Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

If we're in a war with drugs, how come we're trying to have a fight with humans? Saudis attack the World Trade Center and we attack Iraq. That morphs into a nearly two decade old war; nothing is settled and Trump declares victory. A war on drugs? You lose.

So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.

What you want will turn us into a thrid world shit hole, what do you think inviting everyone from Venezuela into the US won't turn us into Venezuela?


I didn't invite anyone. I don't do drugs; the gigs I offer are available to any white American who applies for the job (and they are simple jobs at $20 to $40 per hr.)

The people I end up using for jobs around here do it because people like you are on the Internet all day; many are on drugs and are judged by their past (as per Ray from Cleveland) so they don't apply.

Not my fault.

Tell me your town and state and I will go on the job boards and prove your a liar

20hr ~ 40 hr simple jobs ?



Son, I don't need a board. I advertise on Craigslist all the time. I have a gig available right now. It's putting up part of a wooden fence. You use a post hole digger (the manual model since you need maybe three holes in the ground. Cement 4x4s into the holes and then nail the fence together. The fence flats come precut. So, you use the cordless and attach two cross boards to the flats, creating a four foot section. You might have to use a power saw to cut the cross section boards that the flats are screwed into. Set it in place and screw the fence sections to the 4 x 4s.

The Mexicans can do it and average $30 an hour, but I realize that Americans are slow so they average $22 an hour WHEN THEY SHOW UP TO DO THE JOBS.

There is no way in HELL you can prove me a liar. Rather than sit there and tell lies yourself, show up tomorrow morning. It pays better than sitting on your computer.
Danielpalos never intends to have a point, he's merely an angry troll.

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?
Translation,~ you want to exploit the brown people for cheap vegetables.

Yes. Exploiting is how things work in a free market. Whining about "exploitation" is what socialists do.

Letting illegals In to exploit them and by pass laws is not a free market it's slavery..

Bet you like the slave market of little children also don't you?

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

So you going to lock the factory doors and force them to work 18 hour days now?

Get rid of the child labor laws too?
Industry is flooded with foreigners because people like you got hooked on drugs and can't think. So you sit on your ass all day, every day whining about a wall around America.

You and more than 11 MILLION Americans could work a job, but choose not to. The jobs are out there - and at good wages. But, it is easier for some of you to sit around, living off the welfare, and not even wanting to create ways to get Americans back on the job.

I think you really need a professional to advise you about those voices in your head. I've told you repeatedly I do work. But those voices tell you something different. You really need to have that checked out. And tell the shrink how I told you repeatedly I don't take drugs, but those voices in your head keep insisting I do.

Your post numbers testify against that claim that you work. Does your boss know you spend all day arguing about a wall?

I'm on vacation. But even if I weren't, yes, my employer has no problem with what I do on dead time or waiting to get loaded or unloaded which at times, takes an hour and a half.

Good one. BTW, I do have someone waiting on me to do some real work. Maybe I can check back in later.

Well, you be sure to wish the nurse a Merry Christmas.

That was a compliment. Compared to you I would be a brain surgeon, but that's not my line of work. I do argue with a lot assholes over this wall idea so that does make me a proctologist of sorts.
So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.

What you want will turn us into a thrid world shit hole, what do you think inviting everyone from Venezuela into the US won't turn us into Venezuela?


I didn't invite anyone. I don't do drugs; the gigs I offer are available to any white American who applies for the job (and they are simple jobs at $20 to $40 per hr.)

The people I end up using for jobs around here do it because people like you are on the Internet all day; many are on drugs and are judged by their past (as per Ray from Cleveland) so they don't apply.

Not my fault.

Tell me your town and state and I will go on the job boards and prove your a liar

20hr ~ 40 hr simple jobs ?



Son, I don't need a board. I advertise on Craigslist all the time. I have a gig available right now. It's putting up part of a wooden fence. You use a post hole digger (the manual model since you need maybe three holes in the ground. Cement 4x4s into the holes and then nail the fence together. The fence flats come precut. So, you use the cordless and attach two cross boards to the flats, creating a four foot section. You might have to use a power saw to cut the cross section boards that the flats are screwed into. Set it in place and screw the fence sections to the 4 x 4s.

