Why I'm Voting For Obama

How is The Obama not worse than GWB?
Obama's record on private sector job creation is better than Bush's.
This statement is unsupportable.


Its a math problem....

I guess its unsupportable if you cant do math.

Most liberals would be happy to have this to their credit. I guess the fact that you have to hate everything Republican and are desperate to find ways to justify your support of your Secular Messiah taints this.

We dont just have to hate on republicans because theyre republicans. Were not as petty as, say, the republicans candidates for president.

Rather, your party just fucks shit up so much its pretty easy to be against it. And not just policy-wise, i mean they fuck simple, every day explanations of how things work.

Michelle Bachmann once said: "its not hard to get the economy going again, we know what to do! All you have to do is cut spending!"

Really? Thats the legitimate position of one of your candidates for president? Thats less than pathetic, thats worthless.

The Obama is exceeding that rate of growth in leaps and bounds - amnd The Obama has, in under 4 years, exceeded the total deficit run up under GWB.

Yea lets pretend bush didnt create the largest recession in 70 years. Can you clearly articulate what obama has done to increase spending so much? Can you really?


So basically obama has been the exact same as bush, although a lot more volatile. Possibly slightly more spending, mostly because its a recession. But as you can see, the real problem is pretty much revenue, since its a recession.

The S&P 500 is up 50% since Obama took office,
The DJI had its record high under GWB.



Lets brag that bush inflated a bubble, shall we?


Bush pussed out when Musharraf told him special forces couldn't enter Pakistan, Obama actually got Bin Laden.
You make those statements sound like they are related.

They arent?

Admit it - you like The Obama because you drank the kool-aid and don't have the intellectual honesty to admit you made a mistake.

I like obama because i like numbers. and the numbers and the stats clearly disagree with just about everything you say.
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1. Obama has cut my taxes.

POLITIFACT: Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office


Second-lowest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $1,715
2011 tax burden: $1,396
Decline of $319

2008 tax rate: 6.7 percent
2011 tax rate: 5.7 percent
Decline of 1 percentage point

Middle 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $6,290
2011 tax burden: $5,535
Decline of $775

2008 tax rate: 13.6 percent
2011 tax rate: 12.4 percent
Decline of 1.2 percentage points

Second-highest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $13,749
2011 tax burden: $13,078
Decline of $671

2008 tax rate: 17.4 percent
2011 tax rate: 16.5 percent
Decline of 0.9 percentage points

So for each of the three middle quintiles, both the amount of tax paid and the effective tax rate paid declined.

Our ruling

Every taxpayer is different, and some "middle-class" Americans may have seen their tax rate or their tax burden go up for one reason or another. But Obama was talking about "the average middle-class family." The changes to the tax code made under Obama and the analyses by the Tax Policy Center show that for the middle 60 percent of the income distribution, both the average tax paid and the average tax rate fell between 2008 and 2011. We rate Obama’s statement True.

What are you? Like 15 or something? Not enough experience in the real world yet and totally convinced THIS is what "good" looks like for everyone? I notice you (or any other Obama apologist) didn't bother putting up the graph showing there are actually fewer people IN the middle class than when he took office -while those now living in poverty has GROWN and we now have the highest percentage of people living in poverty in 52 years since they started publishing those numbers! Oh well, no big deal and really not even worth considering in the face of having saved a few bucks on your income tax, right? Keep your fingers crossed that next year you aren't the next in line to fall into poverty. But just THINK of the tax savings if that happened though -their tax rate is even lower than that of middle class so your savings will be massive!! You will no doubt feel RICH!!! Whoohoo! ROFLMAO!

