Why in the name of all that make sense?


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Why the hell is it that Despite the Fact that China is Manipulating their Currency Value to our Detriment, Despite the Fact that they side against us in the UN almost all the time, Despite the Fact that we "OWE" them A trillion dollars, and Despite the Fact that their Economy is about to Eclipse ours as the Biggest in the world.


I mean WTF.

Editorial: Why Does The U.S. Still Give China Aid? - Latest Headlines - Investors.com

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, foreign aid to China totals $2.6 billion a year. The biggest donor is Japan, followed by Germany, France and Britain, then the U.S. All of these countries, meanwhile, are in debt to China and running massive deficits.

U.S. aid, at $65 million a year, is relatively small thanks to sanctions imposed following Beijing's 1989 military crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators at Tiananmen Square. Still, why are we sending China any succor at all?

But the aid is next to impossible to justify when you consider the following facts:

• Beijing spends at least $100 billion a year building up its military and training the world's largest army.

• It spends billions more on a space program.

• It spent tens of billions on the 2008 Olympics.

• It holds some $2.5 trillion in foreign reserves.

• It boasts the world's most billionaires after the U.S.

Yet China still has its hand out, as if it were a Third World developing nation. And we keep treating it like a charity case.

We have got to be the Stupidest Country on the Face of the earth.
One point, as a sovern nation China has the right to manipulate it's currency as it sees fit and we have no right to force them to do otherwise.

We dug our hole to China and should not blame it on them.
One point, as a sovern nation China has the right to manipulate it's currency as it sees fit and we have no right to force them to do otherwise.

We dug our hole to China and should not blame it on them.

You mean the fact that Obama has been borrowing 50 cents on every dollar spent by the government since he took office And that it comes from China?
One point, as a sovern nation China has the right to manipulate it's currency as it sees fit and we have no right to force them to do otherwise.

We dug our hole to China and should not blame it on them.

You mean the fact that Obama has been borrowing 50 cents on every dollar spent by the government since he took office And that it comes from China?

Umm this started long before Obama. But yes that is hole digging.
That and the coprorations moving their manufacturing over there.
And we Americans lapping up cheap Chinese products while crying about big bad China.

Yes we cannot avoind buyng chines now, but it was not always that way, we bought the cheap stuff when we actually still had a choice.

And lets not forget govt incentives to import from China. Which were also in place long before Obama was even in politics.
Still nobody has explained to me why we give them AID? Are you kidding me?
That and the coprorations moving their manufacturing over there.

Why do you blame Cooperation's for doing what they have to do to compete? Long Ago America Committed to the idea of Free Trade. With that comes intense competition. In most cases when a Cooperation out sources jobs, a large factor of why is that they simply can not Compete on a global Scale. In part because of Labor costs, and Regulations. It makes no economic Sense to spend 5 Times as much to build something here, then you can get it from somewhere else.

I Believe I have seen the effects of this first hand.

See Most people think of my state, Michigan as having used to be at least, all about the Auto Industry and Heavily Unionized. Well the truth always was the the Assembly Plants in and around Detroit were always union, but the rest of Michigan's Economy was Heavily Into Making small component Parts the Auto Makes used, With Mostly NON Union Workers.

As the Car Companies struggled to pay for the Unions Nice Big Contracts, the first things to go were all the Non Union, Auto Related Manufacturing plants all across the rest of Michigan. As the Car Companies elected to get more and more of the Components made over seas.

Now the Car Companies did not do this out of Greed, They did it out of Necessity, and even it was not enough, they still needed Billions in Bail outs. Now our Car Companies assemble Cars from parts made mostly in other countries. The Unions Workers doing it still make good money, and have great benefits, but at the cost of Millions of workers in the support industries seeing their jobs go away.

Yay for the Power of Unions. They are like the Heard of Elephants that Comes into a Field of Grass and Eats and Eats and Eats until the is nothing but a field of Dirt left, and not even the seed survived.
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One point, as a sovern nation China has the right to manipulate it's currency as it sees fit and we have no right to force them to do otherwise.

We dug our hole to China and should not blame it on them.

I don't think that's the point. The fact that we 'owe' them trillions of dollars on paper is just the icing on the cake. The issue is that we're not only servicing the interest on the debt, we're GIVING them additional funds in the form of aid.

Charles is right. The reason this planet doesn't get any visitors is because of how stupid the kid with the biggest guns sometimes appears from space.
Still nobody has explained to me why we give them AID? Are you kidding me?

