Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?

The FACT that you are making the idiotic and erroneous claim that you have debunked the facts disproving your claims adds to that body of evidence that you don't understand how the nutty wall idea is going to destroy YOUR Liberty.

How the heck does protecting our borders so we can have liberty from 3 Rd world shit holes like Mexico, destroy our libertys?


Let's see if we can put this in language that even you can understand.

With the wall will come the enforcement. There will be things both seen and UNSEEN. For example, the Constitution Free Zone will be vigorously enforced. There go your constitutional Liberties within 100 miles of the border. And there will be more.

If you would go off the attack, STFU and quit posting every five minutes, I would explain it to you.

Who cares I don't live 100 miles of the border...and it should be that way.

You do know the USA is almost 4 million square miles right?
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

What is wrong with building the wall? I voted for Trump. Trump is wrong, like the liberals. We need to tear down the border wall. What we really need make a national identity card. Linked to fingerprints. You don't get a job if you can't prove your identity linked to your real immigration status . Why Replicratrats are so opposed to that, boggles my mind.

Well, let me help you unboggle your mind. Why not start by reading Orwell's book 1984. It was a warning in the form of a novel.

The government big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take all you have... a quote by a famous Republican

Nobody on the right is asking the government to "give" us anything. We are asking the government to stop something that we citizens cannot stop by ourselves. Big difference.

You are asking taxpayers to pay more than $25 billion for something that doesn’t work and that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Furthermore, Trump is putting tens of thousands of people into custody in tent cities at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Trump is spending millions and millions and just making the situation worse.

If walls don't work, why have there been so many walls throughout history; why are there so many gated communities and resorts all over the rest of the world with walls; why do gated communities in the US have walls; why do the Vatican and Israel have walls; why do so many wealthy and/or famous US residents have walls around their homes; why do prisons have walls, why do military installations have walls; why are there walls or high fences around electrical installations, missile silos and panoply of other places?


As far as ladders go, how is a would-be illegal immigrant going to trek all the way to our border carrying a 30-foot ladder? (Oh, I forgot, you wackos are going to aid and abet.) Do you opponents of the wall know how clumsy and heavy a 30-foot ladder is or how much one costs? Have any of you ever tried to pull one up to the top of a tall wall with razorwire or barbed wire on its top, get the ladder and yourself over the top of such a barrier, then lower the ladder down the other side and climb down? Then, how does one get that ladder back over thesaid wall and down the other side for someone else to use? Haveany of you ever carried one, erected one, and used one? Even with climbing gear, if would-be illegal immigrants could get it to the border, it would still be a feat to get over and down the other side of such a wall. Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that some incredibly fit, determined, equipped, and experiencedperson could get over such a wall with his belongings, how manymight that be out of say 5,000 people?

Are wall opponents so blinded by their ulterior motives that they refuse to or can't see that walls always have and still do deter the movement of people? Have they lost all sense of historical perspective, common sense,powers of observation, and reality? If they are delusional or in a state of deep denial, I hope they get help for Heaven’s sake.

LMFAO. By that kind of logic, how come that every empire in history ceased to exist?
I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?

The FACT that you are making the idiotic and erroneous claim that you have debunked the facts disproving your claims adds to that body of evidence that you don't understand how the nutty wall idea is going to destroy YOUR Liberty.

How the heck does protecting our borders so we can have liberty from 3 Rd world shit holes like Mexico, destroy our libertys?


Let's see if we can put this in language that even you can understand.

With the wall will come the enforcement. There will be things both seen and UNSEEN. For example, the Constitution Free Zone will be vigorously enforced. There go your constitutional Liberties within 100 miles of the border. And there will be more.

If you would go off the attack, STFU and quit posting every five minutes, I would explain it to you.

Who cares I don't live 100 miles of the border...and it should be that way.

You do know the USA is almost 4 million square miles right?

I know that over half the U.S. population lives within 100 miles of the border.
Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.
Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

You do know we have border check points right?

And we are in a drug war with Mexico we just gave the like 5 billion dollars over the next few years
The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?

The FACT that you are making the idiotic and erroneous claim that you have debunked the facts disproving your claims adds to that body of evidence that you don't understand how the nutty wall idea is going to destroy YOUR Liberty.

