Why I'm Voting For Obama

A good job on??? Show us the numbers, statistics.. which policies.


Here come the graphs (minus any explanation or defense).

He'll show you...he'll huff and he'll puff and then he'll go over with a busted heart because he's gotten so fat living off of Obamadollars.

Seriously, don't hold your breath. It aint happened yet.

LOL You know that poster pretty well. Nice call :)
Where do you guys get your marching orders? Is it Rush Limbaugh? Is there some sort of email that goes out?

"Dear everybody: Now we're going to blame every thing on... Nancy Pelosi!"

Who needs orders....

To see President Telaprompter up there on a regular basis is all I need.....to vomit.
A good job on??? Show us the numbers, statistics.. which policies.


Here come the graphs (minus any explanation or defense).

He'll show you...he'll huff and he'll puff and then he'll go over with a busted heart because he's gotten so fat living off of Obamadollars.

Seriously, don't hold your breath. It aint happened yet.

LOL You know that poster pretty well. Nice call :)

It appears he has about 10 little blurbs he routinely cuts and pastes into posts.

Like the garbage about Bush getting a strong economy. It was in a slight recession when it started. Nothing to worry about....but it was slowing down.

Clinton's fault...no.

It was a business cycle.

But we could ask when the dot.com boom went bust.

9/11...no issues there.

Octocrissy is pretty amazing. He somehow posts with his head up David Axelrod's ass.
So, to sum up:
1. He reduced my taxes.
2. He's fixing the economy.
3. He killed Bin Laden.
4. He brought the troops home.
5. Obamacare.
6. Ended "Don't ask don't tell."
7. Ended torture.
8. Stopped defending DOMA
9. Expanded CHIP (health insurance for children).
10. The Republicans.

I'll add two more:
11. Regulated Wall Street.
12. Saved GM.
So, to sum up:
1. He reduced my taxes.
2. He's fixing the economy.
3. He killed Bin Laden.
4. He brought the troops home.
5. Obamacare.
6. Ended "Don't ask don't tell."
7. Ended torture.
8. Stopped defending DOMA
9. Expanded CHIP (health insurance for children).
10. The Republicans.

I'll add two more:
11. Regulated Wall Street.
12. Saved GM.
Funny.. I thought it would be all of the "change" away from the Bush-era policies that The Obama promised during His campaign.

Especially closing Gitmo and the elimination of GWB's tax cuts for the rich.
No stupid.....The economy is fixing the economy. Government is stifling the growth of the private sector.
BTW, what the hell does this graph state?....

The numbers on the left show the change in private employment, in thousands. When Bush left office 800,000 people a month were losing their jobs. The private sector began gaining jobs at the beginning of 2010, at the end of Obama's first year in office. Since then, we've been gaining about 150,000 per month - not enough, but way better than where we were at at the end of 2008.

What coincided with that free fall???? Anyone , anyone,,,,,, Beuller? Let's see, November of 2006, what happened in November of 2006 besides President Bush being a crippled duck President with less than no power? Who took over both the House and the Senate? Does the name Nancy "stretch" Pelosi ring a bell? Barney
"gay pimp" Franks? Harry "mr. Vegas" Reid? Let's not forget Timmy "The Tax Cheat" Geithner or the woman that lies about visits to war zones to make herself look relevant.
That and the collapse of the mortgage backed securities market due to the utter failure of Fannie/Freddie.
Why I'm voting for Obama...
"Because I am a liberal who is actually dissatisfied with the President, the economy and my life in general, but I gave my full faith and support of Obama. If I vote for another candidate others would get the perception that I believe I am wrong about Obama and I would be admitting defeat. And I cannot have that. It is not the good of the country for which I am concerned, I am concerned only with how I feel."

This summarizes the mindset of those deep under the spell of Barack Hussein Obama.
Why I'm voting for Obama...
"Because I am a liberal who is actually dissatisfied with the President, the economy and my life in general, but I gave my full faith and support of Obama. If I vote for another candidate others would get the perception that I believe I am wrong about Obama and I would be admitting defeat. And I cannot have that. It is not the good of the country for which I am concerned, I am concerned only with how I feel."

This summarizes the mindset of those deep under the spell of Barack Hussein Obama.