It is simply because it still is a third world country. They are just a really big one. China spending 100B on their army is small peas when you realize we spend over 600B, and they are 4X our size. Their PPP Ranks anywhere from 94-100 and is even worse when you consider average PPP is over 10k per capita, and their's is around 7500 per.
On the other hand, their economy is growing just fine, they have tons of moneys and they are dicks, so I agree with you, that we should stop funding them, along with anyone else that continues to be dicks to us after gladly taking our money.
UNbelievably, isn't it?

I have very little doubt that a careful study of this "aid" would lead us to some Chinese INSIDER who is doing very well from it, thank you, from that "AID".

In another time we might have called much of the "aid" we give other nations BRIBES.
That and the coprorations moving their manufacturing over there.

Why do you blame Cooperation's for doing what they have to do to compete? Long Ago America Committed to the idea of Free Trade. With that comes intense competition. In most cases when a Cooperation out sources jobs, a large factor of why is that they simply can not Compete on a global Scale. In part because of Labor costs, and Regulations. It makes no economic Sense to spend 5 Times as much to build something here, then you can get it from somewhere else.

I Believe I have seen the effects of this first hand.

See Most people think of my state, Michigan as having used to be at least, all about the Auto Industry and Heavily Unionized. Well the truth always was the the Assembly Plants in and around Detroit were always union, but the rest of Michigan's Economy was Heavily Into Making small component Parts the Auto Makes used, With Mostly NON Union Workers.

As the Car Companies struggled to pay for the Unions Nice Big Contracts, the first things to go were all the Non Union, Auto Related Manufacturing plants all across the rest of Michigan. As the Car Companies elected to get more and more of the Components made over seas.

Now the Car Companies did not do this out of Greed, They did it out of Necessity, and even it was not enough, they still needed Billions in Bail outs. Now our Car Companies assemble Cars from parts made mostly in other countries. The Unions Workers doing it still make good money, and have great benefits, but at the cost of Millions of workers in the support industries seeing their jobs go away.

Yay for the Power of Unions. They are like the Heard of Elephants that Comes into a Field of Grass and Eats and Eats and Eats until the is nothing but a field of Dirt left, and not even the seed survived.

Ohh I blame the corporations no more than I do China for doing what it is doing to compete. Both are acting in their own best interests, but not in the best interests of the USA.
China I can see, but US based corporations acting contrary to the best interests of the USA?
UNbelievably, isn't it?

I have very little doubt that a careful study of this "aid" would lead us to some Chinese INSIDER who is doing very well from it, thank you, from that "AID".

In another time we might have called much of the "aid" we give other nations BRIBES.

I think you have it.

Just what is this aid used for?
More details please so we can understand better who over here this aid benefits.
We give foreign aid to foster good relations with foreign countries.

It isn't rocket science kids.
We give foreign aid to foster good relations with foreign countries.

It isn't rocket science kids.

But why to China? Obviously, it's not working. Why continue it? What can "better" relations with China do for us? And why doesn't China try giving us some foreign aid to foster good relations with? They're on the verge of becoming an even more dominant economy than we are, and are arguably the newest superpower in the world. Why do they need aid from anyone?
Still nobody has explained to me why we give them AID? Are you kidding me?

It is simply because it still is a third world country. They are just a really big one. China spending 100B on their army is small peas when you realize we spend over 600B, and they are 4X our size. Their PPP Ranks anywhere from 94-100 and is even worse when you consider average PPP is over 10k per capita, and their's is around 7500 per.
On the other hand, their economy is growing just fine, they have tons of moneys and they are dicks, so I agree with you, that we should stop funding them, along with anyone else that continues to be dicks to us after gladly taking our money.

All of that notwithstanding - we still can't afford to give them aid, and even if we could, it's a stupid, stupid move.
We give foreign aid to foster good relations with foreign countries.

It isn't rocket science kids.

The best 'aid' we can give is open markets and an immigration policy that allows their best and brightest to come here for education.

Ca$h assistance + our system of lobby politics is a recipe for corruption.
We give foreign aid to foster good relations with foreign countries.

It isn't rocket science kids.

But why to China? Obviously, it's not working. Why continue it? What can "better" relations with China do for us? And why doesn't China try giving us some foreign aid to foster good relations with? They're on the verge of becoming an even more dominant economy than we are, and are arguably the newest superpower in the world. Why do they need aid from anyone?

There it is!
I don't care how long this has been going on, it needs to stop. I'm thinking this might be one executive order I might support.

China is becoming a superpower because of it's manufacturing base, you know they actually make things. Now think back to the 50s and 60s, what drove our economy?? Oh that's right manufacturing, now think about what drove them to China. ;)
Ok in a nut shell foreign aid is the sweetener in trade deals, we made an agreement to supply this aid and to just stop would violate standing deals. It is quite possible that renegotiating these deals would cost us a hell of a lot more than just the pittance we still spend on aid.

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