Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Let's see if we can put this in language that even you can understand.

With the wall will come the enforcement. There will be things both seen and UNSEEN. For example, the Constitution Free Zone will be vigorously enforced. There go your constitutional Liberties within 100 miles of the border. And there will be more.

If you would go off the attack, STFU and quit posting every five minutes, I would explain it to you.

Who cares I don't live 100 miles of the border...and it should be that way.

You do know the USA is almost 4 million square miles right?

I know that over half the U.S. population lives within 100 miles of the border.

Border or do you mean water?



So you don't know geography now?


WTH? How many people do you think live between Miami and 100 miles north of there? Do you understand or are you pretending to be that silly?
Do you really believe that wall couldn't be compromised?

Sure it could. So can prison fences. So can jails. It happens now and then. But the point is it makes it much more difficult for those that are hell bent on trying. For the rest, they will realize the efforts and risks are too great, and they payoff (if any) not worthy. Because even if they could draw the attention by getting past a wall, it likely won't be long until a border agent on the other side arrests them and sends them back to the other side.
Keep in mind the wall is really an unknown factor. It may be solid or slats. It may have barbed wire, electric wire, or nothing on top. Once it's built it becomes a known factor and can not easily be changed. That means coyotes will figure out the fastest method of crossing which maybe ladders, climbing carabiners, or some type power lift. However, you can be sure once the fence is built people are going to cross it. You can't stop them No wall can keep people out if they have access to the right equipment. It can only delay crossing. People who have crossed existing border walls estimated that the delay would only be 1 to 2 minutes over current reinforced fencing. That might be useful in densely populated area but in remote ares which are 85% of the border a couple of minutes delay would be meaningless.

Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.
the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

The idiotic idea that a wall will prevent a substantial barrier. Funny, walls, high walls, are substantial barriers everywhere else they are used. Just ask the Israelis. In fact, I hope Trump invites Israel to inspect his wall design and critique it for quality of construction. Here we have mostly poor vagabonds trying to enter the country on foot and a tall barrier is an "idiotic idea." What, will they just walk right through it? Jump over it with tall ladders? Or dig tunnels under it? The idea is to stop all but the most determined who will be greatly slowed down, while technological surveillance has time to pick them up and detect them.

A substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry. I see. So now you think there are masses of people trying to escape the USA to go south who cannot go through legal portals who will be interfered with because they cannot walk across the border into impoverished Mexico out in the middle of the desert. Because, Shit-For-Brains, these are the only "citizens" we can be talking about who have any freedoms or liberties that matter. Mexicans are NOT citizens of the USA and have have NO freedom or liberty even in their own country much less here.

Do us all a yuge favor and take a long walk off a short pier.
Nobody on the right is asking the government to "give" us anything. We are asking the government to stop something that we citizens cannot stop by ourselves. Big difference.

You want the government to give you a wall for whatever reason you can conjure up as the discussion proceeds. You don't really know why you want it, other than you think Trump is God and you have to move the goalposts accordingly. But, you want him to give you a wall.

Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Industry is flooded with foreigners because people like you got hooked on drugs and can't think. So you sit on your ass all day, every day whining about a wall around America.

You and more than 11 MILLION Americans could work a job, but choose not to. The jobs are out there - and at good wages. But, it is easier for some of you to sit around, living off the welfare, and not even wanting to create ways to get Americans back on the job.

And who built the welfare state the left, you.


Porter isn't "left". Neither am I. I know it gnaws at you, but the best arguments against your cowardly wall are coming from real conservatives and libertarians - not "the left".

How the heck is a wall cowardly? You just want people who vote for Democrat to bypass our laws...

Let me guess you want to get rid of cops also like him.

Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

You do know we have border check points right?

And we are in a drug war with Mexico we just gave the like 5 billion dollars over the next few years

If we're in a war with drugs, how come we're trying to have a fight with humans? Saudis attack the World Trade Center and we attack Iraq. That morphs into a nearly two decade old war; nothing is settled and Trump declares victory. A war on drugs? You lose.

So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.
Well, let me help you unboggle your mind. Why not start by reading Orwell's book 1984. It was a warning in the form of a novel.

The government big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take all you have... a quote by a famous Republican

Nobody on the right is asking the government to "give" us anything. We are asking the government to stop something that we citizens cannot stop by ourselves. Big difference.

