Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

You mean after Europeans looted Africa of all its resources?
Africa is still rich in natural resources. The Chinese are buying them up. They will exploit them with the help of client dictators, and no concern for the local populations.

The greatest predictor of a country's standard of living is not what is under ground, but average intelligence.
So you have a black family who don't get married, but the father is often involved in the child's life.
How often is that?


In modern America, the correlation between high crime rates and poverty has a great deal to do with the proliferation of single-parent, father-absent households. According to the U.S Census, in 2008 the poverty rate for single parents with children was 35.6%; the rate for married couples with children was 6.4%. For white families in particular, the corresponding two-parent and single-parent poverty rates were 21.7% and 3.1%, respectively. For Hispanics, the figures were 37.5% and 12.8%, and for blacks, 35.3% and 6.9%. According to Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “the absence of marriage increases the frequency of child poverty 700 percent” and thus constitutes the single most reliable predictor of a self-perpetuating underclass.

Children in single-parent households are burdened not only with profound economic disadvantages, but are also far likelier to eventually get into trouble with the law. As a Heritage Foundation analysis notes, youngsters raised by single parents, as compared to those who grow up in intact married homes, are much more likely to be physically abused; to be treated for emotional and behavioral disorders; to smoke, drink, and use drugs; to behave aggressively and violently; to engage in criminal activity; and to be arrested for a juvenile crime. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, 60% of rapists, 72% of adolescent murderers, and 70% of long-term prison inmates are men who grew up in fatherless homes.

Meh, let's get real here. Until about a century ago, patriarchal societies considered women to be property. And some of them still do. (I'm looking at you, Mormons!) Proper gentlemen had mistresses. The truly wealthy had concubines.
You need to be careful if you just simply switch timelines in order to support e.g. your argument - otherwise we would end up with Black-racist argumentation stating that they are hindered in their today's development, due to Great-great-great-great-granddaddy having been a slave. Now we wouldn't want that - right?

This thread is about today and the USA - correct? and not the USA some 100+ years ago. Fact is that today in the USA women are not regarded as being property - even Mormons do not regard women as property, but simply enjoy (if they have the $) their religious privilege, just as e.g. Muslims towards marrying multiple wife's - not screwing around with multiple women. For the latter, one doesn't need to be a Mormon or Muslim. If you search for a society that kind of accepts that as of today - I would recommend Asia to you - but don't forget to bring plenty of $ with you, and I mean plenty.
Africa is still rich in natural resources. The Chinese are buying them up. They will exploit them with the help of client dictators, and no concern for the local populations.
You got that part a bit wrong. Yes China also like any other country e.g. the USA or EU countries, provides direct loans to e.g. African countries/governments.

However G2G business between African countries and China is in vast majority conducted via barter trade - e.g. China provides 600 Busses or builds 10 hospitals and African country X provides e.g. bananas and minerals.
Therefore in contra to the present prevailing USA or EU trading system - money does not simply vanish into someones or a cliques pocket, aiding endless corruption - and the common population gets nothing. This bartertrade practice is the reason why China is in general, well liked amongst e.g. Africa's population.
The greatest predictor of a country's standard of living is not what is under ground, but average intelligence.
Absolutely correct and not just intelligence but EDUCATION standards, that produces/enhances additional required intelligence.
The study linked below references how much more common antisemitism is among blacks, and the question is “why,” considering that Jews - well out of proportion to their numbers - put their lives on the line to march with blacks during Civil Rights. (In another thread, a black claims they did this for selfish reasons, and not to help blacks, which is a claim that simply reveals his antisemitic attitude and unwillingness to credit Jews.)

In this thread, I’d like to discuss why blacks are so much more antisemitic, and feel free to express it, when - ironically - they simultaneously condemn the effects of bigotry.

In a word: RESENTMENT. They resent the fact that another minority, arriving uneducated and penniless on these shores, could have moved from inner-city tenement slums to middle-class home ownership out in the suburbs in a single generation (and in spite of the antisemitism blocking Jews from many colleges.)

And WHY do they resent that? Because it shows that a minority who, in the midst of unspeakable suffering during the Holocaust, can focus on the future and do what it takes to become successful (or, more specifically, their children) while blacks are still attempting to blame failures on bigotry.

Black bigots most certainly would have preferred if a large subset of Jews were still stuck in the tenements, as they could say “see what happens to people who suffer feom bigotry?” But the fact that Jews have succeeded, and above the average, shows that with the right choices and personal traits, even persecuted minorities can be successful and rise above prejudice.

It corresponds to their membership in the DemoKKKrat party.
No they have not. That’s why we don’t use them anymore. It’s assinine to have one number assigned to one person as a measure of their entire intellect. It’s ridiculous.
Only ignorant people use IQ numbers’s so stupid, it’s fking illegal in some cases. Name one corporation or agency that uses IQ numbers for hiring. Name one.
Translation: Dagosa failed an IQ test. :26:
Africa is still rich in natural resources. The Chinese are buying them up. They will exploit them with the help of client dictators, and no concern for the local populations.

The greatest predictor of a country's standard of living is not what is under ground, but average intelligence.

Then America would be the poorest country in the industrialized world, not the richest. Because we have too many dumb people like you in the country, Cleetus.

How often is that?


