Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

Well what the hell do you think lowers wages? If youre AGW cult member you know the USA only has a finite amount of natural resources, you can't have an unlimited number of immigrants.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

No. Wage competition takes place within our borders by our own people. Supply and demand when it comes to wages is the most perfect system known.

Heh.. as long as you can use government to control it to your liking. Trumpsters aren't conservatives. They're fascists. Period.

So you want 10 billion living here you fuck?

When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

You really want to make America a third world shit hole country don't you troll?
When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

Well what the hell do you think lowers wages? If youre AGW cult member you know the USA only has a finite amount of natural resources, you can't have an unlimited number of immigrants.

then stop spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror since they create asylum seekers.
When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

You really want to make America a third world shit hole country don't you troll?
with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

You really want to make America a third world shit hole country don't you troll?
Free markets actually make countries stronger and more prosperous.
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When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

You really want to make America a third world shit hole country don't you troll?
Free markets actually and countries stronger and more prosperous.

Lowers wages, rasises up health care, uses up resources...

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

You really want to make America a third world shit hole country don't you troll?
Free markets actually and countries stronger and more prosperous.

Lowers wages, rasises up health care, uses up resources...

with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

No. Wage competition takes place within our borders by our own people. Supply and demand when it comes to wages is the most perfect system known.

Heh.. as long as you can use government to control it to your liking. Trumpsters aren't conservatives. They're fascists. Period.

So who's using the government? All we expect from our government is to do it's job. We let plenty of people in legally. We allow a million foreigners to become citizens in this country every single year. We issue 11 million temporary and permanent VISA's every year. Work permits??

If being a fascist means you want to secure your borders, protect your economy, protect your countrymen from harm or death, then yes, I'm a fascist by that definition. What are you?????????
When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Right. You're opposed to free trade. That's what we've been saying.

Bringing in cheap labor is not free trade. It's throwing a monkey wrench in the system. It's cheating Americans out of jobs. It's illegal.

Unwanted competition. I hear ya. You want the government to guarantee your income. No different than the "living wage" goons.

You really want to make America a third world shit hole country don't you troll?
Free markets actually and countries stronger and more prosperous.

Translation,~ you want to exploit the brown people for cheap vegetables..

Ones pics say it all.
But I'll try to be patient.
Italians, Germans, Asians and now Latinos all cost the first year.
All subsequent years they contribute way more than our old white farts here sucking off their socialist benefits
Wrong, asshole. We didn't have welfare, public schools, and government healthcare when the Italians and Germans came here.
we didn't have a Great Depression, either or world wars.
What's your point?

Danielpalos never intends to have a point, he's merely an angry troll.

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?
According to Trump--we're no longer talking about a WALL it's down to steel slats. Of course this is G.W. Bush's design that he installed on 700 miles of the border---:auiqs.jpg:


Trump now describes his border wall as "steel slats" - WDEF

Very easily compromised as this video shows.

And let's not forget about those tunnels


They have found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more that they haven't found.

So House Republicans put on their last Hoorah yesterday by passing a bill that included 5.1 billion for the WAAAAALLL. Of course this is dead on arrival in the Senate. Republicans had a full house over the last 2 years, and all of a sudden up pops this bill as they're making their exit out of the back door. 5.7 BILLION is the equivalent of teaspoon of water thrown on a bonfire, as the wall would cost 47 BILLION dollars.

So up comes the steel slats. Democrats have stated they want more border security but want to use HIGH TECH to secure the border, stating that border patrol and border experts have told them it would work better than walls & fences. It would be much more effective and efficient for the above reasons. It's true. Anything they can see, can and will ALWAYS be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

So we will see who is more interested in border security. I imagine the Ass Clown--will turn down the HIGH TECH option and go with his POS wall (I mean slats now) and shut down the government over it.



Don't ever let any FACTS come up and bite you in the Ass--:auiqs.jpg:

This past week, Republican Rep. Will Hurd from Texas, a former CIA agent, slammed the "fallacy that a wall equals border security." He explained, "I have more border (in my district) than any other member of Congress, 820 miles," and added that we can use available technology to keep us far safer than a wall. Hurd closed with a key point: "Building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security."
But Trump refuses to accept that technology suggested by people like Hurd and others will address the problem. Instead, Trump on Sunday took to Twitter to mock that very concept, writing, "Drones and all of the rest are wonderful and lots of fun," he wrote, but the "only way to stop drug, gangs, human trafficking, criminal elements" is by building a "good old fashioned Wall" -- or, perhaps, a "Steel Slat Barrier."

For me, the choice is clear -- not only given Trump's track record, but because statistics also undermine his claims. First, despite what Trump wants you to believe, studies make it clear that immigrants, both undocumented and those legally here, are "considerably less likely to commit crime than native-born citizens." One study, conducted by the Cato Institute, found that "as a percentage of their respective populations, there were 56% fewer criminal convictions of illegal immigrants than of native-born Americans in Texas in 2015." On top of that, illegal border crossings are currently at their lowest levels since 2000. And nearly two thirds of those now in the country illegally are here because they overstayed their visas after arriving via airports, while others even came over the northern border from Canada. A massive southern border wall obviously won't address this.
Why Trump can't let go of his border wall dream (Opinion) - CNN

We have a very long, expensive history of walls & fences not working along the southern border. Democrats are following the advice of border security experts & agents who want to use high tech to secure the border. Something that can be seen (can)--and will always be compromised, something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

I really don't think the half brained Trump tards are interested in border security as much as they are in trying to save Trump. Their right wing talk show hosts are telling them if Trump doesn't get the Trump WALL, it will be the end of his presidency. In reality, meaning the end of THEM because they shoved Trump down their throats over the wall.


