Why I'm Voting For Obama

1. Obama has cut my taxes.

POLITIFACT: Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office


Second-lowest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $1,715
2011 tax burden: $1,396
Decline of $319

2008 tax rate: 6.7 percent
2011 tax rate: 5.7 percent
Decline of 1 percentage point

Middle 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $6,290
2011 tax burden: $5,535
Decline of $775

2008 tax rate: 13.6 percent
2011 tax rate: 12.4 percent
Decline of 1.2 percentage points

Second-highest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $13,749
2011 tax burden: $13,078
Decline of $671

2008 tax rate: 17.4 percent
2011 tax rate: 16.5 percent
Decline of 0.9 percentage points

So for each of the three middle quintiles, both the amount of tax paid and the effective tax rate paid declined.

Our ruling

Every taxpayer is different, and some "middle-class" Americans may have seen their tax rate or their tax burden go up for one reason or another. But Obama was talking about "the average middle-class family." The changes to the tax code made under Obama and the analyses by the Tax Policy Center show that for the middle 60 percent of the income distribution, both the average tax paid and the average tax rate fell between 2008 and 2011. We rate Obama’s statement True.

And who fought to preserve those cuts?

You lost most of us when you started out with "Barack Obama says...."

Barack Obama:

President Obama is fighting to preserve middle-class tax cuts -

Last week, virtually every Senate Republican voted against that tax cut. Now, I know many Republicans have sworn an oath never to raise taxes as long as they live. How could it be that the only time there's a catch is when it comes to raising taxes on middle-class families? How can you fight tooth and nail to protect high-end tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, and yet barely lift a finger to prevent taxes going up for 160 million Americans who really need the help? It doesn’t make sense.
Nice to know you're a bigot...

The wealth of a nation is determined by the productivity of its people. Investing in our nation, by providing good educations and job opportunities to our children, makes the US richer.

Wallowing in unemployment and slashing education, on the other hand, only makes us poorer.

Its good to know your are a moron.

The wealth of a nation blah blah blah.....

The problem is that you somehow correlate things that you seem to have no control over.

The K.C. school district threw millions of dollars at their schools only to lose their accreditation.

So the postulate that money = success is not demonstrated.

Your article of faith is really just a sheet of toilet paper.
Obama is on the hook for $450 Billion per year in interest run up by Bush and the Republicans.

I find it funny that you somehow think a president is insulated from his predecessor. Reagan tried to pin stuff on Carter only to listen to Dems say "man up".

However, he had the benefit of actually doing something in his first term (recall how he just sqeaked by in 1984) that gave the impression he got things back on track.

And Romney/Gingrich/Paul will have the benefit of a whole lot more interest than that in 2013.

And I can hear you guys already.

Because the Hussein tripled the deficit?


Yep. Sure did.

By paying off Bush's credit card. :lol:

Notice how the chart shows only 7 Bush years? Why do you think that is?

Multiple Choice:

(a) because Bush was actually in office for 7 years. It just seemed like 8.
(b) because Bush got tired his last year in office, and let Obama do the last budget.
(c) because the chart misleadingly assigns Bush's last $1.3 trillion deficit to Obama.

Hint: The answer is not (a) or (b).
Barack Obama:

President Obama is fighting to preserve middle-class tax cuts -

And strapping those tax cuts on the backs of our kids.

How the tables have turned.

You are aware....that many conservatives were not happy with Bush.
ObamaCare, btw, = much better than RepublicansDon'tCare (about anybody but themselves).

So why not keep us out of it.

I mean, after all, we'll just sit around let each other die and then you can have the country all to yourself.

Given the demographics of the Republican party, it won't be much longer.

On the other hand, people are living longer than ever... thanks to Medicare.

Did you answer the question ?

Answer: No
So let me see if I got this right... While fighting 2 wars, starting 2 more wars Obama cut taxes??? While spending a Trillion on stimulus Obama cut taxes?

Soooo... I thought most on the left bitched that Bush was stupid for cutting taxes during war time...

OOOOOOOOOOOOoooh, that's right... Obama is a Democrat.

That really is not all that hard to understand.

Basically it translates to the Democratic philosophy of letting someone else pay for their pleasures. In this case it is the Great Grand-chidren through Great Great Great Grandchildren after all, we will never know them nor have to suffer their problems. The problems he saddled them with.


Are these the same grandchildren who should be put to work cleaning toilets?

The same ones who shouldn't get health care? Or good schools? Or school lunches?

Republicans are funny when it comes to caring about the grandchildren.

I don't know what you are talking about. Also, I'm not a Republican. The Republicans are as bad as the Democrats.

Although, if you define good healthcare as government run healthcare, I would have to disagree with you.

Because the Hussein tripled the deficit?


Yep. Sure did.

By paying off Bush's credit card. :lol:

Notice how the chart shows only 7 Bush years? Why do you think that is?

Multiple Choice:

(a) because Bush was actually in office for 7 years. It just seemed like 8.
(b) because Bush got tired his last year in office, and let Obama do the last budget.
(c) because the chart misleadingly assigns Bush's last $1.3 trillion deficit to Obama.

Hint: The answer is not (a) or (b).

Funny, Obama manages to BEAT Bush's biggest deficit and the best you can do is point to Bush and say he did it too?

