*Why In SF They Shit On Streets?*

I went to SF State and lived in the city for about 3 years. It used to be really nice. (That was in the late 90's.) It's such a shame how they're ruining a city that used to be one of the most loved cities in the world. I never understood the logic in encouraging druggies to do more drugs. As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
Sorry bout that,

  1. This means something.
  2. Has SF gone to shit?
  3. Has CA gone to shit?
  4. Should we build a wall and keep these shit stains over there?
  5. They seem to be spirling towards the proverbial drain.
  6. Should we care?
  7. Should we help them?
  8. Should we jamb pack the whole state of CA with all these illegals coming here?
  9. These questions are very serious and we need to get answers and fast!
  10. Otherwise we all have a loose bowel movement.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I have my idea as to why, wondering if anybody else gets it?
  2. It will only get worse.
  3. The city of SF has had to hire crews to go pick up the poop.
  4. Government officials have noted to need to clean up this crime of public defecation.
  5. In Texas you get a ticket for urinating in public, I'm sure the same goes for shitting.
  6. Why isn't the police arresting the law breakers is a good question.
  7. There are toilets in jails last I heard.
  8. https://www.sfgate.com/technology/b...ng-more-than-ever-on-the-streets-13778680.php
  9. Read all about it, use your heads in what you think of it.

Wherever disgusting thirdworlders decide to settle you will find all the same SHIT.....pun intended.
I live in Santa Monica and 90% of the homeless, beggars are white. Most I asked were not born in California. They fled their poor states (mostly red) came here got into drugs, or already had mental issues. They stay here because of the help they get and the weather.
You wanna bet that 90% of them are white ?
They are not receiving any help.

They are being left to die in the street from an overdose just like all the other white drug addicts.
They do get help...firefighters and medics are always busy with the homeless, I see them almost daily.
We have hundreds of homeless guys that come down here be cause they get free food, clothes and other things and more that 90^ are whites.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I have my idea as to why, wondering if anybody else gets it?
  2. It will only get worse.
  3. The city of SF has had to hire crews to go pick up the poop.
  4. Government officials have noted to need to clean up this crime of public defecation.
  5. In Texas you get a ticket for urinating in public, I'm sure the same goes for shitting.
  6. Why isn't the police arresting the law breakers is a good question.
  7. There are toilets in jails last I heard.
  8. https://www.sfgate.com/technology/b...ng-more-than-ever-on-the-streets-13778680.php
  9. Read all about it, use your heads in what you think of it.

The truth of the matter is this, southerners leave their homes in the deep south and are not familiar with restrooms, and can't find a wooden shelter with a half moon on the door in SF or any other civilized city. Desperate to shit they look for the closest sidewalk to relieve themselves.

It's clear that they have not been raised with civil manners, or for that matter understand that the use of private, 19th century facilities.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I have my idea as to why, wondering if anybody else gets it?
  2. It will only get worse.
  3. The city of SF has had to hire crews to go pick up the poop.
  4. Government officials have noted to need to clean up this crime of public defecation.
  5. In Texas you get a ticket for urinating in public, I'm sure the same goes for shitting.
  6. Why isn't the police arresting the law breakers is a good question.
  7. There are toilets in jails last I heard.
  8. https://www.sfgate.com/technology/b...ng-more-than-ever-on-the-streets-13778680.php
  9. Read all about it, use your heads in what you think of it.

The truth of the matter is this, southerners leave their homes in the deep south and are not familiar with restrooms, and can't find a wooden shelter with a half moon on the door in SF or any other civilized city. Desperate to shit they look for the closest sidewalk to relieve themselves.

It's clear that they have not been raised with civil manners, or for that matter understand that the use of private, 19th century facilities.
I used to repair computers for a living. Been to every state in the Union East of Nevada. Once I was in Downtown Chicago. You know they have no public toilets in Chicago. You have to have money to take a crap in Chicago. Makes one wonder why they don't have the same problem there as in SF.
I went to SF State and lived in the city for about 3 years. It used to be really nice. (That was in the late 90's.) It's such a shame how they're ruining a city that used to be one of the most loved cities in the world. I never understood the logic in encouraging druggies to do more drugs. As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|

Where in The City did you live? I attended Grad School at SF St. U. in 1970 & '71. I lived on Franklin, between Clay and Jackson Sts.
How many of the street shitters are sick and spreading disease by human waste. Feces dries. It makes dust. People breathe that dust. It drifts and settles.
I went to SF State and lived in the city for about 3 years. It used to be really nice. (That was in the late 90's.) It's such a shame how they're ruining a city that used to be one of the most loved cities in the world. I never understood the logic in encouraging druggies to do more drugs. As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|

Where in The City did you live? I attended Grad School at SF St. U. in 1970 & '71. I lived on Franklin, between Clay and Jackson Sts.