The Mexicans can do it and average $30 an hour, but I realize that Americans are slow so they average $22 an hour WHEN THEY SHOW UP TO DO THE JOBS.

There is no way in HELL you can prove me a liar. Rather than sit there and tell lies yourself, show up tomorrow morning. It pays better than sitting on your computer.

Son, so you think one gig at 40hr for one hour is worth anything?

That's feast and famine,. No benefits...

No tell me what state you live in because I will copy and paste and prove you are a liar.
I think you really need a professional to advise you about those voices in your head. I've told you repeatedly I do work. But those voices tell you something different. You really need to have that checked out. And tell the shrink how I told you repeatedly I don't take drugs, but those voices in your head keep insisting I do.

Your post numbers testify against that claim that you work. Does your boss know you spend all day arguing about a wall?

I'm on vacation. But even if I weren't, yes, my employer has no problem with what I do on dead time or waiting to get loaded or unloaded which at times, takes an hour and a half.

Good one. BTW, I do have someone waiting on me to do some real work. Maybe I can check back in later.

Well, you be sure to wish the nurse a Merry Christmas.

That was a compliment. Compared to you I would be a brain surgeon, but that's not my line of work. I do argue with a lot assholes over this wall idea so that does make me a proctologist of sorts.

Sure...I meant the nurse taking care of you...dumbass.
So you have no problem with drug cartels killing people over your drugs?

Like I said you want anarchy and turn America into a 3rd world shit hole


I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.

What you want will turn us into a thrid world shit hole, what do you think inviting everyone from Venezuela into the US won't turn us into Venezuela?


I didn't invite anyone. I don't do drugs; the gigs I offer are available to any white American who applies for the job (and they are simple jobs at $20 to $40 per hr.)

The people I end up using for jobs around here do it because people like you are on the Internet all day; many are on drugs and are judged by their past (as per Ray from Cleveland) so they don't apply.

Not my fault.

Tell me your town and state and I will go on the job boards and prove your a liar

20hr ~ 40 hr simple jobs ?



Son, I don't need a board. I advertise on Craigslist all the time. I have a gig available right now. It's putting up part of a wooden fence. You use a post hole digger (the manual model since you need maybe three holes in the ground. Cement 4x4s into the holes and then nail the fence together. The fence flats come precut. So, you use the cordless and attach two cross boards to the flats, creating a four foot section. You might have to use a power saw to cut the cross section boards that the flats are screwed into. Set it in place and screw the fence sections to the 4 x 4s.

The Mexicans can do it and average $30 an hour, but I realize that Americans are slow so they average $22 an hour WHEN THEY SHOW UP TO DO THE JOBS.

There is no way in HELL you can prove me a liar. Rather than sit there and tell lies yourself, show up tomorrow morning. It pays better than sitting on your computer.

Btw I retired this year at 53 years old, was an injection molding maintenance guy for 30 years making between 50 to 75 grand a year...moved to no tax state Wyoming, from south Carolina and before that born and raised in Chicago

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

Which is why he's on my ignore list and should be on everybody's.

Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

It's my right to own firearms. It's my right to self-defense. No employer has the right to hire illegals.
Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

See - occasionally the are honest. The Wall is just protectionism for lazy Americans.

At this point I think we need to test your knowledge here, so answer this one simple question:

In the theory of supply and demand, what happens to prices when there is too much supply?

You're a truck driver, not someone that deals with the laws of economics. Wouldn't your test questions be like Chuck Schumer asking a Marine to explain how his M16 works?

You don't need to be an economist to understand the supply and demand theory.
Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

See - occasionally the are honest. The Wall is just protectionism for lazy Americans.

At this point I think we need to test your knowledge here, so answer this one simple question:

In the theory of supply and demand, what happens to prices when there is too much supply?

Sorry, the thought of you testing my knowledge made milk squirt out my nose. Too funny, too early!

Anyway, what is "too much" supply, in your view? Is that the same thing as unwanted competition?