You want the government to give you a wall for whatever reason you can conjure up as the discussion proceeds. You don't really know why you want it, other than you think Trump is God and you have to move the goalposts accordingly. But, you want him to give you a wall.

Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Industry is flooded with foreigners because people like you got hooked on drugs and can't think. So you sit on your ass all day, every day whining about a wall around America.

You and more than 11 MILLION Americans could work a job, but choose not to. The jobs are out there - and at good wages. But, it is easier for some of you to sit around, living off the welfare, and not even wanting to create ways to get Americans back on the job.

I think you really need a professional to advise you about those voices in your head. I've told you repeatedly I do work. But those voices tell you something different. You really need to have that checked out. And tell the shrink how I told you repeatedly I don't take drugs, but those voices in your head keep insisting I do.

Your post numbers testify against that claim that you work. Does your boss know you spend all day arguing about a wall?
Do you really believe that wall couldn't be compromised?

Sure it could. So can prison fences. So can jails. It happens now and then. But the point is it makes it much more difficult for those that are hell bent on trying. For the rest, they will realize the efforts and risks are too great, and they payoff (if any) not worthy. Because even if they could draw the attention by getting past a wall, it likely won't be long until a border agent on the other side arrests them and sends them back to the other side.
Keep in mind the wall is really an unknown factor. It may be solid or slats. It may have barbed wire, electric wire, or nothing on top. Once it's built it becomes a known factor and can not easily be changed. That means coyotes will figure out the fastest method of crossing which maybe ladders, climbing carabiners, or some type power lift. However, you can be sure once the fence is built people are going to cross it. You can't stop them No wall can keep people out if they have access to the right equipment. It can only delay crossing. People who have crossed existing border walls estimated that the delay would only be 1 to 2 minutes over current reinforced fencing. That might be useful in densely populated area but in remote ares which are 85% of the border a couple of minutes delay would be meaningless.

Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

What demons?

So how would a wall interfere in free trade?

It will be used to enforce laws that interfere with free trade. I mean, that's the point right? We pass laws that severely limit Mexicans coming there to work. But like all overly restrictive laws, people just ignore them. That's why you want a wall, to force obedience to laws that are being ignored. Ignored by Americans who are otherwise happy to have Mexicans helping us get things done here in the US.

You failed to answer the question: how does it interfere in free trade? Free trade doesn't take place crossing private property, transporting over the desert, or climbing a wall. Trade takes place through legal points of entry which will not change whether a wall is there or not.
the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

The idiotic idea that a wall will prevent a substantial barrier. Funny, walls, high walls, are substantial barriers everywhere else they are used. Just ask the Israelis. In fact, I hope Trump invites Israel to inspect his wall design and critique it for quality of construction. Here we have mostly poor vagabonds trying to enter the country on foot and a tall barrier is an "idiotic idea." What, will they just walk right through it? Jump over it with tall ladders? Or dig tunnels under it? The idea is to stop all but the most determined who will be greatly slowed down, while technological surveillance has time to pick them up and detect them.

A substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry. I see. So now you think there are masses of people trying to escape the USA to go south who cannot go through legal portals who will be interfered with because they cannot walk across the border into impoverished Mexico out in the middle of the desert. Because, Shit-For-Brains, these are the only "citizens" we can be talking about who have any freedoms or liberties that matter. Mexicans are NOT citizens of the USA and have have NO freedom or liberty even in their own country much less here.

Do us all a yuge favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

You don't get it. We are not Mexico and the Israelis are at war. Can't fix stupid.
it just means our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; are worthless.

So you think that because LE doesn't stop ALL crime, we should just invite a bunch more criminals into the country?

You think that just because LE doesn't stop ALL illegal drug activity, we should just open thousands of miles wide open for more drugs to move in freely?

Last I checked, it has been a LONG TIME since we had a real terror attack. Coincidence? Simple loss of interest? No, fighting crime, drugs and terror are NOT worthless.
Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

You do know we have border check points right?

And we are in a drug war with Mexico we just gave the like 5 billion dollars over the next few years

If we're in a war with drugs, how come we're trying to have a fight with humans? Saudis attack the World Trade Center and we attack Iraq. That morphs into a nearly two decade old war; nothing is settled and Trump declares victory. A war on drugs? You lose.

So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.

What you want will turn us into a thrid world shit hole, what do you think inviting everyone from Venezuela into the US won't turn us into Venezuela?