You are convinced that even though median incomes SHRANK for the first time since the Great Depression and now at 1997 levels, having lost FIFTEEN YEARS worth of growth in a flash, after the middle class SHRANK and poverty GREW to its highest levels in more than 50 years, with millions out of work and those who have just given up hope of finding a job and stopped looking increasing by hundreds of thousands at a pop - that because you think you saved a few bucks on your PERSONAL taxes that was more than offset by other economic losses is a great reason to vote for Obama? We all know your dirt cheap price tag then, don't we? This isn't about your personal pocketbook but gee thanks for letting us all know you think saving a few bucks is worth watching the rising level of misery for millions of others. You are actually guilty of what people like you accuse your political opponents of doing! The only thing that really matters is "What's in it for YOU", right? I have repeatedly said and liberals right on this forum repeatedly prove it to be true --the left always accuses opponents of their OWN worst sins and their claim to be oh so "caring" about others is nothing but total bullshit. The people who actually care are the very ones people like you demonize and insist are enemies of the state.

Do you really need to join the millions suffering before you can grasp the impact on MILLIONS of OTHER people in this country? Oh, not when you can be duped into believing you saved a few bucks on taxes even though it was more than offset by other economic losses. Doesn't speak well to your critical thinking skills, does it? Or your ability to empathize, much less even RECOGNIZE the fact that millions of others are suffering. There is only ONE reason to vote for Obama - Vote for the guy if you are convinced this is as good as it gets for the nation and for everyone else too, as good as it gets under any President. And if you managed to convince yourself of that, I have a couple of other scams ....er....business ventures lined up for you.
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1. Obama has cut my taxes.

POLITIFACT: Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office


Second-lowest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $1,715
2011 tax burden: $1,396
Decline of $319

2008 tax rate: 6.7 percent
2011 tax rate: 5.7 percent
Decline of 1 percentage point

Middle 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $6,290
2011 tax burden: $5,535
Decline of $775

2008 tax rate: 13.6 percent
2011 tax rate: 12.4 percent
Decline of 1.2 percentage points

Second-highest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $13,749
2011 tax burden: $13,078
Decline of $671

2008 tax rate: 17.4 percent
2011 tax rate: 16.5 percent
Decline of 0.9 percentage points

So for each of the three middle quintiles, both the amount of tax paid and the effective tax rate paid declined.

Our ruling

Every taxpayer is different, and some "middle-class" Americans may have seen their tax rate or their tax burden go up for one reason or another. But Obama was talking about "the average middle-class family." The changes to the tax code made under Obama and the analyses by the Tax Policy Center show that for the middle 60 percent of the income distribution, both the average tax paid and the average tax rate fell between 2008 and 2011. We rate Obama’s statement True.

No, you're voting for Obama because you expect er demand your neighbor will to take care of you...
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All of the country's leaches and parasites will vote for Obama. I'm certain the woman with 15 kids demanding someone take care of them will vote BARRY MmmMMmmMMmm Barack Hussein Obama, MmmMmmmMMmm
1. Obama has cut my taxes.

POLITIFACT: Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office


Second-lowest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $1,715
2011 tax burden: $1,396
Decline of $319

2008 tax rate: 6.7 percent
2011 tax rate: 5.7 percent
Decline of 1 percentage point

Middle 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $6,290
2011 tax burden: $5,535
Decline of $775

2008 tax rate: 13.6 percent
2011 tax rate: 12.4 percent
Decline of 1.2 percentage points

Second-highest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $13,749
2011 tax burden: $13,078
Decline of $671

2008 tax rate: 17.4 percent
2011 tax rate: 16.5 percent
Decline of 0.9 percentage points

So for each of the three middle quintiles, both the amount of tax paid and the effective tax rate paid declined.

Our ruling

Every taxpayer is different, and some "middle-class" Americans may have seen their tax rate or their tax burden go up for one reason or another. But Obama was talking about "the average middle-class family." The changes to the tax code made under Obama and the analyses by the Tax Policy Center show that for the middle 60 percent of the income distribution, both the average tax paid and the average tax rate fell between 2008 and 2011. We rate Obama’s statement True.

What are you? Like 15 or something? Not enough experience in the real world yet and totally convinced THIS is what "good" looks like for everyone? I notice you (or any other Obama apologist) didn't bother putting up the graph showing there are actually fewer people IN the middle class than when he took office -while those now living in poverty has GROWN and we now have the highest percentage of people living in poverty in 52 years since they started publishing those numbers! Oh well, no big deal and really not even worth considering in the face of having saved a few bucks on your income tax, right? Keep your fingers crossed that next year you aren't the next in line to fall into poverty. But just THINK of the tax savings if that happened though -their tax rate is even lower than that of middle class so your savings will be massive!! You will no doubt feel RICH!!! Whoohoo! ROFLMAO!