Bush sucked. Everyone agrees on that point. What I can't figure out is that his predecessor does everything that Bush did and somehow he is a savior!?!?
Yep. Sure did.

By paying off Bush's credit card. :lol:

Notice how the chart shows only 7 Bush years? Why do you think that is?

Multiple Choice:

(a) because Bush was actually in office for 7 years. It just seemed like 8.
(b) because Bush got tired his last year in office, and let Obama do the last budget.
(c) because the chart misleadingly assigns Bush's last $1.3 trillion deficit to Obama.

Hint: The answer is not (a) or (b).

Funny, Obama manages to BEAT Bush's biggest deficit and the best you can do is point to Bush and say he did it too?

Bush sucked. Everyone agrees on that point. What I can't figure out is that his predecessor does everything that Bush did and somehow he is a savior!?!?

Who the hell is calling Obama a "savior"? I am so tired of hearing that from the Right. No one claims Obama is perfect.
Because your party forced them to fund 75 years of retirement in ten years.

The PO is fine but they are under a burden NO OTHER ENTITY in the world is asked to do.

Why does the right want the PO dead when the founders were willing to pay for it right in the constitution?

and what ya going do when fed ex kicks your azz...ask for taxpayer to bail them out...

never the solution ...always the problem...dumas
Notice how the chart shows only 7 Bush years? Why do you think that is?

Multiple Choice:

(a) because Bush was actually in office for 7 years. It just seemed like 8.
(b) because Bush got tired his last year in office, and let Obama do the last budget.
(c) because the chart misleadingly assigns Bush's last $1.3 trillion deficit to Obama.

Hint: The answer is not (a) or (b).

Funny, Obama manages to BEAT Bush's biggest deficit and the best you can do is point to Bush and say he did it too?

Bush sucked. Everyone agrees on that point. What I can't figure out is that his predecessor does everything that Bush did and somehow he is a savior!?!?

Who the hell is calling Obama a "savior"? I am so tired of hearing that from the Right. No one claims Obama is perfect.

I did not mean to use it in that manner so ill rephrase:
What I can't figure out is that his predecessor does everything that Bush did and somehow he is a good president!?!?
Funny, Obama manages to BEAT Bush's biggest deficit and the best you can do is point to Bush and say he did it too?

Bush sucked. Everyone agrees on that point. What I can't figure out is that his predecessor does everything that Bush did and somehow he is a savior!?!?

Who the hell is calling Obama a "savior"? I am so tired of hearing that from the Right. No one claims Obama is perfect.

I did not mean to use it in that manner so ill rephrase:
What I can't figure out is that his predecessor does everything that Bush did and somehow he is a good president!?!?

He's a better public speaker.

And who fought to preserve those cuts?

You lost most of us when you started out with "Barack Obama says...."

Barack Obama:

President Obama is fighting to preserve middle-class tax cuts -

Last week, virtually every Senate Republican voted against that tax cut. Now, I know many Republicans have sworn an oath never to raise taxes as long as they live. How could it be that the only time there's a catch is when it comes to raising taxes on middle-class families? How can you fight tooth and nail to protect high-end tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, and yet barely lift a finger to prevent taxes going up for 160 million Americans who really need the help? It doesn’t make sense.

it was SOLD as a temporary one year "cut", hello. so, lets just make it permanent then? I want to hear obama say I want that 2% as a permanent cut ( it is really a rebate but hey lets not get lost in semantics eh?) we'll run SSI deeper into the hole, great idea!
Because the Hussein tripled the deficit?


Yep. Sure did.

By paying off Bush's credit card. :lol:

Notice how the chart shows only 7 Bush years? Why do you think that is?

Multiple Choice:

(a) because Bush was actually in office for 7 years. It just seemed like 8.
(b) because Bush got tired his last year in office, and let Obama do the last budget.
(c) because the chart misleadingly assigns Bush's last $1.3 trillion deficit to Obama.

Hint: The answer is not (a) or (b).

and the particular of that budget please?

link please?
Because your party forced them to fund 75 years of retirement in ten years.

The PO is fine but they are under a burden NO OTHER ENTITY in the world is asked to do.

Why does the right want the PO dead when the founders were willing to pay for it right in the constitution?
At current performance, the USPS is failing in so many ways.
First, the USPS is non-competitive. Due to the pricing structure, rural mail is delivered at the same price as urban mail. Not right.
Pensions. The USPS pension system is unsustainable.
For example. My friend's uncle retired after 35 years with the USPS. His pension kicked in, the taxpayers are on the hook for the rest of his life. PLUS, and here's the nonsense that MUST go..He got paid for THREE years of saved up sick time....That's ridiculous. As a matter of fact, most government workers have this ridiculous benefit. Sick days are supposed to be used when an employee cannot come to work for medical reasons..It's not vacation time. In fact it's not an entitlement. Billions of taxpayers dollars are sucked out of the pockets of us. Not right. No more saving of sick or vacation time. Use it or lose it.
There are other ways. The USPS can get rid of half it's carriers and hire contract carriers. These people do not get pensions and get no benefits. That would save the taxpayers TONS of money. What does it matter. Many suburban and rural areas are served by contract carriers anyway. The best part? No union to protect unproductive workers. Flounder and you're out.
You're only interested in this issue because you are hard core government workers and hard core union. You are on the wrong side of this. All of you libs are.
At the end of the day, mail delivery should be privatized.

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