When you flood the job market with cheap labor, the supply of that labor keeps wages down. It's very plain and simple. Without them, industries are not going to do without. They will need to up their offers to potential employees to draw interest in their job.

Do we have to educate you yet AGAIN?

The market is not being flooded with cheap labor per se. It is being filled with people whose American counterparts you have no use for.

Go back to post # 971. You were informed, with accurate figures, that about 11 million people have been diagnosed with ADD / ADHD YOUR claim is that you have it, but don't take your meds. YOU claim it is a real and legitimate condition. You have made much ado about the public having a right to know the private business of individuals, so you just knocked 11 million people out of the job market. Who wants an employee with a mental health condition?

According to one article:

"In 2016, the total number of persons in U.S. adult correctional systems was an estimated 6,613,500. From 2007 to 2016, the correctional population decreased by an average of 1.2% annually. By the end of 2016 ...Total correctional population (prison, jail, probation, parole) peaked in 2007.[2] If all prisoners are counted (including juvenile, territorial, ICE, Indian country, and military), then in 2008 the US had around 24.7% of the world's 9.8 million prisoners"

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia

Between drug addicts and people with a criminal history, you have more than 17 million people that, for all intents and purposes, are UNEMPLOYABLE. And you don't want them to get a second chance and go back to work!

You are all over the board. Before you think about keeping people out and putting up a wall, you should be thinking about who is going to fill the empty positions when your agenda would prohibit Americans from getting those jobs as they are at this very moment, due to a criminal history and / or mental problems that do not affect an individual's ability, BUT are used against them. AND they can NEVER rise above their past given your idea of utopia.
Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

It's my right to own firearms. It's my right to self-defense. No employer has the right to hire illegals.

Employers, in our de jure / lawful / legal / CONSTITUTIONAL form of government have the Right to hire whomever they want.
Do you really believe that wall couldn't be compromised?

Sure it could. So can prison fences. So can jails. It happens now and then. But the point is it makes it much more difficult for those that are hell bent on trying. For the rest, they will realize the efforts and risks are too great, and they payoff (if any) not worthy. Because even if they could draw the attention by getting past a wall, it likely won't be long until a border agent on the other side arrests them and sends them back to the other side.
Keep in mind the wall is really an unknown factor. It may be solid or slats. It may have barbed wire, electric wire, or nothing on top. Once it's built it becomes a known factor and can not easily be changed. That means coyotes will figure out the fastest method of crossing which maybe ladders, climbing carabiners, or some type power lift. However, you can be sure once the fence is built people are going to cross it. You can't stop them No wall can keep people out if they have access to the right equipment. It can only delay crossing. People who have crossed existing border walls estimated that the delay would only be 1 to 2 minutes over current reinforced fencing. That might be useful in densely populated area but in remote ares which are 85% of the border a couple of minutes delay would be meaningless.

Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.

Korean Ginseng may help you if you have a sexual problem; it will do NOTHING for diarrhea. The solution has to fit the problem.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

What is wrong with building the wall? I voted for Trump. Trump is wrong, like the liberals. We need to tear down the border wall. What we really need make a national identity card. Linked to fingerprints. You don't get a job if you can't prove your identity linked to your real immigration status . Why Replicratrats are so opposed to that, boggles my mind.

Well, let me help you unboggle your mind. Why not start by reading Orwell's book 1984. It was a warning in the form of a novel.

The government big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take all you have... a quote by a famous Republican

Nobody on the right is asking the government to "give" us anything. We are asking the government to stop something that we citizens cannot stop by ourselves. Big difference.

You are asking taxpayers to pay more than $25 billion for something that doesn’t work and that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Furthermore, Trump is putting tens of thousands of people into custody in tent cities at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Trump is spending millions and millions and just making the situation worse.
It does work, douchebag.
Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

It's my right to own firearms. It's my right to self-defense. No employer has the right to hire illegals.

