Why intelligent people don't believe the MSM!!!

We need to be very sure that if Joe Biden won he won without cheating.
There is more than ample evidence of voter fraud or grounds for legal action.
1. The PASC may have exceeded its authority extending the deadline for accepting ballots, the USSC could switch PA to Trump
2. The Dominion electronic vote counters may have been programmed to give Biden votes, several states may switch to Trump during hand counts of votes.

If after the court battles and recounts Biden wins, fine. But we need to be sure the democrats did not steal the election.

p.s. France does not allow mail-in ballots due to the ease of cheating. We need election laws to be toughened up.
1. There's not enough votes for the SCOTUS to switch that would give PA to Trump. The ballots after the deadline are fewer than Biden's margin of victory.
2. Baseless nonsense about Dominion are not evidence of fraud.

I'm going to wager the SC doesn't even take it up. No reason to. If the lawsuits are thrown out and no massive voter fraud is uncovered and the election is certified.
Game Over. The SC isn't going to get involved. I don't know why Trump supporters are hanging all their hopes on it.
I'm going to wager the SC doesn't even take it up. No reason to. If the lawsuits are thrown out and no massive voter fraud is uncovered and the election is certified.
Game Over. The SC isn't going to get involved. I don't know why Trump supporters are hanging all their hopes on it.
I'd wager they take it up and declare the extension unconstitutional but leave the votes in place as the remedy would deprive the citizens of their right to vote.
Here is word for word an article from an AP correspondent for a local MO. TV station.
WASHINGTON (KMOV/AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday there’s “no reason for alarm” as President Donald Trump, backed by Republicans in Congress, mounts unfounded legal challenges to President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory — a process that could now push into December.

Republicans on Capitol Hill signaled they are willing to let Trump spin out his election lawsuits and unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud for the next several weeks, until the states certify the elections by early December and the Electoral College meets Dec. 14.
Trump’s refusal to concede has led the General Services Administration to hold off on formally beginning the Biden transition, which could hamper the new administration. (This is a lie!) The agency has said that Murphy cannot yet ascertain the winner of the presidential race, citing the precedent established after the 2000 election, when court battles over the Florida recount delayed the transition by several weeks
But once again folks... you are being constantly by the MSM pounded by negative statements regarding Trump etc. and just in case you aren't aware here is one MAJOR reason... Over 90% donations by journalists to Democrats!
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You've been spouting the same alt-right nonsense for months.
With only your partisan hackery to back up your "opinions".

The politicians make the news. The media report it.
Trump is a corrupt moron. He makes all of his own bad news.
Been doing for almost four decades now.
Don't blame the media because you backed the losing horse.
A lot of us knew he was a fraud...a long time ago.
So this is false? Would you mind proving it because I've got more proof the MSM is biased from studies of content like the above where
news is slanted against Trump and favors democrats. One quick example is what I'm doing right now:
Did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"...results: 76,100
Now right after, did search on "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" results: 4,170
A) Trump married an immigrant... LEGAL immigrant.
B) Trump's grandmother was an immigrant...LEGAL immigrant.
C) Me and 50 million like me either have relatives that are or they are...Immigrants...LEGAL immigrants.
And to call us "anti-immigrant" is just ignorant and a biased presentation by the MSM.
So disprove my example that the MSM totally biased Americans that Trump was anti-immigrant?
With 50 million of us it is an INSULT! We or our relatives went through a lot of money and time becoming LEGAL immigrants!
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We need to be very sure that if Joe Biden won he won without cheating.
There is more than ample evidence of voter fraud or grounds for legal action.
The "evidence" of voter fraud will show up when GA does a hand recount. If the tally of results are the same, fine, but if there is proof of fraud, then the flood gates will open.
We need to be very sure that if Joe Biden won he won without cheating.
There is more than ample evidence of voter fraud or grounds for legal action.
1. The PASC may have exceeded its authority extending the deadline for accepting ballots, the USSC could switch PA to Trump
2. The Dominion electronic vote counters may have been programmed to give Biden votes, several states may switch to Trump during hand counts of votes.

