Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Maybe when he inferred he was a bad ass, he's not a keyboard commando like you. You aren't proving anything by trying to intimidate people on a discussion board. It's what you're willing to say to them to their face that counts. Real bad asses seldom have protracted name calling contests on the Internet. They cut the crap short, meet face to face and iron out their differences.

You're a fucking hypocrite .

It's amazing how you bitch about people cutting you down and do the same thing to try to make a point, you're not even a fucking American


And I'd say you're standing in front of a mirror. If you take a long and objective hard look, it took you a long time of calling me names and badgering me to get me to respond to your lame attempts at Internet intimidation.

YOU obviously hate the Constitution and everything it stands for. If you had a point, you'd make it. You have ZERO knowledge about how our laws work; you've never read a civics book or law book. You're clueless when it comes to history. You've spent the bulk of your life pecking a keyboard in places where equally misguided people think you're the man, but when you are confronted with those people that called you out, all you can do is come back with petty insults and allegations that, once you come off that high, will be embarrassed to say in public and you will even be thanking God your real name isn't attached to such crap here.


So i should be for anarchy as you suggest..

Dude keep talking ..I will fuck you up..

If that is a threat, you should take it to PM. Idle threats don't impress me. Again, on the celebration day of the birth of Christ, be glad you are not making the statements you are making in a public crowd. A lot of people would not find it tolerable. You have a Right to Freedom of the Press and you should be held accountable when you abuse the Right.

Uhm so you are anti fag?

Of course so..

Are YOU a "fag?"
Kind of lame retort no?

You kept telling me you were a bad ass .

I keep on waiting for you to out flame me

Maybe when he inferred he was a bad ass, he's not a keyboard commando like you. You aren't proving anything by trying to intimidate people on a discussion board. It's what you're willing to say to them to their face that counts. Real bad asses seldom have protracted name calling contests on the Internet. They cut the crap short, meet face to face and iron out their differences.

You're a fucking hypocrite .

It's amazing how you bitch about people cutting you down and do the same thing to try to make a point, you're not even a fucking American


And I'd say you're standing in front of a mirror. If you take a long and objective hard look, it took you a long time of calling me names and badgering me to get me to respond to your lame attempts at Internet intimidation.

YOU obviously hate the Constitution and everything it stands for. If you had a point, you'd make it. You have ZERO knowledge about how our laws work; you've never read a civics book or law book. You're clueless when it comes to history. You've spent the bulk of your life pecking a keyboard in places where equally misguided people think you're the man, but when you are confronted with those people that called you out, all you can do is come back with petty insults and allegations that, once you come off that high, will be embarrassed to say in public and you will even be thanking God your real name isn't attached to such crap here.


So i should be for anarchy as you suggest..

Dude keep talking ..I will fuck you up..

If that is a threat, you should take it to PM. Idle threats don't impress me. Again, on the celebration day of the birth of Christ, be glad you are not making the statements you are making in a public crowd. A lot of people would not find it tolerable. You have a Right to Freedom of the Press and you should be held accountable when you abuse the Right.

Don't give me any of that, you logged on to this site because your a paid troll . fucking propaganda like greenbeard was during Obama care..

I know your shit Tom steyer..

You little billionare faggot

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

You people are all over this topic telling us how a wall won't work. Well if that's the case, then why does it bother you if we built it? After all, this is what you want.......don't you? The ability for these people to easily cross over?

So we can say we are at an agreement. The wall won't work, so put it up to make us happy and the illegals will still be flowing through like water, and that will make you people happy.

Everybody's happy. What a great way to start the new year.

YOU are the one who is all over the place. For example when I talked about the Americans who were on drugs as a reason that we have to fix that, you wanted a debate as whether or not ADD / ADHD were real conditions.

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that I enjoy the Freedoms and Liberties our forefathers fought, bled and died for.

If you eliminate the incentives for foreigners to come here, they won't enter the U.S. That is NOT what you're after. You are on the side that had a problem with the Americans Right to own private property. You and your ilk have been attacking it ever since this little immigration battle began. You are on the side invoking the great successes of communist countries, dictatorships and countries at war with these nutty walls. You hate private property Rights, Liberty, and you have no use for the free market. I'm against the socialist utopia you are working toward.

Insofar as the immigrants, if you went back to the way America was designed to work, you would not have a problem with them. And, son, you've spent so much time calling people names, I realize that you will be too damn stupid to read between the lines and understand that I gave you an unequivocal answer to your question about my attitude toward immigration and what I expect out of EVERY foreigner.

Who have I called a name unprovoked? Nobody. If anything, it's you hurling the names. I don't draw first blood on message boards. Your personal insults like the one you just posted is a perfect example.

