Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?
OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

I don't deny the costs. That is a lie. What YOU deny is that those foreign laborers pay taxes, create wealth, are more productive than lazy ass Americans and contribute toward those costs. You don't want a true picture of the situation.

The people that hate us the most are the foreigners you choose to ignore. That is very telling.

Are you so naive as to believe that if a government were sending people here to do us harm they would give you honest intel on them during any vetting process? THAT mindset is the very reason I believe the wall will be built at the cost of firearms ownership. Background checks, waiting periods, limits on how many firearms a gun collector can get, separating Americans into different classes of people.

I might be a jive mother fornicator as you say, but I did not realize that she was your mother. You sure you want to start down that road?

^^ paid off propaganda troll

You couldn't answer the question, could you?

Fuck you paid troll.

I don't think you're my type. Are you trying to tell the posters here something about yourself?

See how I get it out of you?

Fucking another green beard..


No one but a paid troll could be so fixatingly obtuse about something so simple.
It's been so many years ago, but four Mexicans could have done it in a fourth of the time it took us.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
[You'll begin to get the idea.


That you're an even bigger idiot than I thought, if you think you can get through Trump's border wall with that.

I haven't seen his wall, but if it's concrete, yeah those tools will do the trick. If it's slats, I can draw you up plans for a tool that takes three guys to operate and it will open the wall in under ten minutes. It would take less that $50 in material and you need a welder and a drill with a few pieces of metal to make it.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
The Israelis reduced illegal crossings to 0%. You're obviously full of shit.

The wall is what is REALLY needed.
[You'll begin to get the idea.


That you're an even bigger idiot than I thought, if you think you can get through Trump's border wall with that.

I haven't seen his wall, but if it's concrete, yeah those tools will do the trick. If it's slats, I can draw you up plans for a tool that takes three guys to operate and it will open the wall in under ten minutes. It would take less that $50 in material and you need a welder and a drill with a few pieces of metal to make it.
It's all pointless since the border patrol can arrive in a couple of minutes.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

What you need to do is step back and use your head for a moment.

Other countries use walls because they are engaged in wars and / or they want to keep people separated (i.e. as was the case with the Berlin Wall.)

Now, whether you like it or not; agree with it or not the masses of Americans willingly do business with these foreigners. The bulk of the U.S. population has NO interest in keeping people out. You could regulate people coming and going by revisiting the visa system and updating it and modernizing it. You are not going to stop people from south of the border from coming here UNLESS you plan on having the 14th Amendment nullified or voided out.

The wall idea is not going to work when the majority of the American people, if given a vote, would revise the immigration laws rather than build a wall. You said it. You want the wall to keep people out. Most Americans do not want to keep these people out. Consequently, the wall is not a solution. You still have an immigration issue; you still need a solution, but you're only going to trade one set of problems for another.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

You don't suppose a nation guarded by machine gun toting soldiers has anything to do with Israel's ability to keep people out, do you? We're not at war like the Israelis are and, if it's all the same to you, I'd like us to be able to address the immigration issue without having to go to war.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

Right poontang, now we're in a technological race to stay ahead of the Mexicans and Guatemalans, right? What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses the MAIN ISSUE first, stop the invasion with a wall, then after you've wrested control of the main problem, you can fix everything else.

That is exactly what Trump has been doing.

Building the wall.
Busting gangs.
Getting MS13 out.

Next will come:

Building more wall.
Improving legal immigration.
Expelling illegal criminals.

Go, Baby, Go!
Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
The Israelis reduced illegal crossings to 0%. You're obviously full of shit.

The wall is what is REALLY needed.

Again, the Israelis are at war. Add to that they have a lot less land to protect. It takes manpower, technology and maintenance to keep a wall guarded. With the size of our country, if you do a Cost / Benefits Analysis AND add to that the numbers of Americans that do not share your objective in keeping people out, the wall idea is not feasible.
[You'll begin to get the idea.


That you're an even bigger idiot than I thought, if you think you can get through Trump's border wall with that.

I haven't seen his wall, but if it's concrete, yeah those tools will do the trick. If it's slats, I can draw you up plans for a tool that takes three guys to operate and it will open the wall in under ten minutes. It would take less that $50 in material and you need a welder and a drill with a few pieces of metal to make it.
It's all pointless since the border patrol can arrive in a couple of minutes.

Did you take math in school?

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