Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Then the border patrol should have no problem getting there now in that span of time. That's not the case - even when the military is there.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

Right poontang, now we're in a technological race to stay ahead of the Mexicans and Guatemalans, right? What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses the MAIN ISSUE first, stop the invasion with a wall, then after you've wrested control of the main problem, you can fix everything else.

That is exactly what Trump has been doing.

Building the wall.
Busting gangs.
Getting MS13 out.

Next will come:

Building more wall.
Improving legal immigration.
Expelling illegal criminals.

Go, Baby, Go!

You are out of touch reality. MILLIONS of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners and, therefore, there is NO invasion.
Other countries use walls because they are engaged in wars and / or they want to keep people separated

Congratulations, farm boy!

The USA IS in a war (or at least we are under attack).

We DO want to keep people separated, legal, taxpaying American citizens and illegal invading aliens!

When did Congress declare war on Mexico or any country south of there? This is your free enterprise system working to give every American an opportunity. It is your fellow Americans that are locking their American brethren out of the system.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

What you need to do is step back and use your head for a moment.

Other countries use walls because they are engaged in wars and / or they want to keep people separated (i.e. as was the case with the Berlin Wall.)

Now, whether you like it or not; agree with it or not the masses of Americans willingly do business with these foreigners. The bulk of the U.S. population has NO interest in keeping people out. You could regulate people coming and going by revisiting the visa system and updating it and modernizing it. You are not going to stop people from south of the border from coming here UNLESS you plan on having the 14th Amendment nullified or voided out.

The wall idea is not going to work when the majority of the American people, if given a vote, would revise the immigration laws rather than build a wall. You said it. You want the wall to keep people out. Most Americans do not want to keep these people out. Consequently, the wall is not a solution. You still have an immigration issue; you still need a solution, but you're only going to trade one set of problems for another.
Actually, the bulk of American citizens want Mexicans to stay on their side of the border. You're totally full of shit. And, no, the majority of Americans do not want to change our immigration laws to allow Mexicans to walk over the border whenever they like. The want immigration controlled. That's why Trump got elected.

It's truly amazing how just about everything you post is the exact opposite of the facts.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
The Israelis reduced illegal crossings to 0%. You're obviously full of shit.

The wall is what is REALLY needed.

Again, the Israelis are at war. Add to that they have a lot less land to protect. It takes manpower, technology and maintenance to keep a wall guarded. With the size of our country, if you do a Cost / Benefits Analysis AND add to that the numbers of Americans that do not share your objective in keeping people out, the wall idea is not feasible.

You're a dumb fucking imbecile. The population of the United States is 36 times the population of Israel. furthermore our per capita income is higher. That means we can easily afford to spend at least 36 times what Israel spent on its wall. That would be more then $130 billion. The idea that we can't afford to do what Israel did is beyond absurd.

A cost benefit analysis has already been done and discussed as nauseum in the forum. It's way in favor of the benefit side.

Why should we exclude numskulls like you who don't want the wall? Did you exclude people who didn't want Obama's ACA boondoggle? You apparently don't understand how democracy works.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

You don't suppose a nation guarded by machine gun toting soldiers has anything to do with Israel's ability to keep people out, do you? We're not at war like the Israelis are and, if it's all the same to you, I'd like us to be able to address the immigration issue without having to go to war.
Look at the chart below, moron. It shows that before the wall was built Israel was not able to keep illegals out, despite their machine gun toting soldiers.


Since I have been involved in this thread, the posts begin and it's never ending. The back and forth is a battle of wills with few people willing to read and understand what others write. As a result, you've witnessed everything from threats to admissions that others are here trying to make it miserable for their political opponents.

So that I am not misrepresented, I'm going to tell those who are doing what they can to cause me problems instead of discussing the issue exactly how I feel.