Climb this wall

View attachment 236503

Do you really believe that wall couldn't be compromised?
There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?

You're not interested at all in actual border security, you're just trying to save Trump's legacy.

Redirect to a comment from a Republican House member whose district in Texas is 800 miles of the border. Click here to redirect to the post on this thread
Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

It's a deterrent to fat ass Mexicans


I thought our white boy rubes were the overweight ones?
According to Trump--we're no longer talking about a WALL it's down to steel slats. Of course this is G.W. Bush's design that he installed on 700 miles of the border---:auiqs.jpg:


Trump now describes his border wall as "steel slats" - WDEF

Very easily compromised as this video shows.

And let's not forget about those tunnels


They have found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more that they haven't found.

So House Republicans put on their last Hoorah yesterday by passing a bill that included 5.1 billion for the WAAAAALLL. Of course this is dead on arrival in the Senate. Republicans had a full house over the last 2 years, and all of a sudden up pops this bill as they're making their exit out of the back door. 5.7 BILLION is the equivalent of teaspoon of water thrown on a bonfire, as the wall would cost 47 BILLION dollars.

So up comes the steel slats. Democrats have stated they want more border security but want to use HIGH TECH to secure the border, stating that border patrol and border experts have told them it would work better than walls & fences. It would be much more effective and efficient for the above reasons. It's true. Anything they can see, can and will ALWAYS be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

So we will see who is more interested in border security. I imagine the Ass Clown--will turn down the HIGH TECH option and go with his POS wall (I mean slats now) and shut down the government over it.



Don't ever let any FACTS come up and bite you in the Ass--:auiqs.jpg:

This past week, Republican Rep. Will Hurd from Texas, a former CIA agent, slammed the "fallacy that a wall equals border security." He explained, "I have more border (in my district) than any other member of Congress, 820 miles," and added that we can use available technology to keep us far safer than a wall. Hurd closed with a key point: "Building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security."
But Trump refuses to accept that technology suggested by people like Hurd and others will address the problem. Instead, Trump on Sunday took to Twitter to mock that very concept, writing, "Drones and all of the rest are wonderful and lots of fun," he wrote, but the "only way to stop drug, gangs, human trafficking, criminal elements" is by building a "good old fashioned Wall" -- or, perhaps, a "Steel Slat Barrier."

For me, the choice is clear -- not only given Trump's track record, but because statistics also undermine his claims. First, despite what Trump wants you to believe, studies make it clear that immigrants, both undocumented and those legally here, are "considerably less likely to commit crime than native-born citizens." One study, conducted by the Cato Institute, found that "as a percentage of their respective populations, there were 56% fewer criminal convictions of illegal immigrants than of native-born Americans in Texas in 2015." On top of that, illegal border crossings are currently at their lowest levels since 2000. And nearly two thirds of those now in the country illegally are here because they overstayed their visas after arriving via airports, while others even came over the northern border from Canada. A massive southern border wall obviously won't address this.
Why Trump can't let go of his border wall dream (Opinion) - CNN

We have a very long, expensive history of walls & fences not working along the southern border. Democrats are following the advice of border security experts & agents who want to use high tech to secure the border. Something that can be seen (can)--and will always be compromised, something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

I really don't think the half brained Trump tards are interested in border security as much as they are in trying to save Trump. Their right wing talk show hosts are telling them if Trump doesn't get the Trump WALL, it will be the end of his presidency. In reality, meaning the end of THEM because they shoved Trump down their throats over the wall.


Climb this wall

View attachment 236503

It's called tunnels and airports
Wrong, asshole. We didn't have welfare, public schools, and government healthcare when the Italians and Germans came here.
we didn't have a Great Depression, either or world wars.
What's your point?

Danielpalos never intends to have a point, he's merely an angry troll.

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
The wall would work to expand the POLICE POWERS of the state at the expense of our God given Rights; it will NOT work because the United States of America is not a communist country; however, after you get your silly wall it will be.

Only Communist countries secure their borders? And how would a wall change an entire system of government?

Guess what? I won't lose one right if we get that border wall.......not one. Which rights do you think you'd be losing?

What absolute dishonesty stupidity. Communists, dictators and PEOPLE AT WAR use walls. All others use other forms of solutions to resolve the problem and secure their borders.
Another leftwing argument. People have used walls to defend themselves for thousands of years. The Berlin wall is the only time a wall has been used to keep people in. Is Israel a communist dictatorship? Hungary?

You're just plain full of shit.

You're full of shit because you're LYING. Got it? I did not say that the Israelis are communists. Neither did I imply that "only" communist countries employed walls. Quit lying about what I said. Give the FULL quote.
Then why do you keep talking about the Berlin wall? You're obviously implying that only Stalinists would support the building of a wall. You whine about "foul language," but you're accusing everyone who supports the wall of supporting the police state.

You're a fucking douchebag. You're probably also not a Republican. So far I've seen no evidence of it.
Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college
we didn't have a Great Depression, either or world wars.
What's your point?

Danielpalos never intends to have a point, he's merely an angry troll.

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.
What's your point?

Danielpalos never intends to have a point, he's merely an angry troll.

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.
Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

See - occasionally the are honest. The Wall is just protectionism for lazy Americans.

At this point I think we need to test your knowledge here, so answer this one simple question:

In the theory of supply and demand, what happens to prices when there is too much supply?

You're a truck driver, not someone that deals with the laws of economics. Wouldn't your test questions be like Chuck Schumer asking a Marine to explain how his M16 works?

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