Why is Alex Jones?

Why have people who hated Howard Stern listened to him?

Sometimes it's pure entertainment.

I don't recall Stern claiming the US hurricane warning system was driven by a left-wing agenda.

irrelevant. Doesn't change the fact that there are people who absolutely hated him that listened to him with a passion. Which was my point.

Just because people listen doesnt mean it's because they agree with everything said.
Are you talking about Beck, Hannity, Rush, kilmeade et al?

I am sure they are absolutely the same thing - any conspiracy theorist is.

I haven't listened to many of these guys and don't intend to, but left or right wing makes no difference here. A lunatic is a lunatic.


And it's a good idea to reach that conclusion by not listening to what someone says. Just label them a lunatic and it's all good.
I am sure they are absolutely the same thing - any conspiracy theorist is.

I haven't listened to many of these guys and don't intend to, but left or right wing makes no difference here. A lunatic is a lunatic.


And it's a good idea to reach that conclusion by not listening to what someone says. Just label them a lunatic and it's all good.

I did listen to and watch the video with Jones in it. And he is indeed a lunatic: a very disturbing one. Very disturbing. Have you ever been around someone who was delusionary and insane, in person. It is very unsettling and disturbing. That is what Jones is like. I am not making any assumption.
And it's a good idea to reach that conclusion by not listening to what someone says. Just label them a lunatic and it's all good.


And how much of Alex's ranting about the Euro being a Nazi plan should I listen to before I determine he is lying?
10%-20% of the people are weak-minded idiots who would believe pretty much any conspiracy if you tell them the government, Jews and/or foreigners are behind it. In a country of 310 million people, 10%-20% is a big market.
Alex is so crazy, he said that Canada is a colony of England! He even tried to say that the Queen dissolved the Canadian Parliament! More than once! How crazy is that?

The Constitution

Why have people who hated Howard Stern listened to him?

Sometimes it's pure entertainment.

I don't recall Stern claiming the US hurricane warning system was driven by a left-wing agenda.

He did say this. He had a story about the time he was in New York and how he was in front of a building and how the "wind" blew a guys jacket up at the right time to show he was carrying a gun. You see, "they" are trying to kill him. (It was a security guy for the building who happened to be walking in front of the building he was hired to watch.)

He actually believed the left controlled the weather and they (all of New York?) were watching him.

Jesus Christ this man is crazy but yet he has "fans". I dont know who is worse, this zoo keeper or his "fans".

And it's a good idea to reach that conclusion by not listening to what someone says. Just label them a lunatic and it's all good.

I did listen to and watch the video with Jones in it. And he is indeed a lunatic: a very disturbing one. Very disturbing. Have you ever been around someone who was delusionary and insane, in person. It is very unsettling and disturbing. That is what Jones is like. I am not making any assumption.

Is he crazy or does he make his living like beck, living off fear? All you need is a couple talking points, fast talk and never, ever allowing anyone to ask specific questions or facing them and you too can make money off rubes.
I am sure they are absolutely the same thing - any conspiracy theorist is.

I haven't listened to many of these guys and don't intend to, but left or right wing makes no difference here. A lunatic is a lunatic.


And it's a good idea to reach that conclusion by not listening to what someone says. Just label them a lunatic and it's all good.

Good idea. I label all talking heads on Fox like this.
I'd never listened to Alex Jones before, but happened to catch this hilarious piece with him on BBC, where he leaves the host and other interviewee in hysterical laughter.

BBC News - Bilderberg: Alex Jones disrupts BBC's Sunday Politics

The question is - why does he even exist?

No sensible adult could believe a word he says, and anyone with critical faculties will notice on these videos a series of nonsensical garbage (the Euro is a Nazi idea) errors (When he suggests Ed Balls has broken a ministerial oath - and is reminded that Ed is not a minister!) and outright lies.

I am sure he is just in it for the money and doesn't believe a word of it himself - but why does anyone listen?

Why do people listen to Glenn Beck? Hannity? Why does Fox even exist.

cause there are a lot of programmed sheople out there brainwashed and in denial like predfan troll thats why.
idb -

Entertaining, for sure! And I guess a lot of people like watching him just for the entertainment value.