The only people losing freedoms by a wall are the invaders themselves. Unless you are an illegal yourself, then you're not going to lose one freedom and neither will I. And if the wall is built and you are losing freedom, write back and I will support you in tearing down the wall.

You mentioned several times you are an elderly person. I think what you should do is keep a notepad by your computer, and write down key things people write. Because it's getting quite annoying when you tell me about things I said that I never even mentioned, things like insulting people when I haven't unless I was returning an insult, things you think I'm against like property rights when I never brought up the subject, and that way you at least won't be called a liar so often.

I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.
You're a fucking hypocrite .

It's amazing how you bitch about people cutting you down and do the same thing to try to make a point, you're not even a fucking American


And I'd say you're standing in front of a mirror. If you take a long and objective hard look, it took you a long time of calling me names and badgering me to get me to respond to your lame attempts at Internet intimidation.

YOU obviously hate the Constitution and everything it stands for. If you had a point, you'd make it. You have ZERO knowledge about how our laws work; you've never read a civics book or law book. You're clueless when it comes to history. You've spent the bulk of your life pecking a keyboard in places where equally misguided people think you're the man, but when you are confronted with those people that called you out, all you can do is come back with petty insults and allegations that, once you come off that high, will be embarrassed to say in public and you will even be thanking God your real name isn't attached to such crap here.


So i should be for anarchy as you suggest..

Dude keep talking ..I will fuck you up..

If that is a threat, you should take it to PM. Idle threats don't impress me. Again, on the celebration day of the birth of Christ, be glad you are not making the statements you are making in a public crowd. A lot of people would not find it tolerable. You have a Right to Freedom of the Press and you should be held accountable when you abuse the Right.

Uhm so you are anti fag?

Of course so..

Are YOU a "fag?"

3 kids and 5 step children why would you suggest that paid troll?
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Flopper stupidly assumes that we will have border patrol stationed only every 60 miles since he says it would take them 30 minutes to get to any spot on the wall. How many people would it take to have border patrol stationed every 5 miles? Then it would take 2 1/2 minutes to get to any point on the wall. The agents could simply wait in their building monitoring the wall with cameras on the wall and/or with drones. Long before any potential border crossers got to the wall, the border patrol could be there waiting for them.

Idiots like Flopper claim the wall won't work only by claiming the border patrol is stupid. Yet these people are supposedly savvy enough to prevent border crossings without a wall. Nothing these idiots say makes sense on even basic level.

You are absolutely correct.

Our agencies that fight this problem have decades of experience. We have the best engineers in the world not to mention security forces. And while these forces support the Presidents idea of a wall.......they will simply take a ladder and jump over it according to those that are against a wall.

Like gee...........didn't it ever occur to these people that our security forces considered that already????

Yes.....we have posted links, stories, success of walls built in other places, yet they continue to try and convince us that those links are fake; walls are temporary; they will not stand the test of time.....

And it's my suspicion that none of these people ever carried a ladder large enough to accomplish this feat. I'm from a construction family. I worked as a laborer for my bricklayer father since the age of 11. I know what it's like to be three stories high with little around you to stop you from falling.

Deep down inside (regardless what they say here) they too know a wall would reduce drugs and illegals invading our country. Because if they really believed it would be a waste of time and money, they would welcome the idea of a wall to rub our noses in it for generations to come.
The goal of building border barriers is to delay intruders till the guards get there. In densely populated areas where border crossing are very common barriers are monitored and guards arrive in a few minutes of an intrusions.
So what makes you think that can't be done alone the entire length of the wall?

The cost would be prohibitive. Walls do nothing but give a false sense of security. It easier to breach a wall because they’re not well guarded. And people on the other side think they’re safe.

Even in medieval times when everyone built walls, they were built to give defenders the advantage of height, over their aggressors, not just to keep people out. But even manned and heavily fortified walls didn’t keep the people inside safe or secure.
First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Flopper stupidly assumes that we will have border patrol stationed only every 60 miles since he says it would take them 30 minutes to get to any spot on the wall. How many people would it take to have border patrol stationed every 5 miles? Then it would take 2 1/2 minutes to get to any point on the wall. The agents could simply wait in their building monitoring the wall with cameras on the wall and/or with drones. Long before any potential border crossers got to the wall, the border patrol could be there waiting for them.

Idiots like Flopper claim the wall won't work only by claiming the border patrol is stupid. Yet these people are supposedly savvy enough to prevent border crossings without a wall. Nothing these idiots say makes sense on even basic level.

You are absolutely correct.

Our agencies that fight this problem have decades of experience. We have the best engineers in the world not to mention security forces. And while these forces support the Presidents idea of a wall.......they will simply take a ladder and jump over it according to those that are against a wall.

Like gee...........didn't it ever occur to these people that our security forces considered that already????

