Why I'm dropping my opposition to SSM

Years ago, when my wife and I decided to blend our two families and the children opposed the move.

Soon the USSC will demand that we blend our family, I see no way
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

I think it is about the desire to accept the inevitable and work towards a common understanding with respect for all people involved.
Whether or not we like it ... Whether or not we agree with each other ... If we are a family, we would not have the choice as to who is involved and who we can leave on the doorstep.

Your brother or sister will always be your sibling ... Whether or not you approve of what they do.

I had no idea what he meant by "SSM". But I FIOAAW. MHTEI (in the OP). SMH.

How can anyone be opposed to

Is this bitch seriously in here talking about having been married 3 fucking times and complaining that the "household" of the country no longer gets along?

Errrmmmm...no hun, sorry. After that many fails, the common denominator of the fail is: you.

So fuck off my internet and go die your lonely existence with your smelly fucking cats.
She's a danger to the sanctity of marriage.

I cannot imagine why anyone would marry once let alone three times if she didn't like sex.
People marry for all kinds of reasons. Take the Clintons for instance....
Is this bitch seriously in here talking about having been married 3 fucking times and complaining that the "household" of the country no longer gets along?

Errrmmmm...no hun, sorry. After that many fails, the common denominator of the fail is: you.

So fuck off my internet and go die your lonely existence with your smelly fucking cats.
She's a danger to the sanctity of marriage.

I cannot imagine why anyone would marry once let alone three times if she didn't like sex.
People marry for all kinds of reasons. Take the Clintons for instance....
They are married for the best reason of all. They keep each other's secrets.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Here's the problem with that reasoning; you don't have the numbers. You are making the same mistake a 3 year old makes while she stands directly in front of the TV and thinks that if she can see it, so can everyone else: projection.

You feel a certain way. And you assume that everyone else (or at least most everyone else) feels the same way. But the evidence just doesn't support that. If folks had such a feeling, they'd already be leaving in droves. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people a year would already be abandoning the country and moving elsewhere in search of a better life.

In reality the opposite is true. People are flooding into this country. A solid majority supports gay marriage, outpacing opposition by between 12 and 19 points. WIth that gap growing. Worse for you, in folks below 30, the beating heart of any society's future, support is about 8 in 10. While opposition is concentrated most densely in the elderly.

Tipsy......your perspective is literally dying. It won't survive you. When you're gone, its gone. And the mopey nihilism that is so melodramatically common among your fellow conservatives, this bizarre loathing of our nation where your descriptions of it sound more and more like Soviet era propaganda press releases.....

......that you and your ilk. Me and mine love this country. And we're not going anywhere. Oh, and there are way more of us than there are of you. Remember that.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.
You haven't explained anything. You propose states could secede without seceding.

I want to see how you imagine that could happen. Here. In the U.S. Logistically.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.

The difference with the Soviet Union is that it started out as basically different countries. It was brought together under one rule.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.

You do realize that what Panarin doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, right?


This is what he predicted was a high probability of occurance BY 2010.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

The man is an ex-KGB analyst and the Dean for the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. He is literally a mouthpiece for the Russian government. And you are quoting him verbatim despite his prediction being absolutely and certifiably wrong.

What is it about modern conservatives that may them such eager clay for Russian propogada? Why are your ilk so willing to be molded by even the most outlandish claims if they cast the US in a poor light? Why are your ilk eager, even desperate for a US collapse? Why do I get this general sense of disappointment from your fellow conservatives whenever there is GOOD economic news?

Useful idiots, indeed.
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The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.

You do realize that what Panarin doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, right?


This is what he predicted was a high probability of occurance BY 2010.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

The man is an ex-KGB analyst and the Dean for the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. He is literally a mouthpiece for the Russian government. And you are quoting him verbatim despite his prediction being absolutely and certifiably wrong.

What is about modern conservatives that may them such eager clay for Russian propogada? Why are your ilk so willing to be molded by even the most outlandish claims if they cast the US in a poor light? Why are your ilk eager, even desperate for a US collapse? Why do I get this general sense of disappointment from your fellow conservatives whenever there is GOOD economic news?

Useful idiots, indeed.

Oh no!!! Since Igor Panarin is always right, I must have been living in Mexico for the last 5 years and didn't even know it!

Shouldn't tequila be cheaper?
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.
You haven't explained anything. You propose states could secede without seceding.

I want to see how you imagine that could happen. Here. In the U.S. Logistically.

Tipsy is just apeing Russian propoganda verbatim. Its a sadly conservative thing to do right now. Here's her ex-KGB analyst's assessment of the US when telling us that the US willl collapse in 2010:

Panarin argued that Americans are in moral decline, saying their great psychological stress is evident from school shootings, the size of the prison population and the number of gay men.

Turning to economic woes, he cited the slide in major stock indexes, the decline in U.S. gross domestic product and Washington's bailout of banking giant Citigroup as evidence that American dominance of global markets has collapsed.

"I was there recently and things are far from good," he said. "What's happened is the collapse of the American dream."

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

You could replace the word 'Panarin' with "Hannity' and the sentiment would work just as well. Conservatives are literally apeing the view of the United States that the Russian government wants Americans to believe. Many conservatives have unwittingly made themselves mouthpieces for anti-US Russian propaganda. I mean quite literally.

Tipsy is actually quoting the Dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. A man who works for Russian's Foreign Ministry. And was gloriously, stunningly, laughably wrong, having predicted the collapse of the US by 2010.

He was wrong. And yet Tispy and her ilk still quote him. These American conservatives are a Russian Federal Security Service handler's wet dream. All the Russian government has to do is feed them lines and mzny of our own people will mechanically repeat them, word for word, even when they're proven uselesss idiocy.

