her posts with 'comrade'.
I don't consider you a comrade.

Of course not. I don't ape Russian Foreign Ministry propaganda. So how could I ever be your comrade?
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
...Should the USSC tell its children that they are blending our family, I may go into it kicking and screaming but I hope that it all works in the end.

After all, our blending took me from Pop21 to eventually Pop23.

It was a wild ride, but after 28 years, well worth it. Let's hope it works as well for this new family

You weren't against gay marriage from the start Pop. BTW, the way you're talking about "blending" sounds almost as if you believe race is equivalent to sexual fetish behaviors? You're aware that physically, linguistically and legally the two aren't even in the same ballpark, right?
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
...Should the USSC tell its children that they are blending our family, I may go into it kicking and screaming but I hope that it all works in the end.

After all, our blending took me from Pop21 to eventually Pop23.

It was a wild ride, but after 28 years, well worth it. Let's hope it works as well for this new family

You weren't against gay marriage from the start Pop. BTW, the way you're talking about "blending" sounds almost as if you believe race is equivalent to sexual fetish behaviors? You're aware that physically, linguistically and legally the two aren't even in the same ballpark, right?

And yet between Romer v. Evans and Windsor v. US......the Supreme Court cited 4 different race based discrimination cases when describing why discrimination against gays was legally invalid.

I'm gonna have to with the Supreme Court on how relevant the issue is....rather than you citing yourself.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.

You do realize that what Panarin doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, right?


This is what he predicted was a high probability of occurance BY 2010.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

The man is an ex-KGB analyst and the Dean for the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. He is literally a mouthpiece for the Russian government. And you are quoting him verbatim despite his prediction being absolutely and certifiably wrong.

What is it about modern conservatives that may them such eager clay for Russian propogada? Why are your ilk so willing to be molded by even the most outlandish claims if they cast the US in a poor light? Why are your ilk eager, even desperate for a US collapse? Why do I get this general sense of disappointment from your fellow conservatives whenever there is GOOD economic news?

Useful idiots, indeed.
Holy shit - is that ever funny. :lol:
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Is it a secession when both sides agree?
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

Panarin addressed shortcomings with what he termed information-related reform. He offered an interesting plan to correct Russia’s information warfare deficiencies. Panarin is a long-time IW specialist and thus understands quite well the ins and outs of the problem. Overall, he was not impressed with Russia’s use of IW, noting that in regard to the Georgian conflict “the Caucasus demonstrated our utter inability to champion our goals and interests in the world information arena.”Two public groups of Russian experts, Panarin added, had looked at the IW problem in a September round table of the Russian Federation Public Chamber (titled “Information Aggression against Russia: Methods for Countering It”); and an October international conference sponsored by the party “A Just Russia” (titled “Information Warfare in the Modern World”). Panarin concluded that “the geopolitical and geoeconomic role of Russia in the world will be determined to a large extent by whether or not it can create an effective system for information warfare.”

Panarin writes that to win the information war, Russia needs a specialized management system and analytic structures that counter information aggression against Russia. The components of such a system are:

1. Council for Public Diplomacy: includes members of the state structure, media, business, political parties, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and so on headed by Prime Minister Putin.

2. Advisor to the President of Russia for Information and Propaganda Activities: Coordinates activities of the information analysis units of the President’s administration, the Security Council, and several other ministries.

3. State Foreign Affairs Media Holding Company (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company): The government should subordinate this company to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the American experience can be copied.

4. State Internet Holding Company: Create a domestic media holding company for the publishing of books, video films, video games, and the like for dissemination on the Internet.

5. Information Crisis Action Center: Enable the authorities to present commentaries on unfolding events in a timely, real-time manner to the world information arena. “Homework assignments” must be readied in advance.

6. Information Countermeasure System: Create a system of resources to counter information warfare operations by Russia’s geopolitical enemies.

7. NGOs: network of Russian organizations operating on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), European Union (EU), and U.S. territories.

8. System for Training Personnel for Conducting Information Warfare: Define which institutions will train individuals in this topic. Most likely candidates at the highest level are the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Civil Service Academy; and at the middle level, Moscow State University, the Higher Economic School, and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Panarin adds that these activities must be unified within the framework of an organizational and analytic system composed of eight parts (diagnostic, analysis and forecasting, organization and management, methodological, consultative, prevention, control, and cooperation); and that information Special Forces must be developed to “prepare for effective operations under conditions of a possible crisis.”29

In summary, Panarin advocated creating his system, strengthening financing for the plan, creating a state/private system for managing activities, creating a state/private system for formulating a positive image of Russia overseas, and expanding the information resources of the Russian speaking populations across the globe.



