Why is Alex Jones?

He does it for the money. People believe him because they have no critical thinking/analytical skills. And those thinking he is just into conspiratorial theories aimed at the left, think again. Anything left or right where he thinks he can snag a few, he goes for it.
What is saddest is the number of people he can snag.
I've got no problem with Jones being on the air. He's allowed to his rights.

I, of course, do find what he says to be absurd.

For instance, he said that the US government was turning people into homosexuals with the foods that we eat.
Ive listened to alex for many years now, and although he gets a bit excited now and then his message is true, that is, the global elite are in control of the world, democracy does not exsist, and they will not be satisfied until we are all slaves. I see it slightly different, the global elite no longer need us to build the industrial machine, and are introducing a post industrial setup were there is no need for people to have rights. it will happen incrementally most people wont notice, just like the frog in the pan analogy.
it says it feminizes males

A lot of homosexual men would really find that offensive.

It says it increases the amount of estrogen in men. That doesn't mean it turns men gay.

why dont gays claim its a genetic condition ?...not a choice ?

I don't know why they don't say that or why they would want to in the first place. What does this have to do with what we're talking about?

Also, the therapist in that video you just posted said that estrogen would make men cry more often or cause mood swings. She didn't say it makes men gay.
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A lot of homosexual men would really find that offensive.

It says it increases the amount of estrogen in men. That doesn't mean it turns men gay.

why dont gays claim its a genetic condition ?...not a choice ?

I don't know why they don't say that or why they would want to in the first place. What does this have to do with what we're talking about?

because the environmental conditions in the womb can cause genetic mutations
why dont gays claim its a genetic condition ?...not a choice ?

I don't know why they don't say that or why they would want to in the first place. What does this have to do with what we're talking about?

because the environmental conditions in the womb can cause genetic mutations

Are you saying that pregnant women are consuming MSG and that makes their baby gay?

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