Do you really believe that wall couldn't be compromised?

Sure it could. So can prison fences. So can jails. It happens now and then. But the point is it makes it much more difficult for those that are hell bent on trying. For the rest, they will realize the efforts and risks are too great, and they payoff (if any) not worthy. Because even if they could draw the attention by getting past a wall, it likely won't be long until a border agent on the other side arrests them and sends them back to the other side.
Keep in mind the wall is really an unknown factor. It may be solid or slats. It may have barbed wire, electric wire, or nothing on top. Once it's built it becomes a known factor and can not easily be changed. That means coyotes will figure out the fastest method of crossing which maybe ladders, climbing carabiners, or some type power lift. However, you can be sure once the fence is built people are going to cross it. You can't stop them No wall can keep people out if they have access to the right equipment. It can only delay crossing. People who have crossed existing border walls estimated that the delay would only be 1 to 2 minutes over current reinforced fencing. That might be useful in densely populated area but in remote ares which are 85% of the border a couple of minutes delay would be meaningless.

Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

What demons?


Unlike all the nations that you use as examples, America leads the world in drug use. 70,000 plus Americans die each year on drug overdoses. And where did the majority of the drug use start?

It starts with the government and doctors prescribing drugs as as first option instead of the last option.

Then, we're plagued by mental midgets that don't understand we are a nation that operates a free marked economy.
The question is...should we waste money on measures that will have no effect.

Trumpers think we should
the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

The idiotic idea that a wall will prevent a substantial barrier. Funny, walls, high walls, are substantial barriers everywhere else they are used. Just ask the Israelis. In fact, I hope Trump invites Israel to inspect his wall design and critique it for quality of construction. Here we have mostly poor vagabonds trying to enter the country on foot and a tall barrier is an "idiotic idea." What, will they just walk right through it? Jump over it with tall ladders? Or dig tunnels under it? The idea is to stop all but the most determined who will be greatly slowed down, while technological surveillance has time to pick them up and detect them.

A substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry. I see. So now you think there are masses of people trying to escape the USA to go south who cannot go through legal portals who will be interfered with because they cannot walk across the border into impoverished Mexico out in the middle of the desert. Because, Shit-For-Brains, these are the only "citizens" we can be talking about who have any freedoms or liberties that matter. Mexicans are NOT citizens of the USA and have have NO freedom or liberty even in their own country much less here.

Do us all a yuge favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

You don't get it. We are not Mexico and the Israelis are at war. Can't fix stupid.

You want to turn us into Mexico

Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

You do know we have border check points right?

And we are in a drug war with Mexico we just gave the like 5 billion dollars over the next few years

If we're in a war with drugs, how come we're trying to have a fight with humans? Saudis attack the World Trade Center and we attack Iraq. That morphs into a nearly two decade old war; nothing is settled and Trump declares victory. A war on drugs? You lose.

So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.

What you want will turn us into a thrid world shit hole, what do you think inviting everyone from Venezuela into the US won't turn us into Venezuela?


Congratulations. You have learned how to deflect and project.
the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

The idiotic idea that a wall will prevent a substantial barrier. Funny, walls, high walls, are substantial barriers everywhere else they are used. Just ask the Israelis. In fact, I hope Trump invites Israel to inspect his wall design and critique it for quality of construction. Here we have mostly poor vagabonds trying to enter the country on foot and a tall barrier is an "idiotic idea." What, will they just walk right through it? Jump over it with tall ladders? Or dig tunnels under it? The idea is to stop all but the most determined who will be greatly slowed down, while technological surveillance has time to pick them up and detect them.

A substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry. I see. So now you think there are masses of people trying to escape the USA to go south who cannot go through legal portals who will be interfered with because they cannot walk across the border into impoverished Mexico out in the middle of the desert. Because, Shit-For-Brains, these are the only "citizens" we can be talking about who have any freedoms or liberties that matter. Mexicans are NOT citizens of the USA and have have NO freedom or liberty even in their own country much less here.

Do us all a yuge favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

You don't get it. We are not Mexico and the Israelis are at war. Can't fix stupid.

You want to turn us into Mexico.