You are convinced that even though median incomes SHRANK for the first time since the Great Depression and now at 1997 levels, having lost FIFTEEN YEARS worth of growth in a flash, after the middle class SHRANK and poverty GREW to its highest levels in more than 50 years, with millions out of work and those who have just given up hope of finding a job and stopped looking increasing by hundreds of thousands at a pop - that because you think you saved a few bucks on your PERSONAL taxes that was more than offset by other economic losses is a great reason to vote for Obama? We all know your dirt cheap price tag then, don't we? This isn't about your personal pocketbook but gee thanks for letting us all know you think saving a few bucks is worth watching the rising level of misery for millions of others. You are actually guilty of what people like you accuse your political opponents of doing! The only thing that really matters is "What's in it for YOU", right? I have repeatedly said and liberals right on this forum repeatedly prove it to be true --the left always accuses opponents of their OWN worst sins and their claim to be oh so "caring" about others is nothing but total bullshit. The people who actually care are the very ones people like you demonize and insist are enemies of the state.

Do you really need to join the millions suffering before you can grasp the impact on MILLIONS of OTHER people in this country? Oh, not when you can be duped into believing you saved a few bucks on taxes even though it was more than offset by other economic losses. Doesn't speak well to your critical thinking skills, does it? Or your ability to empathize, much less even RECOGNIZE the fact that millions of others are suffering. There is only ONE reason to vote for Obama - Vote for the guy if you are convinced this is as good as it gets for the nation and for everyone else too, as good as it gets under any President. And if you managed to convince yourself of that, I have a couple of other scams ....er....business ventures lined up for you.

Its like you think obama had something to do with the recession.

Do you have a coherent knowledge of current events? I wouldnt have guessed as much from the above post.

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1. Obama has cut my taxes.

POLITIFACT: Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office


Second-lowest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $1,715
2011 tax burden: $1,396
Decline of $319

2008 tax rate: 6.7 percent
2011 tax rate: 5.7 percent
Decline of 1 percentage point

Middle 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $6,290
2011 tax burden: $5,535
Decline of $775

2008 tax rate: 13.6 percent
2011 tax rate: 12.4 percent
Decline of 1.2 percentage points

Second-highest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $13,749
2011 tax burden: $13,078
Decline of $671

2008 tax rate: 17.4 percent
2011 tax rate: 16.5 percent
Decline of 0.9 percentage points

So for each of the three middle quintiles, both the amount of tax paid and the effective tax rate paid declined.

Our ruling

Every taxpayer is different, and some "middle-class" Americans may have seen their tax rate or their tax burden go up for one reason or another. But Obama was talking about "the average middle-class family." The changes to the tax code made under Obama and the analyses by the Tax Policy Center show that for the middle 60 percent of the income distribution, both the average tax paid and the average tax rate fell between 2008 and 2011. We rate Obama’s statement True.

No, you're voting for Obama because you expect er demand your neighbor will to take care of you...

Your an absolute idiot. In your mind this is capitalism vs communism.

Your a fucking imbecile.


So what you see is that obama dug us out of bush's economic disaster faster than it took him to fall into it, and he fell fast.

Thatll be why im voting for obama.

When he actually had control of government he had a fairly impressive rate of private sector job growth.

But bill o reilly and rush limbaugh pushed hard enough so that by 2010 this was "obamas economy"


Lets just ignore that that magnitude of the bush recession was a totally unprecedented event in our recent history, and pretend it wasnt all handled very well while democrats had the ability to pass whatever they needed.

To get technical, job growth is wonderful while democrats have full control. Then starting in early 2010 you have republicans filibustering everything, and then claiming nothing can get done, and job growth actually starts to slow right about then.

So if anything, the numbers really tell a story of the idiocy of republican policy.
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Why do conservatives always ignore my graphs?