How the heck does protecting our borders so we can have liberty from 3 Rd world shit holes like Mexico, destroy our libertys?


Let's see if we can put this in language that even you can understand.

With the wall will come the enforcement. There will be things both seen and UNSEEN. For example, the Constitution Free Zone will be vigorously enforced. There go your constitutional Liberties within 100 miles of the border. And there will be more.

If you would go off the attack, STFU and quit posting every five minutes, I would explain it to you.

Who cares I don't live 100 miles of the border...and it should be that way.

You do know the USA is almost 4 million square miles right?

I know that over half the U.S. population lives within 100 miles of the border.

Border or do you mean water?

It’s a waste of money .

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It's a waste of skin.

Only a colossal dolt would argue against protection of one's own border. The Pentagon has misplaced more money MANY TIMES OVER over the years than what the wall would cost to build.


PROVE ME WRONG. Once the wall is built, if it turns out to be a colossal mistake like you predict that backfires in our faces, we can always TEAR IT BACK DOWN, melt the steel, and use the metal to make free housing for illegal Latinos.

It is HIGHLY disingenuous for anyone to suggest that those opposed to the wall don't care about border security. Not having a case, the build the wall proponents are slinging the scare word liberal around and making a baseless and false accusation.

The people once known as patriots and constitutionalists had the issue under control and were successfully working toward permanent solutions to this issue. History has already proven you wrong.

The thing of it is, the really ignorant people are those who are for the wall, but against using their common sense. Rather than call people names; rather than question the motives of others, you should sit down and ask yourself what happens if you get the wall - and be OBJECTIVE. How will the law affect YOUR Liberty?

Having ninja clad, machine gun toting federal mercenaries patrolling a wall that cannot stop free enterprise nor cure people of their drug habit only brings cries for a bigger and bigger - and more intrusive government. With that more and more of your Liberties go south until you cannot reclaim them. I'd rather fight that inevitability because, once the wall is built, and proves ineffective we will not be able to stop it any more than we stopped the once TEMPORARY tax known as the income tax. And what has the 16th Amendment brought you besides a private corporation of murderers that makes the average American quake in their shoes? Most people would rather face an armed robber than the IRS. Yet you don't learn from history.

The border security says the 600 miles of walls we have now are highly effective.

it just means our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; are worthless.
You sound like a parakeet, always rehashing what Hush Bimbo said.

How do you know what he said? I don't bring up Rush, you do. You have this problem of thinking people are saying something they never said.

What your sources are not revealing is that they took OTHER precautions - which you conveniently ignore.

WTF difference would that make even if it were true. The fact of the matter is border walls work. They work around the world, they work here, and they will work even more when more wall is erected.

When I'm traveling about in town, I get a few minutes of Rush here and there several times a week. So, when you babble on about your precious wall, it's pretty evident that you are getting your info from Rush and / or the same sources he gets his drivel from.

A border wall will not work in a free society. They work in totalitarian regimes for a reason. I can explain that simple concept to you, but I cannot understand it for you. You want to live in the ultimate POLICE STATE; I don't. End of story.

We already have 600 miles of walls, we do live in a free society , that protects us from rapist killers in mexico

it doesn't protect foreign nationals from our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror, or creating more refugees.
I want the people whose religion is that silly wall to know something before I begin this rant. I prayed about it and thought about it a LOT this past week. The reasons that patriots and constitutionalists do not want the wall is predicated upon decades of working with the legal and political systems. If I were not convinced that the fix is in, I would not post this as only a dullard has not thought about this IF they have actually studied the issue.

Many people on the right realize that the government in charge in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is NOT the same government envisioned by the founding fathers. Much of the Constitution today means 180 degrees opposite of what the framers intended. This could not be more true and blatant than with gun control. Today, the United States Supreme Court honestly believes that they dole out your Rights. And every year, gun rights have taken a hit until the Right no longer exists. It is now a mere privilege.

The objective of constitutionalists and patriots is to retain our Rights. Unless you are deaf, dumb, blind, and completely stupid you should realize that, in many cases, the process does not work for those who are strict constructionists and patriots. Again, to go back to gun control, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns... and so many gun owners have pledged not to comply with unconstitutional gun laws.