YOU are the one hanging with that crowd touting Mexico's laws. Projection - it's a good try but no cigar.
the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

The idiotic idea that a wall will prevent a substantial barrier. Funny, walls, high walls, are substantial barriers everywhere else they are used. Just ask the Israelis. In fact, I hope Trump invites Israel to inspect his wall design and critique it for quality of construction. Here we have mostly poor vagabonds trying to enter the country on foot and a tall barrier is an "idiotic idea." What, will they just walk right through it? Jump over it with tall ladders? Or dig tunnels under it? The idea is to stop all but the most determined who will be greatly slowed down, while technological surveillance has time to pick them up and detect them.

A substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry. I see. So now you think there are masses of people trying to escape the USA to go south who cannot go through legal portals who will be interfered with because they cannot walk across the border into impoverished Mexico out in the middle of the desert. Because, Shit-For-Brains, these are the only "citizens" we can be talking about who have any freedoms or liberties that matter. Mexicans are NOT citizens of the USA and have have NO freedom or liberty even in their own country much less here.

Do us all a yuge favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

You don't get it. We are not Mexico and the Israelis are at war. Can't fix stupid.

Listen, Boob, we're not Canada either.
Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

You do know we have border check points right?

And we are in a drug war with Mexico we just gave the like 5 billion dollars over the next few years

If we're in a war with drugs, how come we're trying to have a fight with humans? Saudis attack the World Trade Center and we attack Iraq. That morphs into a nearly two decade old war; nothing is settled and Trump declares victory. A war on drugs? You lose.

So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


Do you have the capability of being deliberately honest? A few times you have an honest moment, but this kind of idiocy makes everyone - even your supporters (though they dare not utter it publicly) question your ethical standards as well as your understanding.

PART of my number one solution is to get people off drugs and back into the workforce. YOU OPPOSED THAT.

Building a wall just ups the ante where people will use violence to get drugs and the cartels will use more violence to get them here. That will bring in cries for more government control, more surveillance, gun control, etc.

Stop generational drug use.

So how you propose getting people off drugs, have a huge needle park?

So in your world the more easier access to drugs means less people would want them

the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

The idiotic idea that a wall will prevent a substantial barrier. Funny, walls, high walls, are substantial barriers everywhere else they are used. Just ask the Israelis. In fact, I hope Trump invites Israel to inspect his wall design and critique it for quality of construction. Here we have mostly poor vagabonds trying to enter the country on foot and a tall barrier is an "idiotic idea." What, will they just walk right through it? Jump over it with tall ladders? Or dig tunnels under it? The idea is to stop all but the most determined who will be greatly slowed down, while technological surveillance has time to pick them up and detect them.

A substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry. I see. So now you think there are masses of people trying to escape the USA to go south who cannot go through legal portals who will be interfered with because they cannot walk across the border into impoverished Mexico out in the middle of the desert. Because, Shit-For-Brains, these are the only "citizens" we can be talking about who have any freedoms or liberties that matter. Mexicans are NOT citizens of the USA and have have NO freedom or liberty even in their own country much less here.

Do us all a yuge favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

You don't get it. We are not Mexico and the Israelis are at war. Can't fix stupid.

You want to turn us into Mexico


"Porter Rockwell," Lemme guess, he's an immigrant carpenter. Porter Cable and Rockwell tools. Another Latino arguing for La Raza. :auiqs.jpg:
Nobody on the right is asking the government to "give" us anything. We are asking the government to stop something that we citizens cannot stop by ourselves. Big difference.

You want the government to give you a wall for whatever reason you can conjure up as the discussion proceeds. You don't really know why you want it, other than you think Trump is God and you have to move the goalposts accordingly. But, you want him to give you a wall.

Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Industry is flooded with foreigners because people like you got hooked on drugs and can't think. So you sit on your ass all day, every day whining about a wall around America.

You and more than 11 MILLION Americans could work a job, but choose not to. The jobs are out there - and at good wages. But, it is easier for some of you to sit around, living off the welfare, and not even wanting to create ways to get Americans back on the job.

I think you really need a professional to advise you about those voices in your head. I've told you repeatedly I do work. But those voices tell you something different. You really need to have that checked out. And tell the shrink how I told you repeatedly I don't take drugs, but those voices in your head keep insisting I do.

Your post numbers testify against that claim that you work. Does your boss know you spend all day arguing about a wall?

I'm on vacation. But even if I weren't, yes, my employer has no problem with what I do on dead time or waiting to get loaded or unloaded which at times, takes an hour and a half.

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