Yes.....we have posted links, stories, success of walls built in other places, yet they continue to try and convince us that those links are fake; walls are temporary; they will not stand the test of time.....

And it's my suspicion that none of these people ever carried a ladder large enough to accomplish this feat. I'm from a construction family. I worked as a laborer for my bricklayer father since the age of 11. I know what it's like to be three stories high with little around you to stop you from falling.

Deep down inside (regardless what they say here) they too know a wall would reduce drugs and illegals invading our country. Because if they really believed it would be a waste of time and money, they would welcome the idea of a wall to rub our noses in it for generations to come.
The goal of building border barriers is to delay intruders till the guards get there. In densely populated areas where border crossing are very common barriers are monitored and guards arrive in a few minutes of an intrusions.
So what makes you think that can't be done alone the entire length of the wall?

The cost would be prohibitive. Walls do nothing but give a false sense of security. It easier to breach a wall because they’re not well guarded. And people on the other side think they’re safe.

Even in medieval times when everyone built walls, they were built to give defenders the advantage of height, over their aggressors, not just to keep people out. But even manned and heavily fortified walls didn’t keep the people inside safe or secure.

So you suggest we dont need walls around swimming pools , because toddlers and dogs can dig under them
Or get a ladder and go over them?

ls (1).jpg
First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Flopper stupidly assumes that we will have border patrol stationed only every 60 miles since he says it would take them 30 minutes to get to any spot on the wall. How many people would it take to have border patrol stationed every 5 miles? Then it would take 2 1/2 minutes to get to any point on the wall. The agents could simply wait in their building monitoring the wall with cameras on the wall and/or with drones. Long before any potential border crossers got to the wall, the border patrol could be there waiting for them.

Idiots like Flopper claim the wall won't work only by claiming the border patrol is stupid. Yet these people are supposedly savvy enough to prevent border crossings without a wall. Nothing these idiots say makes sense on even basic level.

You are absolutely correct.

Our agencies that fight this problem have decades of experience. We have the best engineers in the world not to mention security forces. And while these forces support the Presidents idea of a wall.......they will simply take a ladder and jump over it according to those that are against a wall.

Like gee...........didn't it ever occur to these people that our security forces considered that already????

Yes.....we have posted links, stories, success of walls built in other places, yet they continue to try and convince us that those links are fake; walls are temporary; they will not stand the test of time.....

And it's my suspicion that none of these people ever carried a ladder large enough to accomplish this feat. I'm from a construction family. I worked as a laborer for my bricklayer father since the age of 11. I know what it's like to be three stories high with little around you to stop you from falling.

Deep down inside (regardless what they say here) they too know a wall would reduce drugs and illegals invading our country. Because if they really believed it would be a waste of time and money, they would welcome the idea of a wall to rub our noses in it for generations to come.
The goal of building border barriers is to delay intruders till the guards get there. In densely populated areas where border crossing are very common barriers are monitored and guards arrive in a few minutes of an intrusions.
So what makes you think that can't be done alone the entire length of the wall?

The cost would be prohibitive. Walls do nothing but give a false sense of security. It easier to breach a wall because they’re not well guarded. And people on the other side think they’re safe.

Even in medieval times when everyone built walls, they were built to give defenders the advantage of height, over their aggressors, not just to keep people out. But even manned and heavily fortified walls didn’t keep the people inside safe or secure.

Great. So let's build the wall and when it doesn't work, you can brag how correct you were and the illegals will still be invading our country because the wall won't stop them.

I think that's a fair tradeoff.
Maybe when he inferred he was a bad ass, he's not a keyboard commando like you. You aren't proving anything by trying to intimidate people on a discussion board. It's what you're willing to say to them to their face that counts. Real bad asses seldom have protracted name calling contests on the Internet. They cut the crap short, meet face to face and iron out their differences.

You're a fucking hypocrite .

It's amazing how you bitch about people cutting you down and do the same thing to try to make a point, you're not even a fucking American


And I'd say you're standing in front of a mirror. If you take a long and objective hard look, it took you a long time of calling me names and badgering me to get me to respond to your lame attempts at Internet intimidation.

YOU obviously hate the Constitution and everything it stands for. If you had a point, you'd make it. You have ZERO knowledge about how our laws work; you've never read a civics book or law book. You're clueless when it comes to history. You've spent the bulk of your life pecking a keyboard in places where equally misguided people think you're the man, but when you are confronted with those people that called you out, all you can do is come back with petty insults and allegations that, once you come off that high, will be embarrassed to say in public and you will even be thanking God your real name isn't attached to such crap here.


So i should be for anarchy as you suggest..

Dude keep talking ..I will fuck you up..

