Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

Lets be clear on one particular point. Trump is alone in Washington and he is making a lot of statements and tweeting like a songbird. The Washington Post, which tracks Trump's false and misleading claims, has tallied up 6,420 lies.

Which means we cannot believe anything Trump says or tweets.
He lies so much, he no longer can differentiate between fantasy and reality.

Take for example his Christmas message he provided us today. "I can't tell you when the government is going to be open. I can tell you it's not going to be open until we have a wall, a fence, whatever they would like to call it," Trump said in the Oval Office after a Christmas call with US troops. So now he trying to turn the shutdown into an issue of semantics, and who is "they." He told a television audience, "I am proud to shut down the government for border security." Semantics again, he means his border wall.

Trump then repeated a claim made a day earlier -- without explanation -- that he'd recently approved 115 miles worth of border barrier. The White House hasn't provided any further details about the claim. No one, not the media, not his advisors, not Republicans on the Hill know what he is talking about.

"It's going to be built, hopefully rapidly," he said. "I'm going there at the end of January for the start of construction. That's a big stretch."

"We're almost having a groundbreaking, it's such a big section," he said. "It's probably the biggest section we'll get out."

Has he lost it? Again, no one knows what he is talking about.

Trump also claimed, without evidence, that federal employees on furlough or working without pay understand his demand for a border wall -- and support him in his mission.

"I think they understand what's happening," he said. "They want border security. The people of this country want border security."

Huh, so now he has stopped to talked to government workers? They are happy to be furloughed or work without pay for his border wall?

Trump is responsible for the shutdown and proud of it. "I am proud to shut down the government." Now he wants our sympathy. "It's not a question of me. I would rather not be doing shutdowns. I've been at the White House. I love the White House, but I wasn't able to be with my family. I thought it would be wrong for me to be with my family, my family is in Florida, Palm Beach, and I just didn't want to go down and be there when other people are hurting."

Why he thought being with his family at Christmas is wrong is anyone's guess. Actually, in addition to lying, he is also talented at providing B.S.

"But other than that," Trump said, his hands gesturing outward, "I wish everybody a very merry Christmas."

He managed to finally say something right. I second that message.
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Who’s the illegal in your family?

Mine came over legally .

Just because I don’t want to waste money on a white elephant doesn’t mean I’m against border patrol .

Have y’all sat down and thought of the logistics of this thing ? And it’s realky about trumps ego.
Just because the wall costs less than illegals...
Oh! What’s the point?
You’re a moron.

Maybe in your racists fantasy land !

Your math doesn’t work out .
1- 40% come in illegally and overstays
2- a wall is not 100% effective .
3 - all illegals are not a negative drain to the economy.
Thanks for ignoring documented facts that users here post and how the hell does a illegal overstay their welcome.
Are you truly as stupid in real life as your postings?
We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

Lets be clear on one particular point. Trump is alone in Washington and he is making a lot of statements and tweeting like a songbird. The Washington Post, which tracks Trump's false and misleading claims, has tallied up 6,420 lies.

Which means we cannot believe anything Trump says or tweets.
He lies so much, he no longer can differentiate between fantasy and reality.

Take for example his Christmas message he provided us today. "I can't tell you when the government is going to be open. I can tell you it's not going to be open until we have a wall, a fence, whatever they would like to call it," Trump said in the Oval Office after a Christmas call with US troops. So now he trying to turn the shutdown into an issue of semantics, and who is "they." He told a television audience, "I am proud to shut down the government for border security." Semantics again, he means his border wall.

Trump then repeated a claim made a day earlier -- without explanation -- that he'd recently approved 115 miles worth of border barrier. The White House hasn't provided any further details about the claim. No one, not the media, not his advisors, not Republicans on the Hill know what he is talking about.

"It's going to be built, hopefully rapidly," he said. "I'm going there at the end of January for the start of construction. That's a big stretch."

"We're almost having a groundbreaking, it's such a big section," he said. "It's probably the biggest section we'll get out."

Has he lost it? Again, no one knows what he is talking about.

Trump also claimed, without evidence, that federal employees on furlough or working without pay understand his demand for a border wall -- and support him in his mission.

"I think they understand what's happening," he said. "They want border security. The people of this country want border security."

Huh, so now he has stopped to talked to government workers? They are happy to be furloughed or work without pay for his border wall?

Trump is responsible for the shutdown and proud of it. "I am proud to shut down the government." Now he wants our sympathy. "It's not a question of me. I would rather not be doing shutdowns. I've been at the White House. I love the White House, but I wasn't able to be with my family. I thought it would be wrong for me to be with my family, my family is in Florida, Palm Beach, and I just didn't want to go down and be there when other people are hurting."

Why he thought being with his family at Christmas is wrong is anyone's guess. Actually, in addition to lying, he is also talented at providing B.S.

"But other than that," Trump said, his hands gesturing outward, "I wish everybody a very merry Christmas."

He managed to finally say something right. I second that message.
The WashedUp Compost has been cursing out Trump since the day he tossed his hat in the ring.

Then I guess you want a big Canada wall too?
How much drugs, child trafficking and terrorists come from Canada?....You need that 5th grader to post here!

Fool. Where do terrorists come from ? Bunch of Mid East places ? Who allows for more Mid East asylum seekers and immigrants ? Canada .