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
The timing is clearly wrong but the breakup lines are clearly there. My disagreement would be the Great Lakes region will become increasingly islamic until it becomes an independent islamic republic. With the full approval of the rest of the US.
The timing is clearly wrong but the breakup lines are clearly there. My disagreement would be the Great Lakes region will become increasingly islamic until it becomes an independent islamic republic. With the full approval of the rest of the US.

LMAO!! Too funny.
Oh no!!! Since Igor Panarin is always right, I must have been living in Mexico for the last 5 years and didn't even know it!

Shouldn't tequila be cheaper?

Oh, its so much worse. Here's a stunning reveal of just how utterly lacking in self awareness Mr. Panarin actually is:

It wasn't clear how persuasive the 20-minute lecture was. One instructor asked Panarin whether his predictions more accurately describe Russia, which is undergoing its worst economic crisis in a decade as well as a demographic collapse that has led some scholars to predict the country's demise.

Panarin dismissed that idea: "The collapse of Russia will not occur."

But Alexei Malashenko, a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center who did not attend the lecture, sided with the skeptical instructor, saying Russia is the country that is on the verge of disintegration.

"I can't imagine at all how the United States could ever fall apart," Malashenko told the AP.

And Tipsy still sides with Panarin 5 years after Panarin was proven laughably wrong.....while starkly ignoring Malashenko. Tipsy and her ilk are so eager to be Russian propaganda mouthpieces, I'm actually kinda surprised she doesn't end her posts with 'comrade'.
Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.

You do realize that what Panarin doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, right?


This is what he predicted was a high probability of occurance BY 2010.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

The man is an ex-KGB analyst and the Dean for the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. He is literally a mouthpiece for the Russian government. And you are quoting him verbatim despite his prediction being absolutely and certifiably wrong.

What is about modern conservatives that may them such eager clay for Russian propogada? Why are your ilk so willing to be molded by even the most outlandish claims if they cast the US in a poor light? Why are your ilk eager, even desperate for a US collapse? Why do I get this general sense of disappointment from your fellow conservatives whenever there is GOOD economic news?

Useful idiots, indeed.

Oh no!!! Since Igor Panarin is always right, I must have been living in Mexico for the last 5 years and didn't even know it!

Shouldn't tequila be cheaper?

You mean the southwest isn't becoming increasingly hispanic? Could have fooled me. It's certainly bilingual enough. Spanish is being taught in schools. Hispanic politicians see to hispanic interests only. The southwest is gone already. It exists as part of the United States only for federal benefits.
The timing is clearly wrong but the breakup lines are clearly there. My disagreement would be the Great Lakes region will become increasingly islamic until it becomes an independent islamic republic. With the full approval of the rest of the US.

So despite the fact that Panarin doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and was verifiable wrong......you're still gonna keep apeing whatever he tells you to think.

This despite the fact that Panarin is an ex-KGB analyst working for the Russian's Foreign Ministry. A literal mouthpiece for the Russian government.......and you're still gonna keep apeing whatever he tells you to think.

Jesus. What the fuck happened to conservatives? I remember them as being a surly bunch that could always be counted on to love their country and get drunk off of US exceptional.

Somehow they've morphed into a mopey bunch of Lenin's 'useful idiots', parroting Russian anti-U.S. propaganda, acting as unpaid interns of Russia's Foreign Ministry. What the actual fuck, people?
Oh no!!! Since Igor Panarin is always right, I must have been living in Mexico for the last 5 years and didn't even know it!

Shouldn't tequila be cheaper?

Oh, its so much worse. Here's a stunning reveal of just how utterly lacking in self awareness Mr. Panarin actually is:

It wasn't clear how persuasive the 20-minute lecture was. One instructor asked Panarin whether his predictions more accurately describe Russia, which is undergoing its worst economic crisis in a decade as well as a demographic collapse that has led some scholars to predict the country's demise.

Panarin dismissed that idea: "The collapse of Russia will not occur."

But Alexei Malashenko, a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center who did not attend the lecture, sided with the skeptical instructor, saying Russia is the country that is on the verge of disintegration.

"I can't imagine at all how the United States could ever fall apart," Malashenko told the AP.

And Tipsy still sides with Panarin 5 years after Panarin was proven laughably wrong.....while starkly ignoring Malashenko. Tipsy and her ilk are so eager to be Russian propaganda mouthpieces, I'm actually kinda surprised she doesn't end her posts with 'comrade'.
I don't consider you a comrade.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

Another neo-secessionist, huh?
There won't be any secession. Just a breakup along the lines of the Soviet Union. There won't be any interest in keeping the country together. When all sides say "I don't want to live with you anymore." Secession isn't necessary.

Explain to us exactly how you think that would work.

Regions become increasingly alienated from one another. They don't want one another's laws nor do they want to be financially responsible for a people they don't even like.

Igor Panarin predicted the breakup of the United States into seven parts. His prediction was based on an economic and social model. He predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union and was correct as to the causes.

You do realize that what Panarin doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, right?


This is what he predicted was a high probability of occurance BY 2010.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year Fox News

The man is an ex-KGB analyst and the Dean for the Russian Foreign Ministry's school of Future Diplomats. He is literally a mouthpiece for the Russian government. And you are quoting him verbatim despite his prediction being absolutely and certifiably wrong.

What is it about modern conservatives that may them such eager clay for Russian propogada? Why are your ilk so willing to be molded by even the most outlandish claims if they cast the US in a poor light? Why are your ilk eager, even desperate for a US collapse? Why do I get this general sense of disappointment from your fellow conservatives whenever there is GOOD economic news?

Useful idiots, indeed.
she saw it on Fox (rw hate tv). No wonder she believes it.

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