Now, once the wall goes up and doesn't work, the build the wall advocates will want more enforcement tools - THEY ALREADY DEMAND THEM! These people want the government to enforce the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. More and more surveillance with more and more control. At some point it should dawn on them that if you do the danielpalos thing, issuing "National ID" to foreigners, it don't work without citizens carrying National ID.

I've had at least fifty or more exchanges with one of the most vociferous advocates for the wall and he believes that government ought to retain and give out all kinds of personal information on people. Oh, he's got a ready made answer for everything. He cannot grasp the simple fact that once a person has served their time for something, they should return to society with their Rights intact. Otherwise, if you can't trust them, keep them in jail / prison ' a mental ward.

The over-all objective is to be able to retain your public Liberties as per the founders so that resistance to tyranny is always possible. Under the womb to the tomb surveillance AND the suspension of constitutional Rights to enforce the border wall (AS IS BEING ADVOCATED BY THE BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ON THIS THREAD) they are taking away the ability of the resistance to operate and oppose tyranny in government.

We can secure the border AND leave those options open that will aid us in resisting tyranny in government. NEITHER the build the wall advocates NOR those who are in the resistance have a fool proof plan, but the build the wall advocates think like Democrats: You will never be able to build a wall big enough or take away Rights to the point that they are satisfied because they cannot accept the simple fact:

FOREIGNERS ARE HERE BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE WILLINGLY DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM. We're not in a war; we're not trying to go back to the Constitution as originally written and intended, so the resistance is merely trying to retain the ability to resist unconstitutional powers... and that objective flies over the heads of the build the wall advocates who end up defending and promoting communism in the name of their stupid wall.
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Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

So how would a wall interfere in free trade? People come here to work, make money, and ship that money back home. Working is part of our behavior in America. Producing is part of our behavior in America.
Now, once the wall goes up and doesn't work, the build the wall advocates will want more enforcement tools - THEY ALREADY DEMAND THEM! These people want the government to enforce the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. More and more surveillance with more and more control. At some point it should dawn on them that if you do the danielpalos thing, issuing "National ID" to foreigners, it don't work without citizens carrying National ID.

Exactly. The wall cowards are demanding authoritarian government. That's why I think its wrong, and why I oppose them.

We can secure the border AND leave those options open that will aid us in resisting tyranny in government. NEITHER the build the wall advocates NOR those who are in the resistance have a fool proof plan, but the build the wall advocates think like Democrats: You will never be able to build a wall big enough or take away Rights to the point that they are satisfied because they cannot accept the simple fact:

FOREIGNERS ARE HERE BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE WILLINGLY DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM. We're not in a war; we're not trying to go back to the Constitution as originally written and intended, so the resistance is merely trying to retain the ability to resist unconstitutional powers... and that objective flies over the heads of the build the wall advocates who end up defending and promoting communism in the name of their stupid wall.

Yep. The wall cowards want to prevent their neighbors from doing business with Mexicans because they are afraid of the competition.
Here is the first disconnect with those who want to build a border wall.


Unlike the Israelis, we are not in a state of war with our neighbors. The American people are WILLINGLY participating in free trade.

The build the wall advocates here keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers. It is not in the interests of the American people to start a process that infringes upon the Rights of those who WILLINGLY engage in business with foreign neighbors.

You could regulate the trade, but you are not ever going to keep the foreigners out unless and until you change your own behavior.

So how would a wall interfere in free trade? People come here to work, make money, and ship that money back home. Working is part of our behavior in America. Producing is part of our behavior in America.
this is an actual and Express power delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

There is no Express wall building power.

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.
Now, once the wall goes up and doesn't work, the build the wall advocates will want more enforcement tools - THEY ALREADY DEMAND THEM! These people want the government to enforce the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify. More and more surveillance with more and more control. At some point it should dawn on them that if you do the danielpalos thing, issuing "National ID" to foreigners, it don't work without citizens carrying National ID.

Exactly. The wall cowards are demanding authoritarian government. That's why I think its wrong, and why I oppose them.

