Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
Unless you’re an electrician, plumber or carpenter who has been mostly unemployed since GW opened the Southern Border.
Of course they know shit when it actually comes to the crafts they have deprived Americans of.
I am a home builder and you do not know what you are talking about. The only people not working right now are those who would rather sit home and complain.
I forgot...
I work with 6 guys who know their stuff and they say most of the actual workers know nothing about what they’re doing.
It takes more than a hammer and nails to put up a roof or install a window.
We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

The total costs of crime in this nation from jaywalking to homicide is in the hundreds of billions of dollars in terms of court costs, housing inmates, and the price of incarceration; this is to say nothing about the untold tragic circumstances to the people that criminals affect.

I propose summary executions for anyone breaking the law; from crossing the line in traffic, to failing to signal a turn to tossing a straw outside of he car window to playing your stereo in your house too loud to giving a haircut without a license. It will save us money.

If you’re not for this; you’re saying you’re for all crime; everywhere. So which is it?

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

I grew up in the construction business. I've spent as much time with shovels as you have with keyboards. You just aren't making any sense with your cryptic posts.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.
First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

I grew up in the construction business. I've spent as much time with shovels as you have with keyboards. You just aren't making any sense with your cryptic posts.
If you have any understanding of the construction business you probably understand congress's problem with the Trump the wall. Suppose you went to the bank and asked for 5 billion dollars to start building a wall somewhere along the US border with the location not yet determined, the type of wall undetermined, time frame to complete the wall undetermined, environmental impact undetermined, the total cost of the wall undetermined, additional personnel to support the wall undetermined undetermined, and the plan for boarder security where there is no wall undetermined. Obliviously, you would have no chance of getting funding. However, this being goverment the president believes he can get his big beautiful wall by just asking for a slush fund for a wall and border security.

If Trump actually presented congress with a real plan for better border security covering the barrier to used on all 2000 miles of border, the total estimated cost and completion time, then congress could actually evaluate the request. The total lack of details means any decision will not be based on quality of the plan but on party ideology. So congress and the nation would be stuck with whatever Trump decides. That's absolutely unacceptable.
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There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
Unless you’re an electrician, plumber or carpenter who has been mostly unemployed since GW opened the Southern Border.
Of course they know shit when it actually comes to the crafts they have deprived Americans of.
I am a home builder and you do not know what you are talking about. The only people not working right now are those who would rather sit home and complain.
I forgot...
I work with 6 guys who know their stuff and they say most of the actual workers know nothing about what they’re doing.
It takes more than a hammer and nails to put up a roof or install a window.
I live very close to the area hurricane Michael made landfall. We do not have even a quarter of the people needed to rebuild. I look around and do not see this wave of illegal workers allegedly putting us all out of business.
If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?
Would will still be paying taxes to house, fees, clothe and educate them?

There is a federal program to buy clothing for illegal aliens? Who knew?
Where do they get enough money to buy anything when they’re making $5.00/hour?
I know a few garbage collectors with damaged spines who are fed up with 5 families living in one apartment.
But then again, you don’t give a fuck about Americans.
If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?
Would will still be paying taxes to house, fees, clothe and educate them?

There is a federal program to buy clothing for illegal aliens? Who knew?
Where do they get enough money to buy anything when they’re making $5.00/hour?
I know a few garbage collectors with damaged spines who are fed up with 5 families living in one apartment.
But then again, you don’t give a fuck about Americans.

There is nothing wrong with a wall in itself. In certain situations a physical barrier is essential to secure an area. In this case though a wall nothing is more than a vanity project for a man consumed only with feeding his massive ego. There is no obligation by our country to fund whatever the president wants, he must sell a project like anyone else. The problem here is that the "master of the deal" did a lousy job selling his pet project.
Unless you’re an electrician, plumber or carpenter who has been mostly unemployed since GW opened the Southern Border.
Of course they know shit when it actually comes to the crafts they have deprived Americans of.
I am a home builder and you do not know what you are talking about. The only people not working right now are those who would rather sit home and complain.
I forgot...
I work with 6 guys who know their stuff and they say most of the actual workers know nothing about what they’re doing.
It takes more than a hammer and nails to put up a roof or install a window.
I live very close to the area hurricane Michael made landfall. We do not have even a quarter of the people needed to rebuild. I look around and do not see this wave of illegal workers allegedly putting us all out of business.
Of course you don’t have enough people.
Because there are never enough qualified people to fill a high demand for building to code.
So get some of those well trained illegals.
We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

What makes you think Trump's border wall, an example of Medieval technology, will stop any of that?

Trump thinks so. He says it all the time. But you are brighter than Trump.

Our 21st century border patrol says they are 95% effective, they are the experts I count on. FOOL.

If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?
Would will still be paying taxes to house, fees, clothe and educate them?

There is a federal program to buy clothing for illegal aliens? Who knew?
Where do they get enough money to buy anything when they’re making $5.00/hour?
I know a few garbage collectors with damaged spines who are fed up with 5 families living in one apartment.
But then again, you don’t give a fuck about Americans.

Do you have any concern for the health of Americans who have to collect garbage cans with over 80lbs of garbage in each can?
If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?
Would will still be paying taxes to house, fees, clothe and educate them?

There is a federal program to buy clothing for illegal aliens? Who knew?
Where do they get enough money to buy anything when they’re making $5.00/hour?
I know a few garbage collectors with damaged spines who are fed up with 5 families living in one apartment.
But then again, you don’t give a fuck about Americans.

Do you have any concern for the health of Americans who have to collect garbage cans with over 80lbs of garbage in each can?

Would will still be paying taxes to house, fees, clothe and educate them?

There is a federal program to buy clothing for illegal aliens? Who knew?
Where do they get enough money to buy anything when they’re making $5.00/hour?
I know a few garbage collectors with damaged spines who are fed up with 5 families living in one apartment.
But then again, you don’t give a fuck about Americans.

Do you have any concern for the health of Americans who have to collect garbage cans with over 80lbs of garbage in each can?

Just as most of us here know...fuck Americans.
[QUOTE="Timmy, post: 21460007, member: 55842”]

Fool. Where do terrorists come from ? Bunch of Mid East places ? Who allows for more Mid East asylum seekers and immigrants ? Canada .

So yeah , the Canada border is a bigger terrorism threat.

As for “drugs “. They come within . All these opioids come from big biz .[/QUOTE]

The OP is much along the same lines as saying….if we shut down Burger King, there will be less obesity. As if the people who used to eat BK will not just start eating more McDonalds or In and Out.

I do love the $300-$350 billion per year; I didn’t know baby sitting was such a large industry.
We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

What makes you think Trump's border wall, an example of Medieval technology, will stop any of that?

Trump thinks so. He says it all the time. But you are brighter than Trump.

Our 21st century border patrol says they are 95% effective, they are the experts I count on. FOOL.


You will accept the decision of the Border Patrol regarding the need for a wall?
There is a federal program to buy clothing for illegal aliens? Who knew?
Where do they get enough money to buy anything when they’re making $5.00/hour?
I know a few garbage collectors with damaged spines who are fed up with 5 families living in one apartment.
But then again, you don’t give a fuck about Americans.

Do you have any concern for the health of Americans who have to collect garbage cans with over 80lbs of garbage in each can?

Just as most of us here know...fuck Americans.

If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?
Would will still be paying taxes to house, fees, clothe and educate them?

Does it matter? I said they represent a net positive.
It matters.
There are Americans who need our help.

And if the undocumented immigrants represent a net positive, how does that stop us from helping citizens?

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