But on the other hand, he is deeply disturbing. I don't like the fact that one man can build an empire based on lies and bullshit, and that he doesn't have to take any responsibility for his words.

Are you talking about Beck, Hannity, Rush, kilmeade et al?

obviously so.:D:lol::lmao::lmao: the establishment is worried the truth is getting out that alex jones is telling so they senf Saigon here.He is apaid zionist shill.He always defends the atrocties of Isreal all the time always blatantly ignoring the crimes they commit against humanity.
Admittedly, I have not listened to him, and yes, I'm going by what I have heard.

wow..not the response I expected..I respect your honest answer

Despite what many here think, I try not to lie.

Now THATS the funniest tthing i have EVER heard predfan troll say and thats saying a lot.:lmao::lmao:anytime he is cornered with facts and evidence he cant refute,he evades them and and then changes the subject everytime and then whines and calls you names out of frustration then puts you on ignore and then goes off lying telling fibs that oswald was the lone assassin and 19 muslins were behind 9/11,ect,ect.:lmao::lmao::rofl:
Dillo -

And at the next election, you can vote the current politicians out of office. When do people get to vote on radio hosts?
When their listening habits send the speaker to the head of the class in ratings.

Which is a fact the left loves to ignore. :eusa_hand:

And it's a good idea to reach that conclusion by not listening to what someone says. Just label them a lunatic and it's all good.

I did listen to and watch the video with Jones in it. And he is indeed a lunatic: a very disturbing one. Very disturbing. Have you ever been around someone who was delusionary and insane, in person. It is very unsettling and disturbing. That is what Jones is like. I am not making any assumption.

Disturbed,delusionary,and insane the same way just like like Hannity and Colmes,Glenn Beck,and Bill O'reily are. a raving lunatic just like them as someone else said earlier:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::coffee:
wow..not the response I expected..I respect your honest answer

Despite what many here think, I try not to lie.

Now THATS the funniest tthing i have EVER heard predfan troll say and thats saying a lot.:lmao::lmao:anytime he is cornered with facts and evidence he cant refute,he evades them and and then changes the subject everytime and then whines and calls you names out of frustration then puts you on ignore and then goes off lying telling fibs that oswald was the lone assassin and 19 muslins were behind 9/11,ect,ect.:lmao::lmao::rofl:
Everyone's a troll but you, hm, 9/11 inside job. :eusa_angel:
The Nazi's planned the EU? How stupid can you be?
Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich ...in the EU | Mail Online

I'll bet Alex says that America brought Nazi Scientists over to America to work on it's Space Program after WWII, or that the US supports Al Qaida in Syria!

how crazy can you be for making statements like that.oh and dont forget he is crazy as well saying that the Bushs and the clintons have a long standing friendship that goes back decades after being seen going to golf together with them all the time and fishing as well and even though r Barbara Bush has said Clinton is like a second son to her.:D:lmao::lmao::rofl:

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Despite what many here think, I try not to lie.

Now THATS the funniest tthing i have EVER heard predfan troll say and thats saying a lot.:lmao::lmao:anytime he is cornered with facts and evidence he cant refute,he evades them and and then changes the subject everytime and then whines and calls you names out of frustration then puts you on ignore and then goes off lying telling fibs that oswald was the lone assassin and 19 muslins were behind 9/11,ect,ect.:lmao::lmao::rofl:
Everyone's a troll but you, hm, 9/11 inside job. :eusa_angel:

you are one just like him thats for sure. Just like him,you make up lies as well in the fact there are many posters on this thread that I have NEVER called a a troll and never will.thanks again for showing you are a tool for the government proving you are a liar just like him.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Admittedly, I have not listened to him, and yes, I'm going by what I have heard.

wow..not the response I expected..I respect your honest answer

Despite what many here think, I try not to lie.

That is probaly the single most honest statement that I have read from you.

You "try not to lie" but you sure do a great job at repeating the lies of 9/11 just like a parrot.

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