Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Who have I called a name unprovoked? Nobody. If anything, it's you hurling the names. I don't draw first blood on message boards. Your personal insults like the one you just posted is a perfect example.

The only people losing freedoms by a wall are the invaders themselves. Unless you are an illegal yourself, then you're not going to lose one freedom and neither will I. And if the wall is built and you are losing freedom, write back and I will support you in tearing down the wall.

You mentioned several times you are an elderly person. I think what you should do is keep a notepad by your computer, and write down key things people write. Because it's getting quite annoying when you tell me about things I said that I never even mentioned, things like insulting people when I haven't unless I was returning an insult, things you think I'm against like property rights when I never brought up the subject, and that way you at least won't be called a liar so often.

I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.

You continue to accuse me of "being all over the place" for responding to issues YOU inquire about

You continue to want to cover questions asked and answered

You continue to post things you think are authoritative without providing any verifiable references save of those from socialist and / or partisan propaganda sites

You ignore the views of others even when such views are based upon legal principles, verifiable non-partisan studies, and plain old common sense

You continue to promote the political ideologies of totalitarian governments, communists, and socialists.

At some point you merit an equal response.

The only thing I promote is the benefit of the American people. I also pointed out that on several occasions, you brought something up and then accused me of doing it. I know what I say and I know what I wrote.

I don't ignore the view of others, I debate the view of others.

Be specific

Specific? You had a tantrum..when I called you an asshole .

It's funny how you change...
Who have I called a name unprovoked? Nobody. If anything, it's you hurling the names. I don't draw first blood on message boards. Your personal insults like the one you just posted is a perfect example.

The only people losing freedoms by a wall are the invaders themselves. Unless you are an illegal yourself, then you're not going to lose one freedom and neither will I. And if the wall is built and you are losing freedom, write back and I will support you in tearing down the wall.

You mentioned several times you are an elderly person. I think what you should do is keep a notepad by your computer, and write down key things people write. Because it's getting quite annoying when you tell me about things I said that I never even mentioned, things like insulting people when I haven't unless I was returning an insult, things you think I'm against like property rights when I never brought up the subject, and that way you at least won't be called a liar so often.

I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.

You continue to accuse me of "being all over the place" for responding to issues YOU inquire about

You continue to want to cover questions asked and answered

You continue to post things you think are authoritative without providing any verifiable references save of those from socialist and / or partisan propaganda sites

You ignore the views of others even when such views are based upon legal principles, verifiable non-partisan studies, and plain old common sense

You continue to promote the political ideologies of totalitarian governments, communists, and socialists.

At some point you merit an equal response.

The only thing I promote is the benefit of the American people. I also pointed out that on several occasions, you brought something up and then accused me of doing it. I know what I say and I know what I wrote.

I don't ignore the view of others, I debate the view of others.

Be specific

Wait, I thought you had wits?

An IQ that could destroy me?
I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.

You continue to accuse me of "being all over the place" for responding to issues YOU inquire about

You continue to want to cover questions asked and answered

You continue to post things you think are authoritative without providing any verifiable references save of those from socialist and / or partisan propaganda sites

You ignore the views of others even when such views are based upon legal principles, verifiable non-partisan studies, and plain old common sense

You continue to promote the political ideologies of totalitarian governments, communists, and socialists.

At some point you merit an equal response.

The only thing I promote is the benefit of the American people. I also pointed out that on several occasions, you brought something up and then accused me of doing it. I know what I say and I know what I wrote.

I don't ignore the view of others, I debate the view of others.

Be specific

Specific? You had a tantrum..when I called you an asshole .

It's funny how you change...

I don't care what you call me. The threat is the only time I was even bothered in the least.
I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.

You continue to accuse me of "being all over the place" for responding to issues YOU inquire about

You continue to want to cover questions asked and answered

You continue to post things you think are authoritative without providing any verifiable references save of those from socialist and / or partisan propaganda sites

You ignore the views of others even when such views are based upon legal principles, verifiable non-partisan studies, and plain old common sense

You continue to promote the political ideologies of totalitarian governments, communists, and socialists.

At some point you merit an equal response.

The only thing I promote is the benefit of the American people. I also pointed out that on several occasions, you brought something up and then accused me of doing it. I know what I say and I know what I wrote.

I don't ignore the view of others, I debate the view of others.

Be specific

Wait, I thought you had wits?

An IQ that could destroy me?

I'm not psychic and don't have a clue what you are referring to.
A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

Start digging, you idiot..you need huge man power and money..

It's obvious you never dug a hole in your life


My father and I once dug an 80 foot deep well by hand. Your ignorance is now beginning to show.
How long did that take?

It's been so many years ago, but four Mexicans could have done it in a fourth of the time it took us.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.
Who have I called a name unprovoked? Nobody. If anything, it's you hurling the names. I don't draw first blood on message boards. Your personal insults like the one you just posted is a perfect example.

The only people losing freedoms by a wall are the invaders themselves. Unless you are an illegal yourself, then you're not going to lose one freedom and neither will I. And if the wall is built and you are losing freedom, write back and I will support you in tearing down the wall.

You mentioned several times you are an elderly person. I think what you should do is keep a notepad by your computer, and write down key things people write. Because it's getting quite annoying when you tell me about things I said that I never even mentioned, things like insulting people when I haven't unless I was returning an insult, things you think I'm against like property rights when I never brought up the subject, and that way you at least won't be called a liar so often.

I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.