So, more or less the same reason Bush got re-elected?
So, to sum up:
1. He reduced my taxes.
2. He's fixing the economy.
3. He killed Bin Laden.
4. He brought the troops home.
5. Obamacare.
6. Ended "Don't ask don't tell."
7. Ended torture.
8. Stopped defending DOMA
9. Expanded CHIP (health insurance for children).
10. The Republicans.

I'll add two more:
11. Regulated Wall Street.
12. Saved GM.

1. He has massively increased our debt....your short term gain is a long term painful screwing of generations to come....but we know you don't care.
2. Kinda like a hairdresser can fix a car.
3. No, I think special forces did.
4. Much later than promised.
5. Enjoy it while you can. It won't last long.
6. Couldn't care less.
7. Why are you still posting then ?
8 Blah blah blah
9 More red ink.
10. Get used to them cause your gonna see more of them in the future.
11. Ask John C. how that's working out.
12. You mean bought union votes.

Mr. "gonna do it differently" is just four more years of the same.

Good thing he'll be a one termer.
Why I'm voting for Obama...
"Because I am a liberal who is actually dissatisfied with the President, the economy and my life in general, but I gave my full faith and support of Obama. If I vote for another candidate others would get the perception that I believe I am wrong about Obama and I would be admitting defeat. And I cannot have that. It is not the good of the country for which I am concerned, I am concerned only with how I feel."

This summarizes the mindset of those deep under the spell of Barack Hussein Obama.

So, more or less the same reason Bush got re-elected?

Well, I walked into the booth and looked at the choices. I cried. I thought, this is like asking which cheek do you want someone to shoot you in.

I pulled the lever for Bush.

I went out side and vomited (but not as much as if I had voted for Kerry).
So, to sum up:
1. He reduced my taxes.
2. He's fixing the economy.
3. He killed Bin Laden.
4. He brought the troops home.
5. Obamacare.
6. Ended "Don't ask don't tell."
7. Ended torture.
8. Stopped defending DOMA
9. Expanded CHIP (health insurance for children).
10. The Republicans.

I'll add two more:
11. Regulated Wall Street.
12. Saved GM.
Funny.. I thought it would be all of the "change" away from the Bush-era policies that The Obama promised during His campaign.

Especially closing Gitmo and the elimination of GWB's tax cuts for the rich.

Well, tell me if I'm wrong, but didn't Congress throw a fit when he tried to bring Gitmo people to prisons in the States?

And didn't the Republicans threaten to force the government into default when he tried to raise taxes on the rich?

I mean, don't get me wrong. Maybe he could have handled the debt ceiling debacle better. For a while, I was rooting for him to call their bluff. But in retrospect, I'm not sure he didn't get what was possible. The man is not a dictator. He has to play the hand he's dealt.
So, to sum up:
1. He reduced my taxes.
2. He's fixing the economy.
3. He killed Bin Laden.
4. He brought the troops home.
5. Obamacare.
6. Ended "Don't ask don't tell."
7. Ended torture.
8. Stopped defending DOMA
9. Expanded CHIP (health insurance for children).
10. The Republicans.

I'll add two more:
11. Regulated Wall Street.
12. Saved GM.

So to sum up- this is an internet site and I can say anything I want no matter how mischaracterized, false, or, well stupid and I don't need to qualify it.....

big whoop. :rolleyes:
So, to sum up:
1. He reduced my taxes.
2. He's fixing the economy.
3. He killed Bin Laden.
4. He brought the troops home.
5. Obamacare.
6. Ended "Don't ask don't tell."
7. Ended torture.
8. Stopped defending DOMA
9. Expanded CHIP (health insurance for children).
10. The Republicans.

I'll add two more:
11. Regulated Wall Street.
12. Saved GM.
Funny.. I thought it would be all of the "change" away from the Bush-era policies that The Obama promised during His campaign.

Especially closing Gitmo and the elimination of GWB's tax cuts for the rich.

Well, tell me if I'm wrong, but didn't Congress throw a fit when he tried to bring Gitmo people to prisons in the States?

And didn't the Republicans threaten to force the government into default when he tried to raise taxes on the rich?

I mean, don't get me wrong. Maybe he could have handled the debt ceiling debacle better. For a while, I was rooting for him to call their bluff. But in retrospect, I'm not sure he didn't get what was possible. The man is not a dictator. He has to play the hand he's dealt.

ahhh so we are down to making excuses now, well, thats a start :lol:
Because the Hussein tripled the deficit?


Because bush destroyed the economy?
I just really want to bust the obama spending binge myth.



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