Every time a post a graph or a set of data the idiots just leave for a day and then come back with an unsubstantiatedattack on liberals. Its obviously because these morons have nothing else to say but rhetoric thats totally out of line with reality.
Why do conservatives always ignore my graphs?

Every time a post a graph or a set of data the idiots just leave for a day and then come back with an unsubstantiatedattack on liberals. Its obviously because these morons have nothing else to say but rhetoric thats totally out of line with reality.

Well, it could be that in many cases, they see way to many graphs from people like Chris who put them up and claim they mean things they don't.

I am not clear on just what your claim is with this graph or how you attempt to claim a connection.

Whether we are talking Reagan, Carter, Bush or Clinton, there it is hard ot factor in the lag for government actions.

And then there is the fact that macro was invented to study business cycles. Meaning, sometimes an economy corrects....it has to.
And then there is the fact that macro was invented to study business cycles. Meaning, sometimes an economy corrects....it has to.

Right, no one is saying that that the business cycle is invalid.

But then again, people shouldnt just claim this is a cyclical downturn either. It was exacerbated beyond imagination by 8 years of horrible policy.
And if i post graphs and claim they mean something they dont, please point it out.
And then there is the fact that macro was invented to study business cycles. Meaning, sometimes an economy corrects....it has to.

Right, no one is saying that that the business cycle is invalid.

But then again, people shouldnt just claim this is a cyclical downturn either. It was exacerbated beyond imagination by 8 years of horrible policy.

While I imagine a lot worse, I certainly think it was bad.

Also keep in mind that Pelosi and Reid had the congress for two of those eight.

Overall, I have to laugh when people constantly complain that all conservatives supported GWB.

I thought he was a disaster.

I was against the wars before they started and I still believe they were mistakes.

GWB was not a fiscal conservative.

And his drunken sailor congress was not any better.

And I don't believe the President Obama is any different.
And then there is the fact that macro was invented to study business cycles. Meaning, sometimes an economy corrects....it has to.

Right, no one is saying that that the business cycle is invalid.

But then again, people shouldnt just claim this is a cyclical downturn either. It was exacerbated beyond imagination by 8 years of horrible policy.

While I imagine a lot worse, I certainly think it was bad.

Also keep in mind that Pelosi and Reid had the congress for two of those eight.

Overall, I have to laugh when people constantly complain that all conservatives supported GWB.

I thought he was a disaster.

I was against the wars before they started and I still believe they were mistakes.

GWB was not a fiscal conservative.

And his drunken sailor congress was not any better.

And I don't believe the President Obama is any different.


But most mortgage were issued before 2007, when the democrats took control of the house.
1. Obama has cut my taxes.

POLITIFACT: Barack Obama says taxes are lower for middle class today than when he took office


Second-lowest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $1,715
2011 tax burden: $1,396
Decline of $319

2008 tax rate: 6.7 percent
2011 tax rate: 5.7 percent
Decline of 1 percentage point

Middle 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $6,290
2011 tax burden: $5,535
Decline of $775

2008 tax rate: 13.6 percent
2011 tax rate: 12.4 percent
Decline of 1.2 percentage points

Second-highest 20 percent

2008 tax burden: $13,749
2011 tax burden: $13,078
Decline of $671

2008 tax rate: 17.4 percent
2011 tax rate: 16.5 percent
Decline of 0.9 percentage points

So for each of the three middle quintiles, both the amount of tax paid and the effective tax rate paid declined.

Our ruling

Every taxpayer is different, and some "middle-class" Americans may have seen their tax rate or their tax burden go up for one reason or another. But Obama was talking about "the average middle-class family." The changes to the tax code made under Obama and the analyses by the Tax Policy Center show that for the middle 60 percent of the income distribution, both the average tax paid and the average tax rate fell between 2008 and 2011. We rate Obama’s statement True.