If after the court battles and recounts Biden wins, fine. But we need to be sure the democrats did not steal the election.

p.s. France does not allow mail-in ballots due to the ease of cheating. We need election laws to be toughened up.
1. There's not enough votes for the SCOTUS to switch that would give PA to Trump. The ballots after the deadline are fewer than Biden's margin of victory.
2. Baseless nonsense about Dominion are not evidence of fraud.
1. You don't know how many votes were received after the real 11/3 deadline as ordered by Alito to be kept separate, you don't know what happens if legal poll watchers were prohibited from observing in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, does that invalidate those votes? That would easily swing PA to Trump.
2. GA and MI are doing hand recounts, if those tallys are very different then the flood gates are wide open. Wait for the hand recount totals before whining.
We need to be very sure that if Joe Biden won he won without cheating.
There is more than ample evidence of voter fraud or grounds for legal action.
1. The PASC may have exceeded its authority extending the deadline for accepting ballots, the USSC could switch PA to Trump
2. The Dominion electronic vote counters may have been programmed to give Biden votes, several states may switch to Trump during hand counts of votes.

If after the court battles and recounts Biden wins, fine. But we need to be sure the democrats did not steal the election.

p.s. France does not allow mail-in ballots due to the ease of cheating. We need election laws to be toughened up.
1. There's not enough votes for the SCOTUS to switch that would give PA to Trump. The ballots after the deadline are fewer than Biden's margin of victory.
2. Baseless nonsense about Dominion are not evidence of fraud.
1. You don't know how many votes were received after the real 11/3 deadline as ordered by Alito to be kept separate, you don't know what happens if legal poll watchers were prohibited from observing in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, does that invalidate those votes? That would easily swing PA to Trump.
2. GA and MI are doing hand recounts, if those tallys are very different then the flood gates are wide open. Wait for the hand recount totals before whining.
1. About 10,000 votes were kept separate in Pennsylvania as they arrived after the deadline. Not enough. Votes are not going to be thrown out because a poll watcher was 20 feet away instead of 6 feet away. Votes are not going to be discarded unless there's actual evidence they were not legally case. Being too far away is not evidence a vote was not legally cast. We both know that throwing out those votes would disenfranchise thousands and thousands of votes from citizens through no fault of their own and would be a complete betrayal of our founding principles. That Trump's team would even suggest it demonstrates their contempt for voters.

2. There is no hand recount in Michigan. Go for it in Georgia, but nutty conspiracies about Dominion software are baseless.
Trump will be sued for everything he owns and placed in a prison cell.

I thought you people wanted to THROW Donald Trump in a prison cell? Please choose a verb and stick with it. Next you'll be wanting to accommodate Trump with a prison motif or seat him comfortably at a penitentiary facility dining table. At least we do not mince words. We want to borrow Joe Biden and rocket him into high orbit.
We need to be very sure that if Joe Biden won he won without cheating.
There is more than ample evidence of voter fraud or grounds for legal action.
1. The PASC may have exceeded its authority extending the deadline for accepting ballots, the USSC could switch PA to Trump
2. The Dominion electronic vote counters may have been programmed to give Biden votes, several states may switch to Trump during hand counts of votes.

If after the court battles and recounts Biden wins, fine. But we need to be sure the democrats did not steal the election.

p.s. France does not allow mail-in ballots due to the ease of cheating. We need election laws to be toughened up.
I've voted in Fl/TX with absentee ballots and in both cases I've had to verify BEFORE I received a ballot I am who I am at the address the ballot will be mailed to. Once I received the ballot I complete put into an envelope and then signed the envelope and the put inside another.
That is valued absentee voting.
BUT JUNK MAIL(which is my term) didn't do any of that. Simply took the voting name database and MAILED a ballot to the address they had...no verification the person in the voting registrar was the person living at the address.
So it was replete with opportunities for fraud.
Honestly, how many times when you've moved say to an address someone else lived and when you got THEIR mail, did you on the envelope write "return to sender address unknown" as Elvis sang... or did you simply throw away?
I've done both. With a fact that about 10% of all Americans move every year,
and in 4 years that is almost 40% but let's say just for conservative 15% move... that nearly 20 million voting Americans getting a ballot at their old address. JUNK MAIL ballots are going to be the major reason Trump will win!
Thought I would remind everyone ,its not the first time the media tried to use false reports . This time people were fired.

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