The build the wall advocates want people out. They do not care about any alleged illegal immigration. The real objective is, they want people out. The problem is, an equal number of Americans DON'T share their sentiment. My view is very simple. Either the government doles out your "rights" based upon your citizenship or immigration status OR the government has limited authority over your unalienable Rights. So, do foreigners have Rights? The Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

The number ONE issue here is that either we have Rights that are bestowed upon us at birth by a Creator OR rights are a privilege to be doled out by bureaucrats in government. Let's take gun control for a moment:

I see the Right to Life and Liberty to mean that I have a God given Right to keep and bear Arms as tools to defend my life with. I know the value of my life and will use the best tools I can afford regardless of how many gun laws are passed. My Rights supersede man made law.

Foreigners have a Right to Life and they have a Right to Liberty. Wher I live, we have a squirrel problem. So, the county has an approved way to allow residents to kill the squirrels and dispose of them. Well, if I go along with the presupposition that foreigners have no Rights, the government would so instruct me on how to kill them and dispose of their bodies. That principle of an unalienable Right to Life obviously applies to the foreigner as we cannot kill them if we think they are rodents. If they have a Right to Life, they have a Right to be here. That would come under the heading of a Right to Liberty.

Our government has a duty to protect the borders and provide for the general welfare; however, that does not extend to keeping people out. We have every Right and every responsibility to regulate the flow of people in and out of the U.S. Those who advocate for the wall have admitted it: their goal is to keep people out.

My objective is to keep America from being flooded by foreigners without jeopardizing their unalienable Rights. I'm not trying to keep them out and those who scream, curse and call me names while making baseless allegations don't want to admit that there are better ways to address the issue. Between the POLICE STATE and the Nanny State there is a workable solution that allows foreigners to work here without becoming citizens. There is a way to distribute entitlements and welfare to citizens while NOT allowing the foreigners to receive the benefits and privileges of citizenship.

There are ways to encourage employers to hire all American staffs without stepping on the employer's Rights. And, all of what I'm advocating does not cost money. It would actually save your tax dollars. We would not have to go to war AND the solution would not be undone by the next liberal administration. We would not be flooded by foreigners NOR would they be able to take control of our government. That is where I stand.
Right now there is no wall that forces anyone to dig a tunnel. They can simply walk across the border and be long gone before the border patrol arrives.

Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

Right poontang, now we're in a technological race to stay ahead of the Mexicans and Guatemalans, right? What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses the MAIN ISSUE first, stop the invasion with a wall, then after you've wrested control of the main problem, you can fix everything else.

That is exactly what Trump has been doing.

Building the wall.
Busting gangs.
Getting MS13 out.

Next will come:

Building more wall.
Improving legal immigration.
Expelling illegal criminals.

Go, Baby, Go!

You are out of touch reality. MILLIONS of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners and, therefore, there is NO invasion.
Doing business with them is hardly the same thing has having them move in.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

What you need to do is step back and use your head for a moment.

Other countries use walls because they are engaged in wars and / or they want to keep people separated (i.e. as was the case with the Berlin Wall.)

Now, whether you like it or not; agree with it or not the masses of Americans willingly do business with these foreigners. The bulk of the U.S. population has NO interest in keeping people out. You could regulate people coming and going by revisiting the visa system and updating it and modernizing it. You are not going to stop people from south of the border from coming here UNLESS you plan on having the 14th Amendment nullified or voided out.

The wall idea is not going to work when the majority of the American people, if given a vote, would revise the immigration laws rather than build a wall. You said it. You want the wall to keep people out. Most Americans do not want to keep these people out. Consequently, the wall is not a solution. You still have an immigration issue; you still need a solution, but you're only going to trade one set of problems for another.
Actually, the bulk of American citizens want Mexicans to stay on their side of the border. You're totally full of shit. And, no, the majority of Americans do not want to change our immigration laws to allow Mexicans to walk over the border whenever they like. The want immigration controlled. That's why Trump got elected.

It's truly amazing how just about everything you post is the exact opposite of the facts.

Controlling immigration and keeping people out are two different things.