I lived in South Beach, not too far from where the new ballpark is. (Well I guess it's not new anymore, but I lived there right before it was built.) You weren't too far from there. I loved living in the city, it was fun and a great experience overall.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Looks like to me that SF is turning into Paris France, with thousands of homeless muslims living in make shift dwellings, on the streets and alley ways.
  2. Other populated areas in California will suffer the same fate, homeless dwellers will soon out number tax payers, and then when that happens funds will be cut off and then so will many thousands of lives.
  3. This is a very serious situation, and can very easily go into super nova.
  4. Life itself will be impossible out there soon, riots, looting, the whole deal, I call it the NEW GREEN DEAL,....with pile of poop ontop.
How many of the street shitters are sick and spreading disease by human waste. Feces dries. It makes dust. People breathe that dust. It drifts and settles.
And it doesn't matter how rich you are in San Francisco, this will affect you.

These idiots are too scientifically illiterate to understand this though.

Science explains differences, and differences are too scary for the simpletons of the left coast to comprehend.
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.
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As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.
And yet you don't believe that anti-white racism is more numerous than racism from white people, despite more than 40 straight years of Democrats enabling anti-white racism.
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.
And yet you don't believe that anti-white racism is more numerous than racism from white people, despite more than 40 straight years of Democrats enabling anti-white racism.
That's correct. Your end of the spectrum absolutely refuses to look in the mirror and hold its own accountable, which only makes things easier for the Left.

MUCH easier.

You're helping them, but that fact is just not getting into your head.
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.

I agree, and to not hold Trump accountable for his incessant lying enables his megalomania and make alternative facts acceptable. Better to shit on the streets and clean the feces up, than to shit on the rule of law and abuse the power of the presidency.

Shiting on the street is manageable, and the City has taken on that task, personality disorders are a lifetime malady which trump has in spades, and is so obvious it is fair to wonder if his supporters know it and just don't care.
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.

I agree, and to not hold Trump accountable for his incessant lying enables his megalomania and make alternative facts acceptable. Better to shit on the streets and clean the feces up, than to shit on the rule of law and abuse the power of the presidency.

Shiting on the street is manageable, and the City has taken on that task, personality disorders are a lifetime malady which trump has in spades, and is so obvious it is fair to wonder if his supporters know it and just don't care.
And there's that deflection I wrote about.

I don't think you folks even realize you're doing it. You appear to be hardwired, just like your kin on the other end of the spectrum.
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.

I agree, and to not hold Trump accountable for his incessant lying enables his megalomania and make alternative facts acceptable. Better to shit on the streets and clean the feces up, than to shit on the rule of law and abuse the power of the presidency.

Shiting on the street is manageable, and the City has taken on that task, personality disorders are a lifetime malady which trump has in spades, and is so obvious it is fair to wonder if his supporters know it and just don't care.

And there's that deflection I wrote about.

I don't think you folks even realize you're doing it. You appear to be hardwired, just like your kin on the other end of the spectrum.

I don't think you have a clue as to what an expository essay is all about. Had I posted an idiot-gram, or simple used the funny button, you might have a point.
As boedicca said, there's a lot of enabling going on there. But that's Dem M.O for you. :-|
"Enabling" really is the word, across the board. What the Left has never really understood, at least not in modern times, is that constantly smothering, deflecting for, attacking for, refusing to hold people accountable for, and ignoring the worst behaviors of any group of people is obviously only going to enable more of those behaviors. That's just standard, predictable human behavior, and it doesn't matter who we're talking about.

It's SO obvious, in fact, that it's fair to wonder if they DO know it and just don't CARE.

I agree, and to not hold Trump accountable for his incessant lying enables his megalomania and make alternative facts acceptable. Better to shit on the streets and clean the feces up, than to shit on the rule of law and abuse the power of the presidency.

Shiting on the street is manageable, and the City has taken on that task, personality disorders are a lifetime malady which trump has in spades, and is so obvious it is fair to wonder if his supporters know it and just don't care.

And there's that deflection I wrote about.

I don't think you folks even realize you're doing it. You appear to be hardwired, just like your kin on the other end of the spectrum.

I don't think you have a clue as to what an expository essay is all about. Had I posted an idiot-gram, or simple used the funny button, you might have a point.
I certainly don't expect you to agree with, or admit to, anything I say.
Crapping inappropriately and publicly is a time honored symptom of severe mental illness.
Unless the reason is because there was no toilet for them to use.

Way back they tried to put out toilets. Street animals moved in to live or shoot up or to suck and plug. They installed a 25 min limit where auto-cleanup initiated and the door slid open but those got torn up and costly French copy stopped?

If they go in street, where do they toss the Charmin?

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