Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

Talk to black Jews. Because your anecdote doesn't talk about Jews like Lisa and Donald Sterling.
UHM what are you calling "black jews" My hubbie quailifies just as much as does VP Kamala
Harris to be called a "black"----what would you like to say to him or ??ASK?
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Lisa, sorry you have to put up with this antisemitic nonsense.
Thank you. It’s quite rampant on this forum. It Is largely because activist blacks and leftists are furious that such a long-persecuted minority like Jews rise above it to become so successful. It shows how failure cannot be blamed on bigotry.
Thank you. It’s quite rampant on this forum. It Is largely because activist blacks and leftists are furious that such a long-persecuted minority like Jews rise above it to become so successful. It shows how failure cannot be blamed on bigotry.

Well, it's easy to overcome bigotry if you can blend in.
Seriously, I throw you into a crowd of 100 other white Karens, I'm not going to be able to pick out the Jewish person.
The idea that you are being oppressed is laughable.
So you choose to ignore her racist nonsense.


i have pointed out that if blacks reduce their high out-of-wedlock rate, associated ails such as low educational attainment, high crime, and poverty would fall as well, and for this IM2 considers me racist. In fact, any suggestion that blacks play a vital role in their own outcomes, he considers racist.

I know this because my parents were both children of poor, uneducated (but very smart) immigrants, and my dad was a teen when his grandmother, aunt, and cousins were killed by Hitler. Yet under this backdrop of the most horrific bigotry imaginable, my dad hunkered down in his cold-water tenement, as did my my mom in hers, and BOTH studied hard and received tuition-paid college.

And that wasn’t unusual in the Jewish community in New York (and elsewhere). My aunt and uncle did the same, as did my parents‘ friends. All went from poverty to the middle class in 10 years. And believe me, in late 40s New York (and the country as a whole), antisemitism was in high gear. They STILL succeeded.

i have pointed out that if blacks reduce their high out-of-wedlock rate, associated ails such as low educational attainment, high crime, and poverty would fall as well, and for this IM2 considers me racist. In fact, any suggestion that blacks play a vital role in their own outcomes, he considers racist.

I know this because my parents were both children of poor, uneducated (but very smart) immigrants, and my dad was a teen when his grandmother, aunt, and cousins were killed by Hitler. Yet under this backdrop of the most horrific bigotry imaginable, my dad hunkered down in his cold-water tenement, as did my my mom in hers, and BOTH studied hard and received tuition-paid college.

And that wasn’t unusual in the Jewish community in New York (and elsewhere). My aunt and uncle did the same, as did my parents‘ friends. All went from poverty to the middle class in 10 years. And believe me, in late 40s New York (and the country as a whole), antisemitism was in high gear. They STILL succeeded.
Very admirable, your family. Thank you for the information.
The anti-lynching song, "Strange Fruit", made famous by the incomparable Billie Holiday, was penned by Jewish writer and teacher, Abel Meeropol.

Abel Meeropol is not Lisa.
Abel Meeropol is not Lisa.

When an inter-racial couple named, Loving, couldn't marry in the state of Virginia because of its anti-miscegenation law, two Jewish lawyers, Bernard Cohen and Philip Hirschkop, took up their case before the Supreme Court and won, striking down that racist law.
The grievances must be laid at the feet of the U.S. government.
Then Lisa has nothing to say about how blacks should do things. This thread is a lie created by a Jewish woman who has a severe hatred of black If anti semitism is 4x worse among blacks then anti black racism is 4x worse among Jews. Do not ignore Lisas racism to lecture me.
When an inter-racial couple named, Loving, couldn't marry in the state of Virginia because of its anti-miscegenation law, two Jewish lawyers, Bernard Cohen and Philip Hirschkop, took up their case before the Supreme Court and won, striking down that racist law.
Do not lecture me about what Jews have done. None of those lawyers were named Lisa and I am not going to ignore Jews who are racist. During WW2 when many white Americans were anti Jew, blacks stood with Jews. So do not lecture me about what Jews have done. Address the racism you see coming from the Jew posting here.
Her family took advantage of government programs that excluded blacks.
That isn’t true. Blacks were in their college, and my parents took advantage of NO government programs.

Ignore what IM2 is saying. I’ve never said anything racist. IM2 picks on me because he hates that Jews, despite horrific antisemitism, have been so successful (generally speaking).

He calls me out by name in various posts, targeting me more than the most horrific racists who actually DO post here. But they are not Jewish, so he overlooks that and focuses on me.

What I have said is not racist: if blacks were to reduce their out-of-wedlock rate, their high crime rate and poverty rate would be reduced as well. All I’ve suggested is that blacks are responsible for their own outcomes, and capable of changing them for the better.
what government programs that excluded blacks did Lisa's family
take advantage of?
Maybe he is talking about the government program that wiped out half my dad’s family, done when he was a teen and trying to win free college.

But seriously, that guy thinks anyone white who achieved did so with help unavailable to blacks. Otherwise, he would have to admit that brains, motivation, and discipline can move a person from poverty to affluence.

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