If that is a threat, you should take it to PM. Idle threats don't impress me. Again, on the celebration day of the birth of Christ, be glad you are not making the statements you are making in a public crowd. A lot of people would not find it tolerable. You have a Right to Freedom of the Press and you should be held accountable when you abuse the Right.

Don't give me any of that, you logged on to this site because your a paid troll . fucking propaganda like greenbeard was during Obama care..

I know your shit Tom steyer..

You little billionare faggot


I wish someone would pay me for posting here.
You're a fucking hypocrite .

It's amazing how you bitch about people cutting you down and do the same thing to try to make a point, you're not even a fucking American


And I'd say you're standing in front of a mirror. If you take a long and objective hard look, it took you a long time of calling me names and badgering me to get me to respond to your lame attempts at Internet intimidation.

YOU obviously hate the Constitution and everything it stands for. If you had a point, you'd make it. You have ZERO knowledge about how our laws work; you've never read a civics book or law book. You're clueless when it comes to history. You've spent the bulk of your life pecking a keyboard in places where equally misguided people think you're the man, but when you are confronted with those people that called you out, all you can do is come back with petty insults and allegations that, once you come off that high, will be embarrassed to say in public and you will even be thanking God your real name isn't attached to such crap here.


So i should be for anarchy as you suggest..

Dude keep talking ..I will fuck you up..

If that is a threat, you should take it to PM. Idle threats don't impress me. Again, on the celebration day of the birth of Christ, be glad you are not making the statements you are making in a public crowd. A lot of people would not find it tolerable. You have a Right to Freedom of the Press and you should be held accountable when you abuse the Right.

Don't give me any of that, you logged on to this site because your a paid troll . fucking propaganda like greenbeard was during Obama care..

I know your shit Tom steyer..

You little billionare faggot


I wish someone would pay me for posting here.

You are a paid troll..

It's easy to tell when they post 100 words of nonsense.
A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

Handful? A grand? I know my tools. Please give us a list of these tools that you say can defeat most any wall with.
Flopper stupidly assumes that we will have border patrol stationed only every 60 miles since he says it would take them 30 minutes to get to any spot on the wall. How many people would it take to have border patrol stationed every 5 miles? Then it would take 2 1/2 minutes to get to any point on the wall. The agents could simply wait in their building monitoring the wall with cameras on the wall and/or with drones. Long before any potential border crossers got to the wall, the border patrol could be there waiting for them.

Idiots like Flopper claim the wall won't work only by claiming the border patrol is stupid. Yet these people are supposedly savvy enough to prevent border crossings without a wall. Nothing these idiots say makes sense on even basic level.

You are absolutely correct.

Our agencies that fight this problem have decades of experience. We have the best engineers in the world not to mention security forces. And while these forces support the Presidents idea of a wall.......they will simply take a ladder and jump over it according to those that are against a wall.

Like gee...........didn't it ever occur to these people that our security forces considered that already????

Yes.....we have posted links, stories, success of walls built in other places, yet they continue to try and convince us that those links are fake; walls are temporary; they will not stand the test of time.....

And it's my suspicion that none of these people ever carried a ladder large enough to accomplish this feat. I'm from a construction family. I worked as a laborer for my bricklayer father since the age of 11. I know what it's like to be three stories high with little around you to stop you from falling.

Deep down inside (regardless what they say here) they too know a wall would reduce drugs and illegals invading our country. Because if they really believed it would be a waste of time and money, they would welcome the idea of a wall to rub our noses in it for generations to come.
The goal of building border barriers is to delay intruders till the guards get there. In densely populated areas where border crossing are very common barriers are monitored and guards arrive in a few minutes of an intrusions.
So what makes you think that can't be done alone the entire length of the wall?

The cost would be prohibitive. Walls do nothing but give a false sense of security. It easier to breach a wall because they’re not well guarded. And people on the other side think they’re safe.

Even in medieval times when everyone built walls, they were built to give defenders the advantage of height, over their aggressors, not just to keep people out. But even manned and heavily fortified walls didn’t keep the people inside safe or secure.

Great. So let's build the wall and when it doesn't work, you can brag how correct you were and the illegals will still be invading our country because the wall won't stop them.

I think that's a fair tradeoff.

If your grip on reality were as good as the grip on your handgun, you might actually have an IQ as large as your shoe size.

NOBODY is invading this country. The people from south of the border are being welcomed in by Americans willingly hiring them and doing business with them.

The three best things you can do to affect the situation:

* Don't do business with companies that use foreign labor
* Petition your congresscritters to make sure that entitlements and welfare are expressly benefits of citizenship not available to foreigners
* Help put Americans locked out of the system back to work
The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.

I don't want no Iron Curtain built along our southern border. This is not Berlin.
It's not the Berlin wall, dumbass.

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