We can secure the border AND leave those options open that will aid us in resisting tyranny in government. NEITHER the build the wall advocates NOR those who are in the resistance have a fool proof plan, but the build the wall advocates think like Democrats: You will never be able to build a wall big enough or take away Rights to the point that they are satisfied because they cannot accept the simple fact:

FOREIGNERS ARE HERE BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE WILLINGLY DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM. We're not in a war; we're not trying to go back to the Constitution as originally written and intended, so the resistance is merely trying to retain the ability to resist unconstitutional powers... and that objective flies over the heads of the build the wall advocates who end up defending and promoting communism in the name of their stupid wall.

Yep. The wall cowards want to prevent their neighbors from doing business with Mexicans because they are afraid of the competition.
free trade and less regulation!
Do you really believe that wall couldn't be compromised?

Sure it could. So can prison fences. So can jails. It happens now and then. But the point is it makes it much more difficult for those that are hell bent on trying. For the rest, they will realize the efforts and risks are too great, and they payoff (if any) not worthy. Because even if they could draw the attention by getting past a wall, it likely won't be long until a border agent on the other side arrests them and sends them back to the other side.

And now the truth comes out. You fantasize about living in a prison. Keep pointing that gun in your avatar. When the wall debate is over and you have, the left is going to take that gun and stick it up your arse under the pretext of making you safe.

You are really out there. Boy did they see you coming.

A wall does one thing and one thing only: keep invaders out of our country. It won't change our politics, it won't change our laws, it won't affect any part of the Constitution, it won't decide which party leads our country It's just a wall which will be built for one goal to solve one problem. Nothing else changes.
So how would a wall interfere in free trade?

It will be used to enforce laws that interfere with free trade. I mean, that's the point right? We pass laws that severely limit Mexicans coming there to work. But like all overly restrictive laws, people just ignore them. That's why you want a wall, to force obedience to laws that are being ignored. Ignored by Americans who are otherwise happy to have Mexicans helping us get things done here in the US.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

What is wrong with building the wall? I voted for Trump. Trump is wrong, like the liberals. We need to tear down the border wall. What we really need make a national identity card. Linked to fingerprints. You don't get a job if you can't prove your identity linked to your real immigration status . Why Replicratrats are so opposed to that, boggles my mind.

Well, let me help you unboggle your mind. Why not start by reading Orwell's book 1984. It was a warning in the form of a novel.

The government big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take all you have... a quote by a famous Republican

Nobody on the right is asking the government to "give" us anything. We are asking the government to stop something that we citizens cannot stop by ourselves. Big difference.

You want the government to give you a wall for whatever reason you can conjure up as the discussion proceeds. You don't really know why you want it, other than you think Trump is God and you have to move the goalposts accordingly. But, you want him to give you a wall.

Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
A&B mostly. Most illegal immigration does not come over the border by foot. And if we’re 21T in debt, a quarter T on building a wall is not a good investment.

So as an immigration barrier, it’s a bad idea; also in the stark light of the reality that illegal immigration has been largely beneficial to the economy despite the horror stories and cherry picked anecdotes.

That being said, it seems to me that a fantastic idea would be to create an alternative to the Panama canal from San Diego to Brownsville TX or so that allows goods to bypass the trip through Central America and can possibly bring irrigation to the desert Southwest. Not right along the border but something like that would serve multiple purposes;

Jobs during the construction
Immigration barrier to those that do cross illegally
National Security.

All a pipe dream.
It would be a multi decade project of course and We don’t do big things any longer.

Space Force!
A quarter T? Who said the wall was going to cost 250 billion? I've seen estimates of somewhere around 20 billion on the high end

Not sure what in the hell I was thinking. A quarter B once you factor in buying the land, doing environmental studies, maintenance, etc seems high as well.

The fact that the wall will not do what it is being sold stands though.
It won't stop every single person but if you think it won't at least significantly slow down the influx I don't know what to tell you
You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?
The wall in Israel like the Berlin Wall worked because the guards could be at any attempted crossing in minutes. That is not the case with our 2000 mile border. Unless we have thousands of miles of monitoring and border guards, migrants will stream across the remote areas of the border. However, if we had that degree of monitoring and border guards there would be no reason for the wall.

So what's wrong with having both?

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