Employers, in our de jure / lawful / legal / CONSTITUTIONAL form of government have the Right to hire whomever they want.
No they don't.
You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?
The wall in Israel like the Berlin Wall worked because the guards could be at any attempted crossing in minutes. That is not the case with our 2000 mile border. Unless we have thousands of miles of monitoring and border guards, migrants will stream across the remote areas of the border. However, if we had that degree of monitoring and border guards there would be no reason for the wall.
Why can't we put just as many guards per mile of wall as Israel?

Do you idiots ever think about the dumb shit you post?
Nice foul mouth.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Irrespective of schools etc, every generation past the first contributes.
Do I really have to look it up for you?

Who are you talking to? What does this have to do with my post?
I thought You Were trying to say in the good old Italian and German days we didn't have welfare, schools etc.
I'm saying so what, ? Immigrants past the first generation have always contributed to the economy.

I don't know what you're talking about, but we are 20 trillion in debt today. We don't have a generation to wait. We can do just fine without them and the associated costs. We can do without the murders, we can do without the drugs, we can do without the DUI's that kill Americans. We can do without all those things because we have enough of those problems with our own people. We don't need to be importing more problems.

Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

So you going to lock the factory doors and force them to work 18 hour days now?

Get rid of the child labor laws too?

What??? Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything except those like you and those who buy into your misrepresentations.
I have a problem with people like you who want the world to be at war over drugs in a manner where the government claims more of our Rights and YOU would turn us into a third world shithole because you have developed a religion around a wall.

What you want will turn us into a thrid world shit hole, what do you think inviting everyone from Venezuela into the US won't turn us into Venezuela?


I didn't invite anyone. I don't do drugs; the gigs I offer are available to any white American who applies for the job (and they are simple jobs at $20 to $40 per hr.)

The people I end up using for jobs around here do it because people like you are on the Internet all day; many are on drugs and are judged by their past (as per Ray from Cleveland) so they don't apply.

Not my fault.

Tell me your town and state and I will go on the job boards and prove your a liar

20hr ~ 40 hr simple jobs ?



Son, I don't need a board. I advertise on Craigslist all the time. I have a gig available right now. It's putting up part of a wooden fence. You use a post hole digger (the manual model since you need maybe three holes in the ground. Cement 4x4s into the holes and then nail the fence together. The fence flats come precut. So, you use the cordless and attach two cross boards to the flats, creating a four foot section. You might have to use a power saw to cut the cross section boards that the flats are screwed into. Set it in place and screw the fence sections to the 4 x 4s.

The Mexicans can do it and average $30 an hour, but I realize that Americans are slow so they average $22 an hour WHEN THEY SHOW UP TO DO THE JOBS.

There is no way in HELL you can prove me a liar. Rather than sit there and tell lies yourself, show up tomorrow morning. It pays better than sitting on your computer.

Son, so you think one gig at 40hr for one hour is worth anything?

That's feast and famine,. No benefits...

No tell me what state you live in because I will copy and paste and prove you are a liar.

Neighbors call me on a regular basis needing windows put in, decks built, sinks replaced, etc. They cannot afford the big box guys and would gladly pay wages of $20 to $40 an hour. You just don't want to work.
There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

The excuses for not having a wall has been debunked a hundred times on this thread and the dozen or so just like it.

It won't work. How do you know until it's built?

It will take away our freedoms. How? Name me one freedom I would lose by a wall a thousand miles away from me.

It will be too authoritative and promote dictatorship. HTF can a wall change a country and politics?

It's racist. Why, because the people who are constantly sneaking into our country have different color skin, and it it were white people, we would be okay with invaders?

It won't stop drugs. Most of the heroin coming into the US is from Mexico.

They will dig tunnels. They dig tunnels now! Do you know how many months it takes to dig tunnels?
The wall in Israel like the Berlin Wall worked because the guards could be at any attempted crossing in minutes. That is not the case with our 2000 mile border. Unless we have thousands of miles of monitoring and border guards, migrants will stream across the remote areas of the border. However, if we had that degree of monitoring and border guards there would be no reason for the wall.
Why can't we put just as many guards per mile of wall as Israel?

Do you idiots ever think about the dumb shit you post?

I see you have NEVER thought about what you're posting.

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