Last I heard, Trump's signature issue was immigration. Last I heard, Trump got spanked in the last election.

Since I have been involved in this thread, the posts begin and it's never ending. The back and forth is a battle of wills with few people willing to read and understand what others write. As a result, you've witnessed everything from threats to admissions that others are here trying to make it miserable for their political opponents.

So that I am not misrepresented, I'm going to tell those who are doing what they can to cause me problems instead of discussing the issue exactly how I feel.

The build the wall advocates want people out. They do not care about any alleged illegal immigration. The real objective is, they want people out. The problem is, an equal number of Americans DON'T share their sentiment. My view is very simple. Either the government doles out your "rights" based upon your citizenship or immigration status OR the government has limited authority over your unalienable Rights. So, do foreigners have Rights? The Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

The number ONE issue here is that either we have Rights that are bestowed upon us at birth by a Creator OR rights are a privilege to be doled out by bureaucrats in government. Let's take gun control for a moment:

I see the Right to Life and Liberty to mean that I have a God given Right to keep and bear Arms as tools to defend my life with. I know the value of my life and will use the best tools I can afford regardless of how many gun laws are passed. My Rights supersede man made law.

Foreigners have a Right to Life and they have a Right to Liberty. Wher I live, we have a squirrel problem. So, the county has an approved way to allow residents to kill the squirrels and dispose of them. Well, if I go along with the presupposition that foreigners have no Rights, the government would so instruct me on how to kill them and dispose of their bodies. That principle of an unalienable Right to Life obviously applies to the foreigner as we cannot kill them if we think they are rodents. If they have a Right to Life, they have a Right to be here. That would come under the heading of a Right to Liberty.

Our government has a duty to protect the borders and provide for the general welfare; however, that does not extend to keeping people out. We have every Right and every responsibility to regulate the flow of people in and out of the U.S. Those who advocate for the wall have admitted it: their goal is to keep people out.

My objective is to keep America from being flooded by foreigners without jeopardizing their unalienable Rights. I'm not trying to keep them out and those who scream, curse and call me names while making baseless allegations don't want to admit that there are better ways to address the issue. Between the POLICE STATE and the Nanny State there is a workable solution that allows foreigners to work here without becoming citizens. There is a way to distribute entitlements and welfare to citizens while NOT allowing the foreigners to receive the benefits and privileges of citizenship.

There are ways to encourage employers to hire all American staffs without stepping on the employer's Rights. And, all of what I'm advocating does not cost money. It would actually save your tax dollars. We would not have to go to war AND the solution would not be undone by the next liberal administration. We would not be flooded by foreigners NOR would they be able to take control of our government. That is where I stand.
The one right foreigners do not have is the right to live here without our permission. You can't get around that irrefutable fact no matter how much shit you throw against the wall.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

What you need to do is step back and use your head for a moment.

Other countries use walls because they are engaged in wars and / or they want to keep people separated (i.e. as was the case with the Berlin Wall.)

Now, whether you like it or not; agree with it or not the masses of Americans willingly do business with these foreigners. The bulk of the U.S. population has NO interest in keeping people out. You could regulate people coming and going by revisiting the visa system and updating it and modernizing it. You are not going to stop people from south of the border from coming here UNLESS you plan on having the 14th Amendment nullified or voided out.

The wall idea is not going to work when the majority of the American people, if given a vote, would revise the immigration laws rather than build a wall. You said it. You want the wall to keep people out. Most Americans do not want to keep these people out. Consequently, the wall is not a solution. You still have an immigration issue; you still need a solution, but you're only going to trade one set of problems for another.
Actually, the bulk of American citizens want Mexicans to stay on their side of the border. You're totally full of shit. And, no, the majority of Americans do not want to change our immigration laws to allow Mexicans to walk over the border whenever they like. The want immigration controlled. That's why Trump got elected.

It's truly amazing how just about everything you post is the exact opposite of the facts.

Controlling immigration and keeping people out are two different things.