For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Is it a secession when both sides agree?
"Both sides" aren't going to agree to dismantle the UNITED States, the most powerful country in the world - so your wild, lame-brained imaginings aren't going to happen.

You don't like America? There is an answer: Leave.
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
This just keeps getting better and better. In 2008, Panarin actually proposed this EXACT kind of propaganda to the Russia foreign ministry:

For fuck's sake, Panarin's book is called 'The Information Warfare System: the Mechanism for Foreign Propaganda Requires Renewal". Calling for renewal of Russian propaganda tools in foreign countries like the US.

And still Tipsy obediently clings to whatever Russian's Information Warfare specialist tells her to think.

Holy shit.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Is it a secession when both sides agree?
"Both sides" aren't going to agree to dismantle the UNITED States, the most powerful country in the world - so your wild, lame-brained imaginings aren't going to happen.

You don't like America? There is an answer: Leave.
Leave! How would leaving help bring about the necessary dissolution? I'm here for the subversion. The Soviet Union broke up and it wasn't nearly as sick as we are. The factions in America are at each other's throats. Today. Now. That needs to be irritated.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

The "national family"?? What family is that?

And who SHOULD be working to keep it together?
Obviously. There is no national family. Just a collection of tribes. No one should work to keep it together when the only logical move would be to separate as much as possible.

Gee, sounds pretty divisive.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

The "national family"?? What family is that?

And who SHOULD be working to keep it together?
Obviously. There is no national family. Just a collection of tribes. No one should work to keep it together when the only logical move would be to separate as much as possible.
Obviously this is nothing more than a rightwing temper-tantrum.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
prolly because she doesn't see people as simply Americans. She has to separate out the black & browns.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Is it a secession when both sides agree?
"Both sides" aren't going to agree to dismantle the UNITED States, the most powerful country in the world - so your wild, lame-brained imaginings aren't going to happen.

You don't like America? There is an answer: Leave.
Leave! How would leaving help bring about the necessary dissolution? I'm here for the subversion. The Soviet Union broke up and it wasn't nearly as sick as we are. The factions in America are at each other's throats. Today. Now. That needs to be irritated.
You're clearly delusional, as are most on the social right.

The United States is in no way 'sick' – in fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any other point in our Nation's history, and the best America is yet to come once we're rid of the bane of the social right.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Did I miss something? Have people stopped referring to themselves as African -American or mexican -American?

What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Is it a secession when both sides agree?
"Both sides" aren't going to agree to dismantle the UNITED States, the most powerful country in the world - so your wild, lame-brained imaginings aren't going to happen.

You don't like America? There is an answer: Leave.
Leave! How would leaving help bring about the necessary dissolution? I'm here for the subversion. The Soviet Union broke up and it wasn't nearly as sick as we are. The factions in America are at each other's throats. Today. Now. That needs to be irritated.
You're clearly delusional, as are most on the social right.

The United States is in no way 'sick' – in fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any other point in our Nation's history, and the best America is yet to come once we're rid of the bane of the social right.
she's just lashing-out because her people don't have any viable candidates to run for Prez AGAIN!!! :(
What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
What the hell does that have to do with it?

You still haven't explained *how* this "break up" will occur without secession.

You haven't even tried.

Because you can't.
Is it a secession when both sides agree?
"Both sides" aren't going to agree to dismantle the UNITED States, the most powerful country in the world - so your wild, lame-brained imaginings aren't going to happen.

You don't like America? There is an answer: Leave.
Leave! How would leaving help bring about the necessary dissolution? I'm here for the subversion. The Soviet Union broke up and it wasn't nearly as sick as we are. The factions in America are at each other's throats. Today. Now. That needs to be irritated.
You're clearly delusional, as are most on the social right.

The United States is in no way 'sick' – in fact, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any other point in our Nation's history, and the best America is yet to come once we're rid of the bane of the social right.
she's just lashing-out because her people don't have any viable candidates to run for Prez AGAIN!!! :(
And republicans have no viable policy positions to run on – again.

Benghazi, emails, and Hillary is 'bad' are not 'policy positions.'

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