In modern America, the correlation between high crime rates and poverty has a great deal to do with the proliferation of single-parent, father-absent households. According to the U.S Census, in 2008 the poverty rate for single parents with children was 35.6%; the rate for married couples with children was 6.4%. For white families in particular, the corresponding two-parent and single-parent poverty rates were 21.7% and 3.1%, respectively. For Hispanics, the figures were 37.5% and 12.8%, and for blacks, 35.3% and 6.9%. According to Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “the absence of marriage increases the frequency of child poverty 700 percent” and thus constitutes the single most reliable predictor of a self-perpetuating underclass.

Uh, Grand Keagle, your article makes no distinction between children born out of wedlock and children with divorced parents.
You need to be careful if you just simply switch timelines in order to support e.g. your argument - otherwise we would end up with Black-racist argumentation stating that they are hindered in their today's development, due to Great-great-great-great-granddaddy having been a slave. Now we wouldn't want that - right?
actually, I'm perfectly fine with that argument, because it's true.

This thread is about today and the USA - correct? and not the USA some 100+ years ago. Fact is that today in the USA women are not regarded as being property - even Mormons do not regard women as property, but simply enjoy (if they have the $) their religious privilege, just as e.g. Muslims towards marrying multiple wife's - not screwing around with multiple women. For the latter, one doesn't need to be a Mormon or Muslim. If you search for a society that kind of accepts that as of today - I would recommend Asia to you - but don't forget to bring plenty of $ with you, and I mean plenty.
Where did I say that was the kind of relationship I wanted?

Obviously, women were able to make faster progress than minorities for the obvious reason. They live within the families. You can rant your racism at home all day, but that misogyny is going to have a very short shelflife in the home.

Except the Mormons, they treat their women like servants, which is why Utah has the highest level of valium prescriptions.
You got that part a bit wrong. Yes China also like any other country e.g. the USA or EU countries, provides direct loans to e.g. African countries/governments.

However G2G business between African countries and China is in vast majority conducted via barter trade - e.g. China provides 600 Busses or builds 10 hospitals and African country X provides e.g. bananas and minerals.
Therefore in contra to the present prevailing USA or EU trading system - money does not simply vanish into someones or a cliques pocket, aiding endless corruption - and the common population gets nothing. This bartertrade practice is the reason why China is in general, well liked amongst e.g. Africa's population.

And this is why we are losing to China. While we are swinging our "big stick" of military might, the Chinese are building up huge good will in the third world with projects such as the "Belt and Road Initiative"

Which is why I am learning Mandarin.
Apart from Israel I am pretty sure the other country which was still supporting South Africa until a year before apartheid ended was the US.
No. Ronald Reagan's primary objective was to rid the earth of communism.

More or less every county in Southern Africa that had gone through an anti-colonial war, had become communist. the latest ones in that regards were Angola, Mozambique and Rhodesia. As such the US government initially supported South-Africa due to their ongoing military action against communist neighbor countries - this was also the reason as to why Reagan had vetoed in 1986 against the US congress economic sanctions against South Africa.

However from 1988 onward He and many other EU governments were convinced that the White minority would not be able to win/survive a future predictable civil-war - but instead would eventually succumb to become another of those communist countries - and SA was still of major geopolitical concern to the USA.
He regarded Nelson Mandela not to be a communist - and being in full control of the ANC and therefore added himself onto the list of those foreign dignitaries to press the SA government for Mandela's release and started to cut down significantly towards channeling aid to South Africa, conducted foremost via his favorit proxy Israel.

It was then during Bush papas reign, that the USA fully tilted towards Mandela and against Botha. Being fully aware that Communism aka the Soviet-Union was dead. However reassuring themselves that the provisional SA government would behold a White government representation - that would be excluded from the actual population ratio. How that ended is also known.
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What did I say that is not true?
You’re conflating races and non racial group descriptors.
Youre making general statements of intelligence and applying it to particular races.
Gentiles are non Jews. Jews are not a race. So a gentile is everyone who isn’t a Jew. That’s every religion and non religious group. Who in heck has ever studied intellect by religions other then Jews ?
The military does not use IQ testing. They use aptitude and skill testing and do not assign a number for general intelligence. .
You also conflate aptitude tests with IQ test.
It’s a miss mash of totally unsubstantiated statements.
Do you actually know what an IQ is ?
Tsk, tsk, tsk - the language of a racist country - how can you? you really need to be careful as to what you state - mate.
Actually, I'm learning it because that's what my soon to be wife speaks.

She speaks some English, but I'm learning Mandarin to facilitate our communications.
You’re conflating races and non racial group descriptors.
Youre making general statements of intelligence and applying it to particular races.
Gentiles are non Jews. Jews are not a race. So a gentile is everyone who isn’t a Jew. That’s every religion and non religious group. Who in heck has ever studied intellect by religions other then Jews ?
The military does not use IQ testing. They use aptitude and skill testing and do not assign a number for general intelligence. .
You also conflate aptitude tests with IQ test.
It’s a miss mash of totally unsubstantiated statements.
Do you actually know what an IQ is ?
The military uses a mental aptitude test that closely correlates with IQ.
The military uses a mental aptitude test that closely correlates with IQ.
Do you know what an IQ test is ?
You don’t. An IQ test assigns ONE number to an individual as a descriptor of general intelligence.

Aptitude tests don’t do that. In all the years in the military since IQ was eliminated, no one has ever taken IQ tests.
So, don’t keep saying that IQ tests are something they are not. They do skill testing. They do it rigorously for promotion and transitioning from one field to another. You don’t advance or change fields based upon ONE NUMBER that’s suppose to indicate anything like general intelligence. There is NO SUCH THING
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