You continue to accuse me of "being all over the place" for responding to issues YOU inquire about

You continue to want to cover questions asked and answered

You continue to post things you think are authoritative without providing any verifiable references save of those from socialist and / or partisan propaganda sites

You ignore the views of others even when such views are based upon legal principles, verifiable non-partisan studies, and plain old common sense

You continue to promote the political ideologies of totalitarian governments, communists, and socialists.

At some point you merit an equal response.

We know you are a paid troll..

Give it up fucker.

Let's see if you can answer one single honest question:

How many minds do you think I've changed by posting on this thread?
None. The gullible already believe what you say, and the skeptical will never believe it.
He is another green beard

That's funny since I'll have to look it up to even know what it is.

So you're excuse now is

You're playing dumb?

Green beard was a democrat vetran of the internet of promoting Obama care..
Like you are doing now with open borders.

I didn't support the community organizer; I don't vote for Democrats; and do not support socialized medical care in any form.

Maybe that's why I didn't know what a green beard was. You got the wrong guy.
So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

Start digging, you idiot..you need huge man power and money..

It's obvious you never dug a hole in your life


My father and I once dug an 80 foot deep well by hand. Your ignorance is now beginning to show.
How long did that take?

It's been so many years ago, but four Mexicans could have done it in a fourth of the time it took us.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Start digging, you idiot..you need huge man power and money..

It's obvious you never dug a hole in your life


My father and I once dug an 80 foot deep well by hand. Your ignorance is now beginning to show.
How long did that take?

It's been so many years ago, but four Mexicans could have done it in a fourth of the time it took us.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.
I've never initiated any name calling. And since you're making the allegation, what name did I call you?

If you had an IQ higher than your shoe size, you would understand that

See? Crap like that; personal insults. I didn't say one thing to you on that level for you to respond that way. Like I said, you stated you were an elderly person, and as people age, they get more confused. That's why I suggested that perhaps you keep a note pad and write things down so you at least know who said what.

You continue to accuse me of "being all over the place" for responding to issues YOU inquire about

You continue to want to cover questions asked and answered

You continue to post things you think are authoritative without providing any verifiable references save of those from socialist and / or partisan propaganda sites

You ignore the views of others even when such views are based upon legal principles, verifiable non-partisan studies, and plain old common sense

You continue to promote the political ideologies of totalitarian governments, communists, and socialists.

At some point you merit an equal response.

We know you are a paid troll..

Give it up fucker.

Let's see if you can answer one single honest question:

How many minds do you think I've changed by posting on this thread?
None. The gullible already believe what you say, and the skeptical will never believe it.

And the answer is NONE. NOBODY has changed their mind on the basis of my posts. Trolls get paid to change minds. Since I'm ineffective, nobody is paying me. I'm here giving my opinion.
My father and I once dug an 80 foot deep well by hand. Your ignorance is now beginning to show.
How long did that take?

It's been so many years ago, but four Mexicans could have done it in a fourth of the time it took us.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
How long did that take?

It's been so many years ago, but four Mexicans could have done it in a fourth of the time it took us.
I'm sure it took days, if not weeks. Meanwhile, the border patrol can arrive in two minutes.

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.
Correct, this is a barrier free country, and that's why we have over 20 million illegals here. If you don't think 20 million people here illegally is an issue, over 70,000 Americans dying from overdoses every year is an issue, Americans losing work and working for lower pay because of foreigners is an issue, Americans getting murdered by these foreigners is an issue, then what is an issue to you?

I don't like that we spend 70 billion a year on food stamps either; especially when I see the kind of people using them at my grocery store, but hey......... we keep spending it anyway.

A wall that we originally wanted is less than half of that, and it's one time only, not an annual thing.
The majority of those 20 million came in to the country legally, then wound up not reporting to the INS when their visas ran out. They take jobs Americans don't want. And you have a bigger chance getting murdered by the alt right, than you do someone whose in the country illegally.

This is a non-issue. Only 10% of the most whacked out part of our population wants this wall.
Correct, this is a barrier free country, and that's why we have over 20 million illegals here. If you don't think 20 million people here illegally is an issue, over 70,000 Americans dying from overdoses every year is an issue, Americans losing work and working for lower pay because of foreigners is an issue, Americans getting murdered by these foreigners is an issue, then what is an issue to you?

I don't like that we spend 70 billion a year on food stamps either; especially when I see the kind of people using them at my grocery store, but hey......... we keep spending it anyway.

A wall that we originally wanted is less than half of that, and it's one time only, not an annual thing.
The majority of those 20 million came in to the country legally, then wound up not reporting to the INS when their visas ran out. They take jobs Americans don't want. And you have a bigger chance getting murdered by the alt right, than you do someone whose in the country illegally.

This is a non-issue. Only 10% of the most whacked out part of our population wants this wall.

Brilliant, now the majority of those 20 million are in the country illegally.
Correct, this is a barrier free country, and that's why we have over 20 million illegals here. If you don't think 20 million people here illegally is an issue, over 70,000 Americans dying from overdoses every year is an issue, Americans losing work and working for lower pay because of foreigners is an issue, Americans getting murdered by these foreigners is an issue, then what is an issue to you?

I don't like that we spend 70 billion a year on food stamps either; especially when I see the kind of people using them at my grocery store, but hey......... we keep spending it anyway.

A wall that we originally wanted is less than half of that, and it's one time only, not an annual thing.
The majority of those 20 million came in to the country legally, then wound up not reporting to the INS when their visas ran out. They take jobs Americans don't want. And you have a bigger chance getting murdered by the alt right, than you do someone whose in the country illegally.

This is a non-issue. Only 10% of the most whacked out part of our population wants this wall.
Another big fat lie.

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