Last I heard, Trump's signature issue was immigration. Last I heard, Trump got spanked in the last election.
They are one and the same, moron.
Yet the people from the south have dug tunnels into the U.S.

Largest-ever drug tunnel in Nogales found

That was just a quick example.

Taking a time out to go grab lunch and do something to help someone out.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
The Israelis reduced illegal crossings to 0%. You're obviously full of shit.

The wall is what is REALLY needed.

Again, the Israelis are at war. Add to that they have a lot less land to protect. It takes manpower, technology and maintenance to keep a wall guarded. With the size of our country, if you do a Cost / Benefits Analysis AND add to that the numbers of Americans that do not share your objective in keeping people out, the wall idea is not feasible.

You're a dumb fucking imbecile. The population of the United States is 36 times the population of Israel. furthermore our per capita income is higher. That means we can easily afford to spend at least 36 times what Israel spent on its wall. That would be more then $130 billion. The idea that we can't afford to do what Israel did is beyond absurd.

A cost benefit analysis has already been done and discussed as nauseum in the forum. It's way in favor of the benefit side.

Why should we exclude numskulls like you who don't want the wall? Did you exclude people who didn't want Obama's ACA boondoggle? You apparently don't understand how democracy works.

Israel gets a lot of that money from us. If you believe the crap you post, why bother posting over and over and over again against everything I say. If I were, as you claim, all those things nobody would pay attention to me. You are desperate, full of fear, realizing that you don't have a case.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

You don't suppose a nation guarded by machine gun toting soldiers has anything to do with Israel's ability to keep people out, do you? We're not at war like the Israelis are and, if it's all the same to you, I'd like us to be able to address the immigration issue without having to go to war.
Look at the chart below, moron. It shows that before the wall was built Israel was not able to keep illegals out, despite their machine gun toting soldiers.


More money was spent on more soldiers, more technology and more help from their government / God... the good old United States.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

What you need to do is step back and use your head for a moment.

Other countries use walls because they are engaged in wars and / or they want to keep people separated (i.e. as was the case with the Berlin Wall.)

Now, whether you like it or not; agree with it or not the masses of Americans willingly do business with these foreigners. The bulk of the U.S. population has NO interest in keeping people out. You could regulate people coming and going by revisiting the visa system and updating it and modernizing it. You are not going to stop people from south of the border from coming here UNLESS you plan on having the 14th Amendment nullified or voided out.

The wall idea is not going to work when the majority of the American people, if given a vote, would revise the immigration laws rather than build a wall. You said it. You want the wall to keep people out. Most Americans do not want to keep these people out. Consequently, the wall is not a solution. You still have an immigration issue; you still need a solution, but you're only going to trade one set of problems for another.
Actually, the bulk of American citizens want Mexicans to stay on their side of the border. You're totally full of shit. And, no, the majority of Americans do not want to change our immigration laws to allow Mexicans to walk over the border whenever they like. The want immigration controlled. That's why Trump got elected.

It's truly amazing how just about everything you post is the exact opposite of the facts.

Controlling immigration and keeping people out are two different things.

Last I heard, Trump's signature issue was immigration. Last I heard, Trump got spanked in the last election.
They are one and the same, moron.

No, they are not the same. When your vocabulary consists of curse words, insults and name calling, you probably lack the mental capacity to understand the difference so pardon me for not arguing the point.
Yes they have. That's because we haven't employed the technology to stop these tunnels because the Dims won't fund it.

Even so, how many illegals have snuck into the US using these tunnels? Answer: virtually none.

The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
The Israelis reduced illegal crossings to 0%. You're obviously full of shit.

The wall is what is REALLY needed.

Again, the Israelis are at war. Add to that they have a lot less land to protect. It takes manpower, technology and maintenance to keep a wall guarded. With the size of our country, if you do a Cost / Benefits Analysis AND add to that the numbers of Americans that do not share your objective in keeping people out, the wall idea is not feasible.