So yeah , the Canada border is a bigger terrorism threat.

As for “drugs “. They come within . All these opioids come from big biz .
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Who’s the illegal in your family?

Mine came over legally .

Just because I don’t want to waste money on a white elephant doesn’t mean I’m against border patrol .

Have y’all sat down and thought of the logistics of this thing ? And it’s realky about trumps ego.
Just because the wall costs less than illegals...
Oh! What’s the point?
You’re a moron.

Maybe in your racists fantasy land !

Your math doesn’t work out .
1- 40% come in illegally and overstays
2- a wall is not 100% effective .
3 - all illegals are not a negative drain to the economy.
Thanks for ignoring documented facts that users here post and how the hell does a illegal overstay their welcome.
Are you truly as stupid in real life as your postings?

So you really know nothing on how immigration works ?
We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

What makes you think Trump's border wall, an example of Medieval technology, will stop any of that?

Trump thinks so. He says it all the time. But you are brighter than Trump.
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Tell ya what timmy
Lets buidl the wall, And if it's a giant failure imagine the political ammunition it gives you and the other dems.
You can use it as a great big failure. Pics to boot.
Seems like a fair trade.
Ya up to it Timmy?

Sure , let’s just throw 5 billion away! To start!

Now if you wanted to use that money to gee.... provided health care to Americans, you’d be freaking out that we can’t afford it .
So the net worth of The Beatles, Rollling Stones, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Michael Jordan, alexandria Cortez, and Oprah Winfry is to much.

So 5 billion aint worth winning the election for the dems ehh?
Who’s the illegal in your family?

Mine came over legally .

Just because I don’t want to waste money on a white elephant doesn’t mean I’m against border patrol .

Have y’all sat down and thought of the logistics of this thing ? And it’s realky about trumps ego.
Just because the wall costs less than illegals...
Oh! What’s the point?
You’re a moron.

Maybe in your racists fantasy land !

Your math doesn’t work out .
1- 40% come in illegally and overstays
2- a wall is not 100% effective .
3 - all illegals are not a negative drain to the economy.
Thanks for ignoring documented facts that users here post and how the hell does a illegal overstay their welcome.
Are you truly as stupid in real life as your postings?

So you really know nothing on how immigration works ?
irrelevant. Build the wall and see who wins
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Who’s the illegal in your family?

Mine came over legally .

Just because I don’t want to waste money on a white elephant doesn’t mean I’m against border patrol .

Have y’all sat down and thought of the logistics of this thing ? And it’s realky about trumps ego.
Just because the wall costs less than illegals...
Oh! What’s the point?
You’re a moron.

Maybe in your racists fantasy land !

Your math doesn’t work out .
1- 40% come in illegally and overstays
2- a wall is not 100% effective .
3 - all illegals are not a negative drain to the economy.

No the border patrol says the wall is 95% effective. And yes criminals are always a drain on the economy.

Who’s the illegal in your family?

Mine came over legally .

Just because I don’t want to waste money on a white elephant doesn’t mean I’m against border patrol .

Have y’all sat down and thought of the logistics of this thing ? And it’s realky about trumps ego.
Just because the wall costs less than illegals...
Oh! What’s the point?
You’re a moron.

Maybe in your racists fantasy land !

Your math doesn’t work out .
1- 40% come in illegally and overstays
2- a wall is not 100% effective .
3 - all illegals are not a negative drain to the economy.
Thanks for ignoring documented facts that users here post and how the hell does a illegal overstay their welcome.
Are you truly as stupid in real life as your postings?

So you really know nothing on how immigration works ?
I have several friends who are immigration lawyers.
Any other questions?
There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
Unless you’re an electrician, plumber or carpenter who has been mostly unemployed since GW opened the Southern Border.
Of course they know shit when it actually comes to the crafts they have deprived Americans of.
There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
Unless you’re an electrician, plumber or carpenter who has been mostly unemployed since GW opened the Southern Border.
Of course they know shit when it actually comes to the crafts they have deprived Americans of.
I am a home builder and you do not know what you are talking about. The only people not working right now are those who would rather sit home and complain.
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Tell ya what timmy
Lets buidl the wall, And if it's a giant failure imagine the political ammunition it gives you and the other dems.
You can use it as a great big failure. Pics to boot.
Seems like a fair trade.
Ya up to it Timmy?

Sure , let’s just throw 5 billion away! To start!

Now if you wanted to use that money to gee.... provided health care to Americans, you’d be freaking out that we can’t afford it .

But you have no problems with spending more than 100 billion a year on illegals and you think that makes sense. You regressives are really something.

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There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
Unless you’re an electrician, plumber or carpenter who has been mostly unemployed since GW opened the Southern Border.
Of course they know shit when it actually comes to the crafts they have deprived Americans of.
I am a home builder and you do not know what you are talking about. The only people not working right now are those who would rather sit home and complain.
Oddball and many of my friends in construction in NY disagree with you.
The people who know how to build are always telling the owner of the illegals to tell their guys how to do it right.
Taking jobs from Americans and collecting welfare.
They're taking jobs Americans don't want, you fucking racist.
Americans don't want them at the wage that Mexicans are willing to accept. Americans used to do all those jobs, you fucking moron. My brother used to be a construction contractor until all the low wage Mexican contractors ran him out of business because they hired illegal aliens.

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