What are you? Like 15 or something? Not enough experience in the real world yet and totally convinced THIS is what "good" looks like for everyone? I notice you (or any other Obama apologist) didn't bother putting up the graph showing there are actually fewer people IN the middle class than when he took office -while those now living in poverty has GROWN and we now have the highest percentage of people living in poverty in 52 years since they started publishing those numbers! Oh well, no big deal and really not even worth considering in the face of having saved a few bucks on your income tax, right? Keep your fingers crossed that next year you aren't the next in line to fall into poverty. But just THINK of the tax savings if that happened though -their tax rate is even lower than that of middle class so your savings will be massive!! You will no doubt feel RICH!!! Whoohoo! ROFLMAO!

You are convinced that even though median incomes SHRANK for the first time since the Great Depression and now at 1997 levels, having lost FIFTEEN YEARS worth of growth in a flash, after the middle class SHRANK and poverty GREW to its highest levels in more than 50 years, with millions out of work and those who have just given up hope of finding a job and stopped looking increasing by hundreds of thousands at a pop - that because you think you saved a few bucks on your PERSONAL taxes that was more than offset by other economic losses is a great reason to vote for Obama? We all know your dirt cheap price tag then, don't we? This isn't about your personal pocketbook but gee thanks for letting us all know you think saving a few bucks is worth watching the rising level of misery for millions of others. You are actually guilty of what people like you accuse your political opponents of doing! The only thing that really matters is "What's in it for YOU", right? I have repeatedly said and liberals right on this forum repeatedly prove it to be true --the left always accuses opponents of their OWN worst sins and their claim to be oh so "caring" about others is nothing but total bullshit. The people who actually care are the very ones people like you demonize and insist are enemies of the state.

Do you really need to join the millions suffering before you can grasp the impact on MILLIONS of OTHER people in this country? Oh, not when you can be duped into believing you saved a few bucks on taxes even though it was more than offset by other economic losses. Doesn't speak well to your critical thinking skills, does it? Or your ability to empathize, much less even RECOGNIZE the fact that millions of others are suffering. There is only ONE reason to vote for Obama - Vote for the guy if you are convinced this is as good as it gets for the nation and for everyone else too, as good as it gets under any President. And if you managed to convince yourself of that, I have a couple of other scams ....er....business ventures lined up for you.

Your tirade is fooling no one. No one is foolish enough to look at this and say, "Oh, Sundial's happy because Obama cut his taxes personally. Not because Obama cut taxes for everyone."

No one is foolish enough to think, "Oh look, Frazzled put up a bunch of stuff without any links or support whatsoever. It mush be true!"

The fact is that the recession started under George W. Bush. It ended under Obama. In the course of the last two years, we've been adding around 150,000 jobs a month - compared to losing several times that many, per month, when Bush left office.

Is it enough?

Of course not. More is needed. What we really need is to pass Obama's Jobs Bill, and to extend his middle-class tax cut for another year.

If it weren't for the Republicans, these things would already be done.
I at least looked at the repub candidate in '08 that is, until he picked a running- mate :cuckoo: This cycle, none of the repub candidates seem credible outside Huntsman & Dr. Paul & the repub king-makers have ignored them.
All of the country's leaches and parasites will vote for Obama. I'm certain the woman with 15 kids demanding someone take care of them will vote BARRY MmmMMmmMMmm Barack Hussein Obama, MmmMmmmMMmm

It just kind of goes on and on - substituting these lame personal slurs for anything substantive. Do you think this kind of thing is effective? Or is expressing this angry hateful worldview just part of who you are?
Why do conservatives always ignore my graphs?

Every time a post a graph or a set of data the idiots just leave for a day and then come back with an unsubstantiatedattack on liberals. Its obviously because these morons have nothing else to say but rhetoric thats totally out of line with reality.

Basically, yeah. They get angry when people post facts from unbiased sources. They respond with personal attacks and made-up BS.

Facts, you know, have an inherent liberal bias.
All of the country's leaches and parasites will vote for Obama. I'm certain the woman with 15 kids demanding someone take care of them will vote BARRY MmmMMmmMMmm Barack Hussein Obama, MmmMmmmMMmm

It just kind of goes on and on - substituting these lame personal slurs for anything substantive. Do you think this kind of thing is effective? Or is expressing this angry hateful worldview just part of who you are?

Thats LadyGunSlinger for ya :eusa_wall: A die hard Newt supporter for some reason :dunno:
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