You're a dumb fucking imbecile. The population of the United States is 36 times the population of Israel. furthermore our per capita income is higher. That means we can easily afford to spend at least 36 times what Israel spent on its wall. That would be more then $130 billion. The idea that we can't afford to do what Israel did is beyond absurd.

A cost benefit analysis has already been done and discussed as nauseum in the forum. It's way in favor of the benefit side.

Why should we exclude numskulls like you who don't want the wall? Did you exclude people who didn't want Obama's ACA boondoggle? You apparently don't understand how democracy works.

Israel gets a lot of that money from us. If you believe the crap you post, why bother posting over and over and over again against everything I say. If I were, as you claim, all those things nobody would pay attention to me. You are desperate, full of fear, realizing that you don't have a case.
Israel gets a couple billion a year for weapons from us. If they can afford a wall, then so can we. On a per capita basis it will be far cheaper for us. You just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I can only take so much of these guys whose arguments consist of the mental midgetry of name calling and posting partial arguments. So I have one more "alert" to respond to and then I'm gone for the day.
[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?

You don't suppose a nation guarded by machine gun toting soldiers has anything to do with Israel's ability to keep people out, do you? We're not at war like the Israelis are and, if it's all the same to you, I'd like us to be able to address the immigration issue without having to go to war.
Look at the chart below, moron. It shows that before the wall was built Israel was not able to keep illegals out, despite their machine gun toting soldiers.


More money was spent on more soldiers, more technology and more help from their government / God... the good old United States.
I don't know what that means. The chart shows that before the wall was built, they weren't able to keep illegal aliens out. The drop in illegals correlates exactly with the construction of the wall. There is a similar chart for Hungary.

The evidence that walls work is irrefutable.
I can only take so much of these guys whose arguments consist of the mental midgetry of name calling and posting partial arguments. So I have one more "alert" to respond to and then I'm gone for the day.
Wrong, dumbfuck. I posted irrefutable empirical evidence.
The way technology works is that you build something to detect the tunnels and the other side uses different technology to defeat it.

What is REALLY needed is a policy that addresses ALL the immigration issues; gives both sides something; resolves the problem and allows us to move forward on other issues.
The Israelis reduced illegal crossings to 0%. You're obviously full of shit.

The wall is what is REALLY needed.

Again, the Israelis are at war. Add to that they have a lot less land to protect. It takes manpower, technology and maintenance to keep a wall guarded. With the size of our country, if you do a Cost / Benefits Analysis AND add to that the numbers of Americans that do not share your objective in keeping people out, the wall idea is not feasible.

You're a dumb fucking imbecile. The population of the United States is 36 times the population of Israel. furthermore our per capita income is higher. That means we can easily afford to spend at least 36 times what Israel spent on its wall. That would be more then $130 billion. The idea that we can't afford to do what Israel did is beyond absurd.

A cost benefit analysis has already been done and discussed as nauseum in the forum. It's way in favor of the benefit side.

Why should we exclude numskulls like you who don't want the wall? Did you exclude people who didn't want Obama's ACA boondoggle? You apparently don't understand how democracy works.

Israel gets a lot of that money from us. If you believe the crap you post, why bother posting over and over and over again against everything I say. If I were, as you claim, all those things nobody would pay attention to me. You are desperate, full of fear, realizing that you don't have a case.
Israel gets a couple billion a year for weapons from us. If they can afford a wall, then so can we. On a per capita basis it will be far cheaper for us. You just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

No sir, it is YOU who does not know what they're talking about.

Across the U.S. Trump's position did NOT turn out the votes and Americans took a dump on his agenda.
I can only take so much of these guys whose arguments consist of the mental midgetry of name calling and posting partial arguments. So I have one more "alert" to respond to and then I'm gone for the day.
Wrong, dumbfuck. I posted irrefutable empirical evidence.

NOTHING you've posted is irrefutable. Otherwise, you could sway people to your side without the insults and playing God with your narcissistic attitude. See you tomorrow. I'm taking a break from your idiocy.

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